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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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It's good to be excited about things.

I'm looking forward to the living story just taking another step forward. The two week updates are glorious, but the story just doesn't feel like it unfolds fast enough or leaves enough mystery to make me want to keep playing and looking for answers.

A net is letting people down, i've been looking the OT here only, and i can see everyone getting high expectations.

Even it being fun... since i never experienced what is to see these expectations to be met, im always expecting the most shallow and laziest explanation to things. its just that im used to it and got tired of seeing frustration just because the writers got lazy or couldnt deliver a great web of mysteries. and i really never expect any developer to spend time reading through fan stuff. NOT SAYING IT DOESNT HAPPENS. i just never saw it happening, im unlucky, thats all.

so in the end, i just try to enjoy myself out of stuff they throw around. in the end of the math, all that matters for me is how much fun i had in the time i spent ingame. so being well written, bad written, if i can have fun, i don really mind.


Here's the video, by the way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-WJWgDsEAY

I wouldn't say it's a great "hype" video so much as a compliment to one; it basically invalidates the 'no endgame' complaint and then details all the things they've more or less done since launch.

not a bad video. One of the main reasons I looked into Guild wars 2 is because with my work schedule I pretty much can't raid because weekends are bad time to raid. And one reason I wish teq was tuned towards how many players are there. Only 2 days a week to try for a mini sucks :| or make it instanced for guilds to spawn.

I enjoyed the raid in wow, but my guild was pretty fun to raid with. we weren't super hardcore, though at times I wish it was.

But yeah, I think the end game doesn't apply much anymore with the constant content. Back in the first 4-5 months that argument certainly was applicable and cause me to take 2 months off from the game. Now POE launch is doing that for me. Well until tuesday.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Mm, PoE. Wish I had an extra half day per day to spend as much time playing that as I do GW2. Dragon's Crown is scratching some of the same itches for now though.

The clock tower bested me last night. I just don't remember the end! I got to the apparently dead end very quickly, and did it 8 or 10 more times and just couldn't remember what to do at that point. I don't want to be told, but man I can't believe it didn't come back to me. Maybe tonight, after checking out the new world matchup.


Mm, PoE. Wish I had an extra half day per day to spend as much time playing that as I do GW2. Dragon's Crown is scratching some of the same itches for now though.

The clock tower bested me last night. I just don't remember the end! I got to the apparently dead end very quickly, and did it 8 or 10 more times and just couldn't remember what to do at that point. I don't want to be told, but man I can't believe it didn't come back to me. Maybe tonight, after checking out the new world matchup.

well jumping into a wall isn't going to work no matter how many times you get up there.


I need ARAH story too! (also need to do like 3 more personal quests tho)
Too bad my guardian is way back in her personal story as I prefer using her in dungeons and would like to unlock everything.


Neo Member
The first wave of guild invitations have been sent out

We’d like to thank everyone for their interest in the public testing of the “Edge of the Mists” World Vs. World map! We’re happy to announce that we have sent out the first wave of guild invitations – so check those inboxes! If you did not receive an invitation, do not despair – we will be adding many more guilds in the coming weeks. If you have already submitted your guild via the survey, there is no need to do so again. If you have not yet submitted, feel free to submit your guild for consideration in a later invitation wave.


FA knows how to havok; trying to get yaks into our vulnerable bay and every single one at least one to 5 FA players turned up to stop it. Very few SBI players were making an attempt to turn up in time to stop them and after 6 out of 8 yaks died we're still stuck with almost no upgrades on bay.


There were at least two SBI guilds who received invites that I know of. Avalon Wraiths and Amazon Basin I believe (AW and AB are the tags and I think that's their guild names). Not sure how wide spread they were making them if that impacts the chances.


On GW2's Facebook:

Guarded by magic and fed on fear
The tower of nightmares soon will be here
Your foes and enemies are becoming fast friends
And working together towards terrible ends
So enjoy your Halloween chills and thrills –
While the nightmare is growing in Kessex Hills!


God theyre just pushing bullshit around and hoping we dont notice how much it smells....

Why not just add a movie tie in event?

Their story is the worst shit ever. It make warcraft look like freaking shakespeare. If this is what 'fortnightly dlc' means then fuck that shit. Its nothing, its worse then a soap opera. Your not doing anything. We killed a big ass dragon at launch, since then its been nothing, at all. And its been over a year? What the hell are they doing? What are they waiting for? Why are they keeping everyone in the dark? They either have no ideas, or it just seems that way, which is much worse.

And their great wvwvw improvements? All shit, grinds, and stuff people knew would be disasters the moment they were even mentioned.

and they made a halloween event worse in a year? Well, that bodes well for future content patches.

Their schitzo approach to 'this is account bound!' 'this is character bound!' 'this is sellable!' 'But not this!!!!!' Its just so much shit.

Were getting quanitity over quality, and its really damn obvious. Classes still need to be over hauled. Turrets? Lol. Grenade spam? I dont mind RSI!

Balance. Story. Events.

Its just so much shit, half assed shit. And half assery is the worst kind of assery.


