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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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I finally got around to finishing the tower off...I have a question. Why does Scarlet hate Tyria so much? I'm not huge on lore so I may have missed her reasoning for being such a PITA but, I'd like to know why I want to stab her in the face.


I thought they removed the added brightness on sylvari armors? Because people were outraged it changed their dye-scheme?

She (kristen I think) didn't. The glow was changed however to mimic the first dye slot. So if you have a nice dark color there, you can disable the glow yourself entirely. However if you want the glow, the lighter the color the brighter the glow.

This is different from the first glow update where dye channels were all changed, and the third dye slot determined the glow color. This is what it looked like from the last update


And people were not thrilled with it.
Wow...YB and EBay are sad fucks. YB leading all week are now letting Ebay take all their towers just so that EBay can beat us in points.

I cannot wait to faces these guys separately and make their life a living hell.


Wow...YB and EBay are sad fucks. YB leading all week are now letting Ebay take all their towers just so that EBay can beat us in points.

I cannot wait to faces these guys separately and make their life a living hell.

There's really no other way to put it than "sad".


Wow...YB and EBay are sad fucks. YB leading all week are now letting Ebay take all their towers just so that EBay can beat us in points.

I cannot wait to faces these guys separately and make their life a living hell.

Why would they want another server to get in second? I mean, what in the world are their motivation? s_s
Why would they want another server to get in second? I mean, what in the world are their motivation? s_s
They want to guarantee that even if we win next match which is next to impossible because FA has way better coverage than us, that we will still be 3rd place.

Right now YB will win this, which means we would be tied if we came 2nd but if we come 3rd they will be 2nd on their own and we will be 3rd.

Sleazy and sad.


why so much hate?

we did nothing against them, nor their family, let alone their children and their pets. we never messed in their money nor loot, we even dont know them for my goddess sake.

why? i still dont see why people hate SBI so much...

i mean, the best times i had was rolling guest in SBI, fuck! even my first teq was in SBI!

i dont understand... why hate SBI?
why so much hate?

we did nothing against them, nor their family, let alone their children and their pets. we never messed in their money nor loot, we even dont know them for my goddess sake.

why? i still dont see why people hate SBI so much...

i mean, the best times i had was rolling guest in SBI, fuck! even my first teq was in SBI!

i dont understand... why hate SBI?

They keep saying when we beat them in week 2 or 3 of the league we were boasting and saying how bad they are at the game. I guess all the complaining I am reading in the forums happens all the time I just stupidly decided to read it and reply to it during this match up.

I guess we should be proud that 2 servers had to work as 1 to be able to beat us. YB and EBay only attack each others camps, never their towers. Today since it is last day of the match YB has let EBay take all the towers and keeps in SBI BL and YB BL so they can secure a second spot for EBay.


Saint Titanfall
Every time Vizunah every single time fight like a man. God damnit, they always double team us always every single match up, and Piken gladly obliges.


Saint Titanfall
I guess it happens everywhere.

Pretty much we're number 1 normally Viz 2 and Piken 3. without leagues. We've faced against Piken and Vizunah twice together in this season and they double team every single time. Even when not in season Vizunah double teams us every match.

They have no honour, I understand you want to win but man if you double team every single match then something is wrong
Pretty much we're number 1 normally Viz 2 and Piken 3. without leagues. We've faced against Piken and Vizunah twice together in this season and they double team every single time. Even when not in season Vizunah double teams us every match.

They have no honour, I understand you want to win but man if you double team every single match then something is wrong

It happened so many times this week when I was just roaming alone and I'd run into either a YB or EB on their own and I would start fighting them, and sometimes I would be winning and while we are fighting a EB or YB respectively would show up and help each other to take me down and they would go their own way. They don't even try to fight each other.

I wonder what they'll be mixed with.
Aetherblades are a mix of Sky Pirates and Inquest.


I wonder what they'll be mixed with.

The Aetherblades are Pirates + Inquest, so they've already been mixed with somebody.

There's not many 'evil' races left to pair up. Maybe some non-pact skritt or hylek. Maybe an army of suicide quaggans?

Edit: I hope the next helm reward hides facial hair!


welp, gg


Congratulations Ehmry Bay, you teamed up with another server to take us down. Then when you still couldn't outscore us, you went to daddy and asked them if they would allow you to have second place. I really hope that was worth it, because if you ever face us again individually, you'll really wish you hadn't.

