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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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So I ended up commander of a 30 person zerg. Yikes.

Borlis borderland had no commander and we were outmanned and I just wanted to command a small group and derp around but things kinda snowballed quickly with players joining and by the end we outmanned them and the whole map was green. A small group of SUPR turning up who wanted to play around tagless was a big turning point, man those guys crush faces.

I tell ya people don't just follow you because you've got a tag. If a small group of SUPR split off to go to a tower, most of your zerg will follow them. I got quiet vindication because I was heading off to a camp to resupply before attacking the tower and garrison, and because only a small group went to resupply we ran out of supply on garrison inner and I made everyone run to north camp this time.

A little stressful but fun.
I also use a 7950, so this should work for you.


These are my AA settings. I didn't mess with HBAO, tessalation, not sure if GW2 supports those. Do NOT check MLAA. It's horrible. Also, make you click the blue link in the bottom right hand corner to have "32/64bit" set up if you're using 64-bit OS.

Antialiasing options must be off in the in-game options menu.

There are youtube videos on how to set up SweetFX within RadeonPro, but if you're already using it, not sure if it matters. Edit: And under settings you can set up RadeonPro's own screenshot function so the injector's effects are included, which doesn't happen with the in-game screenshot function. Thanks Miktar for the PNG tip!

Pretty sure Nvidia has something similar, called Inspector.

Thanks. I'll try it out.

Will be going on now to help out with Guild Mission Makeups so hope on if you are interested.

I'm on mumble as well.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Tonight, I'll be leading some Cursed Shore map completion anybody who needs it, 7:00PM EST.

During mission blitz last night when Komali ran into the Megadestroyer we got "some people" from SBI helping out.
Note I do not play with nameplates on like this because it looks ridiculous.

They are always the same thing to me
Am I missing something?

I always kill a Watchwork at the end. Save 3 people. Pick the chest.
Think you're missing three things: 1) the bosses change, there are at least four, 2) the npcs change, with dialogue that has an... I'm going to go ahead and say excessive amount of variation based on personal story choices, 3) depending on which floor you're on they drop a certain color key more often.

I also use a 7950, so this should work for you.

That's what I use too, I'll give it a shot. Thanks.

10g to whoever can identify this room, but you are disqualified if you were just there with me this weekend.


uh. supposedly patch notes for the next update are leaked.
At least partially true, yeah. I'm somewhat doubtful that they already want to implement Legendary weapons into PvP when they said they wanted to revamp the PvP reward systems. It feels like putting the cart before the horse. But this is one of the ways I can easily envision it happening.

The thing about the glory QQ is that they've said they're looking at giving you stuff for your glory. So spending all of your glory past what you need is stupid anyway. If you want more chests then play more hotjoin. Or even better, do more tournaments. Even if you lose a solo queue match you get about as much glory as if you won a hotjoin match.

Am I missing something? I see no pictures, only your fraps counter.

EDIT: Huh, found out why. Chrome honors alpha channels in BMPs. https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=38618

Thanks for explaining this for me.


Unconfirmed Member
A minor word of caution on this; take your time and smell the roses. Explore, and you'll naturally level from killing mobs, doing any events that pop up, gathering resources, viewing vistas and finding points of interest. Don't aim for efficiency, don't run from point to point on the map and don't do anything that doesn't entertain or excite. The goal isn't to get to 80 as quickly as you can, but to play for the sake of playing the game and exploring the world.

Unlike WoW (and most traditional MMOs), Guild Wars doesn't really have an 'end game'. There's stuff you can only do at 80, but what I mean is that there isn't a bait-and-switch where you spend the entire game playing one way, then reach max level and have to learn to raid. What you're doing at level 10 is the same stuff you'll be doing at level 80; leveling up just means there's more of it available to do, and in different contexts (except dungeons, which begin at level 30). Because they're continually adding new content, and that content is often built to be unique (rather than just a new dungeon, a new raid, etc.) it never really starts to feel old.

And if it does, you can take a break for two weeks and there will be something new to try. Since there's no sub, you're not obligated to play to try to get your money's worth. There's also no gear treadmill like WoW, so if you take a break for a few weeks or even months, your gear won't be woefully outdated.
This is all great to know! I actually was planning on taking my time and exploring the world, trying some dungeons with the guild once I'm able to do it and, most important of all, having fun.

