Get out of my head, Charles.
I was going to post that exact quote but I couldn't find the exact wording quickly and I'm kinda heading out the door to pick up Mrs. Retor from work. But yes, that's the one.
They should reveal that the player characters are so strong because Tyria has imbued the essence of a bloodstone shard in all of us or something since birth. IDK. Something that makes us all feel important and special.
Does Mrs. Retro know you're picking up this Retor dame?
Whether Scarlet can't get that image out of her head (I assume like all Sylvari players, all Sylvari in general experience that event to some degree in the Dream) or it is meant to symbolize Mordremoth, the Jungle Dragon, I can't say.
I got the impression from NPC dialogue that dreaming a dragon is unique to player characters and Caithe. There are sylvari out in the world that are following their own dreams though the only ones I can think of are a warden somewhere in Caledon that dreamed of joining the wardens and everyone's favourite greatsword-wielding necromancer dreaming of cleansing Orr.
Not really related but I realised that if characters from the personal story are being kept out of the living world to avoid conflicts there's not much chance of Malyck popping up again.
Also, Scarlet supposedly mentions Malyck by name in the Tower of Nightmares, but only if you've selected that biography option). Whether it's a hallucination or not, I can't say.
Just some idle thoughts on GvG I'm too afraid to place anywhere else.
For one thing, if an official GvG mode ever came about, wouldn't people want it to be using the WvW ruleset for skills and gear? But then if any issue ever comes up with the balance, how are they going to have ANet fix it? Right now WvW exists under the caveat that they won't do any balance patches toward it except in specific circumstances, and even in those circumstances they default to just matching existing PvP rules when possible. If some big tactic ends up dominating the GvG scene, but doesn't effect WvW as a whole, how far is the playerbase going to suddenly demand that they balance WvW if GvG gets patched and then pointed to as a precedent?
And I wonder if that reason has been enough for ANet to hold back with anything GvG related. They know what they're playerbase wants, but know that they may not be able to properly serve it.
If they do put out something titled "Guild versus Guild" as a mode, it'll probably be in the Heart of the Mists. And if they don't write new servers for the maps the team sizes will probably be 8v8. Which then may cause rioting anyway because of the 15v15 setup that has been going on in WvW for the longest time.
And if a new game mode comes out in the next couple of months, whether or not it's popular there will be a group of people clamoring for GvG.
Retro I think you're misunderstanding what I meant.
The game needs to explain why the player characters are much more powerful than Destiny's Edge or any militia from any race (Charr have fucking three).
This is on a "whole world" level.
Explaining how you yourself are special to other people is a Personal Story thing. It's about the bonds and friendships you build.
I want the professions explored more within the world/story. How did Guardians come to be? etc.
Honestly no they don't and that would be the worst thing they could do. Let ME determine why I'm special. That was one of the things I liked least about TSW, ToR and games like them. I prefer the game to make me feel like my story is mine, not like everyone is doing the exact same thing as I am. With the way things are now, GW2 makes it seem like I'm determining my own fate and renown in the world. Not as much as EQ did perhaps, but a damn site better than most modern MMO's. Until it becomes the Traherne show, it's easy to suspend disbelief that 10,000 other people are doing the same thing. After? Well, that's one of the major reasons people hate that section. It's no longer their story. I really don't want that feeling from level 1 on.
Also, you're making an assumption that we ARE more powerful than Destiny's Edge. Nothing I've seen in game implies that. Remember, they themselves took on a dragon and almost won. Us as players took out a dragon along with an entire army at our side.
The tl;dr of all of that is your way takes away player agency and forces us to play the story they write. If I want that I'll read a book or play a single player rpg.
Guardians came to be because a bunch of people wanted to guard other people and developed the skills to do so. Do we really need explanations for why there's thieves and engineers?
They should reveal that the player characters are so strong because Tyria has imbued the essence of a bloodstone shard in all of us or something since birth. IDK. Something that makes us all feel important and special.
