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Just got linked to the Aint It Cool review. Haven't visited that site in a long time. But he wrote a really great review that really highlights kind of everything I was hoping the movie would be. And I get his excitement as a 80s/90s kid that stuff like the Marvel cosmic universe is actually up there on screen now.


Really looks like Chris Pratt is headed for the big time as well. Have read some serious praise and comparing him to some past greats.


So fucking good.....surprisingly violent though..... probably the most 'adult' Marvel film...seems aimed squarely at 20 somethings
Just got back.

There was barely anybody at my Thursday 7 PM showing. Anecdotal though; the theater is notoriously not good for Marvel movie attendance.

I liked the movie quite a bit. Those who said it was straight space opera were right.

Very good origin story for every one of the main characters as well. Phenomenal action and CG.

The rest of the thoughts go in the Spoiler thread!
This gon be

Fixed that for you.


Tears in the rain
I'm quite high from hype explosion, but yeah I'd say this is the best Marvel film. But I'll have to think about it. Avengers might still be the king. Everything was goddamn perfect IMO. What an outstanding space opera. Future classic for sure. This movie is pure heart through and through.


-Lots of Thanos talk
-oh shit they are really doing the infinity gauntlet
-Jackson Pollack
-Howard the Duck
-Collector having Avengers and Thor 2 aliens
-Celestial actually on screen


I'm kinda sad that the song (not sure if I need to spoil it but I'll do it anyway)
Spirit in the Sky
didn't make it into the full movie. :(
All right. In my seat and hyped at Maximum! I was really surprised, the amc promotions made it sound like you HAD to join their rewards program to get the special collector pins, but you don't. The guys were really nice even telling us we can trade with them. Also got the Imax posters. Very cool.


i'm usually lukewarm on the MCU films but goddamnit this was a great film even if it was without the marvel connections. went with my buddy, theater was mostly full, we laughed the whole time.

girl behind us kept on asking her boyfriend to fill her in on some of the pop culture references/jokes lol

it was very good. i wanna see it again.


Holy shit, what a ride. Haven't laughed so much or so hard in a movie theater in ages.

They also gave us one of these on our way out. Not very big but not a cheap print either. Now to find a frame for it.


How lucky of you. It's really nice


Just got out of the film.

While it pales greatly in comparison to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, it's a nice little movie for kids.



Just got back. I thought it was really great though I'd put Winter Soldier and Days of Future Past above it but only by a little bit. Best joke for me was
the Jackson Pollack one.
That got the biggest laugh in my theater as well. Ronan wasn't too memorable but he wasn't as bad as I expected either. A lot better than the villain in Thor 2 whose name I can't even remember. Only disappointing thing for me was the
the post credits scene. I wasn't expecting an Avengers 2 trailer or anything but it wasn't worth sitting through the credits for a Howard the Duck cameo. Most people didn't even react to it or anything.


I hear the post credits scene is great. I don't know what it is, though. I'm trying to refrain from spoiling it for myself. Two more hours to go. arrgggggg


I hear the post credits scene is great. I don't know what it is, though. I'm trying to refrain from spoiling it for myself. Two more hours to go. arrgggggg

I thought it was okay to talk about stuff like that? I was actually about to comment on that.


tagged by Blackace
I still think some of the effects work in that trailer look super fucking cheap. But then they've probably done more passes since then. At least I hope so. No crow for me.
The effects in the first trailer or two weren't done, and notably lacking. I don't know about cheap (especially considering the Raccoon and Groot looked sublime), but they were definitely unfinished. Take a look at Star-Lord's mask for one.
It's a pretty enjoyable movie on the whole. Imaginative visuals, solid effects, canny soundtrack and the Guardians are a likeable bunch. The core team is quite well developed, at the expense of most of the other characters and villains. Some of the humour falls flat, but when it does hit, it channels Whedon's brand of witty ensemble repartee where zingers trump character authenticity. Batista's Drax is the surprising standout in this regard with his endearingly oblivious brute persona.

The action and setpieces are mostly mindless, using the full range of CGI tools to throw everything at the screen with nothing really at stake at any point. The McGuffin is gleeful in its intentional stupidity and the three act structure is transparent throughout, sometimes giving the impression of the story going through the motions to get to the next script-sanctioned plot point. Character motivations are weakly defined, with crowd-pleasing one-liners in lieu of true internal logic, but it isn't too much of a problem when the audience is having fun.

Overall, it's great that a weird property like this can even get made into a big budget movie nowadays, and the Marvel cinematic universe is richer for its existence. It will be successful and ardently well-loved. Think Star Wars fused with The Fifth Element.


Just got back from my showing. It was fucking awesome. I love how into it the crowds are are release showings, and the crowd loved this one.
Is 3D at all distracting in this film? Only 2D showings at good times are the comfort class screens with a larger markup than 3D.

It's fine. Post converted, but done well.

I really want to see this movie in a crowded theater. Seeing it in a sparse theater on premiere night was good, but I want them crowd reactions. They make a good movie into a great one.


Save yourself for TMNT, and give into the pizza.

If possible, can anyone grab me that hot GOTG IMAX poster?

That is just balls-out cool.

I will reimburse you for it of course.

Edit: Eh, I just bought it on eBay for 10 bucks.
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