It's really good to know there isn't any advantage to being lvl 80, because that means I don't need to hurry and level up fast. I'll be able to enjoy the whole game, not just the end game.


Hawkian's Cursed Shore event will be starting up at the top of the hour!

It's really good to know there isn't any advantage to being lvl 80, because that means I don't need to hurry and level up fast. I'll be able to enjoy the whole game, not just the end game.

80 really just means all of the doors are open, content wise. But since they usually up-level you for the Living Story updates (for example, the Nightmare Tower kicks you up to level 80 stats), all you really have to do is be high enough level to survive the journey to wherever that event is happening. In this case, Kessex is a 15-25 zone, so you could probably make the trip before the end of the month when it ends.

Next update should be Fractals, which are a special kind of dungeon. I can't remember if they still up-level you for those (the wiki says level 1-80), but I would say level 10-20 is probably the lowest you'd want to head in there. Some of them can be a little tricky.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Fractals do indeed uplevel you, and the lower Fractal tiers are doable in this state. But like you said, they can get tough.


Neo Member
I'm starting to wonder if this two-week patch cycle is worth it.

For the past few patches, I've been excited the first day I get to do the content. Then I do the achievements. At that point, I realize there's no incentive to do the content beyond one or two hours because mindless champion farming and — my preferred option — boss slaying are much more rewarding.

But even beyond the poor rewards, there's just no depth to the content. It's all experienced in one or two hours. Is that really supposed to hold people over for two weeks?

I think the only really solid patches so far were the two Queen's Pavilion patches. They had depth, rewards and replay value. Tequatl and the new Twilight Arbor path were good, but they were too quick.

Although if we were getting something like Tequatl and the new Twilight Arbor path every two weeks, that would be great. But right now it feels like there's too much fluff in-between.

I'm starting to miss the World of Warcraft model where I at least had weeks of content to look forward to when a patch came out. Gaps of content were absolutely too long, but at least the content actually felt satisfying when it hit.


I'm starting to miss the World of Warcraft model where I at least had weeks of content to look forward to when a patch came out. Gaps of content were absolutely too long, but at least the content actually felt satisfying when it hit.

I started like a 5 paragraph rant, about how i wish I had the time since getting my new job to get bored of the game, but I hate rants and getting into pointless arguments so I deleted it.

Enjoy your free updates. Or dont play them. But don't play your free updates and then bitch about them.


Neo Member
I don't really care if the updates are free. An MMO needs good updates to sustain a playerbase on the PvE side. Whether they get revenue through a subscription, in-game store or mix of both is irrelevant in this sense. The consideration should be whether the content is worthy and what model helps make that content worthy.

I don't think my perspective is unique, either. I'm hearing it more and more often in different podcasts and videos, even some of the more positive ones like Wooden Potatoes' content.


"Free" content is only free if you don't value your time. It's absolutely appropriate to "bitch" about the gaming equivalent of empty calories, especially if you think that discussion can lead to better things.


Posting from my phone, sorry for any typos.

I'm starting to wonder if this two-week patch cycle is worth it.

For the past few patches, I've been excited the first day I get to do the content. Then I do the achievements. At that point, I realize there's no incentive to do the content beyond one or two hours because mindless champion farming and — my preferred option — boss slaying are much more rewarding.

But even beyond the poor rewards, there's just no depth to the content. It's all experienced in one or two hours. Is that really supposed to hold people over for two weeks?

We've heard this "poor rewards" song from you before. Since you didn't respond to it the first time, I'll just link to my post from the last time. I think your view on the quality and need for rewards is off, though.

I'll also echo Siafra's comment above: if you devour everything quickly and treat it like a list of things to check off, of course you're going to get bored with it. Your "lack of depth" complaint seems to stem from the way you rapidly consume content. It appears shallow to you because you have the time and the mentality to gulp it down faster than most, so of course the glass will look half-empty sooner. Lots of us are still having fun with the tower and still have achievements/rewards to get. We're enjoying the meal instead of scarfing it down and demanding dessert.

I'm starting to miss the World of Warcraft model where I at least had weeks of content to look forward to when a patch came out. Gaps of content were absolutely too long, but at least the content actually felt satisfying when it hit.

