Jest Chillin
Yeah, see I've only seen the count and call outs in mainflow on SBI. And before the nerf even some of the mainflow attempts failed to down the knights, though it wasn't horribly far off.
Yeah, see I've only seen the count and call outs in mainflow on SBI. And before the nerf even some of the mainflow attempts failed to down the knights, though it wasn't horribly far off.
There have been far too many proposals here for me to directly comment on each of them, so I’m going to try and take a broader stab at things.
Firstly, something that I’ve seen in more than one proposal and something that we just can’t do in our game, is the idea of consolidating maps or making larger maps. It is a problem on multiple fronts, but the most obvious issue is that we simply can’t fit more players onto a map than we already have, so even if we were to make a larger map, we couldn’t have a corresponding increase in the number of players on that map. Proposals that rely on that idea are simply untenable.
The discussion point, proposal, whatever you want to call it, that I think is the most useful in terms of designing WvW maps and gameplay is the talk about how to build objectives that feel like they make tactical sense. I think that it is something that could definitely be improved in a new map or with a major rework to the current maps. Having logical and tactical objectives, like a tower guarding a canyon, is something that I think would greatly improve WvW in terms of moment to moment gameplay and longer term tactical gameplay.
That somewhat feeds into a larger issue that is outside the bounds of this particular topic which is defending objectives. It is absolutely the case that we have a hard time correctly tracking defense and rewarding players for it. It is something that we’d like to address on a system level and something that we hope to have a solution for across the board before we do any piecemeal changes. It ultimately comes down to a similar issue to that with the dolyaks, which is that the game isn’t able to track who is escorting a dolyak unless they do something like kill another player which doesn’t usually happen. Until we fix that gap in the game’s knowledge of what is going on, we can’t accurately reward players.
Both of the above things are ways to substantially change the necessity of tactics in the game and to make WvW more about well-organized groups. That’s something we still aim for when we make changes to the game.
One final note about the CDI generally, I’ve said it before and will say it again, the purpose of these threads is to discuss design not to create a work order. What we discuss here is not a promise but an avenue for us to discuss our views on aspects of the game with you all. That means we challenge each others assumptions and hopefully come to a better understanding of what will make GW2 better. Some times that manifests in things we talk about being made and sometimes it manifests in us having a better vision for other things we are working on. I hope that correctly sets expectations about things here. Thanks for contributing as it makes us better designers and hopefully means GW2 will be better off in the long run.
Adding some of the update notes for the 3/18 build to hopefully clear up some confusion.
- We’re adding small, medium, and large rank reward boxes based on rank achieved. This means that ranking up in PvP now gives different types of boxes than previously.
- We’re adding PvP specific back pieces to the reward glory vendor (guild tabards)
- We’re switching them from rank vendors to glory vendors, and are keeping rank vendors.
- We’re moving rank points gained from the win chests from the win chests at the end of Solo and Team arenas. This means no more bounce chests. Rewards will go directly to the scoreboard now and will be rewarded at the end of the match.
- We removed the PvP armor/weapon chests received when you rank up to replace with the rank boxes mentioned above.
- Players will still have glory and some of their boosters but not be able to earn any more.
- All rank glory vendors will be staying in the game until the feature build.
1. Fixed
2. Fixed feature build
3. Complicated, technically terrain related bugs. All classes have this issue to some extent.
4. Working as intended. Good topic for debate on changing in the future.
5. Deceptive evasion clones attack closest target, otherwise no repro.
6. Fixed some while after feature build “logged”
7. Fixed feature build
8. Intended, same reason as los…Counter-play.
9. Intended, follows standardized shadowstepping rules. No repro otherwise.
10. Fixed some while after feature build “logged”
11. Fixed some while after feature build “logged”
12. Intended. Those skills bounce to allies and only grant the POSITIVE effects “boons” its not attached to reflect. (Trick: use your reflect to grant extra bounces)
13. Fixed in feature build
14. Server-side, can’t fix at this time. “Lag related” Blame living world updates
15. Intended. This is how projectile/missile “tracking” works.
16. Fixed
17. Intended. All ranged and melee skills have a 15% buffer range to take account for tracking.
18. Fixed on feature build if not on live.
19/20 Intended. Shouldn’t be able to utilize both at the same time.
21. Globally intended. Buffer range.
22. Intended. Current trait system swaps to different versions of skills from traits, which can trigger weird recharge issues. Such as that one with glamour CD. I wanna say that bug is fixed in the feature build but it’s a weird repro.
23. Fixed some while after feature build “logged”
24. Some issues regarding this fixed in feature build
25. Intended
26. Fixed in feature build
27. Fixed in feature build
Hope that helps
i wanted to make a thread on the gafguild forum but its down.
Sanctum Sprint, which you love.In all honesty the only things I liked about Bazaar of the Four Winds is that it was a new area (at the time I thought this means, more new areas every LS) and the song about Glint which got me excited about possibly heading to Crystal Desert but non of that happened. The rest of the update was mini-games which are stupid and ANET should never make them again. (keep sanctum sprint though)
I hope when it comes back it expands more on the Glint lore and it isn't just the same song again, with the same crystals to collect. It will get boring really fast.
