Yess now I can get the escort events!
In order of recommendation: (Necros left off since I haven't played them enough to appreciate their nuance).
- Warrior: Warrior feels a bit like the old 'Jack of all trades'. Solid ranged combat (both AOE and single target), great control, great melee damage and even some condi damage tucked in (bleed, burn, even torment). You can even support like a champ with banners and shouts. Some would argue they're almost 'master of all' too, and in some ways I agree just because the total package is so damn rock solid. The problem is, they aren't boring but they're just not as interesting as the other professions. The variety of weapons they can use (more than any other class) helps.
- Guardian: Very survival oriented (obviously) and they can be a blast to play. A good starting profession if only because they take a lickin' and keep on tickin', which is important in a melee class because you're going to be charging in and engaging enemies face to face (they've very little ranged attacks to speak of).
- Ranger: Lots of range (obviously) and the pet helps you keep enemies controlled, so that can make your early experience less difficult. I was very anti-ranger early on, but I've gone back and they're actually kind of fun.
- Engineer: Engineer has a bit of a learning curve, but only until you start unlocking the more interesting kits (flamethrower, grenades, etc.). The toolbelt is fun and the usefulness of turrets helps with the early levels. It's a profession where you can get chopped up rather easily until you find the groove, but very fun to play.
- Elementalist: Learning to 'stance dance' between the 4 attunements means they have a very sharp learning curve. Dagger / Dagger is kind of damage / melee oriented while staff will give you enough tools to learn how to self-combo and such.
- Thief: Batman: The class. You will spend more time dodging, using your naturally evasive attacks and dancing in combat than you will straight up attacking. Fun, but difficult to master. Thieves die a lot if you're not careful about who and what you engage.
- Mesmer: A cloth class with a weird sort of melee-duelist vibe with illusionary magic. It's a unique design in MMOs (Hell, gaming) that doesn't 'click' right away, and the design of the profession still feels like it doesn't rev up until level 40 or so. It can be extremely fun, but it's hard to find that fun early on.
That said, my wife went straight for a Mesmer and had a ton of fun at launch, my second profession to 80 was my thief, and in general you can have a lot of fun with any class if it 'clicks' with your playstyle.
Try them all, seriously. Go into the Heart of the Mists (not the edge, that's a tad dangerous) and you'll have all of your traits / skills unlocked, and you can play around a bit and get a feel for things.
Hawkian and I will be happy to welcome you to the GAF Guild. We do missions every weekend!
Alright thank you
Just thinking if i want to delete the level 80, but im not particularly attached to it anyway. Is Stormbluff Isle one of the most populated servers?
Oh hey man! We've raised about 75G for you. Can you check whenever you have the chance and see what a transfer will cost you roughly?I still need to transfer over to US for the guild missions
GAF Guild is one of the longest surviving (if not the only longest) guilds still active, with over 100 members still active within several month's play. We have over 350 total.
Pretty sure GW2 is second only to WoW in terms of player numbers.
Damn! I came back to the game after a loooong break, and my server looks like a ghost town.
I really dont feel like spending money to transfer since i am not sure if i will play the game again for more than a week, but i wanted to be in a lively server :\
Miktar can give you a look at that. In the game menu, you can see most of the servers are Very High.
Didn't expect this. Too cool:
I have completed the ultimate ugly armor set![]()
Hi again!
As Allie promised, Im here to update the thread one more time before it returns to the depths. Thanks everyone for participating and having a civil conversation, relevant to the topic. Heres a few more changes well be including for the next feature build:
Cleansing Water: This trait no longer has an internal cooldown while in PvP.
Meteor Shower: Updated the skill fact to display the increased endurance regeneration while the player has the Zephyrs Focus trait. Added a red ring to indicate area of effect for enemy players. Added a white ring for allied players.
Weve fixed a lot of turret issues that were causing them to behave poorly or inconsistently (many of these issues have been reported via the bug forums, thanks guys!) In the coming patch, youll see quite a few improvements in this area. For example:
Fixed the bug that was causing all turrets to have a lower rate of fire than intended.
Fixed the bug that was preventing the overcharge for the Rifle Turret from increasing its rate of fire.
This one is more of a bug fix, but will help out nonetheless:
Searing Flames: This trait now activates only if the target has a boon on them.
