Already put a ring on it![/B]
Marry that woman right now dammit!!!
Already put a ring on it![/B]
Marry that woman right now dammit!!!
Looks good, just wish every they would mix it up a bit more tonally. Captain America was a great start, it's disappointing to see them drop back to this.
Looks good, just wish every they would mix it up a bit more tonally. Captain America was a great start, it's disappointing to see them drop back to this.
Looks good, just wish every they would mix it up a bit more tonally. Captain America was a great start, it's disappointing to see them drop back to this.
Looks good, just wish every they would mix it up a bit more tonally. Captain America was a great start, it's disappointing to see them drop back to this.
don't know anything about the GOTG but the trailer looked fantastic. Very excited for this movie.
This is where I'm at. Loving the music choices in the trailers too, hope we get some of those tunes in the actual film.
Calm down I didnt say I want it more serious, but there are other ways of doing action adventure that isnt 'crank up the snark meter'. Something like say Star Wars, Jurassic Park is also light hearted but doesnt have that snark rank all over it.
Didn't notice this untill now (only recently started watching Parks and Rec).
Dude got ripped. Before ladies went "LOL no" now ladies go "dayum drip drip".
Yeah, Hollywood's got some ridiculous get buff quick personal trainersand HGH
On top of my Thanos hunch from the last page, I just realized something else (while watching the trailer yet again):
Gamora is missing an arm here...
It's probably behind her, but we can't see it from this angle.
I still can't stand that first line in the trailer.
I'm Starlord derpface
Who? derp derp
NVM derp derp derp
Did you sleep through all the bits with Han Solo and Ian Malcolm (respectively)?
I'm pretty sure they had their snark-o-meters set to eleven.
I still can't stand that first line in the trailer.
I'm Starlord derpface
Who? derp derp
NVM derp derp derp
I'm guessing Ronan is still an Android by the way, judging by the fact in the trailer a smoking plate sized hole in his chest doesn't seem to bother him that much...
Is that a hole or a stone on the armorthingie..?
The trailer was really entertaining but whoever cut it should be shamed pretty heavily.
We have 5 main characters all of which talk except for the female. Are we only supposed to view her as an object. inconsequential, or inferior to the rest of the group.
They could have done a better job.
Yeah, Hollywood's got some ridiculous get buff quick personal trainersand HGH
The trailer was really entertaining but whoever cut it should be shamed pretty heavily.
We have 5 main characters all of which talk except for the female. Are we only supposed to view her as an object. inconsequential, or inferior to the rest of the group.
They could have done a better job.
She's an assassin. Assassin's tend not to do much talking.
GotG on the screen before Wonder Woman. DCgetyourshittogether
She's an assassin. Assassin's tend not to do much talking.
Oh jesus christ
He could be powered by an infinity gem given to him by Thanos. Maaayyybe.At first glance it looks like a wound, but on further inspection it is too perfectly in the center. Feels very much like an Iron Man-esque Arc Reactor...thing.
The trailer was really entertaining but whoever cut it should be shamed pretty heavily.
We have 5 main characters all of which talk except for the female. Are we only supposed to view her as an object. inconsequential, or inferior to the rest of the group.
They could have done a better job.
I still can't stand that first line in the trailer.
I'm Starlord derpface
Who? derp derp
NVM derp derp derp
This incarnation of Gamora isn't really a talker.
It still would have been nice to see her say something. I am super hyped for the movie, and to see a female with superhuman abilities (black widow almost counts) kick as much ass as i know gamora can.
We desperatedly need a Black Widow film. Her solo series are usually pretty damn solid.
We desperatedly need a Black Widow film. Her solo series are usually pretty damn solid.
We desperatedly need a Black Widow film. Her solo series are usually pretty damn solid.
Her new solo series that started in march i think, looks gorgeous and makes her really awesome. It would a little weird to have her have a solo movie and lucy.
anyone who hasn't seen it watch Super: shut up crime, for a taste of Gunn's style or and Slither.
great films.
this is why I am so hyped
I could go with 100 minutes of her telling Yelena Belova she ain't shit.
Dammit! Someone already got Rocket!Avatars (with more lighting), because I was bored. Remember, first comes first served.
We had Electra but it bombed pretty hard. I bet we get a Marvel female lead film before too long.i won't be happy til we get a Captain Marvel solo film
fair complaint as we still don't have a female superhero movie