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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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Is this new?




Well, since the Chinese Beta started on March 11, it stands to reason they're getting ready to launch over there, and probably much faster than they did in NA (someone go ahead and make the "we only beta tested for China!" comment, I won't stop you). I imagine the big Feature Patch is basically their last chance to implement major changes to the game (Glory, etc.) before that happens, so it stands to reason it better be pretty soon here.

I'm thinking mid-April. Any earlier and they don't have time to get the blog posts and stuff out and let it simmer before they drop it all on everyone's head. Any later and you run the risk of dropping it too close to the China launch where any unexpected issues will spill over into their all-important launch window. May at the latest.

I would expect blog posts before the month is out.



The way they're hinting at it makes it sound like it's coming April 1st but I just can't be optimistic about it.

At the same time this is ANet and if a patch cycle happens to land exactly on April 1st there's no way they wouldn't try to take advantage of it. But taking advantage of it doesn't equal feature build...


I could see it happening April 1st, especially since that'd be the right time to drop SAB back in for it's yearly appearance (though I have a sneaking suspicion since it was so poorly-received last time, there might not be anything new). They've also said that the idea behind the Feature Updates as separate from Living Story is that players focus on all the new, big mechanics instead of the story. I SAB is all they're tossing in, and it doesn't have anything new, then I think that concern is safely put to rest.

I just feel like we should be getting more news on what's coming in this update with more time for it to breathe before it hits. That's the only reason I think mid-April instead of the 1st. April 15th is a Tuesday smack-dab in the middle.


I should have bought the Angel potion instead of the Devil Horns one, though honestly I will probably use neither so I should have just bought Alliance bags with them and hoped for something good. Oh well, maybe I can grab a bunch before Tuesday.


How can the feature build be released in April? The devs have previously stated no major rebalancing builds would be released during a WvW season. Unless the feature build contains no profession balancing.


If they're doing the WvW season, they should release a patch impacting builds only before or after it. But I don't trust that they care enough to actually think of things like that in advance anymore. Last season they said no major changes would happen so they just threw in a bunch of annoying PvE toxic events in the middle of the season.


How can the feature build be released in April? The devs have previously stated no major rebalancing builds would be released during a WvW season. Unless the feature build contains no profession balancing.

This is actually a good point, that would put the feature build in mid-May. Of course, it's possible the feature build will drop without balance changes. The recent post about Mesmer fixes said they'd be in with the feature build, but those are fixes, not balance changes.

Hmm... I'm beginning to wonder if they're going to be separate now, or if expecting it in April is just too early.

Hopefully we get a blog post or something soon about it. With Season 1 of the LS wrapping up, it should be time for a "2014 preview" post.


Feature build will have balance changes. My current prediction:

1. Blog post or forum post the week of the epilogue patch detailing what will be in the feature patch or detailing the balance changes beyond what they've posted (primarily looking for the detailed rune and sigil changes, since they will also greatly affect WvW and need to be known ahead of time). There will not be much, if any, class balance additions beyond what they've already posted. Any extras will come from brand new traits/skills they were waiting until the last possible moment to reveal since they were still in testing. This blog/forum post will also clearly state the date the feature patch comes in. I've given up on seeing any discussion for changes like we saw leading up to the December 10th patch.

2. Feature patch hits April 1st with some little extra. They will apologize profusely to the WvW crowd but say "hey, it's just the first three days." They're still reserving the right to delay it if necessary and will hide behind the blog/forum post if it ends up coming out later than this.

3. Feature patch will include the balance changes and the new PvP reward system. If we're lucky we'll see a new map or mode. I honestly can't imagine what the PvE side can get because there's so much they can touch on from Quality of Life account changes to updates on open world and dungeon things that don't require a complete content rework. This will be the patch with the Ferocity changes after all.

Maybe: Next Feature patch will start on some major class reworking, focusing primarily on Ranger and/or Thief. Elementalist too if they can fit it in and the changes included in the Feature patch don't go over as well as they hope (and I doubt they will too). Expect the next Feature patch to be 3-6 months from this one (they'll aim for 4 months but I'm adding two for WvW Season 2).

That's me being my least optimistic while considering the type of ambition ANet likes to strive for. You wouldn't believe what difference this is from my most optimistic but still realistic prediction.

Edit: The primary reason why there was a rumor about FEATURE PATCH IN JUNE is because they extended the WvW season length. It currently covers all of April and May. People will riot if they put out the patch just before the final matchups of the season. Keep that in mind.

Edit: THERE IS ONE ALTERNATIVE: They skip their usual update cycle and put out the feature patch one week after the epilogue patch. That would put it comfortably before WvW Season 2. But then we absolutely need a blog/forum post either this Friday or next Tuesday.


Although I did find this, looking a bit deeper

Can sylvari have sex?
“Physically, sylvari are male or female, and the relevant external biology is accurate on both […]” - Ree Soesbee, Dream and Nightmare

Yes. They have the appropriate bits to do so.

