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Guild Wars 2 - Heart of Thorns |OT| Welcome to the Jungle...

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Depends how you count, really. Maybe initiated the event 4 or 5 times in total? When we first started the event we had ~140 or whatever and the way the event was designed made it such that having so many people was just too hard to handle. It was too easy for specific objectives to fall through the cracks and for others to have waaaay too many people near them and scale to unreasonable levels.

Once we had it down to like, 60 people, where we had a more countable number of groups, it took like 2 more tries after resetting the map.

Also as I said in the chat, when we had 130-140, we had the issue of dozens not having glide in positions that needed glide or even updraft. Once we had half that and basically everyone had the unlocks needed, it was very easy :p
Hm. So, too many people and a lack of prep time were the culprits?


I just can't play as melee in the new content. Everything hits so damn hard and I can never see it coming. Ranged I have no problem. Melee I'm meat


I haven't gotten nearly enough time as I would have liked with HoT so far due to a never ending avalanche of studying; however, what I've seen so far is absolutely incredible. I'm only in Verdant Brink and so far I'm completely blown away by the environment design. The amount of detail and time put into the level design is immediately apparent. I especially love the narrow staircases next to 200 ft. cliffs, hidden entrances to cave systems/valleys, etc. Holy shit.


The Cryptarch's Bane
It doesn't look like anyone has mentioned it here, but right before I got offline last night the guild decide that we are going to delay the claiming of the second Guild Hall (under the GAFO banner) until next weekend. That works fine for me as you need Exalted Mastery 1 and Auris Basin opened up for that hall, and I really wanted to focus on just leveling my Revenant a bit more this weekend. If you want to participate next weekend please unlock those requirements in advance.

We'll be doing some manner of missions at 3:00 today though, so log on if you want some comms! It looks like only WvW and PvP stuff may be available, but we can form groups for that.

hell yea :D

and per your request :D

das a cute pup
PVT gear doesn't feel like enough on Thief. No matter what I do I'm constantly dying. Meanwhile I can go full glass on Reaper and still feel relatively sturdy. I'm just not enjoying myself on Thief as much in HoT.
PVT has never felt good to me on Thief; I like hybrid sets with just a little extra toughness. Thief has one of the smallest base HP pools and Necro has one of the highest. If things get hot on your thief you need to baaaaail, stealth or use one of the varying GTFO skills to heal up, queue up some Initiative and ready another big spike. There aren't any skills except Pistol Whip that can really allow you to sustain for any amount of time in a pitched fight. It might not be for you but I love the playstyle, the little I was running around Verdant Brink trying to find the entrance to the Hall, Stealth was saving my ass constantly.


Whew, I slept late after staying up until 3am poking around the guild's new digs. Let me catch up on the overnights, sorry for the mega-post!

So far there's only two real issues with HoT I can see:

- Stupid amount of HP needed to unlock Elite specs and having some of the VB ones gated behind masteries.

- Barely any new skins (most of which are gem store again) for an expansion.

I agree with both of these, though maybe not equally.

I definitely feel like elite specs should open sooner, and even though I'm close to being done with one (Daredevil, being able to sneak around and grab some has been useful) I still feel like it's taking too long. I'm glad they didn't just unlock everything at once, but it feels like far too many of the challenges are gated behind Masteries or require a group, and that kinda blows. Hopefully they tune it down because I'm not looking forward to doing this 8 more times.

As far as the skins go, I've just been traveling around seeing so much new stuff in the past 48 hours that what's been collecting in my inventory doesn't really give me much pause. I know I've gotten a few new skins because I've seen the pop-ups from salvaging. But now that I think about it, I think you're right. Usually expansions come dripping with new gear but that may be the most subdued part of HoT. Hopefully more in the Living Story (which I'm sure we'll hear about in the next few weeks).

PVT gear doesn't feel like enough on Thief. No matter what I do I'm constantly dying. Meanwhile I can go full glass on Reaper and still feel relatively sturdy. I'm just not enjoying myself on Thief as much in HoT.

I've been zipping around on my thief just to explore (I'm broken now, I can't stay in one place doing stuff for long) and I've found that it's hard to see stuff coming which is an absolute necessity for thieves. I've had to slow down and pick my battles much more carefully and flat out avoid some fights with stealth (smokescales especially, since they tend to run in packs). There's a lot more danger in the jungle and thieves don't handle the close quarters / narrow ledges / enemy density as well as others.

