Downloading from HK Xbox Marketplace, what's the min % to play?
Has anyone seen if GTAO wildlife/traffic is the same as single player?
oh well time for a nap then play all night after unlocked
That's cool. I kept my map when I traded in the 360 version because I assumed there wouldn't be one next time aroundGood to see some items in the cd case though this gen
A nice map and $1,000,000
How many gbs is the digital Xbox one version?
are u joking m8
That's cool. I kept my map when I traded in the 360 version because I assumed there wouldn't be one next time around
shot at watchdogs but I thought some Chicagoans might misinterpret the OT and take offense to it.
I'm a Chicagoan and I'd do anything to forget how Watch Dogs portrayed my city lmao
Where are you? It still shows about 9.5 hours to go here. If that's a nap for you, you'll give VanWinkle a run for his money! ;-)
Rockstar never ships their open world game without map. Dont know why people doubt that lol. Even DLC of GTA 4 and RDR came with map.
LA Noire didn't have a map.
Is the map any different than the one we got last year?
I've not touched that multiplayer on the last gen GTA V. Will I still get the bonus DLC?
If the member you originally quoted was referring to last gen content too (which I guess he was since he said he's never played online) - it's all of the free content that R* has developed since V's initial release on the last gen consoles, so 36 new vehicles (DLC vehicles make up 14% of the entire vehicle list currently), 12 new weapons (7% of the weapons list) I think 3 new Online game modes, some one will probably correct me, and that's not including next gen specific content, which is 2 new guns, 3 new vehicles, 5 new activities.Hmm no, i am seriously curious. It looks like some preorder bonuses. Unless I am missing something.
Nope, it's exactly the same map.
2:47pm here in EST. After work I'm napping then off to the midnight launch.
Well I actually had an awful sleep last night so I'm tired anyway plus I have off the rest of the week. I can always reset my body clock for the midnight release of Smash Bros.I'm thinking about napping for the midnight digital release of this and WWE 2k15.
Wasn't some store doing a trade in deal for $30? Is that still on?
Can I trade a game at Best Buy without the case?
Man looking at this makes me feel so uneasy. Games normally don't have that effect on me.
Apparently it has to be at a target with a target mobile center. I guess it's a machine that handles the trade-in and then prints you a coupon for the $30 off
There's a button. On PS4 it's the touchpad. Don't know what the keybind is on the XB1.Sorry if this has been asked before, but for first person mode, is it a button to switch between first and third person? Or do you have to go through the menu every time?
What the? Alright. I'll look into that. Thanks.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but for first person mode, is it a button to switch between first and third person? Or do you have to go through the menu every time?
What the? Alright. I'll look into that. Thanks.
I'm going in!
Well, I will as soon as the update is done downloading.