Guys, the thing to take away from it, is that expansions always seem to mess up things. In a way I feel the bitterness over HoT is not anywhere near as bad as it was when Factions came out. I posted a lot on Guru when that came out, and people were fucking pissed.
I mean, aggressively pissed. The campaign wasn't worth the price, it was not even half the game of Guild Wars, they ignored PvErs, what was up with this guild alliance system, it took so little time to get to lvl 20, why was there so few armors, and so on.
And it's similar tales for the last many WoW expansions and Heavensward and RoTFE. I think the only example I can think of, where almost all the expansion changes have been 100% positive is Diablo 3s reaper of souls. But that game was in massive disarray.
Thankfully HoT is incredible. The Elite specializations are... for the most part, fucking awesome. Dragons Stand is without a doubt a massive highlight. What a map. Compared to Orr? It's awesome.
The only thing that sucks about Dragons Stand is the waiting and that there is no incentive to do anything when the maps are not full.
I feel the problems in HoT are realistically fixable.
Raid and Legendary armor is for such a small amount, but vocal players. The majority of players is not going to engage in this. So we need more cool weapons and armors, and we need new fractals, guild missions, conquest spvp maps to facilitate those rewards.
Dungeons; Move them into fractals. It's a given.
Loot; Need another Champion overhaul, like the patch that added the exotic skins.
Support; Need to make it more viable for healers, support characters to count towards event completion so you can actually run around as a healer in the maps and still yield credit towards loot too. I want to play a healer druid but I get no xp, no loot and I barely qualify for bronze. For a co-operative game this has to stop.
Put some of the valuable currencies from Maguuma into Drytop and Silverwaste so it doesn't feel like we have 4 maps to run over and over, but six.
And of course, we need tweaks and fixes in the UI to guild missions and mastery system.
Hero Point mobs need to be champion creatures that yield gold/karma/xp (not only xp) and a exotic bag drop so other players are incentivized to help new players kill them. It's pretty self explanatory. Maybe there has to be a 24-hour reset cooldown on how many times a exotic lootbag drops so it cannot be farmed fast.
Meta events in VB, Tangled Depths and Auric Basin all needs some adjustments. In Silverwaste, I've gotten meta events completed by initiating it. I put up a tag and I defend a fort, and players come to my tag, and then they stay and defend and I go to the other forts, and other people come, and before I know it, I have facilitated us holding all the forts without verbal communication.
This is not possible in these new Metas. And they run so often, and the game is so bad at explaining all the requirements to apply for stuff. This needs to change.
Ascended Armor and weapons; Need to be some sort of collection you do for your character. You run around the entire world and work towards the pieces by doing a lot of stuff on that character. And every character gets one full set of ascended armor and a weapon. This gives the solo players a long goal to work towards. When you ascended yourself in GW1 it was a cool thing that led you become imbuned in this swag magic.
Doing your ascended armor/wep collection might be things like completing your personal story, killing all the dragon-chest bosses on that character, getting some sort of karma reward from many karma vendors across orr, and getting many specific drops from random creatures across the world, maxing out your traitlines. Basically a long meaningful journey that has you playing all of the game to get this armor/weapon set of ascended quality. I have 8 lvl 80s, so that would be a real significant thing for me to venture through that on all 8 characters, but it so happens that personal story rewards are really nice, and map completion rewards are nice, and that it is still valueable to meet new people in the old world.
GW2 needs this. ascended crafting should not be removed, but that and fractal can't remain the main resource of that.
So, I'm finally getting in to this game. I created a Norn Ranger 10 months ago and I just didn't like it. The starting zone wasn't good and it never held my interest. A couple days ago I made a Human Elementalist and man, what a difference. I'm having so much more fun in the Human starting zone and the elemental attacks are great. Anyway, I was culled from the Guild for lack of activity. May I be added back please?
Stormbluff Isle - Fonz.2356
Hey mate. Your experience seems to mimmick LazyPeon.
First Impression, he hates the game, playing as a Norn; < He plays the game wrong, and it just doesn't click for him. As a veteran player its fascinating seeing come into the game with a "WoW-mentality".
4 months later, he decides to give it another shot, and plays a human elementalist. Like you, his opinion shifts drastically;
I've talked to at least. At least 50-100 people inside the game who have similar tales. The game is amazing, but it operates on a different spectrum than what you're used to!