I've had to basically play Thief like a stealth game, it's actually kind of interesting, but it makes getting things done a tad harder (though I've also been able to sneak a handful of Hero challenges that other people needed help with).

I bought the game a while ago but I did not even download it. Can someone encourage me to get into the game? I always had the impression that the game (and MMOs in general barring PSO2) revolves around stats, builds, equipment/resources where you run around and "click" abilities or kite enemies from a distance (I admit that I saw tempting melee strategies that abuse some blind effect, teleport and crit. attacks).

I had written up a big, detailed response to your post, with lots of explanations and comparisons to other MMORPGs (which usually doesn't help and only draws rabid fanboys out of the woodwork to shit up the thread) and descriptions of how the game works and such, but you know what? I really don't need to say that much and you definitely don't need to read that much.

Instead, I'll just say that for everything you've ever heard about MMORPGs, just ignore all of it; it's better to look at other genres entirely to really get an accurate picture. For example, one regular poster here describes it as a big, open-world brawler, like Golden Axe had a torrid tryst with something like... Grand Theft Auto. Each profession is different enough one of my guild co-leaders compares them to characters in a fighting game. There are jumping puzzles that call back to platformers like Castlevania (one amazing and notoriously absent holiday even featured a retro-themed multi-world jumping dungeon
), boss battles and game modes that crib from MOBAs... it's hard to describe just how much is different.

There's a reason people use a controller despite a lack of native support; it's more important to think of it as an action game with MMO trimmings than an MMO with action game trimmings. If you played PSO and felt like you wanted a bigger world, more customization options and a fuck ton of friends to play with, that's more or less Guild Wars 2.

Is grinding too much? I don't have that much time to invest on consistent basis, but I can play regularly on weekends.

I'm addressing this part separately (but still with as much brevity as I'm capable of) because it speaks to the long-term expectations of the game.

Grinding is a subjective term (some people seem to think doing anything more than twice is a grind), but I would say that the grind factor is the lowest of any MMO I've ever played. There is no gear treadmill that requires you to constantly play to keep up with your friends, leveling is fast (almost too fast, you absolutely will not see even half of the game by the time you reach max level), and there's ton of ways to advance. This is a game you play for fun, not because there's a carrot on the end of the stick.

Time investment is low; you can wander around exploring for a half hour, do a quick 10 minute PVP match, knock out a dungeon path in 20 minutes, play a few mini-games or adventures, spend an hour doing your personal story, log in quickly and do your daily achievements, hang out with the guild for a couple hours doing missions or spend all damn weekend in World vs. World mode, tearing down towers with siege engines against two other servers. Because there's no gear treadmill or level cap increase, once you reach a certain level of equipment you can basically walk away from the game for days, weeks, months or even years and pick up right where you left off; the only thing you miss is the huge amount of content they drop in every two weeks during the active "Living World" seasons.

How much you play, and how you play, is entirely up to you.

Is there a page that details all the things about Halloween? Things like the events, skins, minis etc that are limited to it.


Finally started the story, made it to auric basin, and WOW Anet ! WOW ! O_O

Auric Basin makes Verdant Brink look like Queensdale. Tangled Paths makes Auric Basin look like a WoW zone.

I'm usually not cheap when it comes to gaming, but since I've heard some people have tried coming back to GW2 and couldn't get into it.. would playing it for free give me a good sense of the direction Anet is going in, or is all the new stuff in the expansion?

Not gonna lie; the game the content launched with does a terrible job of conveying how much more advanced they've gotten in the expansion. Everything from their map design to the visuals to the way dynamic events work is just a thousand times better in the expansion. I've never seen an MMO developer make such amazing progress over such a short span of time, and the game at launch was leaps and bounds ahead of everything else out there to begin with.

That said, the profession design is very spot on and I'm pretty sure getting a taste for the core game will be enough to convince you to take the plunge. You absolutely will enjoy what you play... the expansion is just... all of that on steroids.

I am not against either keeping or changing the old logo but now that the subject is on the table : what is it supposed to look like ? as someone else said , only thing i could make of it is a rising sun over the mountains .

