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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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hehe thanks

Sorry if that came off as overly harsh; I wasn't trying to break down your post and criticize, just being kind of snarky while trying to slip in a few useful tidbits. Since I don't play a necromancer, that's kind of hard, but I tried.

Also, FYI, I don't play a necro for personal reasons, as the profession goes against the teachings of Christ, since according to Leviticus 19:31, “Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them." You guys can play them though, I don't mind if you burn in a lake of eternal fire for all eternity.

Actually, I just don't like playing caster classes, though I will probably roll one at some point in the future. =p

Well said. Official forums are usually cesspools.

I can at least appreciate them trying this Collaborative Development thing, even though the first 6 or so pages I read still had a lot of posts with the same nasty, entitled attitude that pops up in every other thread. Some people are taking it seriously though, and there have been some great posts in there that I agree with. The fact that the driveby trolling is either being deleted quickly or the long list of rules is warding them off helps, as you kind of get just the big posts that have a point, even if some that remain are over-flavored with the usual piss, vinegar and salty tears.

They are trying to elevate it from Cesspool, I'll give them that. But it's still in that general area... septic tank, maybe? At least the septic tank is outdoors.

Awesome drunk wubwubing last night. Forst with hawk and the. with Zed Zebes (etiolite) and Roxie.

I probably would have joined you, but at that point it was almost 1am and I was more tired than I usually am.


Hey gaffers, I just got back into the game yesterday after about 10 months off due to college. I feel like I missed out on so much :l I tried to catch up using the wiki as much as possible but I still got a few questions if you guys don't mind.

(I got a level 80 ele with full exotic "Knight" armor (I think power, precision and toughness) I hope that's not a bad set to have.)

1. Where can I best find new builds for ele's after all these patches? specifically PvP and dungeon builds if possible.

2. Are dungeons still active? Last thing I remember was people glitching out Citadel of Flame and most other dungeons being pretty barren.

3. Are ascended items limited to rings only? I'm a bit lost in this part and I'm not sure about the whole ascended items deal. Do I have to upgrade my crafting skills to 500? are they worth it?

4. Is there a GAF guild on the European servers? I'm playing alone on Far Shiverpeaks now and its pretty lonesome.

Sorry you probably get a lot of these in this thread but I'm getting lost with all the new stuff that came out :x Thanks.


Hey gaffers, I just got back into the game yesterday after about 10 months off due to college. I feel like I missed out on so much :l I tried to catch up using the wiki as much as possible but I still got a few questions if you guys don't mind.

(I got a level 80 ele with full exotic "Knight" armor (I think power, precision and toughness) I hope that's not a bad set to have.)

1. Where can I best find new builds for ele's after all these patches? specifically PvP and dungeon builds if possible.

2. Are dungeons still active? Last thing I remember was people glitching out Citadel of Flame and most other dungeons being pretty barren.

3. Are ascended items limited to rings only? I'm a bit lost in this part and I'm not sure about the whole ascended items deal. Do I have to upgrade my crafting skills to 500? are they worth it?

4. Is there a GAF guild on the European servers? I'm playing alone on Far Shiverpeaks now and its pretty lonesome.

Sorry you probably get a lot of these in this thread but I'm getting lost with all the new stuff that came out :x Thanks.

1) Check the official forums for the Ele section; should be quite a few builds there or check on gw2guru in their build sections.

2) Yes and no. The new LFG tool works fairly well, but I have noticed a definite drop-off in dungeon activity(could be Living Story related/WvW but who knows). CoF got mega nerfed, along with dungeon rewards in general, so it might take some getting used to(and will take longer to gear too).

3) No. Currently there are Ascended rings, backpieces, amulets, earrings, and weapons. Armor is likely going to come soon too. Rings can be acquired easily through fractals; backpieces through money; amulets through dailies; earrings through guild activities; weapons through crafting/money. Worth it? Unless you gotta have best-in-slot or WvW a lot, no.

