Sorrow's Depths(?) has one of the worst boss fights I've ever encountered. Have fun with those robots guys - especially the second one (which you may have to fight twice).
Dumped tailoring.
yeah fuck tailoring.
"World v. World event rewards
We're temporarily disabling rewards on Dolyak caravan escort events in World v. World while we work on rebalancing them. "
No more Yaking D: lolol
Glad I sponged the XP I needed off that then.
Does anyone else get frequent network errors when trying to view/join PVP games?
I'm also getting extremely frustrated with almost never getting to PVP on the same team as some of my friends. 90% of the time it puts us on opposite teams, which almost instantly makes me just want to stop playing.
"World v. World event rewards
We're temporarily disabling rewards on Dolyak caravan escort events in World v. World while we work on rebalancing them. "
No more Yaking D: lolol
Yak farmers ruin WvW
So after some experimenting with thief weapons after discussing it today in this thread.... here my thoughts.
Pistol/Dagger: Still don't like it in pvp Seems way too cumbersome, the bleeds are nice... beyond that meh. PvE is fun. Tried redoing my traits with condition heavy damage... it just can't roll with it. I really like/need the utility acrobatics give me, as well as the stealth improvements from the shadow line.
Sword/Pistol: I have a new appreciation for this. Rolled around with it in WvW, and used it along with weapon swapping with Dagger/Dagger. Worked quite well, my only trouble is getting stuck in the 3 animation when it whiffed... and sometimes it seems people can't evade out of it after the first hit. My only complaint is you can shadow return to a keep wall... seems like such wasted potential.
Also I can't state how much I *hate* assauting/defending keeps as thief. The shortbow is lacking tons of range... and when you're on a keep wall the damn arrows will hit that tiny tiny lip infront of you....
Unfortunately not. Your best bet is go into heart of mists, try the traits on some dummies. As for that trait... it doesn't heal much at all.
Just got an authentication email so someone tried to login to my account, which means they know my password, fucking hackers.
Damn bots killed the yaks =/
We're getting absolutely destroyed in WvWvW right now. There's like 4:1 jade quarry people in a bg to us. Like nothing you can do.. just a huge zerg vs a handful of people.
So we get the uneven buff
How the hell is that suppose to help turn tides?
wow getting crushed by Jade Quarry in WvW again :|
You can watch PVP games?
How do you guys take screenshots? I tried using clipper which is an old program I used to use for FFXI, but all it did was take a picture of my desktop, even though my game was at full screen...
I am THIS close to following you on that one. Trying to run two crafts (Artificing in the other corner) that need the same fine crafting materials is a fucking nightmare.
Zerging is not a major part of WvW unless you're on one of the servers at the bottom where neither side has any tactics or skill. There's a lot going on on the decent ones.
Can you link these guides please?
Ah okey, I'm just going by general impressions and my time in WvWvW in the beta. Will have to see for myself once I've leveled up some.
Thought I don't expect too see many of those random 1v1 moments.
I can assure you if you were in the heavy HoD/NSP/BG fighting over the last few days before AA bailedrollseyes) you wouldn't be saying that WvW is merely a zergfest.
Who is AA?
Ascension Alliance, tales of Tyria/team legacy/team liquid forum guild and alliance. Spouted insane amounts of spin and PR pre-release to get a HUGE mess of people to play with them...then bailed when we destroyed them in wvw and blamed it on everyone but themselves.
The drama coming from Freelancer, the leader of the alliance, for the past month or two has been immensely amusing.
Wait. Where can I see this? I want to see "Gaming's Prodigal Son" QQ'ing into a corner. I was almost satisfied with his "woe is me" crap regarding not being able to take advantage of the TP the first week and a half.
Well..I mean 1v1 isn't really a part of wvw either.
There's a lot more that goes into coordinating sieges, counter sieges, etc than just 'hey everyone attack the thing everyone else is attacking'
You haven't played Guild Wars have you, game can get brutal like that.I like how they managed to outdo the daze mechanic from WoW, impressive.
Everything post-40 knocks you down, chains you in place, makes you limp for 12 seconds or gets you in combat which makes you move slower.
And they even put a ton of mobs right next to roads, so you can't even follow roads without getting molested.
Oh dear. Logged in to check my trading post only to find out that nearly 6g of items sold, but the actual gold isn't available for me to pick up.
I'm part of the ascension alliance. We left northern shiverpeaks long ago, a subtle transfer. It was advertised that our server was a free win server and it ended up with a huge influx of players that took up queue time, which made us have very long queues. So we have moved to a undisclosed server at the moment and are having fun as an alliance, not just seperate guilds.