Kos Luftar
Anyone have the link for today's Guild Chat recording?
TBH all this guild drama has actually turned me off playing the game for a while.
TBH all this guild drama has actually turned me off playing the game for a while.
Nice site, show the progress of each meta for HoT maps, back to back days i got into successful DS thanks to the site..
That essay was right on with the toughness thing...it's amazing how clueless people are about this game. I'm pretty sure that fact about armor/toughness was actually mentioned in game somewhere...it's certainly been on the Wiki since forever.
Some people may remember my complaining like a year ago about that and how painful it made dungeon runs...
Eh? You mean the crap with DnT or has something happened with GAF I haven't heard about?
What are you talking about?
Stahp reading subreddit or official forums. It avoids a lot of that crap.Sorry I should have clarified. I was referring to the DNT stuff.
New to fractals, were rewards always this awful or is that just the sub- 20 fractals and if so at what point do they stop being awful?
New to fractals, were rewards always this awful or is that just the sub- 20 fractals and if so at what point do they stop being awful?
Thanks Mordio, Nepova, Soph, and Humenkind for carrying me through Seeds of Truth and Point of No Return. It was so much easier with a group.
No problem. Nepova and I finally became professional rock dodgers too.
Sorry I should have clarified. I was referring to the DNT stuff.
Exactly how does the action of some random guild full of jerks who you have no affiliation with affect your in game fun.How bad was this DNT stuff, I just ignored all of it...somehow directly affected you?
Wow 50 points? I didn't know it was that high, that is pretty important. Although, ten player deaths? I didn't think those counted to team score in Stronghold? That is generally my issue with the game mode, if I'm behind in points and offensive pressure, I'm not sure at all what I can do to rebound my team. I just end up defending or running supply to knock down doors and get to more guards to kill for points. Which doesn't normally work since most people fall back to defense which doesn't seem to offer many points.
It's 1 block u get either way. That can be swapped.
This whole idea came from last nights run where Fishious told me about his previous run he did with retro and how he used turrets to keep the seekers away.
Also this is just a fun idea I don't expect people to run engi only.
I think Fishious mentioned that retro used eat turret to imobalize seekers. Haven't talked to retro about it.
Wasn't me, I was too busy putting my flamethrower up Vale Guardian's ass to fool around with the orbs beyond knocking them away from the group.
Must have been someone else. Fishious just likes saying it was you, since as we know he is your clone.
I would post a picture of an angry red panda, but there aren't any. Anywhere. On the entire internet. I think the species is incapable of any emotion that isn't some variation of adorable.
Wasn't me, I was too busy putting my flamethrower up Vale Guardian's ass to fool around with the orbs beyond knocking them away from the group.
(still adorable tho)
Sorry my bad. I just remember our group on Tuesday evening (it was Tuesday evening right? Or maybe it was the run I did before that? I'm beginning to question everything now) originally had someone focusing on keeping seekers back, but we weren't pumping out near enough dps to even hit phase 2. So we had that person go back on dps and there was talk of turrets. As I said last page other people may have adjusted their build and skill loadouts to deal with seekers without losing too much dps. All I know is after that seekers seemed to be much less of a problem and we easily kept the entire party's hp topped up.
I was there, but it was Modric who was using turrets.
I'm still learning everyone's alts names since people are switching up their mains. I did a big chunk of Dragon Stand with Levyne and didn't even notice it was him for like, 15 minutes because he was on an alt.
The hardest part for us atm is finding enough people with appropriate builds and time when all these people are available for a few hours zzz. Condi and healers are hard to come by.
Available for 16 hours. Nice!I was available from 8pm till 12pm last night. ;..; I booked the time, since I thought that was the plan...
I need the far west one for map completion.In ~ 2 hours
Now the events leading up to the Meta won't take 1:15, so we'll probably also do some HP hunting and adventures :3
We are really really close to clearing Vale Guardian. We're consistently getting to the last phase with plenty of time left but the green circles are appearing in inopportune locations in final phase and if you miss one blue dodge you're dead etc etc. Just need a bit more practice keeping everything tidy and we'll be good to go. I think this first fight will be easily puggable in a few months.
The hardest part for us atm is finding enough people with appropriate builds and time when all these people are available for a few hours zzz. Condi and healers are hard to come by.
Made 25g off resonating slivers from missions tonight. Nice