Yes, because I loved waiting an entire year for something new to do. And unless my sub ended on the exact day I stopped playing, I got to pay for all that nothing too. And unless it was time gated, "weeks" is a stretch... or it wad weeks of doing the same dungeon/raid over and over and over again.

The old model was a lot of starving between busts of gluttony. GW2's bites may be smaller, but at least you don't have to wait long for them. That also means that if a particular update isn't something you like, you don't have to wait long for something else to try.

...Lots of food analogies in this post... I'm not hungry, I promise!


I kind of agree, though the price is certainly a selling point it's the frequency that should be the counter argument.

This last update added a substantial open world area that is, in my opinion, a blast. I'm sure by this time next week I'll probably be done with it, but that's just in time for the next update.

And that's kind of the point: even if you strongly dislike the content (like, for example, SAB2?) you never have long to wait. I'd even go so far as to say the waiting is what makes people stop playing an MMO more often than a dislike of the content. My last WoW guild died of starvation waiting for Ulduarr rather than a dislike of EZ-mode Naxx.


Neo Member
I don't think I rapidly consumed everything. I did three runs through the tower over a week, totaling about two hours of content overall. That's not really much content, especially since most people would probably be satisfied with two runs at most.

I'm not sure why your last response to me went into adding another tier of gear. I don't want that. I didn't like the concept of ascended gear in the first place. (We have enough grind-based power creep in world vs. world as it is.) If they add anything related to stats, it should be vertical progression stuff like food or runes, which is what they did with the first part of the current living story chapter and Queen's Pavilion.

My problem with the current living story chapter, beyond it being short-lasting, is that there's really no justification for how unrewarding it is when it comes to simple gold and karma. If Frostgorge Sound exists, why not stuff the living story content with champions or waves of mobs? Why would ArenaNet not want players flocking to the latest living story area because it's new, fun and rewarding? Why does the third factor have to be left out?

As it stands, people abandon the areas after doing the achievements because there's so little reward — meaning gold — for staying beyond that point. That poses two problems: It makes the content feel really brief, and it makes it a lot harder for latecomers to get their achievements, particularly in smaller servers. (This is also reflected in the rest of the game world, which is practically empty because there's absolutely no reason to go back to old zones.)

Of course, another way to fix this problem is to just nerf champion farming. If Frostgorge Sound or the dolyak train in Cursed Shore were suddenly nerfed so they're the equivalent to Kessex Hills or a run through the Nightmare Tower, people would go back to Kessex Hills and the Nightmare Tower because they would become the logical hubs for the duration of the living story. That would work.

Queen's Pavilion worked so well because it had tons of variety and depth, and it was really rewarding. Nightmare Tower almost had that, except ArenaNet really dropped the ball with the rewards.
Hahah, spent the last hour tagged up in an outmanned dragonbrand bl. Boris pass was gunning for us specifically instead of dragonbrand, and about four of us kept their 25 man zerg busy for most of the time flipping back the SE tower whenever we flipped it when they left. During the meanwhile, their entire borderland went green. Master strategists.


My only annoyance is the scaling. Offshoots are hard as fuck to do on level-appropriate alts when no one is around. It was similar with the Labyrinth, once most people get their achievements they move on.

Queen's Pavilion worked so well because it had tons of variety and depth, and it was really rewarding. Nightmare Tower almost had that, except ArenaNet really dropped the ball with the rewards.

The Pavilion was abandoned too after the first 2 weeks. Living story content seems designed for people play a few hours a week, and I'm glad for it. I don't want to spend all my hours working towards some meta reward, there's too much other junk I want to do in the game.

Frostgorge/train farming is there for people who either don't have anything better to do, or the ones chasing some huge gold sink like a legendary. Living story stuff doesn't need to compete with that.

Hahah, spent the last hour tagged up in an outmanned dragonbrand bl. Boris pass was gunning for us specifically instead of dragonbrand, and about four of us kept their 25 man zerg busy for most of the time flipping back the SE tower whenever we flipped it when they left. During the meanwhile, their entire borderland went green. Master strategists.
Borlis seemed empty when I tried it earlier too. Thought about tagging up, but it just feels like a pain in the butt without friends/guildies around. Herding randoms seems one of the harder things to do.
Herding randoms seems one of the harder things to do.

