Well I finally managed to buy, download and play this for a couple hours.
I've hardly scratched the surface of the game having only done a handful of events , gained to level 4 and wandered about little more then the starting area but I think I can form some kind of opinion- it seems good and fun but it also still has some of the same things that keep it firmly in WOW style MMO territory.
Guild wars 2 seems like WOW but ... more fun I guess. The event system is just a neat way to get a bunch of players to focus on a specific task outside of simply wandering a dungeon to kill a boss over and over again, livens things up a bit. Also the quest structure is nothing new but quest completion and activation IS something different and better then usual.
WOW suffered from having the following gameplay outline- find the yellow exclaimation point , click on it, it tells you stuff , go find something else, bring it back , get an item and then go find another exclamation point. You could take tons of quests on and honestly it was a great system when it came out but now... not so much, especially having played GW2 - the system of backtracking and busywork has been streamlined and mostly chopped out. It's much more playable and fun to simply walk near what I'd say is the quest zone and have it just activate automatically, helping yourself and others to some tasks listed and killing stuff. Then after enough work is done you just complete it and a get a message instantly with the quest reward. it's just so much faster paced this way.
Also worth noting- while playing earlier I joined an event a bit too late and the event in question had a bunch of bandits trying to poison the towns water, in the end the event was failed which lead to a bunch of toxic slime monsters pouring out of the towns water supply , the new event saw me and a few others slaughtering those slimes for toxic goo samples to mix up an antidote to fix the water supply. It's just neat how some of that stuff chains to together.