SBI remembers.

brb, making a grief thief just for these two servers.
welp, gg


Congratulations Ehmry Bay, you teamed up with another server to take us down. Then when you still couldn't outscore us, you went to daddy and asked them if they would allow you to have second place. I really hope that was worth it, because if you ever face us again individually, you'll really wish you hadn't.

SBI remembers.

brb, making a grief thief just for these two servers.

We will team up whenever we face them to just destroy their roamers and kill all their yaks.


For real, I'm starting my thief later tonight. Just for these guys. If you don't have one, do the same. We'll have hilarious times.


I am unhappy with the conclusion of the match, which was allowed to occur due to the design of a three faction system, therefore I will break the rules of the game in an act of vengeance to defend my server's honor.

Calm your mammaries you two. Just do what I did and make a thief, use experience scroll to jump 20 levels, and lay waste all over the beginning zone. So much fun ganking champs. I spent a good amount of time looking through all the thief traits to try to come up with decent condi removal utilities (always harder to do on alts when my main is a guardian). Best thing I came up with was going into stealth to remove a condition. It's going to be great.
I saw the phrase grief thief and assumed rolling on a different server to troll the opposing team. If not, then disregard, but that would just make it a thief.
Yeah I don't have time for that kind of greifery. Just meant use a thief to get across map quickly and spike their roamers, yaks and camps so they can't upgrade their shit.


Saint Titanfall
I think the worst thing is when two servers contact each other through TS, that is just plain unfair. It's no longer a match more closer to borderline cheating, due to how unfair it is.

Man I really dislike Vizunah and Piken. I suppose it simulated war all right.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Guild Events: Saturday Nov. 30th, 4:00PM EST - Fractal Clinic (newbies more than welcome)
Saturday Nov. 30th, 9:00PM EST - Weekly Guild Missions

I spent a good amount of time looking through all the thief traits to try to come up with decent condi removal utilities (always harder to do on alts when my main is a guardian).
Yeah, Shadow's Embrace + Shadow refuge is as good as it gets for serious condition removal on a thief. You can pick one of the selective removal heal skills, plus spamming infiltrator's strike/return if you have plenty of initiative.


Why would you do this to me?

It was a funny way of commenting on the fact that you beat my response on the Aetherblades. You know I love the way your beard tickles too much to wish it gone for reals.

WvW Stuff

Basically, the better server doesn't always win, it's the one that's willing to do whatever it takes to win even if it's scummy, nasty shit. Been saying that since JQQ was making racist comments and harassing the shit out of War Machine to the point that they left and triggered SBI's exodus and eventual downfall.

The best and worst part of every MMO are the people you have to play with. I wouldn't have stuck in WoW as long as I did were it not for the friends and family I got to spend time with. I imagine GW2 wouldn't be half as fun as it is without GAFGuild. But on the other side of the coin, sometimes the other people can be straight up cockstains, even in a game like GW2 where griefing has been designed out, at least in some modes.

I really wonder if ArenaNet is watching this sort of thing and taking it into consideration. They've said they're not opposed to the idea of WvW Alliances in cases where one team is destroying the other two, but will they look at the opposite, where two servers work together to hamstring a third, just because they're sore losers and want to shit in the punchbowl?
It was a funny way of commenting on the fact that you beat my response on the Aetherblades. You know I love the way your beard tickles too much to wish it gone for reals.

Basically, the better server doesn't always win, it's the one that's willing to do whatever it takes to win even if it's scummy, nasty shit. Been saying that since JQQ was making racist comments and harassing the shit out of War Machine to the point that they left and triggered SBI's exodus and eventual downfall.

The best and worst part of every MMO are the people you have to play with. I wouldn't have stuck in WoW as long as I did were it not for the friends and family I got to spend time with. I imagine GW2 wouldn't be half as fun as it is without GAFGuild. But on the other side of the coin, sometimes the other people can be straight up cockstains, even in a game like GW2 where griefing has been designed out, at least in some modes.

I really wonder if ArenaNet is watching this sort of thing and taking it into consideration. They've said they're not opposed to the idea of WvW Alliances in cases where one team is destroying the other two, but will they look at the opposite, where two servers work together to hamstring a third, just because they're sore losers and want to shit in the punchbowl?

They probably are looking into it, but have no idea on what to do. its been there since the game's release


Are their forum warrior still claiming innocence?

Them's the breaks.

The meltdowns have been hilarious, however.

Figured as much. Saw how bad it was over the weekend with all the achievement angst, decided to take the rest of the week off. The only thing that really bothered me was zoom/exploits going on from Yaks on reset & saturday. Hopefully that gets looked into since there were ANet tags watching it.