I always heard "Red Panda", but the real reason we went with it?


Cover the left half with your finger and tilt your head to the right; it looks like an orange N and a white G. When we were picking the emblem everyone voted for that one. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen another guild using it either.

I just can't play as melee in the new content. Everything hits so damn hard and I can never see it coming. Ranged I have no problem. Melee I'm meat

You may need to change your gear and tactics up a bit. Instead of raw damage, look for weapons with more knockbacks / blocks / etc. so you can shrug off the heavier blows or give yourself a moment to look around / change tactics. Pair a ranged weapon with a melee set so you can back off and get some breathing room while you wait for your heal to recharge. Consider utilities that give you some survival / stability too.

Stat-wise, Vitality is probably your best bet since toughness doesn't affect condition damage; Valkyrie gear (Power/Vitality/Ferocity) seems like a good way to go if you want to step down from Berserker gear, but on my warrior I went Knights and I've been doing fine when I've played him.

Really though, it's just learning the new critters, learning to adopt more defensive / survival-oriented skills, utilities and tactics, and getting used to the terrain. Playing on my thief has been especially tough because there's so much you can dodge / evade off of at the top of a 200 foot drop.
trials of atlantis levels of awful expansion. what a mess.

But did you know you should not salt roads near jungles or swampland, even if there is a lot of snow on the roads? The salt damages the jungle or swampland ecosystem irreparably. And that's just irresponsible.

The general discussion forums are a mess right now anyway. It's relentlessly negative. I guess I understand some of their criticisms but I'm absolutely loving the expansion so far.

People love to complain, especially those that aren't having the fun they think they should be having. There can be valid concerns, sure, but it's tricky figuring out who out of the millions of posts on the internet every day is being sincere, and who is just lashing out. What's important is that you're enjoying it.



Cover the left half with your finger and tilt your head to the right; it looks like an orange N and a white G. When we were picking the emblem everyone voted for that one. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen another guild using it either.

Okay I like this now.

Hm. So, too many people and a lack of prep time were the culprits?

Sort of. Wasn't prep time per se, was moreso everyone pick a direction, then if say W doesnt get one, and theres 2 on east, they didn't have glide or whatever was needed, so no one had a valid method to get the second one and it became a giant game of RNG, while normally we didn't have too much RNG issues we couldn't solve with a run.


Really, Retro? That's the reason we went with it in the end?

Hm. So, too many people and a lack of prep time were the culprits?

I think it's prep more than anything else. Gliding is so important for that area you need one or two mastery levels in gliding to beat it, much less enjoy it.


But did you know you should not salt roads near jungles or swampland, even if there is a lot of snow on the roads? The salt damages the jungle or swampland ecosystem irreparably. And that's just irresponsible..
calm down. I'm just calling a spade a spade, not insulting your kid.
So what's the verdict so far, worth getting?
if you like endless pve, definitely. if you don't, then probably not.


Is anyone else not getting sound effects in cinematics?

Certain ones
really lack the emotion they could have because it's just some background music and dialogue...


Is anyone else not getting sound effects in cinematics?

Certain ones
really lack the emotion they could have because it's just some background music and dialogue...

Since Season 1 the odd line won't play and the subtitles don't appear either, I use the NPC log in chat after cutscenes now to find out what just happened. One of the patch notes included a fix for this so I had hoped it was fixed.
Yo I am loving this Revenant spec I made. Reminds me of Vergil from DMC or something, just opening up all at once.




The general discussion forums are a mess right now anyway. It's relentlessly negative. I guess I understand some of their criticisms but I'm absolutely loving the expansion so far.
This gif is relevant, rather than Revenant


Also, this popped up on Twitter and I thought it was worth sharing;


This game's ambient dialogue has always been amazing and one of the more subtle methods of world building. You don't realize how much you miss the chatter, or the NPCs wandering around going about their business until you try another MMO and it's so damn quiet, just tons of NPCs standing around staring at the horizon with dead eyes waiting for the player to activate them.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Oh man. With the action cam enabled, this game is so much fun with the steam controller.
putting the final touches on my (in the end only slightly) revamped Xpadder profile for using a 360 pad, it's a dream come true really. Sooo nice.