Fixed the bug which caused your heal/utility skills to be locked out when you exit deathshroud.
Ranger pets are receiving a responsiveness pass and will be much easier to command. For example: Activating your F2 skill will now break your pet out of its current action in order to execute that ability.
Once again, this is not the end of the notes and theres a lot of stuff well be talking about soon! Were looking forward to it.
Additional balance changes for the Feature Build
Some small news today from GW2 China
Their clients have updated to the lastest build which is Escape from LA and the Black Lion Trading Company has been opened
Some small news today from GW2 China
Their clients have updated to the lastest build which is Escape from LA and the Black Lion Trading Company has been opened
So wait the game is launching with Escape from LA? Weird, I mean I know why, but... I guess it won't seem as "major" when it starts out destroyed. Although it probably will for those beta users.
Edit: Is the Chinese version F2P or B2P?
Also anyone like the Chinese site more than the west? I know the Chinese one is kind of cluttered, but I feel like the western one is just tooo empty imo.
I definitely think we should try to lead a GAF-coordinated run of Lion's Arch.
I like this because Saturday I am busy. I'll play tonight as well so I always try to stock my party with gafalonians when I go into LA.Indeed, let's aim for before/during/or after makeup missions on Sunday, roughly 3pm EST.
Oh hey man! We've raised about 75G for you. Can you check whenever you have the chance and see what a transfer will cost you roughly?
It's tough to estimate because it depends quite a lot on the time of day you're personally able to buy em.
Will check now mate.
it costs 1800 gems
If you have no other the gold, that 75 currently converts to 920 gems only...I guess we will have to keep at it for a bit longer.
Additional balance changes for the Feature Build
Played a little last night as Norn Engineer. Enjoying it so far, admittedly I am not far in. I'm thinking of either going dual pistols or pistol & shield. Currently rocking dual pistols. No idea what crafting professions to take or if there is even "bad" choices in that regard. I found the starting areas to be rather empty, which wasn't terrible because there were a few other players in my zone just not a great deal. It was a big difference than the opening few months of the game where they were crammed and instances left right and center.
It can make for some frustrating spots when there's a Champion taking over an area you need - they can't be soloed.
I spend probably two hours trying to get my final waypoint/point of interest in Cursed Shore last night... Wasn't able to get it, so many mobs in the contested arena around Arah.
Engineer is a little different in that when you equip a "kit" (like the flamethrower) it'll replace your weapon skills. So in the end for weapons you may end up using neither.
For crafting, Leather Worker is good for armor you wear. Huntsman is for pistol/rifle/speargun, and Jewelcrafter works for the rings/amulets/accessories you wear. It does require a lot of random drops, unfortunately, which means you'll probably be stalled for a while since the AH is priced for level 80's with a ton of money to burn.
Most zones are empty, unfortunately. Everyone mostly hangs out in a few areas. It can make for some frustrating spots when there's a Champion taking over an area you need - they can't be soloed.
I wanna join champ trains for some loot but can never find the train and barely know my way around the maps
Ditto, say when you need a hand and people will probably come help, if only to distract the wicked nasties while you beeline straight for the objective.
I wanna join champ trains for some loot but can never find the train and barely know my way around the maps
Crafting isn't too bad these days, as the champ trains produce a ton of mats, and stuff to break down. Granted, you will probably get fairly well geared just by doing those, as boring as they are.
Temporal Curtain: This skill now applies 6 seconds of swiftness, down from 12 seconds, and will now affect allies already under the effects of swiftness.
Weapon Skills
Gust: This skill's projectile has been modified to more reliably hit foes.
Magnetic Aura: This skill now reduces incoming condition duration by 10% while active. Other sources of Magnetic Aura will not grant this additional effect.
Water Trident: This skill now applies regeneration to allies in the radius.
Dust Devil: This skill's projectile has been modified to more reliably hit foes.
Burning Speed: This skill now evades attacks.
Frozen Burst: This skill is now a blast finisher.
Frost Aura: This skill now reduces incoming damage by an additional 10% while active. Other sources of Frost Aura will not grant this additional effect.
Shocking Aura: This skill now deals damage to nearby foes upon activation. Other sources of Shocking Aura will not grant this additional effect.
