What? Dude. If this happened, LOL. HORRIBLE DESIGN. Seriously. Really really bad. Someone else other than Ferrio back me up.
I'm... not sure how this is horrible design. I mean, you can type it in caps to make you look right and demean me, but it's not plain stupid design.
Character scaling makes sense from some regards, but it falls apart elsewhere. Read this. Actually read it. Nobody has actually provided a response to this simple argument.
1) You are level 35. You have ilvl 35 gear.
2) You do CM explorable. You outperform expectations.
3) You cook and jewelcraft to level 45. You have ilvl 35 gear.
4) You do CM explorable. You are complete shit.
You think it's a good idea to scale weapons relative to characters because you're thinking only in terms of instants in time. It makes no logical sense when you take character progression into account.
If you've already found gear
better than ilvl 35 gear, why is it LOL HORRIBLE DESIGN to scale your gear down to that ilvl?
The only problem is what was brought up about loot scaling, but loot already scales to your character level throughout the rest of the game?
I mean, if you want, scale loot to gear level instead of character level. It'd provide a better gear curve, anyways.