Spirit Weapons!
Going into WvW just to check out the Spirit army for the lols..
Spirit Weapons!
My impression is guardians are one of the big winners hereBe honest guys how this balance patch looking for Guards?
My impression is guardians are one of the big winners here
I don't think the former is anything to complain about, personally, but I know people like their ez lootsWell, not quite.
If you ran guardian as nothing more than a loot stick, then you are going to have a bad time (also Frags is no longer unblockable, which was also for farming). If you ran guardian to run guardian... well, you now have three new Utility Skills that may as well not have existed before. can I read up on 'builds' and whatnot?
Coming back for the first time since pre-HoT and the whole build/trait/mastery system is quite overwhelming.
I didnt even bother with Spirit Weapons for Guard before.
Man the new spirit weapons are fucking insane
The sword consistently hits 25 stacks of vuln.
Nah. They still are worse than traps, lol.
Processions will never not be overpowered.
Nah, the charge system makes them incredibly useful!
I could maybe see power guards slotting sword summon beside bane signet and blender trap.
Not arguing use (well Shield is fairly bad, its too low damage and does too little and the actual shield has had a major nerf in duration). For damage, only Sword is really good.
Hammer is great for PvP (traps are better for bar breaking due to the slow), and Bow... ???.
Sword on top of Procession is fairly amazing, though.
I could maybe see power guards slotting sword summon beside bane signet and blender trap.
Guardians weilding Foefire's Essence, summoning an independent version of Foefire's Essense that attacks on it's own, while leading them into a trap which triggers Three Foefire's Essense to blend their enemies.
Spirit Sword seems pretty op, it's pretty easy to stack 25 vulnerabilities now with it.
Spirit Sword seems pretty op, it's pretty easy to stack 25 vulnerabilities now with it.
Problem is that it has a really long cast, small area, and if the enemy moves it does nothing, lol.
The Ley mini that you get for doing the Side Story "Conservation of Magic" is actually pretty cool. It leaves a neat little energy trail.
Decided I'm going to move from a EU server to a US one, does it matter which I pick if I want to join the GAF guild?
Revenants can now hear their legends talk to them and other legends.
Also possible MOBILE TCG Guild Wars 2 tie in incoming
Thread for it
nope! Just give us your name when you get ont he US data center for an invite!
Yesterday's patch was for this weekend's trial but they have added in a load of balance changed to prepare for Path of Fire as well.
Thinking of coming back to this game.
Would I have enough time to finish all the new stuff plus the Heart of Thorns stuff?
I stopped a long while before it came out.