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Guild Wars 2 - Heart of Thorns |OT| Welcome to the Jungle...

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oh wow hey look a new page

★ Wintersday Events ★

Deadline to join: December 4, 2015 11:59pm EST
Gift exchange: December 19, 2015 after missions (~10:30 PM EST)
Gift value MAXIMUM: 250 gems / 45 gold

We're doing another Secret Santa this year! If you'd like to participate, please contact appletoasty with your Guild Wars 2 account name (accountname.#####) via NeoGAF PM, in game (appletoasty.7062), or otherwise by midnight EST on Friday, December 4, 2015. The following day you will receive an in-game mail to find out who your recipient is and you will have two weeks to prepare an in-game gift for them valued at most 250 gems or its equivalent in gold (about 45g at the time of this post).

After missions on Saturday, December 19, 2015 we will gather in the guild hall and mail our gifts to each other. If you're not able to attend missions that day for any reason, you may send your gift in advance.

★ Jumping Puzzle Event Series ★

Event #16 - Shattered Ice Ruins
Required Character Level: 1 (80 recommended)
Required Zone: Frostgorge Sound

Recommended Waypoint:
Ice Floe Waypoint - [&BH4CAAA=]

This event will take place 30 minutes after server reset (7:30 PM EST) on Wednesday night. These events are intended to take no longer than ~30 minutes, they're just a quick excuse to see everyone's pretty faces in the middle of the week.

Around 10 minutes before the event, we will hop into Mumble and start collecting at the entrance to the zone to help anyone missing the waypoints. We'll get started as soon as everyone is ready!

★ Magus Falls Event Series ★

Event #3 - Dragon's Stand
Required Character Level: 80
Required Zone: Dragon's Stand

Dragon's Stand is the last Meta event in Heart of Thorns, and it's got style to match its substance. (Yes we will go back into Tangled Depths at some point..)

Commanders will be Levyne, Zeroth, and appletoasty. 3 sub-commanders will also be needed for the split at the blighted towers and could also be useful since the events form two at once.

We will form one squad in the guild hall and then try to all get into a map once they reset 30 minutes before reset. From there we will form the map squads and get underway! Mumble shenanigans, as always, are included.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
we will jump in your honor
I will do the honor jumping if that's okay.

Also depending on how my transit home goes I might miss jumping as well.. So maybe I'm gonna need someone to do my jump and my honor jump as well


So just to make sure i get this correctly .

To make the Ascension legendary backpiece , you have to :

-Get all 4 backpieces with league tickets and combine them in the forge to get the wings of legend , the precursor .

- Then you have to get the 2 gifts which are rewarded on you upon finishing the different achievement tiers .

- combine the pre with the 2 gifts + gift of fortune in the forge to make the Ascension .

do i have this right ?


One of the gifts is gained through the Glorious Reward track. You'll need to complete that track at least twice. The other gift is gained from the Achievements. Then there's the precusor and Gift of Fortune.

From the patch notes:

PvP Legendary Journey—The Ascension
  • Participating in Ranked Arena advances the journey for the Ascension.
  • The Ascension is created from:
    • Gift of the Competitor: Obtained by combining the 4 pieces in the Mystic Forge.
      • Each piece is awarded from completing each of the 4 meta-achievements.
    • Gift of Skirmishing: Obtained by combining various items into the Mystic Forge.
      • 250 Shards of Glory
        • Obtained from reward tracks and PvP League.
      • 1 Perfect Mist Core
        • Obtained by combining 4 mist core fragments in the Mystic Forge.
        • 1 – 2 mist core fragments are obtained by finishing the Glorious Reward Track.
      • 5 Certificate of Support
        • Purchased from the League Vendor.
        [*]2 Vision Crystals

      [*]Gift of Fortune: Not yet available at this time.
      [*]Precursor: Obtained by combining all 4 tiers of Glorious Wings in the Mystic Forge.
      • The 4 tiers of Glorious Wings can be purchased from the League Vendor.



God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
My concern is the precursor. Realistically can I even get that? Only way for those tickets is to pass up ranks in the league right? How many tickets would I need?

I'm not a pvp god is this a lost cause? You need to win to proceed and I am a loser.


My concern is the precursor. Realistically can I even get that? Only way for those tickets is to pass up ranks in the league right? How many tickets would I need?

I'm not a pvp god is this a lost cause? You need to win to proceed and I am a loser.

You don't lose rank in the first division. So you should be able to progress even if your w/l ratio isn't great. I'm not really sure about the requirements of the precursor but you'll get better as you keep playing though so keep at it.


In the absolute worst case where you can barely scrap together 15 wins per season and can't muster up the win ratio to get past the second division... it'll probably take you a year.


My concern is the precursor. Realistically can I even get that? Only way for those tickets is to pass up ranks in the league right? How many tickets would I need?

