Theory: Scarlet's possessed by Mordremoth (Jungle Dragon) not Primordous. Also Mordremoth is red colour not green, the briar(thorns) wrapped around the Pale Tree is representing the dragon not Scarlet.
Quite from her journal. I think that is the hint that it has to do with the jungle dragon. Pale Tree is a Glint equivalent and Mordremoth wants to destroy it. Mordremoth knows the pact forces made up of vigil, Drummond and whispers with the help of lions arch killed zhaitan so he wants scarlet to attack their strongholds so that the pact can't kill him when he emerges.
While we're on the subject, people demanding new zones don't seem to understand that after they're completed, the content just sits there and you have another part of the world nobody goes to any more. I mean, as cool as the zone is, how many of us would be in Labyrinthine Cliffs on a regular basis if it were still in game? It's fun as a temporary thing, but beyond easy access to karma vendors for cooking there's not much reason to regularly visit. Having it gone for a year makes it special when it returns.
I'd much rather they revisit old zones ala Kessex Hills and give them a purpose for revisiting. Even if it was temporary, you can't say Kessex was empty when the tower was up. I'd love to see them use the Living World to tweak multiple zones at once. For example, have a chapter where the various bandit gangs in the human zones start to work together and take over bigger chunks of the map, opening up new hideouts (open world dungeons, ala the Tower), parts of a new zone, and lots of new events. Throw in achievements and some unique bandit-themed loot and you've got people in those zones, guaranteed.
Honestly though, they need to make new zones. As much as I would love to see each zone get a make over or some living story stuff. Eventually it will be kind of boring if there is no new places to explore. I want to go south into the Crystal desert, the Blood Legion homelands, the Ring of Fire... See what else has been going on in the last 250 years.
Theory: Scarlet's possessed by Mordremoth (Jungle Dragon) not Primordous. Also Mordremoth is red colour not green, the briar(thorns) wrapped around the Pale Tree is representing the dragon not Scarlet.
Quite from her journal. I think that is the hint that it has to do with the jungle dragon. Pale Tree is a Glint equivalent and Mordremoth wants to destroy it. Mordremoth knows the pact forces made up of vigil, Drummond and whispers with the help of lions arch killed zhaitan so he wants scarlet to attack their strongholds so that the pact can't kill him when he emerges.
Why must everything happen while I'll be at work. Ugh. Do this again tomorrow xeris since I'll be off.
What you talkin about Luftar?
He set the event for Thursday, not tomorrow. Unless you meant you'll be working on Thursday...
Also dragon being red explains the ceiling painting. Most people expect Mordremoth to be green because of he is the jungle dragon.woah. I hadn't connected the attacks on LA/Whispers/Vigil/Durmond with Mordremoth wanting to take out the pact before showing up. Noice.
Well, I came up with a good use for the near dozen experience scrolls from birthday presents. Using one on a new character gives you 16 skill points, from there you can do a couple quick skill challenges to make 20 and buy an augur's stone for making an ascended weapon.
Can't use them after level 20. As you can imagine, it really curtails thier usefulness.Don't you get 20 skill points anyway if you're above level 20?
After a successful Marionette kill in GAF Overflow, Missions are starting! dedicated to the GAFguild and all the GAFers
ohhhhhhhh man
this game is fun
(Was struggling a bit tonight, think I was just too grumpy. This bear cheered me up though.)
Puzzle was piece of cake, Challenge was child's play, Bounty was a breeze, Rush was really god damn horrible, as is tradition (we got Spider, aka "At least it's not Karka").
Congratz to Asteria de Ursa on the 10g door prize and Star Mie on the 110g Jackpot!
Makeup Missions will be held at 3pm Eastern tomorrow, attendance permitting.
You have excellent taste in Final Fantasies.
Nope, it's dead, guild is dead, cancel your subscription.
I suddenly have quite the urge to jump into this game again. Haven't touched in moooooooooooooonths because I've been so caught up in other stuff.
Can't use them after level 20. As you can imagine, it really curtails thier usefulness.
Oh Colin, you tease.
Guild Wars 2 ‏@GuildWars2 14m
The Black Lion Trading Post is down for maintenance–we'll keep you posted when we have an update. ~RB2 #GW2
Possible replacement for the Flamekissed armor set or a new set entirely:
So me and a couple friends impulse bought this game just now and we literally know nothing about it. Can we all play together from early on even if we all play different races/professions and stuff? (Waiting for it to download before we all get on and play tomorrow)
So me and a couple friends impulse bought this game just now and we literally know nothing about it. Can we all play together from early on even if we all play different races/professions and stuff? (Waiting for it to download before we all get on and play tomorrow)
So me and a couple friends impulse bought this game just now and we literally know nothing about it. Can we all play together from early on even if we all play different races/professions and stuff? (Waiting for it to download before we all get on and play tomorrow)
Does Evon Gnashblade sponsor or own them?
And you guys should do that, the people in the guild are always willing to help!FYI the NeoGAF guild is on Stormbluff Isle server incase you and your friends wanted to be on same one as majority of posters on this thread.
FYI the NeoGAF guild is on Stormbluff Isle server incase you and your friends wanted to be on same one as majority of posters on this thread.
There are some eu in the guild (myself being one of them). I haven't encountered any problem regarding lag; the only downside is that the "peak" hours, where there's a lot of people on (which is kinda necessary a couple events) are after midnight. Apart from this minor thing, there are no problem whatsoever! Feel free to ask thoughWe're EU if that makes a difference?
Stormbluff Isle is a NA server but a lot of EU guys have transferred over so they can play with the rest of us.We're EU if that makes a difference?
We're EU if that makes a difference?
Finally got Tailoring over 400. Looks like it gets expensive from here on out. Before I blow that kind of money, is it worth it? I definitely don't have anywhere near the amount of materials on hand to make the ascended gear...