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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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I have a thousand mango pies.


So, here we go. People have been clamoring for things to make WvW feel more meaningful and making it more competitive is one of the easier choices. It's also getting a reward structure that's both inclusive and isn't tied to content that PvE players will complain about having to fight for.

I'm surprised there aren't more server wide guilds that essentially work as the "official" sports team of their servers. Would help to have a guild tag that you only turned on for WvW raid time.

Which reminds me, I need to check if the monthly PvP reward still gives laurels.

Those finished are a lot more boring than I thought they would be based on what they said in the past. Plus, they're temporary since you only get a stack of them. I thought I remember them saying you would keep your finisher until the next season and you lost your ranking, or something similar.

Maybe I'm just remembering things wrong.

EDIT: They're going over the changes coming in WvW.

I'm curious too. It depends on whether or not they have the ability to completely remove finishers from your account, or at least disable them. I guess not.

I like that they're giving you equal points for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in your matchup no matter how far up or down your matchup is in the overall rankings. I'm only curious if NA servers would have been better served with four leagues of 6 servers each, but I'm terrible at predicting player behavior in these types of cases.

Posted for the new page, but the WvW changes had a livestream going on earlier today. It's up now to re-watch.


Tons of land to replace the lake now.

Going to watch this now.

Edit: Jeez, three mechanics are introduced to make them anti zerg.

1. The objectives decap while you're not there, and the terrain is actually built well enough that you can't move between them very easily.

2. You have to hold three cap points for the buff to activate. You can them move around again so havoc squads aren't forever tied to them, but getting that buff in the first place requires a concerted multi-prong effort.

3. To actually take advantage of the buff, you need to coordinate stomps. If there's too much damage flying around because you're outnumbering your opponents, you won't be getting as many points from this. Unfortunately, the smaller group in a fight don't get to stomp all the time either until the fight stabilizes.

And on top of all of this they encourage people to use stomps and their finishers.

People who loved fighting in the terrain of the EB jumping puzzle will love this update too. It's built to be a playground.


This makes me a little worried about the way they are handling the WvW seasons. Even without forcing T1 on everyone else we already have an absurd number of terrible matchups.


This makes me a little worried about the way they are handling the WvW seasons. Even without forcing T1 on everyone else we already have an absurd number of terrible matchups.

Well to be fair this week has some incredibly improbable matches.

Check it out from SoR's perspective:


It makes sense then that this match would kind of reverberate throughout the top and give everyone some unlikely matches. The DB, YB, Kain match is also pretty crazy. I'd like to see the probability of that one.

So yeah, I'm going to chalk this one up as an anomaly and I think the system is working exactly as intended. It's fun to have different match ups once in a while :)


Whatever crazy formula they want to use to match servers up is fine by me as long as we're not fighting the same servers week after week after week after week.


Right, but unless I'm crazy and just not understanding this correctly, isn't the season stuff going to be basically forcing bad matchups? If we have to play each server in our group once then there will be multiple weeks, in fact maybe a majority of the weeks, where some top 5 server is curbstomping the 12 server and just trebbing their spawn points or something.


Right, but unless I'm crazy and just not understanding this correctly, isn't the season stuff going to be basically forcing bad matchups? If we have to play each server in our group once then there will be multiple weeks, in fact maybe a majority of the weeks, where some top 5 server is curbstomping the 12 server and just trebbing their spawn points or something.

But I think Anet wants to offset that with two things:

1. Gameplay changes, such as bloodlust in the borderlands.
2. Incentivising participation in WvW through promotion of the tournament and a reward/prizing system.

Will those two things give a low ranked server the ability to beat a high ranked server? Maybe not. But I think Anet's hoping it'll shake some stuff up.


There surprisingly isn't a lot of discussion on Bloodlust in the Borderlands going around in the two places I'm willing to check (reddit and the official forums), but that's probably because reset was last night. From what I did read, the primary valid point brought against it is the fact that coverage is still a problem. But coverage will probably never be solved without a rework of the entire system...