Early yesterday, Lazor jumped in to DB BL and I was following him around for a bit before I logged off but it just started with us 2 and by the time we walked up to take the first tower we had good 10-15 people. We even had a mesmer in the our tower who ported us up to take it.
Guys I got an email.. it looks legit but I dont know...

Does it look legit to you guys?

notice the url in bottom left corner. and the sender when i hover over Arenanet says the adress sending it is noreply@guildwars2.com . I've heard that they can mask their real address.

I just know how I would have been compromised. i changed my password not to long ago, I should be in the clear.

Have any of you gotten one of these?
Guys I got an email.. it looks legit but I dont know...
Does it look legit to you guys?

notice the url in bottom left corner. and the sender when i hover over Arenanet says the adress sending it is noreply@guildwars2.com . I've heard that they can mask their real address.

I just know how I would have been compromised. i changed my password not to long ago, I should be in the clear.

Have any of you gotten one of these?

Please don't be offended, but I legitimately thought you were joking at first. :) Absolutely never click a link to a .tk domain. And indeed, email spoofing has been a thing for years, if not decades. I regularly receive spam mail at work that says it comes from... myself.


It's a scam. I often receive such mails in my email, that I used for one of the betas... there isn't even an active account associated with it, but I still keep getting such scams.
As pointed above - do not click any link in it and just delete it.


Like Complistic, I had a fairly lengthy response to this post outlined in my head, but between GAF's frequent crashes and the fact that we've had this discussion so many times already, I don't think it's worth the headache. I'll just cut right to the root of the disagreement;

As it stands, people abandon the areas after doing the achievements because there's so little reward — meaning gold — for staying beyond that point.

Your entire argument against each successive update seems to be that they don't provide faster and/or easier methods of obtaining gold. That appears to be the sole metric upon which you measure them, and unless a given update is better than or equivalent to the current path of least resistance, ArenaNet has somehow "dropped the ball." That you hold the Queen's Jubilee in such high regard is telling, as that was essentially a giant, self-contained loot farm in the heart of a major city.

It is very unlikely you will see them designing content that caters towards that particular behavior. For starters, it's the players with large sums of gold that are likely to buy things outright or exchange currency rather than purchase gems, which is how they keep the game running. I also think that the number of players who engage in champion farming is a small percentage of the population. Obviously we don't have exact numbers, but I'd guess it's in the single digits. Focusing on that particular group will come at the expense of other, larger groups of players. I also think your assumption that everyone who leaves a particular piece of content is going back to champion farming is wrong; they may just be doing something else, in-game or not.

The last thing I'll cover is your suggestion that they could fix the Living Story's supposed "reward problem" by nerfing the current hot spots for champion farming. That wouldn't solve anything, however, as the same people would just seek out the next easiest method to farm and just keep right on going. Likewise, if the next living story update makes somewhere else easier to farm, the farmers will go there. This 'fix' would only result in whining on the official forums from the vocal minority of farmers.
It's a scam. I often receive such mails in my email, that I used for one of the betas... there isn't even an active account associated with it, but I still keep getting such scams.
As pointed above - do not click any link in it and just delete it.
Totally. I get anet login scam spam almost every day. The spam filter has gotten pretty good about blocking these emails, though. I almost never see them now.
Totally. I get anet login scam spam almost every day. The spam filter has gotten pretty good about blocking these emails, though. I almost never see them now.

I wonder if that is what my gmail is doing for me because I never get any emails like that. Which is good because I don't even want these types of people to have my email.


I wonder if that is what my gmail is doing for me because I never get any emails like that. Which is good because I don't even want these types of people to have my email.

They should still be in your spam folder though, I don't think GMail automatically deletes anything. Otherwise, I wouldn't still be getting scam e-mails from "Blizzard" about how my account has been suspended.
They should still be in your spam folder though, I don't think GMail automatically deletes anything. Otherwise, I wouldn't still be getting scam e-mails from "Blizzard" about how my account has been suspended.

Well I just checked the spam folder and there is nothing there, so I guess the hackers do not know that I play this game.

I'm starting to miss the previews that used to come out on Monday's before the preview page used to be up. In the earlier updates usually MMORPG or Massively used to have at least a bit of information on the Monday because the update preview page went up. This hasn't happened since September I think.


lol. I just checked and I got the exact same e-mail in my Spam folder.