Markot, I think you might want to take a break from the game if it's that upsetting, or maybe just accept that this isn't the MMO for you. So much rage.



Im just pointing out crap.

Its sad. GW2 is gonna get demolished by EQ if Sony is in any way capable.

GW2 promised so much. Whats its actually given us though? LIving world? No. Personal story? No. Home area? Some nodes. Anything dynamic? No.

And their big thing for the 1 year anniverssary? redoing a boss that was there since launch.

GW2 is all about preparing to have fun, because it all has this weird 'timer' crap, and 'windows'. The game promised that you woulndt have to wait to have fun. And it came up with the most awful waiting system ive seen.

All this wrapped up in a story that has gone no where at all since launch. Characters that have no personality.

The world isnt living. Its a corpse that they sometimes electocute to give a jolt.

Its sad that their innovations of the mmo have been pretty awful regressions. Theyve actually made patches unexciting. Never thought I would see the day.

And all this combined with ruining wvw with this stupid tournament system and pretty much all their decisions since launch.

Once again, just like wow, pvp was best when it was ignored by the devs. When they try? It becomes a clusterfuck.

1 year later, and still nothing more exciting then point capture in spvp? Thats gonna take the esport scene by storm I tell you what.

Im not raging. I find it funny when companies completely crap up everything they said they were aiming for. Because it isnt rocket science.

The only thing it has over wow is its combat system and graphics. And that is a given, given that wow is 10 years old now.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just for scope and any relatively new lurkers, markot submitted a ticket for a refund of this game last November (11 months ago).


I'm happy to announce that my submission was accepted and GAFGuild will be part of testing the Edge of the Mists!

Greetings, and thank you for your interest in joining the public testing of the new “Edge of the Mists” World Vs. World map!

After reviewing your submission, we feel that your guild and its members would be a great addition to our testing program! As part of this program, you will be joining hundreds of other passionate Guild Wars 2 players from around the world and have the unique opportunity to influence the development of both World vs. World and Guild Wars 2 through your feedback.

As you will be working closely with the ArenaNet team, we will be enforcing some very basic – albeit strict – ground rules. We want to make sure these rules are very clear before we begin the registration process:

- Each guild will be responsible for the actions and contributions of every member they invite and will lose their privilege to participate in the test if those actions are not in the interest of advancing the ‘Edge of the Mists’ map or detract from the community’s ability to do so.

- As a part of the testing program, we are looking for you to provide meaningful, thoughtful, critical, and constructive feedback about the content. The inability to provide feedback which meets these guidelines may result in the removal of your guild from the community.

- As an individual and as a guild, please avoid using this opportunity to make demands or drive an agenda that is outside of the test’s focus. Abuse of this opportunity will result in the removal of your guild from this community.

- Players must abide by all rules set forth by the Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct at all times.

- In short – Keep it clean, keep it civil, be responsible, share your knowledge, and stay on topic!
I cannot possibly stress how seriously I am taking the conduct aspect of this invitation. The fact that we were specifically invited- and we were- is not indicative of any kind of exceptions being made for us when it comes to behavior or communication, and we should not expect any insulation from the same action they would take against any other guild for failing to follow the rules.

Just to be completely clear, a single member of the guild violating these policies is likely to result in every single one of us being removed from the testing (and, one imagines, any future opportunities).

Please do not mistake me as saying that we should not discuss aspects of the new map that we do not like in frank terms. The purpose of the testing is to identify problems, flaws and weak spots in the hopes of improving them. I'm not telling you that all feedback should be positive, as in fact that would be dumb. I'm saying that all feedback must be constructive. I don't think this distinction is ambiguous at all, and what I mean should be clear to anyone who does not meet the description of an asshat.

If you find yourself thinking "well, I could probably get away with a little bit of trolling without getting us in trouble" or any variation thereof, please do not bother applying to participate at all. If you think there is any risk of brushing up against their rules but you really really want to participate anyway, please locate another guild that has been accepted to represent while doing so.

I know that I just made basically the same point like six different ways, but I want to come out of the other side of this not just having a good time and giving solid feedback, but being considered a reliable guild that should be a first choice for similar opportunities in the future.

Members who are interested will have to apply, which you can do in this thread on the GAFGuild forums: Click!
The deadline for submitting this roster is 5PM PDT (UTC-7:00) on Monday, October 28th, 2013, meaning you've basically got the weekend to tell me you want in, so get on it.

I will be submitting the names back, and there is no limit on how many can apply. However, there may be limited total space, and if so, that thread will be the first-come-first-serve record of who gets in (with some small exceptions; our existing Mist Warriors will be guaranteed spots should they choose to represent/test with us).

On a personal note, I am very excited to get in there. I think that the Edge of the Mists, far from being a glorified waiting room, will contain a lot of the things that I really love about WvW but presented in a different tone and without some of the more serious (and potentially dramatic) aspects of the main competitive game that I do not enjoy. I look forward to seeing you there! :)
God theyre just pushing bullshit around and hoping we dont notice how much it smells....

Why not just add a movie tie in event?