4) No clue


1. Where can I best find new builds for ele's after all these patches? specifically PvP and dungeon builds if possible.

2. Are dungeons still active? Last thing I remember was people glitching out Citadel of Flame and most other dungeons being pretty barren.

3. Are ascended items limited to rings only? I'm a bit lost in this part and I'm not sure about the whole ascended items deal. Do I have to upgrade my crafting skills to 500? are they worth it?

4. Is there a GAF guild on the European servers? I'm playing alone on Far Shiverpeaks now and its pretty lonesome.

Sorry you probably get a lot of these in this thread but I'm getting lost with all the new stuff that came out :x Thanks.

1. http://www.gw2db.com/skill-builds/elementalist or ask Neko (usually on Bhal Emberfire) in-game as he doesn't have a GAF account. He has a big post that's dungeon oriented which you can read here: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/84013-nekos-comprehensive-guide-to-the-dungeon-elementalist/

2. Dungeons are still pretty active; while you were gone they made two passes at how dungeons award loot and almost all of them are profitable now. Even trash champions award 50s now, so worth whacking them now instead of skipping them. Most of them aren't too different from launch, so the Butcherer is still an HP sponge in HotW, etc., though I don't think there are any fights that are mechanically broken.

Ascalon Catacombs received a revamp, with the bosses much more interesting and the trash cleaned up a bit. Twilight Arbor also received a new "Aetherblade" path to replace the old Up / Up path. It's quite fun. For what it's worth, you also missed the "Molten Weapons Facility" and "Aetherblade Retreat" temporary dungeons, but they will be returning as Fractals in the near future, along with a new Fractal that players voted on in July.

Edit: Oh yeah, there's a LFG tool now too, so you can find a group much faster. It's not automated like WoW's, but I would consider that a good thing given all the negatives of that approach.

3. There are now Ascended rings, amulets, accessories and back Items. Ascended Weapons were also introduced in September. Relevant info is here: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_equipment

4. The EU chapter of GAFGuild went kaput after Naito and Mulligan disappeared, leading that separate guild without any leadership. We've been encouraging EU GAFers who want to play with GAF proper to either roll on Stormbluff Isle (lots of international GAFers report little to no latency issues, even in places like Asia and Australia) or, if they already have characters, to transfer. We even collected donations for a transfer fund to help pay for folks to migrate, which you can read about / sign up for here; http://gafguild.com/index.php?threads/stormbluff-isle-immigration-fund.312/


GAF parliamentarian
Hey! I found something else I don't like!

Controls. Minor thing, but character orientation and camera really bug me. I'm used to holding right mouse button, turning, and having my character turn with me (or at least, skills understanding that where I'm looking with RMB down is where I'd like to face). So this applies especially to skills that 'retreat'. So though I love 'Withdraw (thief)' in theory, it rarely end up using it exactly how I'd like to.

Edit: Come to think of it, is there any differentiation between LMB and RMB camera movement in GW2?
For me the LMB moves the camera without changing character's direction of movement. RMB will change the character's direction. Applicable while autorun is active, for example.


Two things - there's a setting you need to change to prevent the camera from snapping back when you look with lmb, and when stationary, lmb or rmb are identical if I remember right, but when you're moving they're different.

I could be wrong, I use that stuff so instinctively I wouldn't be able to tell you what I'm pushing in combat to make things explode :D


GAF parliamentarian
For me the LMB moves the camera without changing character's direction of movement. RMB will change the character's direction. Applicable while autorun is active, for example.

Two things - there's a setting you need to change to prevent the camera from snapping back when you look with lmb, and when stationary, lmb or rmb are identical if I remember right, but when you're moving they're different.

I could be wrong, I use that stuff so instinctively I wouldn't be able to tell you what I'm pushing in combat to make things explode :D
Woops! Forgot about that one. I guess I don't use LMB very often.

I think my complaint mostly applies to 'when stationary' though. Or in combat, doing flips and whatever but not pressing W or S to realign where your character is facing. By comparison, way way back when I used to play World of Warcraft, my hunter would use 'Disengage' according to where the camera was facing when using RMB, not where he himself was facing. So I could be firing a one thing, change the camera and dodge left, relative of where my character was facing (back, according to the camera).
Edit: Come to think of it, is there any differentiation between LMB and RMB camera movement in GW2?

