WB Aodh. Good stuff coming.
And miss you too Trey :]
I don't even bother with the story in GW2. After the baby's first RPG story from the "personal" story, I just gave up. I just play to get the meta and fat lewts!!
also, any cool GS skins.
Asura are like the best thing in the game.Not into rats, sooo.
I mean, they start off pretty good, but then, nope.
Hitler liked human females.human female master race
Jersoc is hitler.Hitler liked human females.
Sheesh. Ehmry and Shiverspeaks must not have any overnight players.
Same here man! Just got back from a month away, definitely missed playingWoot! I'm back online now. Updated, didn't play much tonight. I might later on tonight. I haven't played in 2+ weeks, and I already feel like I've missed so much.
I'd like to beta the new map too, but dont want to take a spot away from a dedicated gaf-guild member if the spots are limited.
Don't worry about this yet, at the least- no indication about the number of spots, so apply if interested.Sheesh. Ehmry and Shiverspeaks must not have any overnight players.
I'd like to beta the new map too, but dont want to take a spot away from a dedicated gaf-guild member if the spots are limited.
Wb to you as well!Same here man! Just got back from a month away, definitely missed playing
Yeah I mean, I can just put his name at the "bottom" when I submit if he really has this concern. Anyone interested should definitely applyI don't think it works that way, go ahead and put in for it.
We (Ehmry Bay) are just not that kind of server. The zerg you guys had running in EB home last night was just ridonkulous.
Jersoc is hitler.
I predict an amazing time in the edge of the mists. I'm also thrilled we're on anet's guild test team. That can only mean good things in the future. I've signed up (and pm'd you hawk) on the guild website.
I'm psyched. Based on some of the obejctives they've described in there so far, I can totally envision myself finding my favorite one and setting up shop there on regular basis, daring people to come fuck with it. Could be my place to hang out not just while queued for a main map, but any time I'm deciding what to do next. The fact that it may help alleviate the primary queues but can never have a queue itself is just great.lthis actually sounds like one of the smartest things anet has done in some time. I like that the sides of the maps will be different and it takes above the main wvw maps. Plus the idea that you Q into it instead of waiting around is great.
Yeah, all the T3 culturals are pretty damn enticing and so rough to acquire. They have been a really important fixed gold sink since launch.#&%! Sylvari T3 medium cultural is too hard to resist. But damn, 120g for a full set and then transmutating is rough.
How long until Guild Missions?
I don't know if I can arrive on time for them
Starting out in roughly 90 minutes yep. When do you think you'll be showing up? I wouldn't mind starting out with rush, which would give you the most time.How long until Guild Missions?
I don't know if I can arrive on time for them
Guild Wars 2 is on sale %40 off
Seems to always be some sort of deal, which I suppose is A-net's or NcSofts marketing dep good work lol. They also seem to have Gafs advertising on lockdown since I see GW2 advertisements more than anything else.
Starting out in roughly 90 minutes yep. When do you think you'll be showing up? I wouldn't mind starting out with rush, which would give you the most time.
I dunno if it was on any of your radars, but has anybody tried the game FORCED? It's like a 4-player local or online coop arena RPG. I've only played a little bit so far but it seems really well-done and fun, but I'm sure it really shines in co-op. The levels scale up and everything. I made an OT if you want to check it out or give a bump. If anybody has it and wants to play I'm Hawkian on steam.
That's probably because it's done through google ads, which filter based on what content you're looking at. If you go to the GW2 thread a lot, you're going to see GW2 ads.
And yes, the help the Quaggan ad is really bad.
Just arrived home.
Girlfriend aggro on weekends, University on weekdays.
I'm fucked, help, I need my Guild Commendations
Good news is: The hour changed here, and since it went back one hour, I can now do Taco kills around 1 AM instead of 2 AM
We are in the same time zone, apparently.
I also missed out on guild missions, because I just couldn't stay up that long. I was fighting Jormag sometime before reset and kept falling asleep and waking up to find my character either running off the plateau, or charging Jormag head-on and dying. I hope no one was watching, I probably looked like a total idiot.![]()
I don't know Necros yet so I can't offer much help there. I'm sure you will be able to get someone to point you in the right direction in you want a guide. For many classes though, actively swapping weapons is very important. Are you interested in joining the gaf guild by the way?I started playing again and now Im a lvl 10 Necro. I dont think I know what I am doing. Any recommended guides? Also is swapping weapons something you are supposed to actively doing while fighting?
Huhhh, word? This would be dumb, but did you try checking a different home instance? Like walk your character to the entrance to Salma or whichever other race's version and see if it's there?Also my personal quartz node seems to have vanished entirely.
I don't know Necros yet so I can't offer much help there. I'm sure you will be able to get someone to point you in the right direction in you want a guide. For many classes though, actively swapping weapons is very important. Are you interested in joining the gaf guild by the way?
Thought I could salvage some sentinel light armor that my necro wasn't using to get the exotic insignias. I thought wrong.
Also my personal quartz node seems to have vanished entirely.
Thanks. I am intereted in joing the guild, but Im a complete noob so I dont know how I can contribute.
You're required to donate 1 precursor/weekContri-what? Is that a thing people do? There's no requirements, if you don't have anyone to play with just post your account or character name and someone will shoot you an invite.
Damn... I straight up slept through the makeup time today. My dog woke me up really early and then I took a nap around 12. If you're still on now I'm hopping on to try to get things going.No Guild Mission makeups today?
I have to go to bed in 2-3 hours, I guess I wont manage the guild commendations I'm missing this week.