Right, but unless I'm crazy and just not understanding this correctly, isn't the season stuff going to be basically forcing bad matchups? If we have to play each server in our group once then there will be multiple weeks, in fact maybe a majority of the weeks, where some top 5 server is curbstomping the 12 server and just trebbing their spawn points or something.

Well, yes and no. Unless you're near the cutoff (bottom of the top league, or top of the bottom league), then most of your matchups will be the same. Consider the fact that they're using the same exact matchup formula, meaning the same exact spreads in ranking able to be matched up, only now bounded by the league system.

In other words, people asked for a smaller range of possible servers to be matched up with, and the league system technically does that.

Unless I'm wrong and we're actually doing some kind of 3-man round robin.


Unless I'm wrong and we're actually doing some kind of 3-man round robin.

This is what I got out of it. From the article on GW2.com.

Each world will be matched up with each other world in their league at least once over the course of the season.

I'm interested to see what will come of everything. I just foresee a lot of unhappiness when BG, SoR and JQ come around to lil' old SBI. Assuming we make it to the top league of course.


I'm interested to see what will come of everything. I just foresee a lot of unhappiness when BG, SoR and JQ come around to lil' old SBI. Assuming we make it to the top league of course.

Sea of Sorrows and Crystal Desert make us cry already.


I tried Tribulation mode because I wanted the yellow zapper. Jesus Christ is this humanly possible without an infinite continue coin? I think I'm gonna follow a step-by-step guide...


So my guild started making WvW videos recently, but unlike most other guilds we do not mask our TS audio, so you can hear the commanders.

I present to you Dgins. The most.... animated... commander on SoR.


I'm still trying to figure out exactly how he is able to predict the enemy rushes so well.

There's gotta be a camera exploit to see through gates or something? It's so uncanny I sometimes think he's spying or something, but he messes it up just enough to keep me guessing.


So my guild started making WvW videos recently, but unlike most other guilds we do not mask our TS audio, so you can hear the commanders.

I present to you Dgins. The most.... animated... commander on SoR.


I'm still trying to figure out exactly how he is able to predict the enemy rushes so well.

There's gotta be a camera exploit to see through gates or something? It's so uncanny I sometimes think he's spying or something, but he messes it up just enough to keep me guessing.

It seems like he watches how many people are attacking from the top, and how much damage he's taking through the door. With that, he knows when there's a push probably coming and just has to wait for someone to poke their head before he calls for a static field.

He could also be listening for the sounds of people buffing up on the other side. No matter the case, it's good observation.
The new borderlands map looks amazing. Going to be so much fun fighting over those points in small groups/solo.

I like the idea and we'll see how well it works in action.. but as a Solo Roamer who was building to take camps by myself.. I'll miss the lake as a great covered travel route.


Tagged up today in NSP BL since there weren't any other commanders around, and we wanted to pull people into our troll-havoc'ing. Went okay, but had one guy bust a nut cause we weren't using teamspeak. I have the info for it and all, but its never been clear how they expect you to "authenticate" yourself, I usually just go bleh, close it, and go back to playing.

We had way too much fun with this. If we get into league 1, this sort of stuff is probably over.


Tagged up today in NSP BL since there weren't any other commanders around, and we wanted to pull people into our troll-havoc'ing. Went okay, but had one guy bust a nut cause we weren't using teamspeak. I have the info for it and all, but its never been clear how they expect you to "authenticate" yourself, I usually just go bleh, close it, and go back to playing.

Need to contact someone with a channel commander designation. Or you could see if you can find Bittie or Sadi in there for that. I can't recall any other prominent names save for all the commanders.
You guys might already know this but Colin was on today and asked if you can transmute the ascended weapons so you can pick a specofic colour for the stat you want and he said yes for sho.

Also Anthony Ordon was doing an invasion earlier today and he said he wants to make it so that completing Aetherblades and molten Allience events during the invasion will contribute to the wave completion bar.