Try the mad king labyrinth, find one with some train going on and farm the ToT bags. You can also mine some candy corn there.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Try the mad king labyrinth, find one with some train going on and farm the ToT bags. You can also mine some candy corn there.

I was just doing that and got a bunch of those bags, but I'm not really sure what to do with the stuff that comes out of them.


There have been a lot of crashes lately, Jira and I think there's memory leaks in the game after launch they need to patch up.
I bought and played through all the campaigns for the first time not too long ago and I did a fair bit of it solo, I thought it was really fun :) It's actually a lot less of a ghost town than I thought it would be, there's plenty of people in Kamadan, Lion's Arch, and Embark Beach. A lot of the random outposts are kind of deserted unless they're the daily Zaishen quest, though. There's a few active guilds who still do speedruns and teaching runs and stuff, so if the only thing holding you back is the worry that you'll be alone, no need to worry about that. There are regularly people looking for people to play through the campaigns with on /r/GuildWars so you could poke your head in there and find a friend to play with if you wanted.

Thanks! Will check it out
Guesting is effectively useless now. Worlds now only have a meaning depending on where you want to World vs World. Megaservers make all PvE and sPvP maps populate with whoever is playing in a map(prioritizes guild members).

Ah, so I can join the guild without being on the same server?
I have one and haven't tried it yet with gw2. What bindings are you guys using?

Well, it actually kind of depends on what class you're using, as to what will be the best (as well as personal preference), but as a person who mains Engie, a class that very frequently uses every skill on the bar possible (kits and toolbelts give the utilities, elite, and F1-5 plenty of workout), I'm currently running a config based around triggers:

Right trigger is both Left click, and ]. This is important for later.
Left trigger is [ (skill 2)
LB - q (skill 3)
rb - e (skill 4)
LG - g (skill 5)

These are mapped to skills 1-5, and are labelled to give me some level of "oh wait what was that". Q is left of W on a keyboard, so gives me some sense of being left bumper, so on so forth.

Right grip is mapped to Control. That way, I have skills 6-10 being mapped to Control+ [, ], q, e, g, so that I can use 1-10 using purely those buttons.

Camera control is bound to right pad of course, and clicking the pad in is bound to Right Click, so that I can mouse over an enemy and just press a bit harder to lock on to them and prioritize them.

Sadly, the F1-5 skills are mapped to the left trackpad. Pressing up, down, left, or right will trigger those, whereas a light tap in the center will trigger F5. I have accidentally triggered it once or twice, usually when just chilling out, but it's not a big deal.

Jump, interact, and swap weapons are mapped to the facebuttons as per comfort, with auto run mapped to A. Grip + facebuttons will open up my various menus, such as inventory, hero panel, or black lion page. Grip + A is sheathe weapon, because I like running around with my weapon sheathed.

It works great, really only issues are those of muscle memory. Fighting is easy as piss (though, as I've been playing my thief much more, where I use passive signets much more, I haven't quite gotten muscle memory on the utilities yet). It's just a matter of relearning it and getting it onto muscle memory.

EDIT: Also, back is mapped to Tab, which is toggling action cam on/off, start is of course escape, and I use grip + scrolling on the left trackpad to handle zooming in and out. Clicking on the trackpad with the grip in opens my map. Overall, it's a lot, but the way it's organized, every "section" of the controller has its thing that it does, so it's very easy and really not very complicated.


Neo Member
absolutely you can... the only reason you would HAVE to be on the same server is for WvW.

If you want an invite, just let us know your account name (me.1234) here and someone will grab you!

Ah, so I can join the guild without being on the same server?


Just spent about two hours working south of the entrance to the Verdant map. Was able to get 10 hero points from a commune, two WP's, and I'm a third of the way through my 'bouncing shroom' mastery.

So. Much. Content.


Try to get back into my lvl 80 OR start a new char?

If the latter - what server are you guyze on? :3

Try a new character to get used to the game again.

Server selection is account-based, not character based; we're on SBI, but if you're on a North American server you're fine except for WvW. The Megaserver system will put you in maps with GAF or you can taxi over via groups. It's super easy.

Ah, so I can join the guild without being on the same server?

Absolutely, see above.

