Thanks, I didn't realise there was a process to this.
Thanks, I didn't realise there was a process to this.
Did anyone try to change their email address yet? If so, do I need to confirm my old one for that?
Read the OTHello everyone, just got GW2 and dl it. I'm in the US and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good sever for the America's or if any gafers were on one?
Hello everyone, just got GW2 and dl it. I'm in the US and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good sever for the America's or if any gafers were on one?
Question: does the colour of the name of the mob indicate how long they've been in the world (thus they give more exp if they're yellow e.g.?)
Question: does the colour of the name of the mob indicate how long they've been in the world (thus they give more exp if they're yellow e.g.?)
Level 20 reached and i still feel so fuckin underpowered (elementalist)
Donnow if i'll change at this point :x
Any tips for takin the best out of my class?
damn the music in this game is good. really impressed with the score so far.
Mine's coming on the 30th, supposedly...Ordered this via newegg during one of those sales, and I opted for the free 3-day shipping. Got an email and a tracking number and it says I should get it tomorrow(release day) and it's only a few miles away already.
Good news for any other newegg buyers.
I've been guild less for 3+ days, any chance I can please have an invite?
IGN: DrunkEconomist.7304
Red = hostile (will AOS - attack on sight)
Yellow = neutral (wont attack unless poked with a stick)
Green = cant attack / friendly
ah right -facepalm-, i forgot. is there a way to tell which enemies have been in the world for longer and thus give more exp?
For something that needs extra power I like to switch around and take advantage of conditions. Starting with Earth to get bleeding on, then switching to Fire to burn them. After that it's just rotating cycling through those effects and throwing in some other attacks, usually burns through Health fast unless it's a Veteran or Champion-tier enemy. For groups I like to use Air and Fire. With a staff you get the Chain Lightning skill, which will hit multiple enemies, and since it's the basic skill it's easy to use repeatedly. Fire has various AoE attacks that are useful in those situations. Then there's the Earth skill I mentioned earlier that I use for bleeding, which has an AoE, making it good for starting out a fight with a group.
Don't really use Water much in terms of offense, mostly just to "tank" or get a little healing power.
This is all with a staff, wasn't fond of the damage output and range of Scepter(+Focus) and the play-style of daggers isn't really my thing.
That's because Jeremy Soule made both of their soundtracks.I really like it, it reminds me a lot of the music from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Thats a good question. I tried doing a search but no info on it. Its more just trying to find locations where not a lot of players are at I suppose. Shouldnt worry about it too much though since grinding out monsters is a slow way to earn exp. If you want a slight bonus go get food from a vendor or make bread yourself.
Useful info for crafting that Ive been using also.
is that how bonus xp works? if not what determines bonus xp?
Wowie, AMD performance is bad - under 30FPS no matter what settings I have the game one.
I really like it, it reminds me a lot of the music from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
That's because Jeremy Soule made both of their soundtracks.
Not everywhere. It's worse in the big cities (I've really noticed it in Lion's Arch, probably due to release date), but in other places like Snowden Drifts where NOONE EVER IS, it's perfect. I'm lonely. Someone please come join me there.I've run past like 10 people in the last hour.
That's because Jeremy Soule made both of their soundtracks.
Same composer for both games.funny i was just thinking that exact thing. running through the woods in kestrel hills (that right?) and i had an TES deja vu moment.
Thats a good question. I tried doing a search but no info on it. Its more just trying to find locations where not a lot of players are at I suppose. Shouldnt worry about it too much though since grinding out monsters is a slow way to earn exp. If you want a slight bonus go get food from a vendor or make bread yourself.
Useful info for crafting that Ive been using also.
This is the transparency problem I'm having. I didn't notice it until today so it's one of 3 things: the recent patch, new nvidia drivers, or NV inspector/AO. It happens with low camera angles[IMG][/QUOTE]
It's AO for sure. I had the same thing until I turned it off.
So is using a controller viable with this game?
So is using a controller viable with this game?
Personally Id say no, esp when you need to do shit real fast in a group type of situation. Plus just the sheer amount of keys you use in general.
Though Ive seen guys in this thread who have been doing it.