Flamewall: This skill now applies two seconds of burning per pulse.
Fire Shield: This skill now applies three stacks of might to the caster upon activation. Other sources of Fire Shield will not grant this additional effect.
Gale: This skill now has a recharge time of 40 seconds, down from 50 seconds.
Ice Wall: This skill's tooltip has been updated to better represent its functionality.
Undercurrent: This skill's tooltip has been updated to better represent its functionality.
Healing Skills
Signet of Restoration: This skill is no longer split between Structured PvP and PvE and will use the PvE version of the skill.
Utility Skills
Armor of Earth: This skill now has a recharge time of 75 seconds, down from 90 seconds.
Glyph of Storms: This skill's effects have been updated to be more in line with each other.
Firestorm: Increased base damage by 30%.
Ice Storm: Chill duration decreased to 2 seconds.
Lightning Storm: Storm duration decreased to 8 seconds. Number of impacts reduced to 32 impacts.
Elite Skills
Tornado: This skill now reflects projectiles while active and now has a recharge time of 180 seconds, up from 150 seconds.
Whirlpool: This skill now destroys projectiles while active.
Fire Magic 5Flame Barrier: This trait now has a 1 second recharge time.
Fire Magic XOne with Fire: This trait now increases Flame Barrier's chance to burn foes by 20% every second, down from 20% every 10 seconds.
Fire Magic XIIPyromancer's Puissance: This trait now applies 2 stacks of might for every spell cast in fire attunement, up from 1 stack of might. Updated the tooltip to better represent its functionality.
Air Magic IVOne with Air: This trait now applies 2 seconds of Haste, up from 1.5 seconds.
Water Magic XICleansing Water: The recharge time of this trait in Structured PvP has been removed.
Arcana VIIIElemental Attunement: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 10 seconds when attuning to fire.
Weapon Skills
Blunderbuss: This skill now applies 2 stacks of bleeding at the high range value and 5 stacks of bleeding at the low range value.
Jump Shot: This skill now applies 3 stacks of vulnerability with both the leap and landing effect regardless of the amount of foes hit.
Poison Dart Volley: This skill's projectiles have been modified to more reliably hit foes.
Homing Torpedo: This skill now has a cast time of 3/4 second, down from 1 second.
Poison Grenade: This skill now applies 3 seconds of poison per pulse, down from 5 seconds.
Box of Nails: This skill now has a cast time of 3/4 second, down from 1 second.
Box of Piranhas: This skill now has a cast time of 3/4 second, down from 1 second.
Napalm: This skill now has a 20 seconds recharge time, down from 30 seconds.
Smoke Vent: This skill now removes weakness when used.
Healing Skills
A.E.D.: This skill now has a cast time of 3/4 second, down from 1 second.
Utility Skills
Personal Battering Ram: This skill now deals an additional 20% damage if the target is affected by immobilized and will remove immobilized before launching them.
Launch Personal Battering Ram: This skill no longer has a cast time.
Slick Shoes: This skill now has a 40 seconds recharge time when used underwater, down from 60 seconds.
General Turret changes: All turrets have had their hitboxes modified to closer resemble their respective turret models. Turrets now self-destruct after 15 minutes once deployed, up from 5 minutes. Picking up a turret will now reduce the recharge time by 50%, up from 25%. Base recharge times have been modified to accompany this change.
Flame Turret: This turret now consistently fires every 3 seconds. This skill now has a recharge time of 30 seconds, up from 25 seconds, and a pickup recharge time of 15 seconds, down from 18.75 seconds.
Net Turret: This turret's rate of fire has been restored to 10 seconds. This skill now applies 2 seconds of immobilized, down from 3 seconds. The overcharged version is unaffected by this change. This skill now has a recharge time of 40 seconds, up from 30 seconds, and a pickup recharge time of 20 seconds, down from 22.5 seconds.
Electrified Net: Removed the rate of fire increase skill fact from this skill's tooltip.
Rifle Turret: This turret now consistently fires every 2 seconds and is now able to fire while rotating. This skill now has a pickup recharge time of 10 seconds, down from 15 seconds.
Automatic Fire: This skill now properly affects the rifle turret. This skill now causes the turret to apply 2 stacks of vulnerability for 4 seconds per shot for the duration of the overcharge.
