Yeah Revs are top tier DPS- Power based so I know I'm doing that but I'm curious if he did Zerker or if he went with Marauder or considered Valk and also what runes he used. I'm also assuming he used the Meta build with S/A and Hammer but wanted to confirm that. Maybe he'll get on here later

I think the main thing that's nagging me is that I've been leaning towards Valk and I believe the Invocation allows you to do it without sacrificing any DPS from lacking Precision but I never see people using it when builds get discussed online. It's always Zerker or Marauder. It's making me paranoid I'm looking at things wrong but I suspect it's just the typical Zerker or bust mindset. That HP boost is nice if Invocation takes care of precision. Especially since it makes me slightly tanky without the toughness factor triggering with bosses.
Sorry for the late reply, I generally don't post much, I was currently what seem to be the standard rev zerk meta.
For armor I was full exotic zerker with rune of hoelbrak because it is a budget version rune of strength and it has the somewhat useful less condi time on you for pve. Note that there no condi applied in raid For the Vale guardian fight, so the condi part of the rune is useless.
For trinklet, they were all ascended zerker with no infusion
For weapon. I was using ascended zerker sword and axe. my sigil were force and air. Honestly I didn't needed an other set although staff should be it in case of needing more CC but............................. I was using hammer which I never used. In case of, my hammer was ascended zerker with force and flame sigil.
for traits,
Devastation 2-3-3
Invocation 3-1-1 (honestly I dunno much about this trait line I was just toying around and left it like that)
Herald 2-2-1
-about rotation and tactic-
This might change depending on your team composition. I was using mallyx and glint for legend. In all the fight I camped glint and share the f2 skill +50% boon time and fury boon. by share I mean activate it and never trigger their follow up. I didn't use the might boon because Ike was already a PS giving 25 might already so it was pointless to add more (already that some of my trait would grant might). You should spam facet of element whenever you can to add additional damage (this is the hard part of dps herald job, yep...). Now you're job consist of auto attacking all day everyday till the boss is dead. So focus on positioning which should be standing on the side or back at all time of the vale guardian for more damage thanks to traits. Finally, enjoy all yours 8k 8k 9k 1k 8k 8k 9k 1k 8k 8k ......etc. damage spam.
The only time where I swapped legend to mallyx was at the split where you need boon strip. since I was positioned at the blue guardian, I helped removing his boon along apple. Since the way we did consist of dragging the green guardian to blue, and the fact blue guardian will die before green, I swapped back to glint after blue death.
For the CC break phase, since now we focused on breaking it whenever we could I discovered that I didn't need to swap weapon. When Vale Guardian does the disco phase one, use glint elite. The cooldown of it is the same cooldown till the next disco phase so... it is a great way knowing when it will be the next one, this is without alicrity. If more CC was needed I would simply use axe 5 (pretty much never happened in those disco phase when everything went well). For CC at split I used again axe 5 it isn't the best one but most often more wasn't needed.
Seriously, Herald Dps in raid is the most brain dead difficulty. Just stand in range and let the auto do all the job because it does it really well.
Levyne said:
Techwolf will be capped off and bored again in about a day.
The sad part is I just did some random stuff this morning and I'm already capped again at 163. :/