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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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Well, I deleted that confirm email thing when I got it. Unless I specifically request one, those always to my trash folder. Hope I don't need to do it.

I looked on their twitter when I got it and saw nothing saying it was from them. Oh well.

Also, got the alpha invite.

EDIT: And I can attend... none of them. I was hoping they'd do things on the weekend, but I guess not.

Apparently that confirmation email was for the alpha test. Too bad I didn't get the alpha invite until after the confirmation email was deleted.


The Cryptarch's Bane
The Edge of the Mists testing email does not appear to contain any reference to requiring an email update or change. I have created a ticket regarding the email change attempt with ArenaNet support, as this was extremely widespread. If any of you would not mind taking the time to do so as well it may help target the issue.

My account itself has not been compromised, so it is possible the email address message was automatically generated to those who were enrolled in the alpha testing. If anyone not in the alpha for EotM received one, this would be easily disproven so please speak up.


The Edge of the Mists testing email does not appear to contain any reference to requiring an email update or change.

Well, it does say "You will receive an email with your log-in credentials for both the client and the forums by the end of the day. Please do not worry when you see an email about verifying your account – that means the process is working!"

But I'm still paranoid so I'm waiting for confirmation on my support ticket.


I had already filed a support ticket by the time I saw Ash's post, so we'll see what shakes out there.

I'm paranoid as hell about stuff like this.

Yep, me too. Its kind of a weird way to do this.

Gonna poke people if/when they log on.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Well, it does say "... Please do not worry when you see an email about verifying your account – that means the process is working!"
I missed that. I didn't receive an email with any credential yet, but in all likelihood they just went out in the reverse order.

In any event, I am not yet clicking on the confirmation email as I wouldn't be able to put in the username and password needed yet anyway.

If you deleted the email don't worry, you should be able to generate another one very easily when the credentials are sent.


Yep, me too. Its kind of a weird way to do this.

Gonna poke people if/when they log on.

Yeah, I'm giving a nudge to the folks I usually chat with too.

I missed that. I didn't receive an email with any credential yet, but in all likelihood they just went out in the reverse order.

In any event, I am not yet clicking on the confirmation email as I wouldn't be able to put in the username and password needed yet anyway.

If you deleted the email don't worry, you should be able to generate another one very easily when the credentials are sent.

Yeah, I haven't deleted it, but I'm not clicking anything until I know for sure.


Got the alpha invite too.

I don't think its related to the "confirm new email" thing. Going to wait and ask some ANet people.
The e-mail says it's related, but either way it doesn't seem like you're supposed to do anything with the e-mail if it's actually legit.


Received an e-mail with testing credentials just now. Looks like it's legit, but the e-mail change one still has me concerned.


The alpha email they sent specifically said you'd get one and to ignore it.

They probably don't have a way to really create accounts in the Alpha version short of just piping ours through their registration process as if we were signing up new. Alpha even has a different account name for you (starts with GAF :)


Yeah ignoring the first email altogether. DL'ing the client now. Told this is how it works, etc. Seems in no way related to our gw2 accounts.

I forget. Did we put our character names down? I hope they don't copy those over. Otherwise gaf is going to be like 18 guardians.


Just checked my email and got both the email change and alpha invite emails.

The email change makes sense if it's the fact that they changed the email of your alpha account, since it's separate from your main game account. You still shouldn't click on it because there isn't anything to be done.
Hmmm. I've got no such emails. Funny enough, gmail spammed my espn the magazine auto-payment confirmation email. I would have rather been spoofed than give espn yet another $50. Bastards!

Anyway, having gw2 withdrawal sweats. Damn you ANET. Why can't I quit you?!?

I'll hold out a bit longer yet. Give em hell GAF.



it looks that this is legit( i hope). I used a different mail for beta so I don't think this is fake.

you need to click the link in the first mail to access the account .
This is what I get in the profile page:

my ID is different in the main game and has GAF (probably the guild tag).

also looking around the web the ncplatform.net is a valid and official domain address


It looks like our guild tags are baked into our forum/alpha account names. Will be interesting to see how that goes.

Looks like there'll be youtube videos and twitch stream fodder for everybody interested very soon.


