This is a broad question but why do I feel like I die so often as a guardian? Is it simply because I'm still early in the Heart of Thrones content using gear earned while reaching level 80? And I've read I should mostly be in Berserker gear and have 11k health but instead I'm in some mish-mash and have 15k health. I'm assuming I shouldn't be getting hit as hard as I am because it's not uncommon for me to be taking 3k damage from some of these enemies per hit.
There's those frog things that teleport away and then shoot arrows or whatever and those easily were doing 3k per hit and if two of them get on me at once I'm pretty much instantly dead.
I just don't get it. For being a melee class I almost get scared at times jumping in and attacking things.
I read a guardian guide for gear, builds, and rotation but it seemed largely to focus on running in groups (for example it always suggests building for that 20% damage boost when aegis is active, but that rarely lasts while I'm running about). Any general tips might be good so I quit dying.
It also likely doesn't help that I took a year off and now I'm coming back and just sort of fumbling around.
Guardian is much more effective at using active defenses than passive protection/toughness. Focusing on using blind, block, and dodge will give you a lot of survivability from the get go. I also like using meditations on guardian, which heal you when using Monk's Focus trait to help stay alive.This is a broad question but why do I feel like I die so often as a guardian? Is it simply because I'm still early in the Heart of Thrones content using gear earned while reaching level 80? And I've read I should mostly be in Berserker gear and have 11k health but instead I'm in some mish-mash and have 15k health. I'm assuming I shouldn't be getting hit as hard as I am because it's not uncommon for me to be taking 3k damage from some of these enemies per hit.
There's those frog things that teleport away and then shoot arrows or whatever and those easily were doing 3k per hit and if two of them get on me at once I'm pretty much instantly dead.
I just don't get it. For being a melee class I almost get scared at times jumping in and attacking things.
I read a guardian guide for gear, builds, and rotation but it seemed largely to focus on running in groups (for example it always suggests building for that 20% damage boost when aegis is active, but that rarely lasts while I'm running about). Any general tips might be good so I quit dying.
It also likely doesn't help that I took a year off and now I'm coming back and just sort of fumbling around.
This is a broad question but why do I feel like I die so often as a guardian? Is it simply because I'm still early in the Heart of Thrones content using gear earned while reaching level 80? And I've read I should mostly be in Berserker gear and have 11k health but instead I'm in some mish-mash and have 15k health. I'm assuming I shouldn't be getting hit as hard as I am because it's not uncommon for me to be taking 3k damage from some of these enemies per hit.
There's those frog things that teleport away and then shoot arrows or whatever and those easily were doing 3k per hit and if two of them get on me at once I'm pretty much instantly dead.
I just don't get it. For being a melee class I almost get scared at times jumping in and attacking things.
I read a guardian guide for gear, builds, and rotation but it seemed largely to focus on running in groups (for example it always suggests building for that 20% damage boost when aegis is active, but that rarely lasts while I'm running about). Any general tips might be good so I quit dying.
It also likely doesn't help that I took a year off and now I'm coming back and just sort of fumbling around.
This is a broad question but why do I feel like I die so often as a guardian? Is it simply because I'm still early in the Heart of Thrones content using gear earned while reaching level 80? And I've read I should mostly be in Berserker gear and have 11k health but instead I'm in some mish-mash and have 15k health. I'm assuming I shouldn't be getting hit as hard as I am because it's not uncommon for me to be taking 3k damage from some of these enemies per hit.
There's those frog things that teleport away and then shoot arrows or whatever and those easily were doing 3k per hit and if two of them get on me at once I'm pretty much instantly dead.
I just don't get it. For being a melee class I almost get scared at times jumping in and attacking things.
I read a guardian guide for gear, builds, and rotation but it seemed largely to focus on running in groups (for example it always suggests building for that 20% damage boost when aegis is active, but that rarely lasts while I'm running about). Any general tips might be good so I quit dying.
It also likely doesn't help that I took a year off and now I'm coming back and just sort of fumbling around.
About 99% of GW2 does not specifically involve "taking hits", tanks only really exist for raids. Otherwise survivability is about taking care of yourself and being aware.I'm only 22% through unlocking Dragonhunter so it'll be quite a while until I have that to spec. I should probably change some of my build to be more solo friendly as right now I think it's more of a glass cannon with some of that advice from the guide I read up on as it assumed I wouldn't be taking hits in a group (though I thought a guardian, hence the name, would be the one to try to take the hits).
Last question: Is there any sort of "central city" for the new content or I just need to zip between Lion's Arch and the jungrle when I need to hit up a bank or crafting? So far I'm still in the Verdant area but I believe there's several new zones looking through the achievements.
WASD movement
Dodge is V
1 2 3 only buttons i press on the KB.
