Jest Chillin
Just because the red line is there, doesn't mean you can't run through it. You just have to hurry through before she shoots.
If there's a static line there, dodge through it, or pop stability.
Not pointed at you, but there's no excuse unless you're worried about the achievement.
As far as covering goes, I was mostly talking about the ability to actually see the buffs. They're not always visible when covered by that ground attack. Though for my Thief, that static hurts quite a bit. I dropped a couple times from it when I wasn't even technically in it's telegraph.
Achievement or no, when a fight requires you to use a certain mechanic in order to actually do DPS, it shouldn't require the player to nearly die in order to do so. This only happens in this fight as a result of the buffs and attacks both happening dynamically (and seemingly independent of each other), rather than following a pattern or at the very least, having something written in so that the attacks won't cover any more than say 50-60% of a buff circle.