For those who got in, this shouldn't need to be said, but I'm posting it anyways;

Always remember: You are representing your entire guild EVERY time you post. If any disciplinary action is needed for a post, the entire guild will be held responsible for the author of that post.

Follow the rules, keep it clean, or we all get booted. It goes without saying that GAF being valuable here will probably lead to us getting invited back to provide feedback on future content.

Looking forward to seeing everyone who registered in there tomorrow. For those who aren't in the testing, there's no NDA on this so watch for pictures, streams and video of the Edge of the Mists. I'll try to take a lot of screenshots myself and I'm sure this thread will be buzzing all week.


you had to have signed up like a month ago.

i'm pretty bummed about the times, but oh well. this was actually one thing from anet i was looking forward to. at least it'll be a short few months til release, hopefully.

hopefully the map does what they want it to do and do away with zergs vs door
I'm slightly relieved I didn't sign up. I've had a really rough 24 hours for
mental health reasons
and the e-mail change thing would have made things significantly worse.

Hope you folks have fun in the beta though, and I look forward to it rolling into production :)


Unconfirmed Member
My internet connection being down is killing me. I want to play the game so bad, but I only managed to get a little taste of it during the weekend and now I have no idea when it'll be back (apparently one of my ISP's buildings caught fire, so that could take quite some time to fix).

Sorry for the off-topic post, hope you guys are enjoying the game!
When is the test actually happening?

I am downloading the testing client and I have access to the testing forum.

Did I miss where they said which days the test was happening?

Did we all get assigned to same server? I got Anvil Rock?


I'm slightly relieved I didn't sign up. I've had a really rough 24 hours for
mental health reasons
and the e-mail change thing would have made things significantly worse.

Hope things improve for you, sorry to hear you've had so much stress lately.

apparently one of my ISP's buildings caught fire, so that could take quite some time to fix.

If it's Comcast, I apologize. That was probably me, as I spent many years wishing they would burn in hell

When is the test actually happening?

I am downloading the testing client and I have access to the testing forum.

Did I miss where they said which days the test was happening?

Did we all get assigned to same server? I got Anvil Rock?

5pm - 9PM EST today and Thursday.

Looks like everyone from GAF was assigned to the Anvil Rock server. It wouldn't surprise me if they only have three servers total for the tests.


Sorry for the double post, but it's bump worthy:

New Event
The Nightmare Continues: The Tower of Nightmares, which has occupied players for weeks, is headed for collapse, but the fight isn’t over yet. Players can continue their battle against the vile Toxic Alliance to destroy the foul structure and prevent its evil from spreading.

New Features
Three Fractals:
In addition to illuminating the strange circumstances of the Thaumanova Reactor meltdown, players can experience two more historical events thanks to further Fractals research. The Molten Furnace Fractal allows players to relive the daring raids on the Molten Alliance facilities, while the treacherous Aetherblade Fractal has players infiltrating the Aetherblade’s old base of villainy.

Two Boss Fractals:
The Jade Maw of the Solid Ocean Fractal is no longer the only challenge awaiting players when they make it to the end of each set of three fractals. Special boss encounters with the Aetherblade captain Mai Trin and the two Molten Alliance champions from the Molten Facility have been added to the rotation.

Agony Resist Updates:
Developers are evolving the way Agony Resistance works on items, so players will now be able to collect drops granting Agony Resistance and combine those to continually increase their level of Agony Resistance.

Fractals of the Mists Leaderboards:
Players soon will be able to earn the envy and adulation of friends and strangers thanks to new leaderboards. Players whose current personal reward level for the Fractals of the Mists is above 30 will be reset to 30 so the competition can begin in earnest.

Fractal Progression Changes:
The difficulty curve in fractals levels 1-30 is being adjusted, and fractals beyond level 30 will have new, special challenges. Every fractal players enter with a fractal level above 30 will have a special Mistlock Instability which will add new difficulties to that level or change how it is played.

Obsidian Sanctum Update: Players will now be able to enter the Obsidian Sanctum, the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle, directly through the WvW menu. Additionally, a new arena space has been added for combat between opposing groups of players, and the Borderlands Bloodlust buff will no longer apply in the Obsidian Sanctum.

