Guys, what the economy in the addon is like? It used to be kind of a mess with most of the money concentrated in just a few places (and them being drops), crafting being by and large unprofitable, etc, but they said they are making big changes to make the economy healthier - did they succeed / not / too early to tell?
Too early to tell; Guild Halls have a lot of expensive material requirements, a mix of old and new materials. There was also a big leather sink during Halloween. The old economy was tied into Precursor drops though, and now that there's an alternative method of grabbing those it seems like the hot-ticket items are non-legendary skins (holiday skins, old black lion skins, etc.) and such. Still in flux though.
I really wish I had more time to play this. Bought the xpac at launch and still only level 63. Those new zones look so good.
The good news is, it looks like three of the four zones have enough incentive and longevity that when you DO get a chance to hit them, they'll likely still have a good population. The only one I'm not sure of is Tangled Depths; people don't like the map and the meta event that occurs there is a bit confusing and too easy to fail, from what I can tell (I've never been in an organized TD though).
I'm with you on that one, past the first WTF moment you get the first time in the map because you're completely lost, when you start getting the lay of the land, it's an amazing map, and it really feels like you've 'mastered' it because you took some time to figure it out..
Tangled Depths Spoilers (Not story related, but the map itself is something you should go into blind, so... don't read this unless you've been there already!)
My first "real" MMO (I don't count stuff like PSO or browser-based games) was WoW, and I remember thinking the first time I found a cave that it could spiral down into a whole labyrinth of caverns, and there could be entire networks of caves popping up in all sorts of crazy places. This was followed quickly by one of my first real MMO disappointments, discovering that the cave only went down about 30 feet and was copypasta'd dozens of times across a bunch of different maps (yes, really; Blizzard just used the exact same cave asset over and over and over and over again). I grew up reading about massive underground areas like Moria or Angband (the Silmarillion one, not the game), huge caverns and subterranean spaces that went on endlessly for days, and wanted that kind of setting in an MMO, but none of them ever delivered.
My favorite WoW dungeon was Blackrock Depths, a massive dwarven stronghold inside a volcano that took hours to complete if you wanted to see everything (most groups rarely did in one sitting though). One of the things I was looking forward to the most from the WotLK expansion was "Azjol-Nerub", which was supposed to be a massive underground civilization under Northrend but ended up being two pathetically short dungeons. Even LotRO failed to really capture the feel of Moria, even though an entire expansion was built around it; it was thematically there, but it felt too flat, with none of the twisting stairs and endless passages downwards that I was expecting.
So when I walked into TD, followed that little stream out of the Whispers Camp (following the little clues they conveniently left to direct people that way) and jumped down down down DOWN through layers of caverns and ended up in a Ley-Line cave, I was just... that was my "moment" of the expansion where I knew this was something really special. Everything from the Chak Hive to Rata Novus to the underground lake and waterways is just... fantastic. Everything down there is wonderful, the enemies are tough, you have no advantages, the landscape is full of twists and turns (and one pitch-black room Callunah, Modric and I spent waaaaay too much time in before giving up, but I KNOW there's something in there)... I've been waiting since 2005 for an MMO to have a zone like this, and I hope in the future we get more underground spaces like it (maybe even a whole underground expansion for Primordus with dwarves and Asurans and Skritt that refused to leave...). Ever since I noticed GW2 has map layers for "Upper Level", "Surface" and "Underground" I've hoped they'd have zones that were completely underground, tucked underneath the existing maps. Here's hoping Tangled Depths is just the start (and that more people who appreciate it speak up!)
My favorite WoW dungeon was Blackrock Depths, a massive dwarven stronghold inside a volcano that took hours to complete if you wanted to see everything (most groups rarely did in one sitting though). One of the things I was looking forward to the most from the WotLK expansion was "Azjol-Nerub", which was supposed to be a massive underground civilization under Northrend but ended up being two pathetically short dungeons. Even LotRO failed to really capture the feel of Moria, even though an entire expansion was built around it; it was thematically there, but it felt too flat, with none of the twisting stairs and endless passages downwards that I was expecting.
So when I walked into TD, followed that little stream out of the Whispers Camp (following the little clues they conveniently left to direct people that way) and jumped down down down DOWN through layers of caverns and ended up in a Ley-Line cave, I was just... that was my "moment" of the expansion where I knew this was something really special. Everything from the Chak Hive to Rata Novus to the underground lake and waterways is just... fantastic. Everything down there is wonderful, the enemies are tough, you have no advantages, the landscape is full of twists and turns (and one pitch-black room Callunah, Modric and I spent waaaaay too much time in before giving up, but I KNOW there's something in there)... I've been waiting since 2005 for an MMO to have a zone like this, and I hope in the future we get more underground spaces like it (maybe even a whole underground expansion for Primordus with dwarves and Asurans and Skritt that refused to leave...). Ever since I noticed GW2 has map layers for "Upper Level", "Surface" and "Underground" I've hoped they'd have zones that were completely underground, tucked underneath the existing maps. Here's hoping Tangled Depths is just the start (and that more people who appreciate it speak up!)
The new armors really aren't that great, bladed is okay, but extremely over the top, ley-line is just fugly, there is just the light version that barely looks okay on a human female, and knowing everything usually fits on a human female it says much .... it really stands there with the CoF light armor in the top of the worst armors in the game.
I actually really like the Light Ley-Line leggings on my Mesmer (Sylvari Female), I was surprised how good they look. The rest of the sets... not so much. I AM glad that's one of the 'default' HoT armors because some people (coughAshcough) were speculating they'd be the Legendary Armor set and that.... well.... that'd be a disappointment.
donated a few things i didnt have any use for( 500 Potatos lol and other stuff)
Thanks very much, every little bit helps. We've made a lot of progress so far (they said it would take guilds two weeks to unlock the PVP Arena, we were just a few days over that so I think we're right on track) and people have been crazy generous with some not-insignificant items, especially when there was a lot of demand for them (that we've gotten so much flax and coarse sand for kegs/mugs says a lot, considering the Flax boom).
Just another indicator how awesome everyone in the guild is, if anything I feel like the other leaders and I haven't done a good job of communicating exactly what we need, so that's why I made the big list.
Next time you guys are in the guild hall, head to the Southeast waypoint (not the Arena one, the "Shrine Tunnel Waypoint") and glide off the cliff to your right. You'll soar over the southern part of the city and see all the old, ruined buildings full of rubble. Some day, with everyone's help, I'm pretty sure all of those buildings are going to be rebuilt and all the little tents and stuff will get packed away.
They did something really cool with Guild Halls by making them something that takes time and effort to unlock. If we'd just captured it and upgraded everything in a weekend it'd feel pretty pointless but in the coming months / years people are going to look back at the Guild Hall we have now and remember how much it's changed. Take screenshots, guys, so you can post them in future OTs to show what it was like now.
They have a lot of room to add new stuff in later too, shit...
Armours have very specific tasks, which are easy if the armours split them up amoung themselves.
One minor addition to this; the Armours need to stay the ever-loving hell away during the burn phase because all the enemies they're supposed to be keeping at bay come rushing towards the Octovine and it always leads to a shitload of unnecessary deaths (which leads to a loss of damage during the crucial burn window).
Using the armor means you 'sit the fight out' basically, but have a much larger responsibility in the big picture. It's the number one thing that leads to the event failing now that everyone knows basically what to do.
(I dunno why I'm saying this here, GAFers are smart enough to know what to do, it's usually the randos who jump in the armors without a clue who screw things up).