Their story is the worst shit ever. It make warcraft look like freaking shakespeare. If this is what 'fortnightly dlc' means then fuck that shit. Its nothing, its worse then a soap opera. Your not doing anything. We killed a big ass dragon at launch, since then its been nothing, at all. And its been over a year? What the hell are they doing? What are they waiting for? Why are they keeping everyone in the dark? They either have no ideas, or it just seems that way, which is much worse.

Its just so much shit, half assed shit. And half assery is the worst kind of assery.

It hurts me to say it but I agree with this so much. Not only is the plot poorly told but its doing the rest of the game a disservice by taking away from the expansion.

but you know. it goes further than that. GW1 did not have a great story, neither did factions but you could see they where trying with nightfall and almost suceeded with EOTN. The problem with then in GW2 was the characters and the cut scenes. they abandoned the stylish hand drawn animated slideshows in favor of "talking heads" and so-so VO. The last zhaitan fight was extremely anti climatic as well.

but it was the characters of GW2 that really, really is messed up. every member of destinys edge is a complete tool. perhaps outside of Eir.

Logan - a fedora wearing crybaby.
Rytlock - a spoiled brad with the atittude of a 12 year old call of duty denied xbox live account.
Zoijja - PMS driven, stuck up wooden neo feminist that hates everything and subsequently is hated by everything back. her voice acting is the best of the bunch though!
Caithe - only one who is not annoying but more boring than a pile of leaves.

Then you got Trahearne, and the list of abysmal characters just goes on and on. ArenaNet needs to do something. They have an outstanding world. we all love the world, the races, but the narrative sucks so bad. the way its told, the characters. Its so hard to be optimistic about it.

It doesnt need to be SWTOR. they could tell it like old school max payne. in moving pictures, a bit like the trailers. in a storybook fashion with a narrator. they could do some stylish sketch style with sound effects and voices. and then hire some really good writers who can make drama and character development.

kill of the entire main cast. remove scarlett, kiel and all those characters!


The Cryptarch's Bane
You're just setting yourself up for complete disappointment saying "ArenaNet needs to do something." This isn't their forté you're talking about. As you noted basically nothing about GW1 in the narrative or character department was compelling at all either. I don't know about being able to "see where they were trying" in Nightfall in particular, when Kormir is more or less on par with Trahearne in the fan-reviled department. I don't think I could tell you about a single character from EOTN except Gwen, either.

I mean we could go back and forth about the quality of the Destiny's Edge members but even the best ones at their best aren't, like exceptional characters and that was true of GW1 also. I suppose I liked Mhenlo, Koss and Ventari but then again I like Braham, Rox, Marjory and Anise too. As fantastic as it would be I'm really not expecting much better than that. It's just not the game's strong suit. My experience playing it is way more about the gameplay, my characters and the lore I explore on my own.

I don't know how else to put this, it's just not necessarily in their best interest to try and reinvent their brand by becoming masters of narrative and characterization. SWTOR and other games with extremely strong story elements still exist. It's not unreasonable to want more but it's certainly not a good idea for them to make it their biggest concern.


Geh, This reset sort of sucked.. Could only get into NSP and then it mostly people complaining about "PvE'ers" and the like. I'm looking forward to the new map all the more just to hopefully get away from this stuff.


You're just setting yourself up for complete disappointment saying "ArenaNet needs to do something." This isn't their forté you're talking about. As you noted basically nothing about GW1 in the narrative or character department was compelling at all either. I don't know about being able to "see where they were trying" in Nightfall in particular, when Kormir is more or less on par with Trahearne in the fan-reviled department. I don't think I could tell you about a single character from EOTN except Gwen, either.

I mean we could go back and forth about the quality of the Destiny's Edge members but even the best ones at their best aren't, like exceptional characters and that was true of GW1 also. I suppose I liked Mhenlo, Koss and Ventari but then again I like Braham, Rox, Marjory and Anise too. As fantastic as it would be I'm really not expecting much better than that. It's just not the game's strong suit. My experience playing it is way more about the gameplay, my characters and the lore I explore on my own.

I don't know how else to put this, it's just not necessarily in their best interest to try and reinvent their brand by becoming masters of narrative and characterization. SWTOR and other games with extremely strong story elements still exist. It's not unreasonable to want more but it's certainly not a good idea for them to make it their biggest concern.


To sum up.

Hiring someone with the ability to write beyond the 3rd grade level is too much to expect.

This isnt just about the story, its all the shit that goes along with it.

The Krait now? The Dredge? Scarlet? It seems like everything, everything, except the dragons are no currently trying to kill us.

And they dont explain anything, at all, to the players. We are foced to play connect the dots with a company that doesnt even know what a dot is apparently.

You dont hide the main story arc from people who are in that story. You dont 'tell the story!' in stupid blog posts on a website.

Its stupid.

Stupid stuff needs to change.

You dont just accept it.

But then low standards are the hall mark of the mmo consumer.
Woot! I'm back online now. Updated, didn't play much tonight. I might later on tonight. I haven't played in 2+ weeks, and I already feel like I've missed so much.
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