New Rewards
Fractal Reward Updates:
In addition to earning daily fractal rewards like Empyreal Fragments, Fractal Relics and Pristine Fractal Relics at all levels, players also will earn a gold, or more, making the Fractals of the Mists more rewarding.

Fractal Tonic:
A new, infinite tonic with the ability to transform players into any number of friends and foes from within the Mists awaits as a rare reward found within the Fractals of the Mists.

New Runes and Sigils:
Players braving the dangers of the most difficult fractals will find their valor rewarded by a chance at new sigils and runes to adorn their gear.

Players can get an inside look at the release, which includes additional new events, features and rewards, during a livestream with ArenaNet developers on Wednesday, Nov. 27, at noon (PST) on the Guild Wars 2 Twitch TV channel.


Edit: Holy shit, that trailer is incredible. That may be the best trailer they've ever done.

More good news:
but seriously. give. me. the. god. damn. axe.

Done: Dreamthistle Logging Axe

- Glad to see there's a random Boss Fractal now too.
- Agony Resist sounds like it will now be handled like Magic Find: Get drops, increase AR. I wonder if it will be account wide, that'd certainly make doing fractals with alts a lot easier.
- Mistlock Instability sounds like the dungeon "Gambits" that were datamined a while ago.
- Wonder what the new sigils and runes are.
- Reddit already whining about the reset to Fractal Level 30.
For those who got in, this shouldn't need to be said, but I'm posting it anyways;

Follow the rules, keep it clean, or we all get booted. It goes without saying that GAF being valuable here will probably lead to us getting invited back to provide feedback on future content.

Looking forward to seeing everyone who registered in there tomorrow. For those who aren't in the testing, there's no NDA on this so watch for pictures, streams and video of the Edge of the Mists. I'll try to take a lot of screenshots myself and I'm sure this thread will be buzzing all week.

Damn, my forced break from PC gaming (work) came at a bad time.


Awesome trailer! Kind of weird it didn't include the new fractals, but it's a neat introduction to what's already there. I'm excited to check this update out next week!


Eventhough I think people with higher levels are going to bitch up a storm.

Already happening on Reddit.

Awesome trailer! Kind of weird it didn't include the new fractals, but it's a neat introduction to what's already there. I'm excited to check this update out next week!

Their Cinematics team seems to have hit their stride, I was impressed with the "Scarlet Recap" video in the Tower of Nightmares and this one is just insanely good. Hopefully we can expect these kind of trailers for the major story notes, and the in-game stuff stays consistently awesome. The whole 'painted' style still looks good, even after seeing it for more than a year now.

If they ever do an expansion, the trailer for that is going to kick some serious ass.

What is the best way to farm gold in this game? I need gems.

13+ Ways to Earn Gold in Guild Wars 2 by Hawkian.


Damn you, Kos!

For people at work:
Delve Into the Fractals of the Mists
Explore great moments from Tyria’s past and test your battle skills in this never-ending chain of dungeons that become more and more challenging the farther you go! Begin your battle through time and space in this infinitely challenging series of dungeons!

Promises Kept
Ellen Kiel, who recently earned a seat on the Captain’s Council of Lion’s Arch after a cutthroat campaign, has made good on her promises to her supporters! By sponsoring research in the Fractals of the Mists, Kiel has opened up a momentous event from Tyria’s recent history, the Thaumanova Reactor meltdown, for exploration!

Inside the Reactor
Head through the Fractals asura gate near Fort Marriner in Lion’s Arch (right next to the Consortium Gift Shop) to meet up with Kiel for a special story instance of the new Thaumanova Reactor Fractal. Experience the explosion of the reactor first-hand and discover its mysteries!

The Nightmare Continues
The Tower of Nightmares is heading towards its collapse, but the fight isn’t over yet! Join in the fight against the vile Toxic Alliance and destroy the foul structure. Bring it to ruin before its evil spreads any further! Learn more.

Developer Livestream – November 27
Take an inside look at the Fractured release with ArenaNet devs during a livestream on our Twitch channel on Wednesday, November 27, at 12PM PST.

Fractal Reward Updates
The Fractals of the Mists are becoming more rewarding! As a daily fractal reward, you’ll not only be earning Empyreal Fragments, Fractal Relics, and Pristine Fractal Relics at all levels, you’ll also earn a gold or more! Learn more.