Ploid 3.0

Hey guys: is there an effective way to farm Candy Corn?

I really really need the shackle skin.

Doing the Labyrinth with a zerg tagging things with ranger's aoe stuff, pick axe and opening trick or treat bags is what I did. Got over 1k at a good pace. 2 days with casual play.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Dude just get a Steam Controller. It's so swank for GW2.
Other than making F5 a tap of the trackpad which is quite cool, it's very difficult for me to understand why it would be better or even that different from the 360 pad I've been using for 3 years now, other than not having two analog sticks which is a negative for me. My setup works well for any class, but really much of your setup with the way you use function toggles and so on are really similar. I don't get why it would be better, so definitely fill me in if I'm missing something. I plan to get a Steam Controller somewhere down the line but have loved my gamepad solution for GW2 for a long time and see no reason to change it outside of making it fully compatible with the action camera.
I haven't properly played GW2 since late 2012, how's the game these days?

Will I benefit from many of Heart of Thorns' improvements when playing the base game?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So I bumped myself to level 30 with the 2 scrolls-whatever-things I had, but I'm scared of picking skills. Everything looks so different and there's no explanations/guides ingame. I'll just... keep playing without picking any skills... yes... this looks so different from 2 years ago lol.


I haven't properly played GW2 since late 2012, how's the game these days?

Will I benefit from many of Heart of Thorns' improvements when playing the base game?

Most of the systems changes are live for you regardless if you own HoT.

So I bumped myself to level 30 with the 2 scrolls-whatever-things I had, but I'm scared of picking skills. Everything looks so different and there's no explanations/guides ingame. I'll just... keep playing without picking any skills... yes... this looks so different from 2 years ago lol.

Why are you scared to pick skills? It's not like you have a limited amount of hero points. Just pick what looks fun to you.
Other than making F5 a tap of the trackpad which is quite cool, it's very difficult for me to understand why it would be better or even that different from the 360 pad I've been using for 3 years now, other than not having two analog sticks which is a negative for me. My setup works well for any class, but really much of your setup with the way you use function toggles and so on are really similar. I don't get why it would be better, so definitely fill me in if I'm missing something. I plan to get a Steam Controller somewhere down the line but have loved my gamepad solution for GW2 for a long time and see no reason to change it outside of making it fully compatible with the action camera.

Well for one, the right trackpad feels MUCH more like using a mouse to aim in terms of speed and precision, and for two I don't need a pinnicle thingy.

Also grips. Grips are the best. Outside of weapon swap and jumping, I don't need to ever take my hands off of the right trackpad, which is good for action cam. Bitches can run all day and run around me in circles and I'll still keep nailing them in the head.

EDIT: I suppose if you prefer aiming with a control stick over aiming with a mouse, then that's much of the benefit gone.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Well for one, the right trackpad feels MUCH more like using a mouse to aim in terms of speed and precision, and for two I don't need a pinnicle thingy.

Also grips. Grips are the best. Outside of weapon swap and jumping, I don't need to ever take my hands off of the right trackpad, which is good for action cam. Bitches can run all day and run around me in circles and I'll still keep nailing them in the head.

EDIT: I suppose if you prefer aiming with a control stick over aiming with a mouse, then that's much of the benefit gone.
Haha, I get you. Yeah the main purpose of my solution is to make it play and feel more a console action game, so a control stick feels quick natural. When you say you don't need a pinnicle thing, assuming you're talking about a third-party app, isn't that exactly what the steam controller app is doing?

I don't need to take my thumb off the stick to weapon swap ;)
Haha, I get you. Yeah the main purpose of my solution is to make it play and feel more a console action game, so a control stick feels quick natural. When you say you don't need a pinnicle thing, assuming you're talking about a third-party app, isn't that exactly what the steam controller app is doing?

I don't need to take my thumb off the stick to weapon swap ;)

As an Engie, neither do I. :D

And I have Steam open anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Seeing a lot of new players who are sort of out of the loop. It's been said a million times but will say it again so nobody misses it, because it's vital:

1. Open your Options Panel,

2. Go into Controls (bottom panel)

3. Under Camera, double click Action Combat, keybind it to a key (I suggest Left ALT)

4. Press OK.

5. Now when you play it's like playing a action game. Have fun.
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