Client optimizations went out today
Oh great. People are reporting it completely broke the Mac client. Guess I'm not playing when I get home. >=
Client optimizations went out today
Client optimizations went out today
Oh great. People are reporting it completely broke the Mac client. Guess I'm not playing when I get home. >=
Jury duty + spontaneously dying PC, week not off to a great start. Hope to check this release out as soon as I can...
I was seeing steady 60 frames way more often now. Ill have to try it out on laptop to see if it help low end systems as they said it would.
Up until this optimization update it seems to me that the GW2 community has argued that AMD processors do not perform as smoothly as their Intel counterparts. Here's one example. I'm not sure how true this is, but everything I've read states that this game is heavily dependent on instructions per clock (IPC) and the more recent Intel offerings are better at it than AMD's.Can I ask you(and whoever is willing to help me test this out) to post some screens with CPU and GPU usages (task manager on performance tab and afterburner for example) while running around Lion's Arch and then some empty map(like the swamp in Plains of Ashford, we discussed a while back in the thread)? Of course, with your specs and game settings listed.
I'm with AMD FX-8320, 8GB ram and GTX760, 1440x900 and high to ultra settings, yet I'm getting lots of drops and unconsistant framerates while running around. Minimum fps can go as low as single digits in some fights (wurm, or large wvw zerg). Maximum fps is like 80 or so, but it's always in between, jumping up and down like crazy.
Checked the usage, and I'm getting like 30-40% CPU usage and no more then 50% GPU usage.
Gonna post some screens tomorrow (it's 3:42AM here), but I want to have something to compare them to.
I've also read that, prior to update, this game only really used 2 CPU cores. Edit: I just noticed the average CPU usage hitting >70%. That's encouraging.
who named their alt Evilore
Ended up convincing a friend to come back to this game after not playing since launch. He's not a GAFfer though, so I didn't say anything about the guild.
Totally welcome!That doesn't matter. Friends and family are welcome to join.
That doesn't matter. Friends and family are welcome to join.
Can I ask you(and whoever is willing to help me test this out) to post some screens with CPU and GPU usages (task manager on performance tab and afterburner for example) while running around Lion's Arch and then some empty map(like the swamp in Plains of Ashford, we discussed a while back in the thread)? Of course, with your specs and game settings listed.
I'm with AMD FX-8320, 8GB ram and GTX760, 1440x900 and high to ultra settings, yet I'm getting lots of drops and unconsistant framerates while running around. Minimum fps can go as low as single digits in some fights (wurm, or large wvw zerg). Maximum fps is like 80 or so, but it's always in between, jumping up and down like crazy.
Checked the usage, and I'm getting like 30-40% CPU usage and no more then 50% GPU usage.
Gonna post some screens tomorrow (it's 3:42AM here), but I want to have something to compare them to.
Notice I use RadeonPro tool (suggested by Varix) to do SMAA.
Finished the investigation bit last night, wow, lots of questions raised here...
Steam creatures are linked to scarlet somehow? Since when was this hinted at? Or is it just saying she was very familar with them, and thus was able to use that knowledge to take over the watchworks?
Looking at the revolations thus far, it seems like Scarlet needed a toxin to fight something big, the power of the laylines below lions arch, an army to take said city, and a giant mecha monster to fight something, presumably, as large, and was researching Dragon energies.
I think shes trying to fight an elder dragon, not realizing shes actually helping it in many ways by culling the people who could possibly fight it.
But why would it target her, and not someone else? Vapp mentions that the only thing that Omadd's chamber contained where things she brought into it. So I wonder if this dragon could be the jungle dragon, and that dragon is, in some way, connected to the dream and to the Pale Tree herself. We know she is not the only one of her kind in Tyria, nor are the sylvari of the grove the only sylvari in the world. What are the odds that the other pale tree is corrupted by the dragon, or perhaps, the seeds were born form it in the first place? Though, Malyck does not seem like a dragon follower, vowing instead to bring an army to fight them, when he returns. Granted, he had no memory, so may have forgotten about the dragon's influence on his tree. For all he knows, he could have been a scout sent to investigate the Pale tree.
Nightmare could be the part of the pale tree's own lineage she is trying to protect her children from. After all, it manifests in the shape of a dragon in the origin story. We have also been told the sylvari play a major role in season 2 of the living story.
The theory that I tent to lean towards is that, somehow the Pale Tree has been able to hide the fact that Sylvari might be a by-product of Mordremoth, might not be straight out minion of Mordremoth but they came about because of that dragon awakening.
I think deep inside all Sylvari know this but Pale Tree has figured out a way to hide it, which is why she wanted Scarlet to look away and not find out the truth about the fact that they are somehow related to Mordremoth. I think because she didn't listen to the Pale Tree, Mordremoth was able to use her as his puppet.
I think a big hint about Sylvari is that they seem to have sprung up only after the Dragons awoke which is kind of strange if you think about it.
My only theory about whey she wants to destroy Lion's Arch and possibly the 3 Orders HQs is because Mordremoth knows that the Lion's Guard and the 3 Orders were what destroyed Zhaitan and he does not want the same thing to happen to him.
I really like the story too, and hope I can redo it on another character because I want to investigate if the journal in Dead End Bar gives a different password for the console, which is what some people speculated in the Official Forums Lore section.
I thought it was the same cuz it started with O so I stopped paying attention. Was I correct?I only noticed one code in the journal and I wrote it down. I could tell you if you'd like.