Hell even the goddamn part of your sheet that says "Dignity, Ferocity, etc" means nothing. I want these things to matter.
This is a bad idea that might sound like a good idea. Attempting to further explain why people are able to do amazing things breaks has been attempted in many stories to their detriment. Look at Star Wars. Does the medichlorians thing help the story or improve the world? No, it does not.You seem kinda angry.
I just think there needs to be explanations of why players have to be the ones to solve the world's problems. Besides the fact that we're actual people behind our avatars, I mean
Remember that everyone in the world is a good guy. Is it not so bad that players are told the reason why we have so much power and control over our abilities (way more than any NPC has, besides Destiny's Edge) is because of reasons?
I understand you want it to be "your story". I also see the need to explain why player agency is the ONLY agency. We can't count on NPCs to come bail us out (see: dungeons) because we're the ones who make the difference. But WHY are we the only ones? This is what I want to see answered..
The reason for each one of my 22 characters for why they decided to be heroes is different. Some are doing it for fame, some for revenge, some are blown by the wind from event to event. Hell, some of em would join Scarlet if they could and one or two are outright gibbering insane. You're telling me that any game could write a story for why we're the Big Damn Heroes (tm) and encompass all that? I'm not even convinced that we're even all that more powerful than an equally seasoned npc from a lore perspective. Mechanics-wise yes, but look at some of the people we meet along the way. All of the mentors storywise seem to be at our level or a little better right up until Claw Island.
The game needs to explain why the player characters are much more powerful than Destiny's Edge or any militia from any race (Charr have fucking three).
Explaining how you yourself are special to other people is a Personal Story thing. It's about the bonds and friendships you build.
I feel like the Marionette is a test run for building her own Elder Dragon.
I think that is quite literally basically the story behind the playable characters in FFXIV:ARR...maybe. Substituting their lore of course..
This is a bad idea that might sound like a good idea. Attempting to further explain why people are able to do amazing things breaks has been attempted in many stories to their detriment. Look at Star Wars. Does the medichlorians thing help the story or improve the world? No, it does not.
One of the best approaches to addressing player agency in an MMO came from Wrath of the Lich King.
In the final fight against the Lich King, he outright states every single challenge he sent against the Horde and the Alliance were to make YOU and your friends stronger, so that he could KILL YOU and make his greatest champions. That's right, the big bad actually acknowledged that the players were the strongest thing in existence, and took measures to obtain you as his prized possessions.
GW2 does not address that you have taken down THREE collaborations of Scarlet's forces,
We take no responsibility for our actions, we get no acclaims for our deeds, and instead we slink back into the shadows until our assistance is needed again, with which the NPCs struggle until we show up, even at the most basic level for dynamic events.
If you show up, the enemies need to take note of it, shout "we're going to need more reinforcements!" and let you feel like yes, you are skilled and they have to take notice of that.
Instead we get enemies scaling up in power, more spawning, etc, without regards to why except WE know that they're doing it because of how many people are at one event at one time.
This is also why player-generated content is going to be the king of future MMOs, because when the players can set themselves up as the government, or the bastion of hope on the corner of badlands and civilization, it will make much more of an impact on general "worth" that players feel is in their character.
What in the game is supposed to encourage the player to immerse themselves in the world?
If my actions don't matter because there's 10,000 other people who will just make the action happen anyway, what's the point?
I'm clearly either A) misunderstood or B) being ganged up on.
Knowing that the original intent will never be realized, I've always wanted the gimped personality system to be updated such that it would affect idling animations. Or more ambitiously to affect the phrases your player says in combat or to NPCs.The temperament system could use some love, though.
That would actually be pretty nice. It doesn't sound all that crazy to make either.Cuina: "Out with it."
