Kos Luftar
If Scarlet is involved in the reactor I'll go mental.
You know she's going to be.
It would not make sense for her to be involved because she did not exist when the Thumanova Reactor blew up.
If Scarlet is involved in the reactor I'll go mental.
You know she's going to be.
If Scarlet is involved in the reactor I'll go mental.
You know she's going to be.
It would not make sense for her to be involved because she did not exist when the Thumanova Reactor blew up.
It was something like 277,000 documents, so if it's about that size, you're getting the right thing.
Did they put in a group finder yet? Haven't touched this in a while
But we already know how Ceara AKA Scarlet Briar came to be it's in the short story.Maybe that's how she came into existence?
Thanks for the nice comments guys.
Here are some behind the scenes facts about this cinematic:
The cinematic was built as a prototype for the new video playback technology.
It was made over a year ago, and we planned to launch it with the original Fractal release. Unfortunately, the tech didnt get implemented in time and we missed the release window. It was decided that we sit on the cinematic trailer until there was a big update to the Fractals.
The 3D character models are (pre)rendered in-engine with our model viewer and matched up with cameras in Maya and After Effects.
While I have special place in my heart for the original GW2 in-engine cinematics (such as the Dugneon Catacombs flashback a cinematic that I reworked 4 times over the course of development) These new types of pre-rendered videos allow us to work faster, increase the quality, and they perform better on more peoples machines.
There are some pretty exciting cinematics coming in the future I hope you guys will receive them as well as the Fractals piece.
Thanks again!
That would have been a fantastic trailer for the original fractals release.
So I guess I should start trying to do some fractals.
But we already know how Ceara AKA Scarlet Briar came to be it's in the short story.
Just wait till the update, you will have way more people to do fractals with.
Yeah I will, I should probably finish my personal story now that I am done with world completion with Jess. I have never seen what happens past Claw Island.
For the Edge of the Mists download, is the download pretty huge? I'm terrible with computer stuff. Also, when I *think* I'm downloading the client, I try to log into it while it's downloading but says I'm not recognized for a free trial or something, lol.
And YES! The infinite axe is here finally. I am complete! Also bought the Kasmeer staff skin lol.
So next update will have no meta-reward, or PvE content besides Fractals, right?
Some info on the Cinematice Fractured Teaser trailer
Fractal update sounds good except....no changes on how you obtain the skins. Fucking hell Anet.
You can get them lower level, at least.
I always wanted to see the Charr Invasion fractal expanded. In a perfect world, they could've done it as a more WvW-flavored thing. Cap points, ramming the gates, spawning more charr, and all that. But that is probably too involved for something like a fractal.
Still it sure would be a cool thing to have in game. Playing a Charr in GW2 is sort of nothing like I imagined it would be back in GW1. The most popular charr, after all, is like a one-handed Teddy Bear. We've come along way since BBQ'ing Rurik's girlfriend.
* Anyone else trying the mist today? I don't want to be the only one.
Fractal update sounds good except....no changes on how you obtain the skins. Fucking hell Anet.
Unfortunately the change doesnt apply to items that have already been acquired. Ultimately thats what I wanted but there was a pretty severe technical limitation on this, so we thought it would be better to make the newly items work this way rather than postpone the conversion any longer.
Also, at higher Fractal levels the weapon skins become more common, and also start dropping in a container that lets you pick the one you want.
pipe down son
Sadly a number of items in there are outdated and I can't edit it. I should make a followup post. Champion bags are a great consistent source of gold (crimzonflame, the answer you are looking for probably lies with the Frostgorge, Cursed Shore, or Queensdale champion farms), and while my advice on dungeons in that post actually is even more relevant now, the way you'd actually max out your earnings has changed.
I'm sorry to hear that, and here's hoping the 24 hours after and those to come are far better.I'm slightly relieved I didn't sign up. I've had a really rough 24 hours forand the e-mail change thing would have made things significantly worse.mental health reasons
Hope you folks have fun in the beta though, and I look forward to it rolling into production![]()
Taken together the changes are more than I had expected or hoped for. As an anniversary release for fractals I am personally thrilled, and I know that come the end of the month- I have a number of days off from work- I will be playing the shit out of them as I did last November.Awaiting Hawkian impressions
I don't really care if the updates are free.
From my perspective, this is complete and abject nonsense, and always will be. I don't even think of it in terms of you guys being wrong, and I can even see how the argument is logically sound from another viewpoint; it just doesn't apply to me. This is the difference between how you and I look at the game, and it is pretty wholly the difference. We will never see eye to eye on this and I have no illusions of convincing you.This "it's free so don't complain" schtick is asinine and needs to [stop] being [used] as an excuse.
Well, yes, that's accurate. They are definitely not doing us a favor. They are giving us what we paid for. Namely: a game, plus post-launch content. Just like any other game; way, way more than many other games.don't use the free excuse like anet is doing us a favor. they are not.
It may appear wholly irrelevant to you, and for all we know it would have had little impact on the development team's approach to ongoing content. But you're skipping over the part where they got me as a paying customer in the first place.GLopez12 said:Whether they get revenue through a subscription, in-game store or mix of both is irrelevant in this sense.
I sense a pretty deep-seated philosophical disagreement here, one that probably extends beyond post-launch MMO support criticism. But to me the economic determination of opportunity cost takes place at the point of deciding to play a game I enjoy. I mean that's what I've elected to do with my time. Certainly this decision will not result in any kind of monetary return on investment, nor will I obtain any significant practical knowledge, benefit the lives of others, or secure or advance my social standing. What I'm actually doing is putting cool-looking digital stuff on my little 3D avatar, challenging my skills mechanically in a way that does not translate at all to anything in the real world, and sometimes hanging out with like-minded people. How much I enjoy any given experience certainly doesn't impact the sunk cost determination above, and only affects the overarching value of the game if I don't enjoy it at all but continue to do it anyway[/I, which is exceedingly rare for me."Free" content is only free if you don't value your time.
Hah! That's exactly it. That's more or less exactly how I view these continuous releases: empty calories. I can see that to you this is universally a bad thing.It's absolutely appropriate to "bitch" about the gaming equivalent of empty calories
Cake, cookies, sweets, candy, ice cream, soft drinks
Yep. That's what playing Guild Wars 2 regularly is like for me- being served some new dessert or cocktail every two weeks. I don't like all flavors of ice cream equally; sometimes there's a bit of candy that is way too sweet. But hey now there's this slice of pie that I've never tried before!Beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages
Twisted Metal 2
Yes, there's an LFG Tool now. It has categories for Dungeons, Fractals, and also whatever map you're on usually.
Does it actually work and teleport you to a group dungeon or whatever?
Does it actually work and teleport you to a group dungeon or whatever?
Lol I don't even have enough hard drive space for that...I really should upgrade my SSD.It is around a 20gb download. Looks like its a completely different install of the game. The name of the dat makes me thinks it'll be another 20gb dl if we ever get to test something else. Thats a little clunky.