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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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It's taken me over half a year, but finally:


All I need now is 300 gold or so for the precusor!

Another half a year, here I come...


The major non instanted content lately has been all boss based. Maybe they will do something that is more similar to a guild puzzle or open world dungeon that mixes in jumping and light puzzles.

I would be happy with stuff like that, and I think Dynamic Events could do a lot of the heavy lifting for those kind of things. I'd be curious to see what a new, 'real' zone looks like after a year and a half of learning, in terms of how advanced the events could be.
Thanks to a gaffer who has chosen to stay anonymous, I've placed the buy order for my precursor! I'm 100% sure it'll get fulfilled in the next few days. *is still bowled over*

Already fulfilled!


Ermahgerd... I finally did it. ;..;



I dig my thief in wvw. Shortbow, sneak attacks, picking off people trying to sneak supply into garrison, etc.

But stealth/backstab/stealth/backstab is so annoying mid fight and its how every fight goes vs one out in the wilds. I dunno how you'd keep a thief's escape/sneakiness, and nerf that junk but I sure wouldn't mind if someone found a way.

Maybe ding warrior GS mobility too while we're at it. But then the warrior generally doesn't come back every few seconds with a full health bar.

Thanks to a gaffer who has chosen to stay anonymous, I've placed the buy order for my precursor! I'm 100% sure it'll get fulfilled in the next few days. *is still bowled over*
Wow, go gaf. And congrats on future legendariness.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I find it annoying that they didn't patch in skippable scenes in Scarlet's End.

Ahh well, halfway done with the dungeon tally.


We'll see precursor scavenger hunt this year (probably) so I think that most of us will have at least one by years end.
Give me the CM with new AC treatment and I'll spend all day in there. It's the least dungeony environment I'd ever have expected and I really enjoy the idea behind what you're doing there. Some of the rooms are just awesome too (rocket reflection ftw).

With the Living Story we gain some and lost some, seems like Anet forgot they would revamp every dungeon, after AC i wanted them to revamp CM so badly that dungeon is fucking OP, sadly CM getting treated like AC will never happen..


My one big issue with CM is "reflection OP". For most of the enemies in that dungeon you have to do everything in your power just to survive auto-attacks. It does have some non-dull mechanics though.


So I would like to join the guild, if it is possible. It doesn't matter if I am already in a guild right? Although I do play on Gandara, I still hope, I could play with some of you from time to time.

My nick is: DrAgOnBoY.8315


Tried CM once. Never again!

Dunno where you guys are seeing Assualt Knights being taken down by 20 people. I have never seen a Knight killed with less than 45 people and that still usually take 13 or 14 minutes. I've resigned myself to not getting another chance at the Holo fight.

And how the hell are you supposed to kill them all in 6 minutes now? I'm not convinced its possible.


So I would like to join the guild, if it is possible. It doesn't matter if I am already in a guild right? Although I do play on Gandara, I still hope, I could play with some of you from time to time.

My nick is: DrAgOnBoY.8315

I went ahead and sent you an invite, but because you're playing on a EU server you'll be unable to use it for more than a chat room (which is certainly fine if you want to ask questions and such). Because there isn't international guesting, you won't be able to actually do anything with GAF since we're on Stormbluff Isle (NA).

It doesn't matter if you're already in a guild, you can belong to 5 guilds at once (only able to rep one at a time, however).

If you're interested in transferring to Stormbluff Isle, we have an immigration fund set up where we take a chunk of the weekly Lottery deposits and use it to get people paid transfers. There's a thread about it here; http://gafguild.com/index.php?threads/stormbluff-isle-immigration-fund.312/

If not, that's perfectly fine. I'm sorry to say that our European chapter of the guild (which actually was on Gandara) died kind of quickly after the folks who made a fuss about leading it just disappeared. We've been advising people, regardless of which continent they play, to roll on SBI. Latency hasn't ever been too much of an issue, at least based on what I've heard from non-NA GAFers playing on SBI.

Tried CM once. Never again!

Dunno where you guys are seeing Assualt Knights being taken down by 20 people. I have never seen a Knight killed with less than 45 people and that still usually take 13 or 14 minutes. I've resigned myself to not getting another chance at the Holo fight.

And how the hell are you supposed to kill them all in 6 minutes now? I'm not convinced its possible.