I'm not a pvp god is this a lost cause? You need to win to proceed and I am a loser.

Yes and no. This is a PvP reward for people dedicated to the game mode. Not all things are for all people and all that. That said, they mentioned on the live stream that about anyone can work towards getting it. Just the really good and dedicated people will be able to finish it within a season, while others might take a couple.

I'm on the fence with leagues. It sounds fun. But it also sounds like something I could make myself miserable over, too. There's just so much stuff to do in game now. There isn't enough time in the day for everything.


Don't think I will bother with PvP leagues much really. PvP is the mode that I just not that much interested in. That suppose WvW legendary backpiece would be something I might work towards heh.

Edit: "The Guild Insignia recipe has been added to the Guild Armorer’s “Guild Armor Recipes” tab."


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Is this an actual bug in Dragon Stand?

We were doing fine, with a huge 30-min still left in the timer, and just cleared the towers. Everyone then flies up to the leyline islands. Suddenly BAM, everyone got moved to a different instance.

According to map chat it was because the population was low?


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Oh shoot I should get to that map before Saturday so I can join in.
Is Courtyard still in the game? I haven't seen it in a while. Yes I know it it's not a ranked map, but I'm not seeing it in unranked either. It's not a conquest map and there's no preference option for deathmatch?


Is Courtyard still in the game? I haven't seen it in a while. Yes I know it it's not a ranked map, but I'm not seeing it in unranked either. It's not a conquest map and there's no preference option for deathmatch?

I haven't seen it since HoT, and I've been playing quite a bit of PvP. Spirit Watch and Skyhammer are still in, so maybe they did take it out.


So I finally hit 80 on my first character (Rev) and was wondering where I go from here. I'm just finishing up the personal story and will do the Living Story and HoT but other than that, whats the suggested path normally?
People are throwing games en masse to lower their MMR, while climbing through divisions. rip ranked PvP.

"My games are getting....bizarre. Lots of dancing around points and trying to kill themselves, or mass suicides on skyhammer"

So funny. I love it when players don't play the game as intended. I bet the devs are facepalming so hard right now. They thought maize balm farming was bizarre (people running around in circles in their underwear on a beach)... I wonder what they think of people mass suiciding in ranked PvP

The best part is it doesn't even work if everyone is doing it, so people are throwing their own games for basically no reason
My buddy and I finally got around to beating the HoT story. Without spoiling anything, I dug that the final fight had some unique mechanics but it just didn't feel as epic as the Zhaitan battle and I feel that tier of enemy should. All in all it was a fun little romp going through the story, especially when using the jungle masteries to get around. It's also hilarious how weak the mobs are in the instances compared to roaming the open world. Also,
all you people that hated Trahearn from personal story finally got your wish. Are you happy??? hahaha

So I finally hit 80 on my first character (Rev) and was wondering where I go from here. I'm just finishing up the personal story and will do the Living Story and HoT but other than that, whats the suggested path normally?

Congrats! Now that you're 80 you should focus on acquiring a full set of exotic gear. There are a few ways to do this but the easiest would be to buy them from a karma vendor though I'm not sure how much karma you have. You can also run dungeons for tokens that you can exchange for exotic dungeon themed armor at a vendor in Lion's Arch. Or you can craft it yourself. For Revenant, you need heavy armor so you'd want to get the Armorsmith crafting profession to level 400 to create exotic level gear and the Weaponsmith crafting profession can make every Rev weapon outside of a staff so getting that to 400 would allow you to make your weapons at exotic level. The nice thing is that you can actually create your exotic gear while leveling the profession to 400 so you can knock two birds out with one stone if you choose the insignia that has the stats you want while your crafting gear pieces to level up your crafting level. The other benefit is you'd only have to level up your crafting 100 more levels if you decide to create Ascended level gear later down the road. The problem with crafting is that it can be costly if you don't have a lot of the mats already so if you're new to the game, it'd be easier to acquire gear the first two ways I mentioned.
So apparently people are intentionally losing games in lower divisions to tank their MMR before crossing divisions to keep getting easier games.

Ain't that a bitch.


'We want challenging content'
'proceeds to abuse anything and everything to make it as easy as possible.'

Not true of everyone, but the masses sure are pretty funny with this stuff. I used to enjoy hero battles back in the day. Then the Zaishen missions and things hit. Suddenly RR every match. And then hb was removed. Be interesting to see what they do with this one.

Nightfury messing up all my characters looks. But bats cannot be denied.


So apparently people are intentionally losing games in lower divisions to tank their MMR before crossing divisions to keep getting easier games.

Ain't that a bitch.
The discussion on the meta of tanking a PvP game would be tragic if it wasn't so freakin' hilarious.
'We want challenging content'
'proceeds to abuse anything and everything to make it as easy as possible.'

