I can't imagine how someone can use 6+ for hotkeys, since they're so far away.
There are other keys you know.
I can't imagine how someone can use 6+ for hotkeys, since they're so far away.
Yeah, that's why we're using the ones nearest to WSAD, so we don't have to reach far.There are other keys you know.
I can't seem to get the celebration hat from the gem store...
I'm clicking the hat, and then when I click "confirm" nothing hapens, as if I'm not even clicking it...
Anyone alse have the same problem?
How can people use Q and E for hotkeys, I'd kill myself before giving up my keyboard strafing.
don't most people bind A and D to do strafing and the mouse for turning?
I actually bind left/right strafing to my mouse wheels tilt as well. works good pretty good.
Kinda yeah.What it doesnt show up in your post box?
Isn't the default way to just press right mouse button and press A and D no rebind needed? At least that's how I do it.don't most people bind A and D to do strafing and the mouse for turning?
I actually bind left/right strafing to my mouse wheels tilt as well.
How can people use Q and E for hotkeys, I'd kill myself before giving up my keyboard strafing, couldn't do the mouse holding all the time.
don't most people bind A and D to do strafing and the mouse for turning?
I actually bind left/right strafing to my mouse wheels tilt as well.
Isn't the default way to just press right mouse button and press A and D no rebind needed? At least that's how I do it.
"As in just bad design? Haven't done that yet."
Yeah. The encounters are not only boring, but poorly balanced as well.
ArenaNet has an incredible post right now on reddit where they're allowing players who've been banned to ask why their account is now suspended. ArenaNet is then pulling the chat logs and publicly commenting on what it was they said that got them a 72 hour suspension. Some of it is a comedic goldmine.
a friend of mine is interested but unsure whether GW2 is gonna run on his older rig, what do you guys think?
Apparently it's a Dual Core (he's not sure which ugh) and he has an 8600 GT i believe
This page is awesome.ArenaNet has an incredible post right now on reddit where they're allowing players who've been banned to ask why their account is now suspended. ArenaNet is then pulling the chat logs and publicly commenting on what it was they said that got them a 72 hour suspension. Some of it is a comedic goldmine.
This page is awesome.
Thanks for that, I'm dying.ArenaNet has an incredible post right now on reddit where they're allowing players who've been banned to ask why their account is now suspended. ArenaNet is then pulling the chat logs and publicly commenting on what it was they said that got them a 72 hour suspension. Some of it is a comedic goldmine.
It will run on low/medium settings, with FPS ranging between 15-50.![]()
Any thoughts of changing the Guild Servers (for both EU and US) to a much lower population server? Both of theses servers are going to be full in prime time for that region, meaning people can't join those servers.
So how are you other Necros fairing so far?
Lvl 15 atm and really starting to like the class and starting to get the hang of it
Now playing with Staff and Scepter/focus. Like the staff for putting down marks before fights but think it lacks off since only one skill is direct dmg..
Scepter is nice for bleeding/stacking conditions but also lacks some good direct dmg.
Is axes the only way to go if I dont wanna play Rogue and go daggers?
All advice tips appreciated and welcomed![]()
a friend of mine is interested but unsure whether GW2 is gonna run on his older rig, what do you guys think?
Apparently it's a Dual Core (he's not sure which ugh) and he has an 8600 GT i believe
ArenaNet has an incredible post right now on reddit where they're allowing players who've been banned to ask why their account is now suspended. ArenaNet is then pulling the chat logs and publicly commenting on what it was they said that got them a 72 hour suspension. Some of it is a comedic goldmine.
so basically not really playable in the long run eh?
even on low?![]()
ArenaNet has an incredible post right now on reddit where they're allowing players who've been banned to ask why their account is now suspended. ArenaNet is then pulling the chat logs and publicly commenting on what it was they said that got them a 72 hour suspension. Some of it is a comedic goldmine.
It's playable for sure!
Just don't expect gorgeous graphics and a high framerate.
ArenaNet has an incredible post right now on reddit where they're allowing players who've been banned to ask why their account is now suspended. ArenaNet is then pulling the chat logs and publicly commenting on what it was they said that got them a 72 hour suspension. Some of it is a comedic goldmine.
My biggest gripe with the game is that it can be very melee unfriendly at times. I understand that no class is a melee class and all that, but my Guardian is toeing that fine line since I'm not a huge fan of their Scepter/Staff skills. Getting up close, in my experience thus far, creates issues where you can't see the boss aoe to roll out of like you can at range, and also opens you up to direct attacks that aren't an issue at range. For some bosses, like the Fire elemental, you're also much more likely to have six adds randomly aggro and zerg you since most other people seem to just shoot from range and are too far away to aggro the adds. My solution would be to somehow provide melee players a 25-50% damage reduction in PVE encounters with creatures like that.
Another problem ive run into is random XP gaps where youll get halfway to the next level, but run out of hearts/vistas/etc and cant stumble across an event. I mean, i can run around aimlessly looking to run into one, but that becomes a coin flip. My last 'issue' is that it seems like a pain to acquire enough components to naturally level leatherworking (and tailoring from what map chat seemed to indicate), as well as the random drop fine materials needed for crafting weapons. Overall the game is excellent, but like any game it can use further refinement IMO.
Another problem ive run into is random XP gaps where youll get halfway to the next level, but run out of hearts/vistas/etc and cant stumble across an event.
To me low framerate= not really what i call "playable"
I mean sure it works but what good does it do when the game keeps dipping and you get framerate stutter constantly when there are more things going on...
Hmm he might have to set it to low and let me tweak those graphics options a little to get it to an acceptable framerate then!
Quick thoughts:
1) I had that issues in a beta weekend also playing the class. On the other hand, playing with a one-handed sword as a Ranger is quite awesome. Very fast and lots of condition damage. Melee Guardian seemed a bit slow.
2) Are you doing the Personal Story? When I've found leveling is slowing down, I've done a couple of Personal Story missions and then continued.