Harpoon Turret: This skill now has a pickup recharge time of 10 seconds, down from 15 seconds.
Harpoon: This skill no longer has a cast time and now has a recharge time of 10 seconds, down from 20 seconds.
Rocket Turret: This turret now consistently fires every 4 seconds. This skill now has a pickup recharge time of 25 seconds, down from 37.5 seconds.
Explosive Rockets: This skill now has a duration of 8 seconds, up from 7 seconds.
Thumper Turret: This turret now consistently fires every 3 seconds. This skill now has a pickup recharge time of 25 seconds, down from 37.5 seconds.
Healing Mist: This skill is no longer listed as an elixir skill.
Incendiary Ammo: This skill now has a recharge time of 45 seconds, down from 60 seconds. The effect applied by this skill now lasts for 30 seconds, down from 45 seconds.
Firearms VIIIJuggernaut: This trait now halves retaliation damage taken while using flame jet in addition to its current effects.
Firearms XGo for the Eyes: This trait now has a 100% chance to apply blindness on critical hit with a rifle.
Inventions VIIReinforced Shield: This trait now increases toughness by 150 when wielding a shield.
Inventions XIIRifled Turret Barrels: This trait now continues to function properly when a turret is overcharged.
Alchemy XIIAutomated Response: This trait now starts functioning at a health threshold of 20%, down from 25%.
Tools IVKit Refinement: This trait now has a recharge time of 10 seconds, down from 20 seconds.
FlamethrowerFire Shield: This skill now applies the fire shield effect for 10 seconds, up from 4 seconds.
Grenade KitEnfeebling Grenade: This skill replaces Drop Mine and throws two grenades at the target that apply 2 seconds of weakness to foes caught in the explosion.
Tool KitSuper Speed: This skill now applies the haste effect for 5 seconds, up from 2 seconds.
Med KitMagnetic Aura: This skill now applies the magnetic aura effect for 4 seconds, up from 2 seconds.
Tools XIArmor Mods: This trait now has a recharge time of 10 seconds, down from 15 seconds.
Weapon Skills
Zealot's Defense: This skill's projectiles have been modified to more reliably hit foes. This skill will now absorb its own projectiles if they are reflected. The final hit of this skill now applies a 1 second burn to foes.
Cleansing Flame: This skill now removes a condition every second pulse for a total of 5 conditions removed. The caster is now also affected by the condition removal.
Spear Wall: This skill now displays the correct area of effect indicator to allies. Previously this skill displayed a round area of effect to allies with the correct functionality of a line area of effect.
Healing Skills
Healing Breeze: This skill has been re-scaled so that the guardian receives 50% of the heal near the start of the heal and then heals for 10% for 5 ticks to the caster and up to 5 allies in the cone.
Litany of Wrath: This skill now has a cast time of 3/4 second, down from 1 second.
Utility Skills
Sanctuary: This skill now has a radius of 150 units, up from 120 units. The tooltip now lists the light field associated with the skill.
Signet of Mercy: This skill now has a cast time of 2.25 seconds, down from 3.75s seconds.
Bow of Truth: The summoned bow now fires every 4.5 seconds, down from 5.2 seconds.
Command: This skill is now a ground-targeted area of effect that can be fired within 900 units of the user.
Sword of Justice: The summoned sword's base damage has been increased by 10%.
ZealSpirit-Weapon Mastery: This trait has been moved to Virtues V.
Zeal VIEternal Spirit: Moved to the Adept tier.
Zeal VIIIThis trait now improves the effectiveness of focus skills in addition to its current functionality. Ray of Judgement bounces an additional two times. Shield of Wrath blocks an additional two attacks.
Zeal XWrathful Spirits: Moved to the Master tier. This trait now increases spirit weapon damage by 30%.
Zeal XIImpervious Spirits: This new Grandmaster tier trait renders spirit weapons immune to direct damage. Spirit weapons affected by this trait can still be harmed by conditions.
Zeal XIIWrit of Debilitation: This trait replaces Kindled Zeal. This trait now causes symbols to apply 1 second of crippled to foes.
Radiance XIIPerfect Inscriptions: Updated the tooltip to better represent its effect.