Don't hate the player, hate the game. If those abuses make the content too easy, it's Anet's fault for leaving them.

Obviously players shouldn't take advantage, but one party has vastly more responsibility for the game than the other.


My favourite thing to come from this is Helseth losing pips for winning a 4v5. The system is just plain broken.


The reason Helseth lost pips is not evident of a broken system. To quote myself on Reddit:

Proven said:
It makes sense for them to get dishonor if they weren't mindful of a teammate playing with issues. It makes sense that if connection issues cause a game to go bad, you don't get credit for it and instead negative credit. You share the glory and the pain of your teammates.

If it's a one time then okay, sorry, but if it repeatedly happens it encourages you to not play with the person until they sort out the issues, and discourages the person in question from continually queuing and causing more 4v5s.

That's how the system is designed to work, and how it works in other games as well. That's what I'm saying.
One such game with this system for their ranked queue is Heroes of the Storm.

The other issue with MMR not being tightly linked to league progress, however, is. Heroes of the Storm had a similar issue a few months ago with their ranking system and made adjustments after about a week. GW2 is different because you have several hard scaffoldings to keep you from falling too far down, which is exasperating the issue. It's turning into an interesting mass Prisoner's Dilemma situation, and unfortunately I'll have zero play time until tomorrow morning.

Considering they even made the Obsidian Division a repeatable division, slightly similar to getting "prestige" in Call of Duty, makes me extra surprised this happened. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to fix (they just have to math out and test the new values for how and why you gain pips, easiest if you have a bonus pool of pips due to your MMR adjustments). They must have really wanted Leagues to be a long term grind, but considering the number of weeks it's available...
The reason Helseth lost pips is not evident of a broken system. To quote myself on Reddit:

That's how ranked works in Heroes of the Storm too. If your team wins, you win. If your team loses, you share in that loss (and can rank down). If someone DC's midway through a match, they're replaced by a half-competent AI, thank the gods, but if the other team is good they can outplay the AI easily. A team *can* manually ping the AI to do basic things, but it's pretty much an autopilot script regardless, and a human can easily out-think it. So if a teammate DCs, and you lose, oh well. At least it was only 20 minutes, y'know? Somehow that doesn't feel to bad. But even that does cause a bit of toxicity in the community, which is why I kinda stay away from Ranked play.

It's turning into an interesting mass Prisoner's Dilemma situation.

Or even a Quantum Prisoner's Dillema, perhaps? :p
Losing rank points for doing well (i.e. winning) in a situation where the odds are stacked against you and completely out of your control seems really backwards to me. I get what you guys are saying about being one with the team, but... still.

I can understand a premade group losing points if they queue up with a person who repeatedly DCs to prevent abuse, but as a random solo queuer getting matched up with a leaver... that just sucks and is totally demoralizing. That seems wrong. At least in dota you can safely leave the match if you're in a 4v5. People are totally justified in being upset about this.


Losing rank points for doing well (i.e. winning) in a situation where the odds are stacked against you and completely out of your control seems really backwards to me. I get what you guys are saying about being one with the team, but... still.

I can understand a premade group losing points if they queue up with a person who repeatedly DCs to prevent abuse, but as a random solo queuer getting matched up with a leaver... that just sucks and is totally demoralizing. That seems wrong. At least in dota you can safely leave the match if you're in a 4v5.
To clarify, everything I'm talking about is only with pre-made groups. The Helseth situation happened because the one who DC'd was the person he was duo-queuing with. The other three people on his team in that game likely gained a pip.

And yes, the system is harsh. It skips straight from the warning and gives you a lash because disconnections cause problems and usually end up wasting people's time.

Edit: In the case of GW2, I do believe they can be more lenient. But I still remember the problems earlier in the year where people didn't care about leaving games and 4v5's happened way too often.
Losing rank points for doing well (i.e. winning) in a situation where the odds are stacked against you and completely out of your control seems really backwards to me. I get what you guys are saying about being one with the team, but... still.

I can understand a premade group losing points if they queue up with a person who repeatedly DCs to prevent abuse, but as a random solo queuer getting matched up with a leaver... that just sucks and is totally demoralizing. That seems wrong. At least in dota you can safely leave the match if you're in a 4v5. People are totally justified in being upset about this.

If Ranked Play is to matter, the rules *have* to be strict, or people will abuse the system. In DOTA2, it's *really* annoying if you're 50 minutes into a game you're winning, and someone's smurf account disconnects in rage, thus fucking you over for the last hour of your life. That's not cool.
Just got to Sapphire in leagues mostly through soloing. It was really frustrating at times due to all the problems leagues as atm. Helseth had a great video about the problems with leagues, however it got taken down. I’m hoping Anet is listening and the next season is an improvement over this one.
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