CM is a great dungeon theme, but as it exists now it's definitely a bumpy experience. So you're not wrong, but you're thinking of it in strictly gameplay terms while we're kind of appreciating it for the aesthetics as a dungeon that is also obviously meant to be very non-dungeon like.

As for the Knights, I've personally seen it done with ~30. I dunno if I've seen it as low as 20, but based on map chat during the fight I mentioned above (when everyone was at Green because the Admiral was there too), it sounded liked Red never had more than 30 people there. I think 20 might be pushing it, that'd have to be a really concentrated effort. I wonder if we might organize GAF this next weekend and see if we can get into a mostly-empty overflow and just try it with 20 people. Everyone working together with a plan in place before hand would probably be close.


Thanks for the invite and reply Retro. I will see what I will do. I will probably stay for some time on Gandara and see how things work out.

At least I can talk with you per chat and try to (hopefully) strenghthen my english :).


CM is a great dungeon theme, but as it exists now it's definitely a bumpy experience. So you're not wrong, but you're thinking of it in strictly gameplay terms while we're kind of appreciating it for the aesthetics as a dungeon that is also obviously meant to be very non-dungeon like.

I'm all for non-dungeony dungeons! Love them actually.

Would be nice to see some new permanent dungeons this year with new armour sets. I just know any new dungeon would be spectacular. Molten Facility was easily my favourite dungeon. Looked epic as hell and had a really fun boss fight. More please Anet!
I'm all for non-dungeony dungeons! Love them actually.

Would be nice to see some new permanent dungeons this year with new amour sets. I just know any new dungeon would be spectacular. Molten Facility was easily my favourite dungeon. Looked epic as hell and had a really fun boss fight. More please Anet!

I wonder if season 2 of the living story will have some story dungeons ala the personal story.
Tried CM once. Never again!

Dunno where you guys are seeing Assualt Knights being taken down by 20 people. I have never seen a Knight killed with less than 45 people and that still usually take 13 or 14 minutes. I've resigned myself to not getting another chance at the Holo fight.

And how the hell are you supposed to kill them all in 6 minutes now? I'm not convinced its possible.

Agree with all of the above. Since the change all of my attempts have ended with 2 knights down. It's taken about 13 minutes per knight, giving us about a minute to help on the last one...which is usually at 40% health when we get there.

I'm glad I got the achievement before the change.
The Flameseeker shield looks dope.

I've run CM twice.. both times near launch. I thought it was fun personally.

I also only attempted the knights after the change. Went 1/3 so far. In all three attempts the biggest problem I saw was people coming in right at the start of the event and just running to the nearest knight or to wherever the Tag is, instead of looking or asking to find out which knight needs the most reinforcements. So one or two end up with more players than can actually be useful and one always ends up short and either barely makes it or doesn't make it at all.
I've found it really hard, in an overflow anyways, to get people to spread out enough to complete the event. Everyone wants to run to the knight with the most people. I'm guessing this is out of instinct or fear of death or something.
Amazon is having a 50% off Logitech accessory sale.


I feel that the G700 and G700s are the best mice for GW2, since those three buttons along the left mouse button are perfect for the 7,8,9 skills. (I personally use 'R' for healing and 'Shift+R' for my elite skill)
I use a G700. I have 1-6 bound to the buttons, plus dodge. also bound weapon switch to it as well.

Works out pretty well.

I'm a claw and pick up type of mouse user that uses it almost exclusively for character movement. Putting that many hotkeys on my mouse would take serious adjustments. I like the gamepad for that. I have an N52 already that works but it's years old and will probably give out soon.


Thanks for the invite and reply Retro. I will see what I will do. I will probably stay for some time on Gandara and see how things work out.

At least I can talk with you per chat and try to (hopefully) strenghthen my english :).

Not a problem, and like I said, if you ever decide you want to move, we have a fund set up to help cover the cost.

I'm all for non-dungeony dungeons! Love them actually.

Would be nice to see some new permanent dungeons this year with new armour sets. I just know any new dungeon would be spectacular. Molten Facility was easily my favourite dungeon. Looked epic as hell and had a really fun boss fight. More please Anet!

HotW is easily my favorite; not only are the the Tibetan-inspired buildings, but everything is at a slant like the place actually is sinking. The layout tells a story effectively, even if you skip all the text and ignore the dialogue.

And yes, any new dungeon they add is going to be incredible. Molten Facility and Aetherblade Retreat, along with TA Aetherpath and the revamped AC show that their dungeon-crafting is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was at launch.