Valor VIIIGlacial Heart: This trait now has a recharge time of 20 seconds, down from 30 seconds.
Valor IXHonorable Shield: This trait now increases toughness by 150 when wielding a shield.
Honor 5Vigorous Precision: This trait now has a recharge time of 10 seconds, up from 5 seconds.
Honor 15Selfless Daring: This trait now heals for its base amount plus 70% benefit from healing power in Structured PvP, up from 50%.
Honor VIIIEmpowering Might: This trait no longer has a recharge time.
Virtues IVRetaliatory Subconscious: This trait now has a recharge time of 15 seconds, down from 30 seconds.
Virtues VSpirit Weapon Mastery: This trait has been merged with Improved Spirit-Weapon Duration. This trait now reduces recharge on spirit weapon skills by 20% and increases their duration by 50%.
Weapon Skills
Chaos Armor: This skill now applies 5 seconds of swiftness upon activation. Other sources of Chaos Armor will not grant this additional effect.
Illusionary Counter: This skill now applies 6 seconds of torment when it blocks an attack, down from 8 seconds.
Temporal Curtain: This skill now applies 6 seconds of swiftness, down from 12 seconds, and will now affect allies already under the effects of swiftness.
Illusion of Drowning: This skill now only damages foes once and damage has been increased by 30%.
Utility Skills
Null Field: This skill is now unblockable and has a recharge time of 45 seconds.
Arcane Thievery: This skill no longer has a cast time.
Mimic: This skill now prevents all effects of the absorbed projectile from being applied. This skill now has a recharge time of 35 seconds.
Phantasmal Defender: This skill now continues to function correctly when multiple phantasmal defenders are alive, splitting damage only to the phantasmal defender with the most health.
Elite Skills
Time Warp: This skill now has a recharge time of 180 seconds, down from 210 seconds.
Downed Skills
Mind Blast: This skill now applies 3 seconds of confusion.
Deception: The downed clone summoned by this skill will now have the downed icon over it.
Phantasmal Rogue: The phantasm summoned by this skill will now always appear behind the target and will attempt to stay behind the target. Base damage has been decreased by 15% to compensate.
Domination VCrippling Dissipation: This trait no longer triggers when a clone is replaced by another illusion. This trait now applies 4 seconds of crippled, up from 3 seconds.
Dueling 5Critical Infusion: This trait now has a recharge time of 10 seconds, up from 5 seconds.
Dueling 25Confusing Combatants: This trait no longer triggers when a clone is replaced by another illusion.
Chaos VDebilitating Dissipation: This trait no longer triggers when a clone is replaced by another illusion. This trait now applies 6 seconds of bleeding, up from 5 seconds, and 6 seconds of vulnerability, up from 5 seconds.
Chaos VIRetaliatory Demise: This trait now applies 3 seconds of retaliation every 3 seconds while downed and also applies to downed clones created by Deception.
Chaos XIIPrismatic Understanding: This trait now applies 4 seconds of aegis upon entering stealth and randomly applies 3 seconds of protection or regeneration every second while stealthed.
Inspiration 15Phantasmal Healing: This trait now has a radius of 320 units, up from 240 units.
Inspiration IVMender's Purity: This trait now removes conditions before healing is applied.
Weapon Skills
Mark of Blood: This skill now has a radius of 180 units, up from 120 units.
Chillblains: This skill now has a radius of 180 units, up from 120 units.
Putrid Mark: This skill now has a radius of 180 units, up from 120 units.
Reaper's Mark: This skill now has a radius of 180 units, up from 120 units.
Healing Skills
Summon Blood Fiend: The healing provided by the blood fiend's attacks now scales with the necromancer's healing power.
Signet of Vampirism: This skill's passive effect now siphons health from foes when struck on a 1 second cooldown. The active effect no longer has a cooldown and summoned allies are able to benefit from the active effect. The active effect's life siphon damage has been decreased by 10% to compensate.
Utility Skills
Putrid Explosion: This skill is no longer unblockable.
Elite Skills
Marked for Death: This skill now has a radius of 300 units, up from 240 units.
Mark of Horror: This skill now has a radius of 300 units, up from 240 units.