I get them all the time for WoW too even though I don't have an account and never played anything beyond a 2 week free trial 10 years ago when I didn't have this e-mail.


@GLopez, would you prefer if we got light updates every 2 weeks, and then every couple of months we get something like the Queen's Pavilion dropping in?

I'm going somewhere with this.


This "it's free so don't complain" schtick is asinine and needs to being as an excuse.

correct, i assume you missed the word stop in there.

they are doing 2 weeks to keep you logged on. they are keeping you logged on in hopes you buy gems. buying gems gets them money.

don't use the free excuse like anet is doing us a favor. they are not.

that said, I agree. The 2 week cycle needs to back off. There are a host of things they need serious addressing.


don't use the free excuse like anet is doing us a favor. they are not.

that said, I agree. The 2 week cycle needs to back off. There are a host of things they need serious addressing.

Maybe not 'doing us a favor', but it's certainly a win / win; we get content rapidly, they keep players around to buy stuff.

As to the second comment, what makes you think that, outside of the 4 Living Story teams (which I believe are ~8-15 people each), there aren't a bunch of people also working on the 'host things things that need serious addressing'? For example, culling was supposedly a huge fix. There's also the wallet, Ascended gear, the WvW Ruins, etc. as well. All of those things still happen along side the Living Story's development, and it's not an either/or situation.


The wallet and achievement system changes are the two prime examples of ANet having teams working on big and important features and improvements while the Living Story team does their stuff. Unfortunately these big changes take months at a time and just adding more people won't necessarily make them faster outside of maybe the testing phase.
So the Antitoxin Bar has only filled about a quarter of the way after a week, so we should expect that thing to fill up in about 3 weeks, which coincides with the December 10th update.

I'm guessing the tower will be there but the tree will not be toxic and it will only be taken over by the Krait, and it will just be the biggest Krait tower in Tyria.


The wallet and achievement system changes are the two prime examples of ANet having teams working on big and important features and improvements while the Living Story team does their stuff. Unfortunately these big changes take months at a time and just adding more people won't necessarily make them faster outside of maybe the testing phase.

Yeah, I had forgotten the Achievement system overhaul too. There's also a Mac client in beta and just this update there were "further server-side optimizations, with significant improvements during heavy combat scenarios." A lot of big stuff happens behind the scenes, and the rapid fire pace of the Living Story updates kind of makes it hard (at least for me) to appreciate when exactly big features dropped.

Also, I dug around and found some interviews that hint on just how big ArenaNet is and just how many people theoretically got free PS4s last week are working on stuff 'behind the scenes'.

Mike Zadorojny said:
To off its rather aggressive two-week release schedule, ArenaNet "re-architected" the company to support that strategy. There are four "Living World" teams, each of which is responsible for one month of content. An additional 8-15 teams are responsible for doing other things in the game alongside the new content, like the recently revamped currency wallet. (source)
Colin Johanson said:
“To transition 300 people from operating one way to suddenly turning into a service company a week later is really hard to do. It’s something where we definitely had growing pains for those first couple of months, understanding how to do that and how to make live content and how to be successful in that model.” (source)

Somewhere I had figured it was ~200 people, but apparently I was way off. So yeah, there's a lot of guys in the background working on Big Stuff™ that we're just not going to know about until it's in a state ready to talk about.

I mean, this isn't their first major game and despite the forums' insistence that everyone at ArenaNet is lazy and incompetent, it's obvious they're pretty smart people over there. It wouldn't surprise me if Colin's next big "what's coming soon" blog post has a few high demand features and surprises. It's also worth nothing that with the exception of new skills and traits, precursor crafting and PVP rewards, everything in his big "Guild Wars in 2013" post has pretty much happened... in fact, a lot of it happened in the first couple months after that.
^ true. we bitch a lot but this is the best themepark MMO I have ever played. I still have my gripes but goddam,a lot has happened. sometimes I still cant believe they were able to recover from the bots! anyone remember november december last year? the game was so out of control with bots. it was a disaster!


Neo Member
The Pavilion was abandoned too after the first 2 weeks. Living story content seems designed for people play a few hours a week, and I'm glad for it. I don't want to spend all my hours working towards some meta reward, there's too much other junk I want to do in the game.

Frostgorge/train farming is there for people who either don't have anything better to do, or the ones chasing some huge gold sink like a legendary. Living story stuff doesn't need to compete with that.