LMB just rotates the camera, while RMB rotates the camera and your character, to the orientation you're looking at - but only if you're moving. If you turn on 'Use Free Camera' under Options > Camera, then the camera won't 'snap' back to behind your character when you start moving.

If you're holding down RMB, your character's autotarget will be straight ahead from it, and in the direction you (and the character) are looking, but you need to keep moving for it to work right (like strafing or such). I use this all the time.

So for example, if you autorun forward, RMB will steer, but LMB will let you look around as you keep running in the direction you started going in.

I know exactly what you mean about how you played Hunter in WoW, I did the same. If you turn on Free Camera and use LMB a bit more, you'll find you can get roughly the same deal.


GAF parliamentarian
It works for dodging (because the first WASD press will realign your character) but not for 'Disengage'-like skills, such as Burning Retreat, or Withdraw.




How did cof get nerfed? Was it in the last update or are you talking about the once a day reward from a few months ago?

The once a day reward.

Totally sucks for other dungeons too if you want to gear your characters since it's account based now(rather than character as it was prior).
It works for dodging (because the first WASD press will realign your character) but not for 'Disengage'-like skills, such as Burning Retreat, or Withdraw.

And tapping S while holding RMB, then hitting Burning Retreat, isn't ideal - fair enough. I'm so used to holding down RMB pretty much 99% of the time, and I'm *never* standing still.


GAF parliamentarian
And tapping S while holding RMB, then hitting Burning Retreat, isn't ideal - fair enough. I'm so used to holding down RMB pretty much 99% of the time, and I'm *never* standing still.
Yup, I have RMB down all the time, which is why I WISH the game had a third person action camera like the Witcher series. But I'm pretty lazy with WASD in combat. When shit hits the fan I always expect Disengage-like skills to act how I'd expect (thanks to however many years of twitch muscle memory) - camera relative. So I end up fumbling them half the time, and Withdraw is on a 15s cooldown, so that's a lot.



Thanks guys. I fear I can't join you on NA because I'd be playing on around 350 ping or so (from Dubai). Sucks about the EU guild though >.> I was hoping to meet some gaffers in a game for the first time.
Thanks guys. I fear I can't join you on NA because I'd be playing on around 350 ping or so (from Dubai). Sucks about the EU guild though >.> I was hoping to meet some gaffers in a game for the first time.
Why would your ping be higher from Dubai when people from Australia and Asia have no problem?


Tagged up on IoJ bl for a few hours this afternoon. It went really well. I didnt rage at people, bitch at them to stack, or anything like that, and got a few compliments after for it. Just ran around taking stuff and having fun with it. We wrapped up and some other guy came in. Dude immediately started going off in map. Meh. We flipped over to Yaks for some roaming, and its all ragecaps in chat. Bleh.

People take this stuff too seriously.

Also Lump advertising is best advertising.

Thanks guys. I fear I can't join you on NA because I'd be playing on around 350 ping or so (from Dubai). Sucks about the EU guild though >.> I was hoping to meet some gaffers in a game for the first time.
EU servers are located in NA, too. Aren't they?


Tagged up on IoJ bl for a few hours this afternoon. It went really well. I didnt rage at people, bitch at them to stack, or anything like that, and got a few compliments after for it. Just ran around taking stuff and having fun with it. We wrapped up and some other guy came in. Dude immediately started going off in map. Meh. We flipped over to Yaks for some roaming, and its all ragecaps in chat. Bleh.

People take this stuff too seriously.

Also Lump advertising is best advertising.

EU servers are located in NA, too. Aren't they?

That's weird. I was assuming the ping would be 300+ on US based on my experience with other games (I'd get 120-150 on EU while 300+ on US). But I didn't notice any high pings when connecting to GW2 servers. Is there a way to check my ping to the GW2 US servers without transferring first (like a trace or something)?

edit: @markot, I did a quick google search and apparently they are in Texas. (?)