Summon Blood Shark: This skill is the underwater replacement for Summon Flesh Golem and is on a separate recharge timer to allow quick re-summoning when entering water. The Blood Shark applies 3 seconds of bleeding on hit.
Charge: This skill causes the blood shark to charge the target foe, stunning them for 1/2 second.
Spite IXTraining of the Master: This trait now increases minion damage by 25%, down from 30%.
Spite XChill of Death: This trait now deals 12% less damage.
Spite XIDhuumfire: This trait now causes Life Blast to apply 3 seconds of burning on foes on a 10 second recharge time.
Curses VIIIBanshee's Wail: This trait now functions correctly with Locust Swarm.
Curses XIIWithering Precision: This trait now also applies 5 stacks of vulnerability for 5 seconds on critical hit.
Death Magic VIIGreater Marks: This trait no longer increases the radius of marks.
Death Magic XIINecromantic Corruption: This trait now grants minions 100% chance to remove a boon on hit on a 20 second recharge per minion.
Blood Magic 15Vampiric: This trait's life siphon healing now scales with healing power.
Blood Magic IIIMark of Evasion: This trait no longer has a recharge time. The mark of blood placed by this trait now applies one stack of bleeding for 6 seconds to foes and 3 seconds of regeneration to allies.
Blood Magic VVampiric Precision: This trait's life siphon healing now scales with healing power.
Blood Magic VIIVampiric Master: This trait now deals 10% less damage and heals for 10% less. This trait's life siphon healing now scales with the necromancer's healing power.
Soul Reaping IIIPath of Midnight: This trait now reduces recharge time on Death Shroud skills by 20%, up from 10%.
Soul Reaping XIFoot in the Grave: This trait now applies 4 seconds of stability, up from 3 seconds.
Weapon Skills
Counterattack: This skill now reliably knocks foes back when an attack is blocked.
Crossfire: This skill now correctly applies bleeding only when hitting from behind or from the side.
SlashKickPounce: Improved functionality to allow players to cancel the skill chain with less difficulty.
Evasive Strike: This skill can now be used while moving.
Healing Skills
Heal as One: This skill now has a cast time of 1 second, down from 1 1/4 second, and the base heal has been increased by 8%.
Utility Skills
"Guard": This skill now has a recharge time of 25 seconds, up from 15 seconds.
Lightning Reflexes: This skill now removes immobilized, chilled and crippled.
Viper's Nest: This skill is now a poison field.
Elite Skills
Spirit of Nature: This skill now correctly heals 320 health per second.
Downed Skills
Lick Wounds: This skill will now function correctly underwater; defeated pets would previously continue to revive the ranger.
Marksmanship IIIKeen Edge: This trait is now listed as a Survival skill.
Marksmanship VIIIPiercing Arrows: This trait no longer affects Hunter's Shot.
Marksmanship XEagle Eye: This trait now grants a 33% chance on critical hit with a Longbow to gain one stack of might for 10 seconds.
Marksmanship XIIRemorseless: This trait now also grants opening strike to your pet if they gain stealth.
Skirmishing 5Tail Wing: This trait now grants 9 seconds of swiftness, up from 5 seconds.
Skirmishing IXHoned Axes: This trait now reduces the recharge time on main hand axe skills by 20%.
Skirmishing XIIMoment of Clarity: This trait now applies the Moment of Clarity effect to you and your pet on interrupt and now grants 200% damage on the next attack, up from 150%. This trait is now able to stack with the Attack of Opportunity effect for a total of 250% damage. This trait now has a recharge time of 10 seconds, up from 5 seconds.
Wilderness Survival XMartial Mastery: This trait no longer reduces recharge on greatsword and spear skills. This trait now grants 1 second of vigor when you successfully evade an attack with a sword skill.
Wilderness Survival XIIBark Skin: This trait now has a health threshold of 33%, up from 25%.
Nature Magic IXTwo-Handed Training: This trait now reduces the recharge time on greatsword and spear skills by 20% in addition to its current effects.
Beastmastery VCompassion Training: This trait has been merged with Vigorous Training. This trait now increases your pet's healing power and your pets grant 5 seconds of vigor to nearby allies when activated.
Beastmastery XFerocious Training: This new master tier trait replaces Vigorous Training. This trait now guarantees bird, moa and jellyfish pets to critically hit on every third hit.
