Closed beta March 11th, still no release I can see
edit: Oh it's only a two-week closed beta...
Launch must be not too far behind then.
Closed beta March 11th, still no release I can see
edit: Oh it's only a two-week closed beta...
Even when it was obvious, it's probably one of the more tastefully done lesbian romances I can remember in a game. They aren't all 'lol, i'll sleep with anything!' or 'lol, lets have smex! Yay girlsex!"
Instead, they just seem to be two women who care for each other.
ballsy move to go for a pure buy to play model in China. There's a font of subscription/timecard money in the Asian market and I'm stunned NCSoft didn't just put the hammer down toward restructuring the game to accomodate. If they pull this off well they will be untouchable worldwide for years to come.
Yeah, that's the thing I liked most. They focused more on the romantinc/sentimental side of it rather than the sexy/fanservicey side. Having an unusually high quota of female developers, designers and writers is working all kinds of good for this game, their touch is seen everywhere and makes it that much more balanced, believable and attractive of a setting.
Haven't seen the scene you mention, is it from inside Lion's Arch proper during the evacuation?
Yep, they're aiming for a niche that is entirely empty right now and making a bet that there ARE people in China willing to pay for a game that feels fuller than the rest. ArenaNet going for the ballsy, revolutionary strategy rather than following the leader is pretty much their thing.Worst case scenario, I don't think the localization, publishing and marketing costs will make a huge dent on their apparently pretty healthy profits.
The scene in the Dead End recently even sort of hinted that Kas wants things to move a bit faster than Jory does. It really doesn't feel forced.
Also, omg Frostbite is getting so biiiiig
Next Finisher will be a Guild Banner Finisher
look at what the oficial GW2 Twitter just tweeted
its so nice. they really work to make everything feel alive.
Too many shinies distracting them to finish it.
March: Daily Sales in the Gem Store!
Each day in March were running special promotions in the Gem Store! Youll get 31 chances to save big on different Gem Store items or pick up a popular item from the past! Each sale begins at 12:01 a.m. and ends at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Were starting things off at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, March 1, with a 10% price reduction on Collection Expanders! Check the Promotions tab in the Gem Store every day in March to see your daily savings!
One thing I will say: If they continue with this new Destiny's Edge, they do need to mix it up a bit. If they want to make them a "team", Braham and Rox seem very separated from Majory and Kasmeer, and they'll need to remedy that.
They are all great characters, but they don't really seem like a team quite yet.
If only there was some huge, dramatic event in which they were all involved, that might really create a strong bond between them.![]()
Not being a dick, just saying; that's probably what's going to happen after this update.
That's what I hope!
Although, they might be split up. They've tended to be scattered and in their respective "pairs", with Taimi being the odd one out.
Just started playing this recently, up to lv 12 now, I'm a Charr Guardian. The starting area for the Charr seems absolutely devoid of other people, haven't been able to do a single group event thingy yet, would often play for half an hour before seeing anyone else. Is this normal, I assume there'll be more people at higher levels?
Thank anet for that, most gamers leveling an alt is in Queensdale(human starter area) 6 months ago they made some changes that ruin the leveling process of the game, so most areas are DEAD because everyone killing the same 5-6 bosses over and over and over..they need to nerf that stupid queensdale train..
Ok thanks, should I go there or just keep on doing what I'm doing?
Ok thanks, should I go there or just keep on doing what I'm doing?
To more or less echo what Shio said, the Queensdale train is the antithesis of what makes Guild Wars 2 worth playing. In place of exploration, challenge and an informal "Hey, we're both here, let's do this thing together" sense of camaraderie, you just run circles around the same low level map in a swarm, killing the same five Champions over and over again with a group that is often openly hostile to players who 'steal their kills' or 'go out of order'. It is essentially a small group of people creating a mindless, repetitive grind in a game that has tried very hard to make mindless, repetitive grinds a thing of the past, literally seeking out the path of least resistance for optimized loot but at the expense of anything resembling enjoyment. Which says a lot about the mentality of the people who engage in that activity, I think.
Can't really hate them too much. That's how they get enjoyment out of the game. Anet should make champions more roamy and difficult to optimize.
I would kill the Queensdale train by adding 20mins respawn time to all the champs..
So here's what I've put together for my norn guardian. I'm having trouble with finding any good leggings and boots, but I'm otherwise pretty happy with her.
Then I have Lanius with mostly Named armor skin. Very similar setup to my female human mesmer. Light Named armor looks really good on both sexes without using the usual skimpy miniskirt and frilly top for female characters.
What is the name of the blue/green colour you're using on your draconic leggings? It looks wonderful.
What is the name of the blue/green colour you're using on your draconic leggings? It looks wonderful.
Had an Ascended armor box drop today from rank rewards. But its Settlers. D'oh. Can't think of any builds that'd really make use of it. Maybe a necro? Mesmer?
Decent for a sword warrior with shouts and healing signet. They mostly need CD, heal power, and toughness.Had an Ascended armor box drop today from rank rewards. But its Settlers. D'oh. Can't think of any builds that'd really make use of it. Maybe a necro? Mesmer?
Pah. Against all odds I got another bluescreen on waking up this morning. My system is still much better off than last week (haven't had one since, and am typing this on it) but it was definitely the same error code as before I thought I'd fixed things, so I'm not out of the woods. Cannot believe my luck with this.
Looks like I could probably make it to missions, I'm not constantly crashing or anything, but I've honestly spent the entire day just glued to my computer desk troubleshooting from various angles. Kind of feel like getting out to eat and just get out of the house and I didn't notice until coming online to make this post how close it was to time. I might still make it but my apologies to all if I don't.
We have enough, and I sent Lashley and in game mail, but I haven't heard back need. I need to do the exchange at sometime he's online at the same time as me (or another officer).Oh yeah, did we ever get enough gold in the bank for that guy to transfer off EU last week?
I understand that it was confusing to participate and many people feel that we run the puzzle more efficiently in total than they do. That's fine, but I didn't see a whole lot of Remembering the Human going on.
concerns from them about our people running too far forward
concern from our own members about the attitudes being expressed on mumble.
I stayed near the front of the group, and never once did I see GAF go ahead of DH, or start anything ahead of them. DH had a group well ahead of us that was doing things by the time I got there with most of the people up front. So I'm not sure where a lot of this is coming from.