I wish I knew about Gaf when GW2 came out, must have been insane here xD
We blew through the first OT in a month. I barely remember it, both because I was playing so much, and because it moved so ridiculously fast. Plus it kind of got GameFAQ-y for a while there.
Also, I never knew there was another ice dragon in the north. The moment I entered the map I saw the huge dragon in the distance really game me a new appreciation for the game. I know most people are maybe sick of it by now but I really enjoyed it for the first time. Maybe because I never knew about it
Yeah I play with everything on low/lowest...it sucks
That's still a great shot though, with the Claw of Jormag roaring between two outcroppings. The caption could almost be "Here there be dragons."
I like posts like these though, where people are still discovering things some of us take for granted. Sometimes we tear up the content so fast we don't appreciate how impressive some things are. I still find myself stopping all the time and just sort of soaking the sights in, there are little places that look completely awesome that you might not notice because you're coming from a different direction or focusing on enemies. That's why I don't mind having to get waypoints for alts; if I could just bounce around the map checking off things to do, I wouldn't really be exploring which is a huge part of this game.
The "World of Warcraft is down 100k subs" thread down in gaming side had me thinking; my 'honeymoon' period in WoW ended about three or four months after I started playing (which was March 2005, about 4 months after launch). That was the point where I realized all the quests were just the same kill / collect / fetch, the combat was just trading blows, etc. But most importantly of all, it was when I realized the world wasn't
really that big or filled with things to explore. A lot of the caves were just copied and pasted, so even if you
did find a mysterious cave somewhere, it was the
exact same cave as all the others. Nothing felt off the beaten path, and when you did manage to find some little area that might qualify, there was nothing to see but a dead end. That was when it stopped being "a world to explore" and became just "a game to play," and my opinion and interest both dropped accordingly.
I find it impressive that even after more than a year, I can still be out in Caledon forest (a fucking staring zone!) or Blazeridge Steppes and find something I haven't seen before, whether it's an event, a conversation, or an entire little corner of the map with some little grove or pond. A lot of people (Hawkian included) had never been to the Lightfoot Passage in Straits of Devastation until the Orr event last week. Even though, like most of us, we've been in and out of that zone a shitload of times. There's places like that
all over, even without Vistas to lure you there. That I keep finding them never ceases to amaze me.
Okay, love letter over, time to play.