Edit: Missions in an hour and a half, at 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific.

edit: @markot, I did a quick google search and apparently they are in Texas. (?)

EU servers are in Frankfurt, Germany. Some data is probably accessed via their main server farm in Texas, but the actual EU World data is in Europe. Here's a post that gets quoted every time somebody tries to bring it up; https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/EU-Game-servers-location-Texas-why/first#post1683636

Anyone who says otherwise be trolling.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Maybe it's just me but a boost of 1 every .75 seconds to 1 every 1 second doesn't seem great at the cost of the Initiative gaining traits. And I'm not even a Stealth dancing Thief. The boost on Health regen is nice though. I still think it's going to be rough going for me though since they took our boon ripping down to one per flanking strike and increased the ini cost. ;/

Overall.. not excited. We'll see how it works in practice though.
So, in that build you lose out on 3 initiative total if you're relying on all three of the regen traits- but they aren't touching Hastened Replenishment's 4 or Roll for Initiative, which (with Withdraw) should in my eyes be the centerpiece of a Larcenous Strike init regen build. I think that S/D primary should still be totally viable probably even without reallocating points. Meanwhile it's not like you wouldn't benefit the increased base regen.

You don't get .5 increments of initiative ever, so instead of 7 initiative every 7.5 seconds it's 10 every 10, or in gameplay terms, a full Preparedness specced bar after a burst in 12 seconds rather than 16. That 4 seconds can easily be the difference between your heal skill coming off cooldown or not and having the Shortbow 3, Pistol Whip, Flanking Strike, Death blossom, Infiltrator's Strike/return for condition removal, or whatever else it takes you to stay alive until then. Further, for sustained damage output more initiative will be regening while using skills with cast times or aftercast, which just generally means less waiting after_ the point where you activate all your regen stuff and attack again and the target isn't dead.
Awesome drunk wubwubing last night. Forst with hawk and the. with Zed Zebes (etiolite) and Roxie.
That keep assault was too good. Fighting the "other" server over a BL keep always seems to be the most fun to me. I swear if not for thieves Mesmers would be my favorite class without a doubt.

Such missions tonight, what a precision crab rush karka queen combo that was. Thanks for coming out everybody!

Tomorrow, Orrka Queen at 7:00PM EST :D
So, in that build you lose out on 3 initiative total if you're relying on all three of the regen traits- but they aren't touching Hastened Replenishment's 4 or Roll for Initiative, which (with Withdraw) should in my eyes be the centerpiece of a Larcenous Strike init regen build. I think that S/D primary should still be totally viable probably even without reallocating points. Meanwhile it's not like you wouldn't benefit the increased base regen.

You don't get .5 increments of initiative ever, so instead of 7 initiative every 7.5 seconds it's 10 every 10, or in gameplay terms, a full Preparedness specced bar after a burst in 12 seconds rather than 16. That 4 seconds can easily be the difference between your heal skill coming off cooldown or not and having the Shortbow 3, Pistol Whip, Flanking Strike, Death blossom, Infiltrator's Strike/return for condition removal, or whatever else it takes you to stay alive until then. Further, for sustained damage output more initiative will be regening while using skills with cast times or aftercast, which just generally means less waiting after_ the point where you activate all your regen stuff and attack again and the target isn't dead.


I'm.. a few drinks into the evening now.. so I'm going to read this again tomorrow. It's not that I doubt what you're saying.. but I'm in no condition to properly process this right now.
So after being away from the game for a month because I felt burned out, I decided to check out on Teq and wtf happened here? Its practically a ghost town, so I went to the more populated servers and got into an empty overflow. Did I miss something here or am I practically screwed in my time zone with Teq? :(

leng jai

So after being away from the game for a month because I felt burned out, I decided to check out on Teq and wtf happened here? Its practically a ghost town, so I went to the more populated servers and got into an empty overflow. Did I miss something here or am I practically screwed in my time zone with Teq? :(

Are you in SBI? Teq is killed every day there about 1 hour after reset.
SUPR must be one of our new guilds, they're a big new presence in the borderlands. They were taking on much bigger IoJ zergs in impressive style which was cool. On the other hand I built them 3 golems at hills to take garrison with after they tried once and got turned back by arrow carts and moved on to bay and they accidentally lost one by leaving it behind within seconds of coming to pick them up, and used the other two to make buttsex after we took garrison.