Well, this is awesome. I'm getting connection errors whenever I boot up GW2, and I can't play thanks to it :/ Checked my firewall, restarted my computer... nothing


I hope no one gets there hopes up cause this same Korean firm said that an expansion was coming in 2013 and early 2014.

/yawn. NCsoft has so little involvement with what happens day-to-day ArenaNet it's funny, especially to see comments like "NCSoft is pulling the strings for more pay-2-win!" or "NCSoft is going to shut Guild Wars 2 down!" Seems like click-bait for MMORPG.com as usual, so they can drag out the "Y U NO EXPANSION YET?!" argument which just doesn't need to happen.


Heads up! Rox's Quiver and Shortbow skins are on sale today, 600 gems each (this isn't actually a discounted price, they're just available today). These are really badass skins, especially the quiver, so you might want to nab one because who knows when they'll be back?

Just found out there's a gaf guild and the guild website is down :(

Been looking to find a good group to play with

Yeah, we had some spambots roll in over the weekend so it was taken down temporarily until we get the registration process sorted out. However, you don't really need to visit the guild site to join. Just post your username (name.####) and we'll get you invited straight away.

We play on Stormbluff Isle (NA), but if you're on any North American server you can guest over without any trouble.


Heads up! Rox's Quiver and Shortbow skins are on sale today, 600 gems each (this isn't actually a discounted price, they're just available today). These are really badass skins, especially the quiver, so you might want to nab one because who knows when they'll be back?

Yeah, we had some spambots roll in over the weekend so it was taken down temporarily until we get the registration process sorted out. However, you don't really need to visit the guild site to join. Just post your username (name.####) and we'll get you invited straight away.

We play on Stormbluff Isle (NA), but if you're on any North American server you can guest over without any trouble.

Ahh crap I'm on Desolation on the UK so I don't think I can join the guild?


Ahh crap I'm on Desolation on the UK so I don't think I can join the guild?

You can, but it will basically only work as a chatroom. However, if you're not terribly committed to Desolation, we have a transfer fund set up to help people migrate from EU to NA servers.
Okay, I'm still sitting here at the courthouse, waiting for the jury duty overlords to decide if I should actually do something today or not. While I'm waiting, I'm going to lay down some cold, hard opinions about the last 6-8 months of updates (about when I returned from playing a crapton at launch, then taking a break).

I got back into GW2 right as the Queen's Jubilee was underway (reason: I tried the FFXIV beta, didn't like it, and ended up wishing I were just playing GW2 again). One of the things I liked was that GW2 was doing these two week updates, and really doing a good job of focusing player attention and giving new stuff to do. I remember Queen's Jubilee hitting my framerate pretty hard, harder than any content since at least (my opinion is skewed here since I upgraded my processor, mobo, and RAM shortly after this patch). My favorite part of this patch was the Queen's Gauntlet. It was a great way for me to sharpen up my dodging and skills, and the fights never felt too unfair or cruel. The Liadri fight was exceptionally rewarding when I finally beat it. My only complaint about Queen's Gauntlet was the camera feeling claustrophobic in the respective domes. I rate this update 8/10; this really lit a fire in re-dedicating myself to this game, and Queen's Gauntlet was probably the best possible tool across every LS update I've played for resharpening my skills.

After that was Clockwork Chaos. This event seemed pretty fun. I remember 'killing' Scarlet in a mini-dungeon sort of event (Scarlet's Playhouse), but then she returned later I suppose? I thought that was weird. Of course, the big highlight of this patch happened to be Scarlet's Invasions. These were great fun for a while, even when players as a whole decided to no longer even try for the ending. Simply farming aetherblades for as long as possible seemed like an organic game of optimal farming all on its own. I give this update a 7/10 because it was fun traveling all over to stop Scarlet's armies and get good lootstuffs at the same time.

The update after that was Super Adventure Box World 2. I wasn't really a big fan of World 2, but I did enjoy Tribulation Mode in World 1. No sarcasm: It was really fun dying 1,000 times the first day it came out, discovering the appropriate routes and hilarious hazards Anet put into the mode. However, after the first day, YouTube videos would be released of the paths in which to travel in Tribulation Mode, and that sort of deflated the pioneering experience. World 2 didn't keep my attention in any of the modes. 3/10 because this update mostly fell flat for me.