4- to elite skill are mouse click.
F interact
Q weapon switch
I basically left a lot of default set up as, but double tap to dodge was changed day 1, couldn't stand that shit..
About 99% of GW2 does not specifically involve "taking hits", tanks only really exist for raids. Otherwise survivability is about taking care of yourself and being aware.
Biggest missed opportunity in the game right now; Dry Top is flat out amazing with the combination of Zephyrite crystals and hang gliders, especially the canyon / oasis section.
The HoT zones feel so rigid and predictable, where you go in, get what you need and get out, while the rest of the world feels like a playground you want to spend a lot of time in. I don't think there's anything they can do to fix it other than just never make maps like those again. Tangled Depths is the only one that's interesting so many months later; the rest are just kind of there.
Dry Top is great to look at and explore but I wouldn't say it is any less rigid and predictable than the HoT maps... I've been helping a Dry Top guild with organized events recently. There's 3 event chains that repeat over and over until sandstorm with a few awkward extras, and then during Sandstorm you run a very specific chain of events with a zerg and try to tag everything you can, and then you do it all over again. If you run off and do any of the Sandstorm events by yourself people get mad at you because it means everyone else would miss out on it. @_@ There's even two events at the end of Sandstorm that most organized maps will ask people to ignore because it'll scale up the nearby events for Crash Site phase. Dry Top is the definition of scripted. But it's still fun.
And it's about 14 feet longGaF has a dildo in the Hall? lol
And it's about 14 feet long
That's... not at all what I meant? Just because an organized guild has a specific order / route for doing the events doesn't mean the events themselves are rigid. They happen all over the map at different times, some feed into each other and some don't. You could basically do that with any zone, though Drytop is much more predictable because of the sandstorm meta event (and Silverwastes, even moreso). Still; little one off events occur all over the place and if you're just out exploring you may find something you haven't seen in a while, even if they follow a scheduled pattern.
But compare that to something like Auric Basin where the four pylon events always happen the same way, in the same place, in the same order, forever, and damn near nothing else ever happens outside of them. That's what I was getting at; the HoT zones are super repetitive and don't have much to do off the beaten path, unless the April update changed it up a lot (could be; I still don't spend much time in the HoT zones due to them still being on a schedule).
They have added new separate events with the April update.
Dry Top events happen at certain times though. During the Crash Site meta, you have 3 groups of events that happen and repeat at:
XX:00, XX:15 and XX:30
XX:05, XX:20 and XX:35
XX:10 and XX:25
Then you have the Sandstorm! meta which has events at XX:40, XX:45, XX:50 and a few more if you got the favor up during the crash site meta.
Dry Top may seem less rigid than AB because it's more spread out whereas AB focuses you towards the center.
They have added new separate events with the April update.
That's... not at all what I meant? Just because an organized guild has a specific order / route for doing the events doesn't mean the events themselves are rigid. They happen all over the map at different times, some feed into each other and some don't. You could basically do that with any zone, though Drytop is much more predictable because of the sandstorm meta event (and Silverwastes, even moreso). Still; little one off events occur all over the place and if you're just out exploring you may find something you haven't seen in a while, even if they follow a scheduled pattern.
But compare that to something like Auric Basin where the four pylon events always happen the same way, in the same place, in the same order, forever, and damn near nothing else ever happens outside of them. That's what I was getting at; the HoT zones are super repetitive and don't have much to do off the beaten path, unless the April update changed it up a lot (could be; I still don't spend much time in the HoT zones due to them still being on a schedule).
They have added new separate events with the April update.
The events are rigid, every single one is on a timer. Of all the events on the map, exactly one leads into another, and even that one is on a timer.
I really really wish they would've done that with the new maps, maybe expose the new outposts with new living story. We need to look for survivors, let's help the Pale Reavers... now we've met some talking frog people, let's help them out so they'll help us traverse the jungle, etc etc, expanding out slowly with the story. That would've been perfect.![]()
The boldfaced section of the quote is my point; all of the events, even though they're on timers, are still happening in different parts of the map at different times. The HoT maps, on the other hand, are almost entirely chains that feed directly into the singular Meta (at least, pre-April Update). See my above response to Quenk. You can wander around Drytop and, if it's not a super organized map, come across "Dynamic Event A" in the middle of nowhere, and it doesn't finish and go directly to "Dynamic Event B." In fact, that's not really dynamic at all, that's why the HoT zones are described as being "on rails."
So you like DT because it doesn't use GW2's dynamic event system and just has several events on a fixed schedule?
I'm saying Dry Top is closer to how the Central Tyria zones' DEs work (which is my preference) than any of the HoT zones.
Howler is a good offland legendary yes?
Howler is a good offland legendary yes?