My lil' guardian was doing really well in fights.


SUPR must be one of our new guilds, they're a big new presence in the borderlands. They were taking on much bigger IoJ zergs in impressive style which was cool. On the other hand I built them 3 golems at hills to take garrison with after they tried once and got turned back by arrow carts and moved on to bay and they accidentally lost one by leaving it behind within seconds of coming to pick them up, and used the other two to make buttsex after we took garrison.

My lil' guardian was doing really well in fights.

They're the Korean guild that transferred from BG. Something like 50 of them in total although I think less than half as made it over so far.

it is their WvW guild that essentially split off from [CA] because [CA] was more PvE focused and [SUPR] members were more WvW focused. [SUPR] stands for Solid Under Pressure. I don't know what the actual guild name of CA is.

I was watching them Friday during the afternoon and if you don't know better, they looked like bots with their movement. Great stacking while never actually staying in a single place too long.
Yea I tagged along with SUPR on an early Saturday morning and they're pretty solid under pressure. Edit: damn you Ceres. About half of them were warriors with CC builds, IIRC. They made sure there was a guardian in each party. I don't remember a single ranger in the group.

I did get the feeling that they didn't want non-SUPR running with them, e.g., warping to other BLs without announcing in chat. Can't blame them, a misplaced combo field can screw up a rotation. And yeah, the leader (no blue dorito, of course) kept asking his lieutenant Ruiz (sp?) in /s all these masturbation questions during breaks in action.

There is one warrior in their guild with at least Juggernaut, Bolt, Infinite Light, and Howler. Dang.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So after being away from the game for a month because I felt burned out, I decided to check out on Teq and wtf happened here? Its practically a ghost town, so I went to the more populated servers and got into an empty overflow. Did I miss something here or am I practically screwed in my time zone with Teq? :(
If you're having trouble getting in for a kill, I'd definitely recommend joining a TTS guild: http://www.ttsgamers.com/

You can just work around whenever they have one scheduled at the most convenient time for you.
Yea I tagged along with SUPR on an early Saturday morning and they're pretty solid under pressure. Edit: damn you Ceres. About half of them were warriors with CC builds, IIRC. They made sure there was a guardian in each party. I don't remember a single ranger in the group.

I did get the feeling that they didn't want non-SUPR running with them, e.g., warping to other BLs without announcing in chat. Can't blame them, a misplaced combo field can screw up a rotation. And yeah, the leader (no blue dorito, of course) kept asking his lieutenant Ruiz (sp?) in /s all these masturbation questions during breaks in action.

There is one warrior in their guild with at least Juggernaut, Bolt, Infinite Light, and Howler. Dang.

For sure they want to run with themselves, and I have nothing against them wanting to get together and play at a high level of coordination as a guild of like minded people. I tried to take a support role when I ran with them, so I did things like splitting off to put up golems for them to use, scouting for them and sweeping for mesmers while they sped to the next objective and they gave me thank yous and were nice even though I'm nowhere near their level. It was a fun night.


If you're having trouble getting in for a kill, I'd definitely recommend joining a TTS guild: http://www.ttsgamers.com/

You can just work around whenever they have one scheduled at the most convenient time for you.

Signed up for this. They seem like a pretty reliable method for taking out teq every now and again, and whenever I've seen them in game they seem pretty civil.


So John Peters made some posts on the different class boards about the upcoming balance patch but I feel like if I start discussing it here it's going to end up sounding like I'm complaining or going on a useless tangent.

