The 2 week content isn't enough to keep me interested, i want an expansion, new races, new places, new class, just something new and fresh... I want Cantha with Ritualist and Tengu, a Tengu Rit sounds awesome...
For me, the effect has been "do the standard living world achievements that seem fun and ignore the rest in favor of dailies." So I always end up getting the Meta from some portion of concrete achievements and some number of days after the release, without having done anything I find particularly tedious or boring. It's pretty awesome honestly. A rather generous way to accommodate lots of different players. I know some people are going to have their meta done within two days (or two hours if it's possible), and that's fine- I just don't consider that ideal, 'cause I'd have to play in a way I didn't enjoy to accomplish that most of the time.And since we're on the topic, I actually really like that they let you work towards the meta achievements in small, daily bites. It means even if you only have 10, 15 minutes to play on a given day, there's always at least something you can do to progress in the Living Story.
So given I've been set on getting 100% world completion, I've been using GW2 cartographers and mmorph life GW2 a lot.
There was one Skill point in Straits of Devastation that was an absolute bitch to get solo. So many mobs and fire raining from the sky.
Hit my 10th 80. Made a deal with myself I'd stop buying character slots until at least half of my characters were 80. So tonight I can buy slot 20!
Hit my 10th 80. Made a deal with myself I'd stop buying character slots until at least half of my characters were 80. So tonight I can buy slot 20!
Hit my 10th 80. Made a deal with myself I'd stop buying character slots until at least half of my characters were 80. So tonight I can buy slot 20!
He must need one of every race/class combo. 40 or bust.Holy crud, I thought my 5 was bad. Wouldn't you have multiple duplicates of the same classes? Just going for one of each race/storyline?
don't you have 2 warriors?
Holy crud, I thought my 5 was bad. Wouldn't you have multiple duplicates of the same classes? Just going for one of each race/storyline?
I always did love my momma.
Yup. In fact warrior 2 will probably be next up if I do them in the same order as the first batch.
Right now I have three necros, eles and thieves. I have two of everything else. In theory and if the game support it I'll get to one of every race/class combo eventually. Up to 6 asura, 7 after I roll the new toon which will also be my third mesmer. Every version of a character is geared/traited differently. For example, my first necro is a power build and my second is minion and my third will be a conditionmancer.
How are you still alive, could've sworn the altitis would've killed you by now.Hit my 10th 80. Made a deal with myself I'd stop buying character slots until at least half of my characters were 80. So tonight I can buy slot 20!
Hit my 10th 80. Made a deal with myself I'd stop buying character slots until at least half of my characters were 80. So tonight I can buy slot 20!
Xeris... I want your free time.
Main-hand sword
I just want to clarify for good that main hand sword is currently working as intended. All movement skills cannot be interrupted by dodging and this is currently intentional. It has a very specific play style, and I would like it to remain. I understand that rangers want a one handed melee option that is more mobile, but that will have to wait, as I know there are a mix of players who also like how this weapon plays and I do not want to take away one of the more unique playstyles that we have and replace it with something that is fairly common.
I’m not sure this will be enough, but I do not want these traits to be overpowered as I feel they are fairly passive. That being said, I think they are good simple traits and with 12 traits per line it is absolutely fine to have some passive simple to understand traits.
Another thing about this build is that you do not have all of the information you need about this power guardian right now, but I can’t reveal more without spoilers. /tease
More conditions for guardian? New condition for guardian? WAAA
is the launcher down for anyone else?
Honestly with the last few it hasn't taken long at all. Ended up with double level 20 scrolls for the first 5 because of the glitch they had where not everyone got one so they re-sent em out. Beyond that, it's mostly just doing the living story events/zergs with an occasional dungeon run and crafting to fill out a few levels here and there. 2-3 hours a night roughly. On the other hand, that's all I chase. I don't usually do fractals, my highest zone completion is 75 and I haven't even started one legendary. Oh, and doing the personal story. Those usually give decent xp and if you stop before level 50 on em, there are very few that are more than a couple minutes.
So given I've been set on getting 100% world completion, I've been using GW2 cartographers and mmorph life GW2 a lot.
There was one Skill point in Straits of Devastation that was an absolute bitch to get solo. So many mobs and fire raining from the sky.
Release page is up and it looks awesome. The inside of the tower is massive.
I don't know where it is going to lead but I cannot wait to find out.The tower looks like that I expected though
A giant hollow thing with a plant inside.
Better than nothing though! I wonder where this will lead the story and why are the Krait there
Is reset WvW still a lag fest like in week 1? Haven't played since quiting in frustration that first Friday night.
holy shit that music. that is some straight up god awful jrpg shit right there.
Yep, wouldn't be surprised if their ancillary material for this update has overtones along just those lines. It must be a fucking riot getting to switch styles like that every update. One week you're doing 70s monster movie posters, two updates later some Tim Burton-esque Halloween stuff, then bam; crazy, hideous guitar noodling. Love it... assuming it's intentionally awful, that is.
Why is everyone hating on the music?
They should go balls-out and add Super Sentai armour to go with the buttrock riffs.
Whether they "get it" or not it's pure buttrock. Just pitch-perfectly generic coaster metal. Shredding killer yet deceptively safe riffs to the imagery of toxicity and nightmares. "The Nightmare Within" and "Enter the Tower of Nightmares" are practically begging your brain to start playing Metallica. Rock hard enough and you get a guild wars 2 guitarWhy is everyone hating on the music?
I can't really see slick but it looks quite spot on to me otherwise.
Sounds like an element of randomness perhaps. As much as I'd play the crap out of it regardless, I am still hoping this is not a dungeon/5-man instance but something else. We'll see!Enter rooms within the Tower of Nightmares to brave special encounters—but beware! Things are not all as they seem. You can never know what awaits you within these dark rooms. Will you find yourself face-to-face with Scarlet’s agents, or a much more insidious enemy? It’ll take strength, determination, and a cool head to survive the trials that await you.
So uh, the page is up. Where's fractals?