Fractal Tonic
A new, infinite tonic with the ability to transform you into any number of friends and foes from within the Mists, the Fractal Tonic is a rare reward found within the Fractals of the Mists.

New Runes and Sigils
Those braving the dangers of the most difficult fractals will find that their bravery is well-rewarded by a chance at brand-new sigils and runes to adorn their gear!

Three New Fractals
In addition to illuminating the strange circumstances of the Thaumanova Reactor meltdown, you can experience two more historical events thanks to further Fractals research. Relive the daring raids on the Molten Alliance facilities with the Molten Furnace Fractal! Infiltrate the Aetherblade’s old base of villainy with the treacherous Aetherblade Fractal!

Two New Boss Fractals!
The Jade Maw of the Solid Ocean Fractal is no longer the only challenge awaiting you when you make it to the end of each set of three fractals! Special boss encounters with the Aetherblade captain Mai Trin and the two Molten Alliance champions from the Molten Facility have been added to the rotation.

Agony Resist Updates
We’re reworking the way Agony Resistance works on items. You’ll now be able to collect drops that grant you Agony Resistance and combine them to continually increase your level of Agony Resistence. Learn more.

Announcing Fractals of the Mists Leaderboards
Soon you can earn the envy and adulation of your friends and total strangers through our new leaderboards, which show off the players with the highest fractal levels! As part of the introduction of leaderboards, everyone whose current personal reward level for the Fractals of the Mists is above 30 will be reset to 30 so the competition can begin in earnest.

Fractal Progression Changes
The difficulty curve in fractals levels one through 30 is being adjusted, and fractals beyond level 30 have new, special challenges. Every fractal you enter above fractal level 30 will have a special Mistlock Instability which will add new difficulties to that level, or change the way you and your teammates play within it. Learn more.

Obsidian Sanctum Update
The Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle, the Obsidian Sanctum, is receiving some changes! Along with being able to enter the jumping puzzle from inside your world’s keep in the Eternal Battlegrounds, you’ll now be able to enter the map directly through the WvW menu. Along with that, we’ve added a new arena space to the Obsidian Sanctum where opposing groups of players can meet up for combat. The Borderlands Bloodlust buff will no longer apply in the Obsidian Sanctum.

Looks like Kiel will be hanging out in the Fractal Hub. Thaumanova Reactor looks interesting with all those Kralkatorrik-looking crystals.


I really hope that Thaumanova ends up revealing something decent about the overall story, and hopefully not just Scarlet either. I know the Abaddon camp really wanted to see that happen, so if the Reactor ends up being really interesting, it might serve as a consolation prize.

Also, this bit in the "Upcoming Changes" article Kos linked is interesting;
Fractals are now weighted according to their length and difficulty. Easier fractals will always show up earlier in the run, with more difficult ones coming later.

All 50 levels now have a boss fractal after the standard rotation of three normal, instead of only offering a boss encounter at the end of even-numbered fractal levels. You no longer need to worry about skipping levels to get the best rewards!

Your personal fractal difficulty and reward level is being made account-wide! Starting with the Fractured release, you can attempt high level fractals on a new character without needing to level up all over again.


More Details, still reading over everything;
This boss chest will also have a chance at containing a number of other rare rewards. As your fractal level increases, so do the odds of obtaining these items:
  • Fractal Weapon Skins (starting at level 10)
  • Ascended Rings (starting at level 10)
  • Ascended Weapons (starting at level 10)
  • Infused Ascended Rings (starting at level 20)

So Fractal Weapons should be a little easier to get, in theory.

The Rune of Resistance grants bonus toughness, a reduction in condition duration, and aegis upon using a signet.
The Sigil of Momentum grants a stacking toughness buff every time you kill an enemy.

Interesting. Rage at Signet Warriors in 3... 2... 1...

Oh for sure. I'll be living in there after this update is released.

Yeah, I love Fractals, but you can only do the same 9 mini-dungeons over and over before you want something new. This and the new rewards should add a bit more life to them. Hopefully they're setting the stage for more frequent Fractal updates too; I always hoped that they would toss in a new fractal every now and then just to keep it relevant, instead of it being a yearly thing.