Edit: For Clarification, I mean I could tell you if it's a new code or not.
I thought it was the same cuz it started with O so I stopped paying attention. Was I correct?
As you can see, there are lot's of players all around the screen, yet the Resource Monitor indicates an average of 40% CPU usage. Task Manager shows us a really spiky and uneven distribution graph for the 8 cores.
Here, no other players are "interfering" and as I'm afking, one would expect a perfect straight graph on both CPU and GPU usage.
There are players running around the screen often, but also there is little terrain/props in this scene.
And now we can clearly see the whole problem of CPU and GPU utilization, which is practically N-O-N-E.
The theory that I tent to lean towards is that, somehow the Pale Tree has been able to hide the fact that Sylvari might be a by-product of Mordremoth, might not be straight out minion of Mordremoth but they came about because of that dragon awakening.
I think deep inside all Sylvari know this but Pale Tree has figured out a way to hide it, which is why she wanted Scarlet to look away and not find out the truth about the fact that they are somehow related to Mordremoth. I think because she didn't listen to the Pale Tree, Mordremoth was able to use her as his puppet.
I think a big hint about Sylvari is that they seem to have sprung up only after the Dragons awoke which is kind of strange if you think about it.
My only theory about whey she wants to destroy Lion's Arch and possibly the 3 Orders HQs is because Mordremoth knows that the Lion's Guard and the 3 Orders were what destroyed Zhaitan and he does not want the same thing to happen to him.
I really like the story too, and hope I can redo it on another character because I want to investigate if the journal in Dead End Bar gives a different password for the console, which is what some people speculated in the Official Forums Lore section.
It's being said that the Watchknights design was based on the design of the Steam Creatures. Scarlet already knew how to control the Steam Creatures to controlling the Watchknights was simple. I don't recall the Steam Creatures specifically but whether they're Scarlets creations or not, she knew how to control them
I'm also taking Vapp's words regarding Omadd's device with a grain of salt. Remember that the Asura are logical to a fault. He said that as a statement of fact, as in.. there's literally nothing inside the device other than what someone would bring into the device with them, meaning that he doesn't believe the device to be capable of exposing Scarlet to some mysterious power, being, or anything like that. I don't recall that anyone else was actually put inside Omadd's device while it was activated. Scarlet was the first and last one right?
If Vapp is correct though, then it means that what is driving her mad was always a part of her, something the NPC's also seem to agree with.
If shes talking to a dragon, then it would suggest that the dragon was always a part of her as well.
I also did the investigations. Was surprised that people on my server were surprised Kasmeer and J are a couple. A discussion went on for a few hours afterwards about the stereotypical traits about lesbians.
I actually like them. Kasmeer and J are much better than what we got Kiel and those characters. So the they have gotten much better.
But story wise, what I am really looking forward to is seeing more cinematics and story cut scenes in this style:
This trailer IS PERFECT for telling the story inside the game.
I thought it was pretty obvious they were sweet on each other. Furthermore, no one seems to have any issue with such relationships in tyria. Heck, Countess Anise will hit on you as a human noble, regardless of your gender.
Maybe he is part of all Sylvari but she is the only one who looked inside her self using this device to find the truth.
I think we got this solved.
If Vapp is correct though, then it means that what is driving her mad was always a part of her, something the NPC's also seem to agree with.
If shes talking to a dragon, then it would suggest that the dragon was always a part of her as well.
Maybe he is part of all Sylvari but she is the only one who looked inside her self using this device to find the truth.
I think we got this solved.
Yeah Jest our line of thinking is the same as your last paragraph there, pretty dope!
Also this:
"The forces that push us this way or that can be redirected. They can be set against one another to the detriment of both, and now I know how. - Scarlet
Eh? Is she planning on putting us against the dragon for her own gain?
Look, all I'm sayin is: Gods disappeared, Dragons showed up. Six Gods, Six Dragons.
Ya heard?
Zhaitan, like the other Elder Dragons, is thought to have last awakened 10,000 years ago, around the time of the disappearance of the Giganticus Lupicus, and then fallen back into slumber from consuming all life they could find. For more than a millennium, it rested beneath the land that would become the Kingdom of Orr. When the Six Human Gods revoked the gift of magic back into the Bloodstone to split it into the familiar four schools in 1 BE, they tapped into the dormant dragon's energy and increased the power of magic in doing so, not knowing of Zhaitan's existence.
Look, all I'm sayin is: Gods disappeared, Dragons showed up. Six Gods, Six Dragons.
Ya heard?
To make a true comparison you gotta have the same in-game settings (especially resolution), as well as the same GPU. When I change my settings to match yours as closely as possible, I get a 50% increased framerate at Plains of Ashford and in LA:Later tonight (or tomorrow) I will try to get a friend of mine with a i5-3570k and 7950 to make similar screenshots, but I'm absolutly sure they will not be very different from mine, as mine ain't very different from hockey's and Kos'.
So, what do you guys think? Can we get Anet's attention on the matter, because the game performance is like this since beta (with some adjustments and few improvements)
We can't tell if that's due to the different CPU, clockspeed, or all due to the GPU difference. A 7950 and 760 are actually closely matched, so if your friend with the 3570K @ 4.5 gets way more than 60 fps at that WP with your game settings, then we know our answer.
When: Tomorrow, 8pm EST
Where: SPVP lobby area.
Note: There may or may not be homicidal traffic guards.