*shrug* exactly the same side of the same coin to me. Yes it's one of the easiest encounters, yes the nerf made it easier.
Yeah that's the game I've always wanted, basically. Maybe not class-less, but something where picking your class (or whatever you pick at the beginning) is a lot more like choosing a character in a fighting game than anything else, and you basically have every ability you'd need to beat the hardest content in the game from minute one, the only bottleneck being your own skill. The progression would exist only in the sense of customization (changing your character horizontally to suit your playstyle) and "get better" (just improve your skill level over time, as in a fighting or action game). Hard-to-find gear could have cool amplification or skill-tweaking effects like Miktar suggested rather than increasing your power, and would never be necessary.
I think epic quests, open-world bosses, dungeons, puzzles, and even "raids" or whatever the equivalent would be under this setup could be incredibly fun to partake in with this sort of open system. But Retro is correct that a game of the scope I'm imagining is essentially impossible to develop as a profit center. There are people out there who like carrots even if they don't need them to enjoy a game, and there are people out there who do need carrots, and both of those groups have dollars.
The funny thing is, in reading over this I sort of got the urge to play some version of Monster Hunter again, but the more I thought about it I realized how much I was romanticizing it. There are some seriously tedious quests in those games outside of the good stuff (you know... Monster Hunting), and the RNG when farming a creature for pieces for a new armor set (which you need to upgrade) makes everything in GW2 look tame.
I don't even know of any game that has come close- which of course brings me back here. A lot of things I mentioned definitely make GW2 the closest game to what I want that's ever been attempted on this scale. A lot of things in my first paragraph are almost true of this game.
A sidenote: sometimes I think my opinion is colored pretty dramatically by having played with a gamepad for so long. The game honestly has great, sensible core controls, and I think that shines through easily in how well it works with a controller.