Here's a question: why don't more Charr use this racial skill.
This guy. Battle Roar.
Something I should have posted in that thread about before, and in this thread too I guess, is that when I went and looked up ESO's open world PvP system I learned about their Scroll system. Scrolls are taken from enemy keeps/castles and brought to your own keeps/castles.Devon Carver on the WvW CDI
Some of the upates notes for March 18th
Mesmer Bug fixes coming in the feature build
.Greetings all,
As of March 18th, Alliance Supplies will stop dropping and you will not be able to receive any new Found Belongings or Found Heirlooms. Related to this, you will no longer be able to turn in Found Belongings and Found Heirlooms for items. (source)
Devon Carver on the WvW CDI
There have been far too many proposals here for me to directly comment on each of them, so Im going to try and take a broader stab at things.
Firstly, something that Ive seen in more than one proposal and something that we just cant do in our game, is the idea of consolidating maps or making larger maps. It is a problem on multiple fronts, but the most obvious issue is that we simply cant fit more players onto a map than we already have, so even if we were to make a larger map, we couldnt have a corresponding increase in the number of players on that map. Proposals that rely on that idea are simply untenable.
The discussion point, proposal, whatever you want to call it, that I think is the most useful in terms of designing WvW maps and gameplay is the talk about how to build objectives that feel like they make tactical sense. I think that it is something that could definitely be improved in a new map or with a major rework to the current maps. Having logical and tactical objectives, like a tower guarding a canyon, is something that I think would greatly improve WvW in terms of moment to moment gameplay and longer term tactical gameplay.
You could introduce a slowing mechanic to make zergs less mobile. Maybe a .6% speed debuff for every allied player nearby beyond 4 (up to 33%). It would make havoc groups relatively mobile and smaller blobs could outrun and major zergs.![]()
Without a larger map, or some element that brings an opportunity cost into play, I don't feel WvWvW will ever be enjoyable on a tactical level. The fact that a map blob is mobile enough to reach any point on the map in under 2 minutes is utter garbage, since you can't outplay and catch an enemy keep off guard with anything short of an armada of omega golems. I hope they figure out a solution to the problem, it's just a shame the most obvious one is considered impossible.
You could introduce a slowing mechanic to make zergs less mobile. Maybe a .6% speed debuff for every allied player nearby beyond 4 (up to 33%). It would make havoc groups relatively mobile and smaller blobs could outrun and major zergs.
This would also put more onus on commanders to organize their blobs.
What I really wish we could have is collision back. It was an integral part of playing gw1 in pve and pvp. Imagine wvw with collision, where you couldn't stack and people could block corridors with their body. People would get in each others way and any melee could become an inescapable deathtrap for squishy characters.
Without a larger map, or some element that brings an opportunity cost into play, I don't feel WvWvW will ever be enjoyable on a tactical level. The fact that a map blob is mobile enough to reach any point on the map in under 2 minutes is utter garbage, since you can't outplay and catch an enemy keep off guard with anything short of an armada of omega golems. I hope they figure out a solution to the problem, it's just a shame the most obvious one is considered impossible.
Wow that's definitely something. None of my overflow attempts have been close. I hadn't heard of many that had succeeded until your post.
It's weird to think about, but GW2 was the second highest selling PC game last year, coming in just under Diablo 3.
What I find intriguing about the idea of building walls in the world with supply.. is if a smaller/weaker server could scout effectively enough, they could (in theory) wall off paths to force the two larger servers zergs to path into each other. Which, quite frankly, would be amazing tactical manipulation.
Mesmer Bug fixes coming in the feature build
Those are the two games I play the most right now.
Anyone heard anything about a trailer being released today for the March 18th update?
You got sucked back into D3 too huh?
I'm losing my mind. I thought it was Tuesday.That would be news to me, usually that stuff comes out on Tuesdays.
I'm losing my mind. I thought it was Tuesday.
Anyone heard anything about a trailer being released today for the March 18th update?
how much people is required to fight the hydra queen?
I won't be switching to TC nowhahahahahahah the server is full my fucking luck..
What server are you on currently? Are you on YB with your friend? Could always come to SBI![]()
Moving to TC for WvW, and Retro said SBI WvW community is on a second decline since the game launch, not sure i want to go to a server on the decline, YB WvW is pure shit right now, before season one they were good, we have a ton of guilds leave and every day i keep hearing about other guilds leaving..
Can you post the location and image please?
If you are a noob - SBI
So what's the general reception to Battle for LA?
Hold up. The Sylvari (the ones walking around, I'm guessing) only appeared on Tyria 25 years (now 26) years ago? And nobody in Tyria finds that... worrying? A civilization of creatures barely 30, nevermind they "share" knowledge when they "return to the dream", which I'm assuming is when they die? Or do they have a resync systems?
Yes, I just rolled my first Sylvari, and I can't help but find the race... really evil-sounding![]()