Like, I'd start talking about how he wants Condition and Power focused Guardian builds to be a thing and that's one of the reasons Kindled Zeal is getting buffed to 13%, along with another reason. He has other plans for it too and he's worried about things like covered conditions.

But then I'd go on and complain about how the condition system doesn't really work well for teamwork when one person can get 25 stacks of bleeds by themselves (doable by certain Necro, Engineer, Ranger, and Warrior builds currently). Between five people, it should take effort and/or coordination to get to 25 stacks of anything, be it Might, Vulnerability, or Bleeds but that's not now things are and is part of the problem. I can't even wrap my mind on how to deal with Burning with the current system.

Or about how instead of covered conditions working with the last-in-first-out system you could do something like the Warrior's warhorn traited, where it has a priority list of which conditions to clear. Bleeding, Vulnerability, and Immobilize could be near the top while Poison and Burning could be near the middle, and then you have near the bottom a few dangerous but rarer conditions like Fear, Confusion, or Chill. You could also group conditions into tiers and then have condition clears that focus on certain tiers, and then do last-in-first-out system within those tiers.

Or if they want to make condition Guardian more powerful, they could boost that one trait into more of an overpowered status and have it as one of those traits that make builds work. Boost it to 20% or more of your Power is converted into Condition Damage.

Or you can make Burning stronger across the board and cut its duration on many other skills. Or even make that a specific Guardian trait: Burning you apply does damage based on twice your Condition Damage stat.

All that popped in my head talking about one extra comment made based on one proposed buff to a single trait on a class I leveled to 80 but didn't use much afterward because the WvW viability of its semi-condition build only exists in small skirmish combat.
when does Teq spawn since the patch? Back to a little after 7? or still 8.

times in CST
Last night it was close to an hour after the daily reset, and toward the end of his "window." GAF was getting organized into parties for guild activities when he spawned, and by the time he was defeated they had already done their first activity, the bounty kill.


Public Service Announcement!
Due to the time change, your dailies will now reset at 7PM Eastern / 4PM Pacific!
If you're not sure on the time, check your achievement panel; it will tell you how long you have until the daily/monthly reset.


The Cryptarch's Bane
We're lookin' ta hit up Orr in about 15 mins.

Harlowe's talking about organizing for Teq now which I suppose mean that will be an hour earlier as well? Like it'll happen at ~8. All this confuses me.


This "we're not tagging up cause we want dont want pugs following" trend is making havoc/roaming frustrating lately. They arent in TS either, or in one of the 50 random guild channels, so its sort of hard to keep up our map awareness. Meh.

Little annoying to see these same guilds spam recruiting later, too.


This "we're not tagging up cause we want dont want pugs following" trend is making havoc/roaming frustrating lately. They arent in TS either, or in one of the 50 random guild channels, so its sort of hard to keep up our map awareness. Meh.

Little annoying to see these same guilds spam recruiting later, too.

Honestly, since there isn't a guild only tag for people, I'm fine with that. They just need to say something in map chat at times.


stayed until the end of orr, we killed so much dead people, we had a battle against an army of undead, some epic tanking, people being sylvari at a vista, chests, eagles, an undying boss and the eye of zhaitan telling us that it was going to last an eternity.

the spoils were also awesome:


thank you all. looking for next week.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Thanks to all for coming! Had a healthy group there for the majority of it, and thanks for helping kill that damn Archmage and the Eye.

I'm thinking we'll do Malchor's next weekend!


Quick question: I've done all the tower of nightmare stuff in the achievements panel but it's still only at 12/14. Apparently I gotta do the daily one's to finish it but I've been checking for a few days and so far no dailys appear. Am I missing something?

Also, jumping puzzles are still my favorite hobby in this game. Stumbled on the one in Timberline falls last night and it was awesome :D (http://imgur.com/a/WogHa)
There is one Tower of Nightmare and one Blood and Madness daily every day, you can tell them apart from the regular daily categories by their different icons in the Achievement Panel.

For example, the current one is 'Toxic Survivor' or something, which involves standing in toxic areas for 30 pulses.
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