The update after that, however, was Tequatl Rising. A remastered bossfight sounds pretty light for a content update, but in practice, the new Tequatl fight turned out to be the single best PvE content in GW2. It's really the orchestral climax of what PvE in GW2 should be: Perfectly tuned difficulty, interesting dynamics that vary across the entire fight, multiple roles for all sorts of playstyles, rewards for playing with armor that wasn't Berserker, and rewards that reflect the effort and skill involved. Plus, unlike a lot of other updates, this fight is still around. New Tequatl is the thesis of what I want all of GW2 endgame content to be. I I think the only thing this patch was missing was a way to autokick AFK players in Sparkfly Fen. 10/10 because this is the best PvE fight in the game.

After this patch came Twilight Assault, which was basically a new hardcore dungeon path in Twilight Arbor. It's solid content, but only if you're playing with pals - and even then you probably want to be in a voice chat service of some sort. To be honest, this dungeon path isn't quite my style. Compared to type of difficulty present in the previous Tequatl Rising and Queen's Gauntlet patches, this seemed to be a different sort of difficult - one that required almost too careful of coordination in certain parts to try and work around dungeon puzzle mechanics that just seemed to be more of a pain in the ass than a fun experience. I give this patch a 5/10 - I ran this path probably 3 or 4 times and that was enough for me forever.

After that was Blood and Madness, which was the second coming of the Halloween content I basically missed the first time around. I liked the Halloween stuff here! Even the weird hide-and-seek zombie game was a hoot. I think I tried the Clock Tower jumping puzzle only a few times - I'm sure I'll get it next time after I dedicate some time to it. I remember this patch seemed to last forever, even after Halloween. Still, it was just good fun for the most part. I liked all the candy corn silliness and Mad King Says (even if the Mask you get for playing Mad King Says was sort of a let down). 7/10 because it was a lot of new content for me, and it was all decent fun.

After that point was Tower of Nightmares / Nightmares Within. I'll lump these both into one rating because my brain just remembers them as one big patch. The whole Kessex Hills transformation was really neat, and I look forward to Anet pushing the envelope into changing other familiar areas in the future (though I must assume it's hard to push the envelope any more than obliterating a zone like Lion's Arch). I really liked how this patch let me use my finishers on downed NPCs - something small like this shouldn't be a big deal but it makes me feel great every time I land one of these. The tower itself felt really fun to go up once, but I didn't really feel like getting to the top more than once either (at this point, I was pretty heavily invested into WvW, so the PvE content wasn't pulling away my attention too much anyway). I can tell you that I liked the Tower content much more than the new Twilight Arbor path, though. I'll give this patch a personal 7/10, though I didn't get as much out of this patch as I could've. I think this was a plentiful release for those that weren't into WvW as much as I was.

After this was a Fractals update patch. I don't really play Fractals so I can't comment on this update. Maybe I should get into Fractals, but honestly I can't see myself doing so until the carrots get a little more juicy. No rating

Then came the Wintersday patch, was was all good fun. I missed the first Wintersday patch, so there's a lot of stuff here I wasn't able to do the first time around. I love the present jumping puzzle, though the wintersday giftboxes seemed a bit tame in terms of what they awarded (so many ugly clothes tokens that really didn't give anything great). I also found out I'm terrible at the choir bell mini game. I liked Hoho-tron. This was just fun, themed content that filled space between the WvW I was heavily still into. 6/10, would Wintersday again.

After what seemed like ages thanks to the rate of updates that Anet has spoiled me with, the Origins of Madness update released. This update included two major new PvE bosses: The Great Wurm and Twisted Marionette. I've fought the Wurm a few times, but I think Anet overtuned the difficulty on this one. Tequatl hit such a sweet spot in terms of how hard content should be, but this fight just seems way harder. And way hard content is fine for tightly formed groups! But for entire servers, it's a level of difficulty that just appears to be asking too much. Twisted Marionette, however, was a wonderful fight. In fact, it's probably my second favorite PVE experience, right behind New Tequatl. I believe this fight also hit near perfection when it came to difficulty scaling. It got the entire server involved in big 'Tower Defense'-like gameplay, and the platform fighting has mechanics that are unique, but able to be overcome with wit and skill. My biggest problem with Twisted Marionette is that she isn't around anymore. Even with the Wurm being a difficulty misfire, I give this patch a 9/10.