So my guild started making WvW videos recently, but unlike most other guilds we do not mask our TS audio, so you can hear the commanders.

I present to you Dgins. The most.... animated... commander on SoR.


I'm still trying to figure out exactly how he is able to predict the enemy rushes so well.

There's gotta be a camera exploit to see through gates or something? It's so uncanny I sometimes think he's spying or something, but he messes it up just enough to keep me guessing.
Eyefinity, 3 screens and sometimes I swear he is listening in on the enemy server's voice comms. Now that is some multitasking.

edit: Idiot savant, half the time he magically knows everything and the other half he is FEAR's derpiest commander.
I'm on vacation for the next three weeks (my plane leaves in three hours, in fact), so I'll be missing most of SAB (I've already missed a lot of it packing). Ah well, I hope it returns soon.
Opened 200 Orrian jewelry boxes.

They dropped 462k of karma items, leaving the final cost at 448k karma. I got 34 obsidian shards, which would cost 71k karma.

The remaining 377k karma got me 5 lodestones (2 crystal, 1 corrupted, 2 charged) and 3.22 gold worth of vendor junk.


Saint Titanfall
Sweet lord, just restarted yesterday after playing and stopping at launch (didn't get far at all in pve since I spent my time in structured pvp) got a black dye from lion chest which are worth around 10 gold is it worth selling it for that amount or will I regret it later on?


Sweet lord, just restarted yesterday after playing and stopping at launch (didn't get far at all in pve since I spent my time in structured pvp) got a black dye from lion chest which are worth around 10 gold is it worth selling it for that amount or will I regret it later on?

If you're just starting (restarting) imo the 10g is going to go a whole lot further than a black dye.


Sweet lord, just restarted yesterday after playing and stopping at launch (didn't get far at all in pve since I spent my time in structured pvp) got a black dye from lion chest which are worth around 10 gold is it worth selling it for that amount or will I regret it later on?

That's about average for Black Dye, honestly. I see it drop as low as 8g sometimes. Everybody still wants Midnight Ice, Abyss and Celestial.

If you want dark colors, try Midnight _____, Charcoal or Pitch.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah 10g was a fortune on my first character. Felt really satisfying to be able to turn around and buy that black dye without breaking a sweat much later. :)


Sweet lord, just restarted yesterday after playing and stopping at launch (didn't get far at all in pve since I spent my time in structured pvp) got a black dye from lion chest which are worth around 10 gold is it worth selling it for that amount or will I regret it later on?

Keep it. You'll get the gold organically from just playing the game and leveling up your character. When the RNG gods bless you, don't try to turn a profit on it unless you know for a fact you don't care for the item(s).


The Cryptarch's Bane
That's how I'd feel about getting it as a drop now... but I mean my trait books bankrupted me each time I bought them on my first char. You don't really start earnin' and burnin' til 80.
Unless you are just strapped for cash, I would keep a rare item like that unless you just don't want it. If you play regularly enough, you will earn that money quickly. A couple weeks ago I finally spent ~100g on my T3 cultural armor, and I got that back pretty fast.
It's just a dye and it's not even the most rare one. Sell it. Many people seem to forget that earning a lot of gold is actually pretty difficult pre-80 and that 10g will last you quite awhile as long as you're not buying things needlessly.


Unless you really want that particular shade I'd sell. Like people are saying, that 10g on a first toon is worth it. However, if you think you may want it but aren't sure, it doesn't hurt to keep it a bit longer unless you really need the money now.


dumped most of my gold into gems (7000 gems worth). i'm going to be taking a break from the game, obviously with inflation the way it is having a lot of gold just sit there means i would lose a lot of purchasing power between now and if/when i come back. buying some other in-game commodity requires research and long-term economy foresight which i simply don't have, and gems are a solid low-risk bet.

if you need to cull me (trick doll) to make way for new active members then go ahead, i'll just ask for invite when i return.

have fun guys
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