I saw the phrase grief thief and assumed rolling on a different server to troll the opposing team. If not, then disregard, but that would just make it a thief.

oh, no. That's not what I meant.

I wondered why you said that. I'm just making an annoying thief specially for those servers.

I was looking for a reason to level a thief
That's a bit overly reductionist though, like saying the Joker is just a party clown who woke up on the wrong side of the bed. :p

There are a some things I've come to know to be true in life, two of which apply here. The first is that if you can't explain something so a six year old can understand it then you yourself do not understand it. The second is that any story that is any good at all can be summarized in one or two sentences and be understood enough to get it's main point across.

Honestly though, I don't care about the lore all that much so that would have worked for me. I skimmed over Scarlet's story but, all I really wanted to know is why she's such a pain in my ass. :)


so since the new bg tests have been while im at work. how is it? does it do a fairly good job of breaking zergs up and focusing on smaller groups? is there more to do than just fight a door every so often?

No one picked up on this, so I'll give my half-awake, probably not completely rationale take on this:

As long as you have hard to take keeps and relatively small map sizes, the only way you're going to eliminate zergs is by keeping a close cap on the population limit. For example, 8v8 hotjoin in PvP can essentially have a "zerg" the second you have about 4 people running from point to point to point, smashing the groups of 1, 2, or sometimes 3 that might be there in record time. In 5v5 this becomes somewhat eliminated because bringing 4 people to one point guarantees that the other team can take one point from you and then clash on the next point.

The other issue is that more people mean that siege builds faster, doors/walls drop faster, and keep/tower lords die faster. There aren't any diminishing returns.

If they do something about one or both of those issues, then they may eliminate the zerg.
Regarding WvW, I hate to be the discordant note, but I see nothing wrong with servers allying with each other in order to beat the third. That's the way the game is set up, and if that's the most efficient way to play a given match-up, then that's the optimal strategy. As a disclaimer, I have to say I adhere to Dave Sirlin's philosophy of "play to win".
In a way, it's a situation not entirely dissimilar to this:
In short, if the game's rules encourage undesired behaviour, the fault is within the game rules, not the players that engage in it. Now, the crucial difference here is that I believe two-teaming is actually intended behaviour in WvW. Otherwise it simply makes no sense to make it a three way to begin with.

On a more positive note, I believe we should be proud of this. Having two servers ally against a third means that they see it as the bigger threat, one that they simply cannot tackle on their own. In a sense, it's the biggest compliment. That might be somewhat undermined by the fact that it also has roots on past animosity between them and SBI, but still.

In any case, I don't play barely any WvW, so I might be misrepresenting some facts. Ignore me if that's the case. :D

our ranger, DA MAN.

Varix did the exact same thing with the Thaumanova Anomaly yesterday (Tron-ish fight) in our story run of the reactor. It was the most epic thing I've seen in GW2. You really had to be there to see him jump from platform to platform as they vanished, with catlike precision, while killing the boss singlehandedly. Beautiful in every sense of the word.


I have a hard time believing it was intended for one server to break down defenses, and then step aside to spoonfeed a third server the cap in order to metagame a limited reward system.

We all want to sound like manly men and proclaim 1v2 is natural, honorable fisticuffs, and all that. But that doesn't hold up to the reality. WvW is just awful as a competition with all the outside factors, and shouldn't be be taken too seriously.But then here's the season stuff.

So rageageddon.
I have a hard time believing it was intended for one server to break down defenses, and then step aside to spoonfeed a third server the cap in order to metagame a limited reward system.

Again, players should not be faulted for the game's lack of foresight. What is intended or not is irrelevant; what matters is only what is possible and optimal.

We all want to sound like manly men and proclaim 1v2 is natural, honorable fisticuffs, and all that. But that doesn't hold up to the reality. WvW is just awful as a competition with all the outside factors, and shouldn't be be taken too seriously.But then here's the season stuff.

So rageageddon.

Bolded for emphasis. I can't help thinking if one wants fair, serious PvP, they should go to sPvP. This is the equivalent of WoW's World PvP, and at that, it's way more fair and balanced.

But any time you have a game with more than two competing sides who can communicate, you're going to see alliances form and break. Most games actually assume (and even hinge) on this; nobody would call foul if two players ally against them in Risk or Munchkin (to say nothing of, say, Diplomacy); why would this be any different? If alliances break the game (or metagame, as the case may be), then the fault, again, is with the rules of the game, not the players.

Basically, if the rules of the game promote uninteresting game play, the best use of one's time is simply to find a game that's less broken.
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