So, here we go. People have been clamoring for things to make WvW feel more meaningful and making it more competitive is one of the easier choices. It's also getting a reward structure that's both inclusive and isn't tied to content that PvE players will complain about having to fight for.
I'm surprised there aren't more server wide guilds that essentially work as the "official" sports team of their servers. Would help to have a guild tag that you only turned on for WvW raid time.
Which reminds me, I need to check if the monthly PvP reward still gives laurels.
Those finished are a lot more boring than I thought they would be based on what they said in the past. Plus, they're temporary since you only get a stack of them. I thought I remember them saying you would keep your finisher until the next season and you lost your ranking, or something similar.
Maybe I'm just remembering things wrong.
EDIT: They're going over the changes coming in WvW.
I'm curious too. It depends on whether or not they have the ability to completely remove finishers from your account, or at least disable them. I guess not.
I like that they're giving you equal points for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in your matchup no matter how far up or down your matchup is in the overall rankings. I'm only curious if NA servers would have been better served with four leagues of 6 servers each, but I'm terrible at predicting player behavior in these types of cases.
Posted for the new page, but the WvW changes had a livestream going on earlier today. It's up now to re-watch.
Tons of land to replace the lake now.
Going to watch this now.
Edit: Jeez, three mechanics are introduced to make them anti zerg.
1. The objectives decap while you're not there, and the terrain is actually built well enough that you can't move between them very easily.
2. You have to hold three cap points for the buff to activate. You can them move around again so havoc squads aren't forever tied to them, but getting that buff in the first place requires a concerted multi-prong effort.
3. To actually take advantage of the buff, you need to coordinate stomps. If there's too much damage flying around because you're outnumbering your opponents, you won't be getting as many points from this. Unfortunately, the smaller group in a fight don't get to stomp all the time either until the fight stabilizes.
And on top of all of this they encourage people to use stomps and their finishers.
People who loved fighting in the terrain of the EB jumping puzzle will love this update too. It's built to be a playground.