Very cool. A lot of function there as well. This release got its page too, although the previous release pages seem to still be getting ported over.Also, look how sexy the releases page is now:
Failed Great Jungle Wurm on TC.
Crimson was the only one to deal any damage (I was at Amber), but I think for Amber, one needs to eat the nutrient, then get attractant slathered on them, then be eaten.
You must be eaten to win? What movie am I deja vu-ing to?
Nope, that's 100% it. Thank you. Would have bugged me all day.All I can think of right now is that scene in Avengers with Iron Man destroying the Chitauri worm. It might be because I watched it last week. That's probably the reason.
Nope, that's 100% it. Thank you. Would have bugged me all day.
So... second Wurm attempt, one of the Crusaders (Xutt apparently) bugged and got stuck, so we can't start it...
Anybody wanna grab a screenshot of the wormy rifle? [&AgGnwgAA]
Happening on this overflow too. Seems it's happening everywhere.
That it will, you should (I think?) be upscaled to 80 for both of these new events, so technically you could jump in and try them at level 1... might be a little overwhelming thoughSounds like it is going to be a crazy day to start playing, lol.
FSP and Desolation killed the Marionette.
Any details up yet about the fights mechanics? still a few hours left at work, interested to see how it actually plays.
I never liked using that side cave. It ended up taking way longer than just fighting the mobs themselves. Fighting the mobs was never hard to begin with, it's a fairly easy section.
So according to Reddit, there's a lot of changes not listed in the update notes.
- Party chat is no longer cleared upon leaving a group.
- Mini-map now works as it did before Christmas.
- Renown Hearts now indicate the level of completion by filling in the heart icon appropriately.
and most interesting of all:
- The side cavern in CoF1 that people hide in during the Acolyte fight is now closed.
I'll be honest, I hate skipping mobs, stacking, and all the lame crap that people do to take the path of least resistance, not only because it rarely works if everyone isn't on the same page, but because you're often missing opportunities for loot (every time somebody passes Kholer up, I remember Kanik getting the axe precursor from his chest).
I am not sad to see what is pretty clearly an unintended feature / exploit sewn up. I hope in a future update, the gate across the bridge stays sealed until you've killed off Firetooth.
For some reason I see this and compare it to your real face and then want to punch you or something.![]()
Learned how to stack legendary aura but it looks like no one else can see it.
Then who stays behind to defend the lanes from mobs reaching the gates?Also, if you start at lane 1, do the champs, you get a debuff of 5 minutes. You can go to lane 4 however and enter the portal. In fact, after you've done champs, you can always skip 2 lanes and re enter a portal in the third lane after the one you finished. In that way, your map can 'rally' more players to certain lanes.
A part stays behind. Depends on how many are ready in the next lanes. No need to fully defend a recent finished lane if the upcoming ones are not strong enough.Then who stays behind to defend the lanes from mobs reaching the gates?
Grats on the kill, and thanks a lot for the image! That definitely helps visualize it.I managed to defeat the Marionette on my overflow 2 hours ago
People are getting better at it. Tomorrow there will be more successes I guess
Here's an image from reddit that'll help everyone out
Also, if you start at lane 1, do the champs, you get a debuff of 5 minutes. You can go to lane 4 however and enter the portal. In fact, after you've done champs, you can always skip 2 lanes and re enter a portal in the third lane after the one you finished. In that way, your map can 'rally' more players to certain lanes.
I made a small album on stuff that jumped out on me on the walls in "Scarlet's Secret Lair". Link here: I didn't take any screen grabs from the console or the ceiling, so I'll leave that for others to discover themselves if they still want a surprise.
What jumped out at me the most was this image:
Also if someone can answer my questions on the second and fourth image in the album, I'd be grateful.
So, what do you need to do to get to the lair?