Not sure how they're going to handle the account wide AR. I assume it will be like luck, but they mention being able to just hop in and do high level fractals(so maybe highest existing AR is your standard then it scales from there?).

It's nice being able to not have to re-level alts through some of the most boring part of fractals, but then again, if the account wide part changes how dailies work...ugh. I really hope dailies are still per character, but I can see that easily not being the case, which will make getting weapons, rings, etc. a whole lot harder.

The de-level to 30 is...ok I guess, as long as 30+ is changed to be much harder. Otherwise, that's a pretty big blow for people who were well past that.

Definitely a nice attempt at QoL improvements and overall rewards, but some parts of it are a mixed bag for sure.

More Details, still reading over everything;

So Fractal Weapons should be a little easier to get, in theory.

Interesting. Rage at Signet Warriors in 3... 2... 1...

Yeah, I love Fractals, but you can only do the same 9 mini-dungeons over and over before you want something new. This and the new rewards should add a bit more life to them. Hopefully they're setting the stage for more frequent Fractal updates too; I always hoped that they would toss in a new fractal every now and then just to keep it relevant, instead of it being a yearly thing.

Depends on how rewards work, since things aren't tied to even fractals anymore and progression is account wide now. My guess is we'll still see 10,20,30,40,50 reward dailies, but that they will (sadly) be account wide, rather than character based.

edit: reading through the page...you have to use Artificing apparently to create the new infusions, so it's not like luck...ugh.

•Artificers of at least 100 skill will be able to combine two infusions of the same level with a Thermocatalytic Reagent to make an infusion of the next level. For example, you could take two +2 infusions, combine them with a Thermocatalytic Reagent, and create a +3 infusion.

Huge turn off, as you will still need to do this across all characters. That whole "anyone can just jump in because fractal levels are account wide" isn't exactly true.

You will be able to receive a special daily chest for finishing a boss fractal once per day. This chest will contain a number of items based on your current fractal level

Going to take years to get weapon skins that way


Well this is an overhaul to the system, so

Awaiting Hawkian impressions

Lol at exploiters at level 50+. Gtfo

@Acteryx: you can't have your cake and eat it too.


Not sure how they're going to handle the account wide AR.

It doesn't sound like it's account wide;
Agony Resist Infusions:

To assist you in your ventures into the mists, a new agony resist infusion slot has been added to all infused rings and backpacks.
  • All current infused rings and backpacks will start with a +5 agony resist infusion (this replaces the +5 agony resist that was previously on the item itself).
  • Players will be able to find +1 agony resist infusions commonly in the fractals after level 10.
  • Artificers of at least 100 skill will be able to combine two infusions of the same level with a Thermocatalytic Reagent to make an infusion of the next level. For example, you could take two +2 infusions, combine them with a Thermocatalytic Reagent, and create a +3 infusion.

So it sounds like you'll just get tons of little +1 infusions as a common drop, which you can use to increase an item's AR, or can be combined to create larger infusions. I'm not sure how it will work exactly, we'll have to wait and see. But it definitely doesn't sound like it's account wide, sadly. But, in theory, you could hoard +1 infusions for alts.

Edit: It also sounds like the chest is once per day per account, though it doesn't explicitly say that.


Sounds like Agony resist is still on items, but can be increased? Their wording is really weird.

They make it sound like it should work like MF, but if it's still on items then I guess not. Maybe a combination of the two systems. Still on items, but increases like MF does.


I'd rather see account based AR instead of the current system that just promotes extra armor sets or throwing away a lot of money for that extra +5 stat in something else.

I'm not a fan of either of those options so not sure I'll ever get into high level fractals.


For the Edge of the Mists download, is the download pretty huge? I'm terrible with computer stuff. Also, when I *think* I'm downloading the client, I try to log into it while it's downloading but says I'm not recognized for a free trial or something, lol.

And YES! The infinite axe is here finally. I am complete! Also bought the Kasmeer staff skin lol.


For the Edge of the Mists download, is the download pretty huge? I'm terrible with computer stuff. Also, when I *think* I'm downloading the client, I try to log into it while it's downloading but says I'm not recognized for a free trial or something, lol.

It was something like 277,000 documents, so if it's about that size, you're getting the right thing.
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