I wouldn't say Pavilion emptied out, although the population did decrease. But why it emptied out is pretty compelling: People moved onto the equally profitable Aetherblade events, which also had the advantage of being the newest content. Why can't all the living story content be like that, where people eagerly jump from chapter to chapter and are willing to help new players because everyone gets rewarded?

It doesn't have to compete with Frostgorge Sound because, frankly, Frostgorge Sound probably shouldn't exist. It's the worst farming model yet. (For all its faults, COF path 1 at least took some skill and organization to farm efficiently.)

^ true. we bitch a lot but this is the best themepark MMO I have ever played. I still have my gripes but goddam,a lot has happened. sometimes I still cant believe they were able to recover from the bots! anyone remember november december last year? the game was so out of control with bots. it was a disaster!

Agreed. When I complain, it's only because I want the game to improve and think the developers can improve it. With other games, I honestly lost hope that improvements would come in a timely manner.


Another thing about the traits and skills, we have gotten those. We haven't gotten a major expansion of the trait and skill systems, but this past update did include the Anti-Toxin heal skill which works really well when storming the tower in groups, and the trait rebalances throughout the year has caused the creation of a couple new traits for a few classes.

The only reason why we haven't gotten more sooner is probably because of all the issues surrounding balancing. It takes time.


Just got an "Confirm New E-mail Addresss" email from an ArenaNet -- Guessing this is another scam email. Had 2-3 gold whisperers this weekend as well while i was in empty areas. Very annoying. I hope ANet is on top of this stuff.


Just got an "Confirm New E-mail Addresss" email from an ArenaNet -- Guessing this is another scam email. Had 2-3 gold whisperers this weekend as well while i was in empty areas. Very annoying. I hope ANet is on top of this stuff.

Glad I'm not the only one.


Just got an "Confirm New E-mail Addresss" email from an ArenaNet -- Guessing this is another scam email. Had 2-3 gold whisperers this weekend as well while i was in empty areas. Very annoying. I hope ANet is on top of this stuff.

Same, and they hit my wife and Jira at the same time as well. It appears to be a phishing attempt.


So the Antitoxin Bar has only filled about a quarter of the way after a week, so we should expect that thing to fill up in about 3 weeks, which coincides with the December 10th update.

I'm guessing the tower will be there but the tree will not be toxic and it will only be taken over by the Krait, and it will just be the biggest Krait tower in Tyria.

I want more Krait related content..
And underwater stuff.

The Tower is fun, but I'm sad to see that it's getting progressively emptied. I hope it stays there, permanently but revamped with daily rewards for zergs/groups/whatever


Same, and they hit my wife and Jira at the same time as well. It appears to be a phishing attempt.

Shit I just got this too. What the fuck

got the alpha invite aww yiss

You will receive an email with your log-in credentials for both the client and the forums by the end of the day. Please do not worry when you see an email about verifying your account – that means the process is working!

That verify email is legit. Click it!

Also check your spam for your alpha invites, they're going to that inbox


Got the alpha invite too.

I don't think its related to the "confirm new email" thing. Going to wait and ask some ANet people.


Edit: Hmm, top of the page. Okay, so if you received an e-mail about your GW2 account's e-mail being changed, it may not actually be a hack/phishing attempt, as supposedly this is related to the Edge of the Mists alpha testing. See below for details, I'll update this post when we get an all clear that this is legit.

Edit 2: The "Account e-mail change" appears to be part of the Edge of the Mists testing process, and can be safely ignored.

Also check your spam for your alpha invites, they're going to that inbox

Yeah, I got one too. That explains why a shitload of people all seem to have gotten them at once. Still, it's a little unnerving that the e-mail change mail went out first, especially when we were JUST talking about phishing attempts.

Got the alpha invite too.

I don't think its related to the "confirm new email" thing. Going to wait and ask some ANet people.

I had already filed a support ticket by the time I saw Ash's post, so we'll see what shakes out there.

I'm paranoid as hell about stuff like this.


Neo Member

Group of developers try to stream Temple of Lyssa, and it bugs 8 minutes in. After 5 minutes of trying to un-break it, they give up. They then try to do Temple of Grenth, and it bugs too.

Pretty embarrassing, but hopefully it gets them to fix these events after a year. All of the temple events still regularly bug.
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