After this patch was a big WvW update - hey, that's what I play most! Edge of the Mists came out and, at least for the first 2-3 weeks, was some of the most fun and focused WvW I've played in a while. The population of EotM thinning out since those first few weeks have exposed some Quality-of-Life issues in this mode - mainly, the Overflow system creating population imbalances at certain times, and the fact that the map is so damned big that getting to the action can take 10-15 minutes of walking, but I think these are things that can be fixed with small tweaks. If Anet evens out the Overflow system for EotM somehow and manages to create some sort of fair taxi system so players can get to the action faster, then this mode just may make standard WvW completely obsolete for me. Its mechanics already put the Borderlands maps into a state of feeling old and stale. A few QoL issues pull back my rating on this patch a bit and turn it into an 7/10 experience for me.

Then came Escape from Lion's Arch. What a great update! While there weren't any big-bads like Marionette or Tequatl to fight, seeing what they did with Lion's Arch was really a treat. I also think the way they kicked people out for 10 minutes at the end of every hour to 'regroup' and then pour in at the top of the next hour was great game design. The chaos of events happening and NPCs running around and people needing help was great. The 'gamey' part of it began to really show itself after a few days, but even that was okay because there were always things to do and folks to save and enemy clusters to fight at regular intervals. The way Anet eventually made 1200 the magic number of civilians to save was the highlight of this patch, and they made it really fun to work server-wide to help reach that tally to get an opportunity at some rare skins of patches-gone-by. I think this patch really delivered on everything it was supposed to be, but it took a tiny bit of rebalancing after it came out to get it right. This was a full on 10/10 two weeks of content.

After that came the Battle for Lion's Arch, and that brings us to present day. We're less than one full week in, so I don't want to give a full rating yet, but this update seems to have had more problems and glitches than previous updates. I'll have more to say when this patch is over.

And with this writeup, my time with Jury Duty is over and I'm dismissed! Off home to play GW2.


The new Wurm boss certainly feels a tad too hard for server standards. It requires far more coordination than anything else in the game, and it doesn't seem like the rewards reflect the hard work.


Just a heads up:
Join Feral Sneed and the Mapping Monday krewe as they explore The Fields of Ruin. This 30 to 40 zone includes a jumping puzzles, the Ogre Wars meta-event, and 2 diving goggle locations.

Until recently, the Fields of Ruin were the scene of the ongoing struggle between humans and charr, centering on the siege of the human city of Ebonhawke. Now a fragile truce exists between the two races, while radical elements on both sides seek to shatter that peace.
- In-game description​

When: Monday, March 10, 6PM PST (9pm Eastern)

Where: SBI TS, Hawkgates Waypoint (source)

Now to dig into Lump's post, which is honestly giving my posts a run for their money.


Shit, forgot to edit this into my last post instead of making a new one. Sorry for the Double Post.

After this was a Fractals update patch. I don't really play Fractals so I can't comment on this update. Maybe I should get into Fractals, but honestly I can't see myself doing so until the carrots get a little more juicy. No rating

Then came the Wintersday patch, was was all good fun. I missed the first Wintersday patch, so there's a lot of stuff here I wasn't able to do the first time around. I love the present jumping puzzle, though the wintersday giftboxes seemed a bit tame in terms of what they awarded (so many ugly clothes tokens that really didn't give anything great). I also found out I'm terrible at the choir bell mini game. I liked Hoho-tron. This was just fun, themed content that filled space between the WvW I was heavily still into. 6/10, would Wintersday again.

You should at least try the Fractals for the fun of it. They're like jelly bean dungeons; small and sweet by the handful, with lots of variety. However, like a handful of jelly beans, sometimes you get the nasty licorice ones (a.k.a Dredge Fractal) and your whole day is ruined. The rewards aren't amazing (there are easier ways to get Ascended stuff now, which was always going to happen), but they're a blast.

As for Wintersday not having any decent rewards, that's kind of the point. Outside of the wooden weapon skins and such, it's mostly just about having fun. I'd like to see more unique, yearly items but since everyone's playtime tends to drop around the holidays, I've never minded Wintersday being kind of low key.

Otherwise, I'd say you pretty much got the score right on everything. The Nightmare Tower was definitely fun multiple times, though, but your score is kind of accurate anyways.



;-; i dont want expansions, why cant we get the new expansion like content via living story? it would feel so much better.
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