I have 4 myself currently: Sunrise, Twilight, Bolt and Frostfang (which I made this morning) and you want to know how I got them? Mindless Farming
I should be more clear sorry, but I should have save the game for me.
I fully understand and can appreciate that the game is in a good position for certain individuals in the player base, but as a player that pretty much has done it all with the exception of getting more legendaries, I have big expectations for season 2 since we arnt getting any expansions anytime soon. But if their big words dont translate to big things, I can just move on until they do, which is the best thing about a game with no sub
well okay, at least you have the right perspective on this. If you never play another 20 seconds, I think I would be hard pressed to say the game hasn't given you your money's worth by this point...
I've really been enjoying my time with the game since I came back. However, I've never really gotten into the group content and now I find myself wanting to. Is there a list somewhere that will tell me what dungeons to run and in what order? Thanks in advance for any responses, there's just so much to take in that I can't think of where to start.
CoF p1 + 2, AC p1 + 3, SE p1 + 3, TA Up, CoE p1 + 3 and HoTW 1 are the easy mode dungeons. If you dunno how to do them, run with guildies or say that you are new to the dungeon when you join a group.
Hi MakeshiftChef- you're in the guild, right? I'm gonna take a different approach to what people are answering here and address your question more specifically. What people have given here are "dungeons to run near-daily for fun and profit," but not a particularly great prescription for how to get started.
So, every dungeon in the game (except Fractals of the Mists, more on that later) has a Story Mode and an Explorable mode with 3 separate paths. Beating Story Mode unlocks that dungeon's explorable mode.
First thing you want to do is get a group together to run Ascalonian Catacombs Story (or "AC Story"). This used to be a challenging instance, but now is a very simple and easy intro to dungeon content in general. It's very nearly facerollable, but will give you a nice little sample of what's to come. For this the recommended min. level is 30. After that, you'll have unlocked Exp Mode (min. level 35), but it is substantially more challenging, and all three paths of AC Exp are reguarly run by level 80s as they are quite rewarding.
Once you've run one or two AC Exp paths, which will prepare you for much of the skill demand in dungeons throughout the game, I'd then recommend trying the easiest dungeon paths like COF1 and SE1. You have to "know" these paths, and there are segments requiring cooperation to advance, but they are very simple and quick, and can be run once a day (<10 mins each at high levels of play) for 1g+ apiece.
Once you feel more confident with dungeons in generals, the list above is a great list of quick/easy paths to run- however, remember that to start any of them yourself, you must first have done story mode for that dungeon. If you ask in guild chat, people will typically help out with a Story Mode run for the novelty.
Running these dungeons gets you, in addition to the above mentioned gold, tokens that you can save up for Rare or Exotic gear (either to be used or broken down for more profit).
In addition to all of the 8 "standard" dungeons, there's Fractals. Fractals are a set of mini-dungeons with their own internal progression. So you start out on "Fractal Level 1" and do a run- consisting of 3 fractals and a boss- and advance to fractal level 2. The loot in here is great, but it's not a good source of gold. However, the unique tokens from fractals (Relics) can be used for very very useful stuff, such as cheap 20-slot inventory bags.
A very important consideration for dungeons is gear. No, there are no "gear checks" that require you to have best-in-slot, or a certain tier. But you need to have weapons and armor
at or near your level, no matter where you are. So even in a level 40 dungeon, if you're level 60, you need level ~60 gear.