Weapon Skills
Detonate Cluster: This skill now deals 18% less damage to keep it less effective than Cluster Bomb against a single target while still being more effective against groups of enemies. This skill now applies 2 stacks of bleeding instead of 1 stack.
Disabling Shot: This skill now has an initiative cost of 5, up from 4. Damage has been increased by 7% to compensate.
Choking Gas: This skill now applies 3 seconds of poison per pulse, down from 5 seconds.
Heartseeker: This skill now deals 9% less damage to foes over 50% health, 4% less damage to foes with 50%25% health and 8% more damage to foes below 25% health.
Shadow Strike: This skill now applies 1 stack of torment for 8 seconds, down from 2 stacks of torment for 5 seconds.
Unload: This skill now has an initiative cost of 4, down from 5.
Healing Skills
Skelk Venom: This skill now has a cast time of 1/2 second, down from 1 second. This skill now affects the next 5 attacks, up from 4 attacks.
Utility Skills
Signet of Agility: Updated the tooltip to better represent its effect.
Ambush: This skill now summons the thief ally at the trap location if the user is not in combat and summons the thief ally at the user's location if the user is already in combat.
Needle Trap: This skill now more reliably hits foes. This skill now has a recharge time of 25 seconds, down from 30 seconds.
Tripwire: This skill now has a recharge time of 25 seconds, down from 30 seconds.
Deadly Arts VIIImprovisation: This trait will now only attempt to recharge skill types that have a skill currently recharging. This trait now also increases damage from stolen skills by 10%.
Acrobatics XIAssassin's Reward: This trait now gains 8% benefit from healing power, up from 5%.
Weapon Skills
Rush: This skill now has a recharge time of 25 seconds, up from 20 seconds.
Pin Down: This skill now has a telegraph animation and has a cast time of 3/4 second, up from 1/4 second.
Impale: This skill can no longer be used against targets behind the user. This skill now applies 8 seconds of torment, down from 12 seconds.
Healing Skills
Healing Signet: This skill now passively heals for 8% less.
Defiant Stance: This skill's initial base heal now heals for 20% more.
Utility Skills
Bull's Charge: This skill now dazes foes it hits for 2 seconds and now only knocks down foes hit from the back or from the side.
Berserker Stance: This skill now applies berserker stance for 6 seconds, down from 8 seconds.
Defense IShield Master: This trait now increases toughness by 150 when wielding a shield.
Defense IIDogged March: This trait no longer grants regeneration.
Tactics IVStronger Bowstrings: This trait no longer modifies longbow skills in unintended manners.
Engineer is a little different in that when you equip a "kit" (like the flamethrower) it'll replace your weapon skills. So in the end for weapons you may end up using neither.
For crafting, Leather Worker is good for armor you wear. Huntsman is for pistol/rifle/speargun, and Jewelcrafter works for the rings/amulets/accessories you wear. It does require a lot of random drops, unfortunately, which means you'll probably be stalled for a while since the AH is priced for level 80's with a ton of money to burn.
Most zones are empty, unfortunately. Everyone mostly hangs out in a few areas. It can make for some frustrating spots when there's a Champion taking over an area you need - they can't be soloed.
Wonder if those leaked balance notes have any truth to them. If they do, they suck.
Sucks about the zones being empty![]()
Unfortunately, this is an "MMO problem" and not a "Guild Wars 2 problem," nobody has managed to keep players from congealing in a handful of zones while leaving the others empty. Though on the plus side, down-leveling and the Living Story have at least done more on this front than most games.
One thing about that map - the order is different to what I've seen (at least on on SBI).
This is the order I've run:
Boar -> Oak -> Troll -> Bandit -> Spider -> Wasp (When up)
If you're playing a slow class (like Mesmer) it can be hard to keep up if you fall behind and don't know where to go just yet.
Also, Spider has no event associated with it.
The drops are completely random, unfortunately.
I think they need to redo the heart rewards at this point. They're too random and too expensive to be worthwhile, especially now that karma rewards got reduced so much.
I usually do not recommend champ farm trains because they get really boring but I know you are tying to make some money so that you can transfer over to SBI and you would not have to do this anymore so here is a map which explains the route that the champ trains take.
Just ask on map chat.
What level is your main?