Charr with Brute personality: "Shut up and open the bank."
asheron's call had worldwide popups for two or three quests each time they were completed and it was awesome.I don't know.. I feel like I can kind of understand what Ash is saying here. That in Anets attempt to make the player feel like they're a small part of a larger on-going world, the individual player doesn't get recognized for anything on any level. In that sense, it's like the whole world has become the Treahearne part of the Personal Story. The problem with that being there isn't a narrative driving the individual to achieve. Only a mechanical drive to complete the activity and collect the loot.
Realistically there isn't any effective/fair way to solve this. In games like WoW they sort of recognize you. To use Ash's Lich King example, while LK talks to the raid specifically, officially the raid was just a vehicle for the Hero Level NPC's to deal the final narrative blow and get the credit. In that sense, GW2 is similar. The only way that individual players or even small groups could get some recognition in the world like that would be if the game actually allowed Server First groups to be written into the story.. but there's obviously problems with that both in terms of belittling that content for everyone after the fact and nobody wants to hear about Leggolasz the Sylvari Hunter dealing the final blow to Jormag. The other solution would be adding in more Personal Story with choices determining a more varied outcome but I think we all know Anet's teams are pretty pressed as it is, so such an undertaking is probably out of reach. At least for the moment.
I could be wrong in my interpretation of what Ash is trying to convey though, and if so then apologies.
asheron's call had worldwide popups for two or three quests each time they were completed and it was awesome.
Does gw2 do the thing were first run content like taco has a lot more health than the repeated versions?
No, but GW1 sent out a worldwide game chat announcement every time a team or guild won the hall of heroes.asheron's call had worldwide popups for two or three quests each time they were completed and it was awesome.
Does gw2 do the thing were first run content like taco has a lot more health than the repeated versions?
No, but GW1 sent out a worldwide game chat announcement every time a team or guild won the hall of heroes.
Anet latter the God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals title. Every time someone finished it, it'd also send a worldwide announcement.
Retro already answered this, but for the rest that don't quite see it, it's a dragon in red paint. When you enter the room run to the right side, turn to face the center, pan the camera up, and find the head near Scarlet's console in the corner.On another note, can someone tell me (in a spoiler tag), what it is that I'm looking at on the ceiling in Scarlet's secret lair?
While they don't outright talk about it, if you know some of the lore of how magic worked in GW1 you can easily draw the parallels to GW2.SIDE NOTE
I want the professions explored more within the world/story. How did Guardians come to be? etc.
kos i'm too lazy/tired to come up with a creative way to call you a jerk
edit: Seems like TTS is razor-close to beating the Jungle Wurm. Anybody been on the SBI TS for it at primetime?
Where does this come from?Reddit is trying to decypher this...
It seems to be quite difficult...they aren't even sure that it is a message of somekind.
Where does this come from?
Also, I finally managed to enter the Lair and got the diary.
Where are the arrows pointing to exactly?
I see, thanks!That image comes from the consol that you watched and saw the arows, the last image is that code on the left and right of the machine that is holding the marionette up.
Lion's Arch, Vigil Keep, Chantry of Secrets & Drumand Priory.
I want the professions explored more within the world/story. How did Guardians come to be? etc. the turmoil in Elona and the spread of the Order of Whispers into other lands, more Paragon teaching showed elsewhere in Tyria. These teachings melded with other traditions, and over time, the guardians and their abilities can be found throughout the world and among all the races. They are not tied to a particular race, philosophy, or group of gods but rather to a larger concept of proactive defense, of taking the fight to a foe and protecting those you fight alongside while appealing equally to humanity's defensive nature and the charr's desire to rule the battlefield.[2]
ANET should fire all their developers and start hiring all the commenters who are "trying to help" to develop the rest of the game.
They will design Raid Wars 3 and everyone will be super happy.
nailed it, glad I didn't say anything as a picture is worth one thousand of the word things
GW2 currently supports English, French and German text and voice, with Spanish in text only (not to mention they'll probably be adding Chinese to that list before the end of the year).