Can sylvari reproduce?
“[Sylvari] cannot sexually reproduce as the other races do; they have no internal organs capable of creating children.” - Ree Soesbee, Dream and Nightmare


http://guildwars2roleplay.wikispaces.com/A+Comprehensive+Guide+to+All+Things+Sylvari#VII. BIOLOGY-Can sylvari have sex?

I do not believe that is how biology works. I'm all for the power of disbelief, but when they start detailing this stuff, it sounds silly.

The Sylvari on a whole seem a little too 'special' between Scarlet, Traherene, and the big tree thingy. At some point they will need to be taught a lesson, a Charr lesson, and its only given once. /TC

I'm doing world completion finally. There are so many places in this game you would never see otherwise. Like the giant tree in Maelstrom. I never even knew it was there. or that you can climb to the top of the sucker. It would be nice if ANet found a way, LS or otherwise, to push players out into these places again.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just seems more likely to me the feature build will be May 20th.

edit: There's an idea for open-world PvE to leverage existing content in a more rewarding way that I really want to get down on paper. Need to think it over a bit more but I hope to get it down today.


Just seems more likely to me the feature build will be May 20th.

Plus, Wildstar is coming out in June, and while they're different games, I feel like a feature update is a good hedge against any player base leakage.

Then again, it's not like NCSoft cares.


Plus, Wildstar is coming out in June, and while they're different games, I feel like a feature update is a good hedge against any player base leakage.

Don't count on any MMO release date until it's already passed. Especially one who's beta is in such rough shape as Wildstar (the NDA lifted and "Underwhelming" seems to be the best description).


The Sylvari on a whole seem a little too 'special' between Scarlet, Traherene, and the big tree thingy. At some point they will need to be taught a lesson, a Charr lesson, and its only given once. /TC

When I first played GW2, I was under the impression the Sylvari were created as a representation of new players coming to Guild Wars 2. At least, they seem like a good avatar to someone who never tried the series.


I do not believe that is how biology works.

No, of course not. But if you need help suspending disbelief, here's a theory for you: magical convergent evolution. Convergent evolution is the phenomenon where unrelated species develop very similar features. Sylvari already show this in their basic physiology, with different plant materials corresponding functionally and superficially to bone, muscle, and skin. Hence, by whatever magical process has shaped these plants into humanoid forms, it is reasonable that this process is simulating their physiology on a deep level (but not deep enough to prevent sterility).


asking if sylvari can have sex is one thing.

but asking if they do sex... its like asking if 5 years old like doing sex.

i like the sylvari, specially because they have that airhead and simplistic air around them. very naive and enthusiastic. i really like them because of that.

still im a norn at heart

No, of course not. But if you need help suspending disbelief, here's a theory for you: magical convergent evolution. Convergent evolution is the phenomenon where unrelated species develop very similar features. Sylvari already show this in their basic physiology, with different plant materials corresponding functionally and superficially to bone, muscle, and skin. Hence, by whatever magical process has shaped these plants into humanoid forms, it is reasonable that this process is simulating their physiology on a deep level (but not deep enough to prevent sterility).

sylvari look human because of the influence of ronan, who was a human, who planted the pale tree.

sylvari are pacifical because of the centaur ventari, who lived in peace with ronan, in a settlement, right where the pale tree is.

its thanks to ronan and ventari, that the sylvari are what they are now.
I always thought the Pale Tree patterned the Sylvari after the humans so they'd be accepted easier and fit in better. Pity she didn't pattern them after the Charr.


So I decided to stop lazing around and hoping things will go for the best and actual post suggestions in the Ranger CDI thread.

Post 1:
It’s probably been mentioned, but I’d like a change to Remorseless and the Opening Strike traits. The primary issue with the traits are that they all combo with each other, but become useless in a more protracted battle. The secondary issue is that the traits feel like they’re approaching a really cool class feature, but stop just half way there.

If Remorseless stays based off stealth, it’s frustrating to see one Ranger weapon skill, one shout for your Pet, and one single trait. But I don’t think people want Ranger to have more stealth.

One option would be to change the meaning of the “Opening.” A change like, “Regain Opening Strike whenever you successfully evade an attack.” Although this now feels more like a Skirmishing trait…

I also dislike that an entire minor trait slot is wasted with Alpha Training. Considering Ranger’s mechanic is their pet, the original Opening Strike trait should automatically give it to both you and your pet.

So to summarize, here’s a proposed change log:
  • Combine Marksmanship 5 Opening Strike with Marksmanship 10 Alpha Training.
  • Move Marksmanship 15 Precise Strikes to Marksmanship 10.
  • Move Marksmanship XII Remorseless to Marksmanship 15, either unchanged or removing the stealth portion.
From there you can do something like:
  • Move Skirmishing XII Moment of Clarity to Marksmanship XII.
  • Change Longbow skill 3 to something that can cause an interrupt.
Or even:
  • New trait Sniper, “While your endurance is full, you have a 50% chance on a crit to regain Opening Strikes.”
And as suggested above:
  • New trait Make an Opening, “Regain Opening Strike whenever you evade or interrupt an attack with a weapon or utility skill.”

The primary worry is that this is a power creep suggestion.

Personally, I view Ranger as a class that’s low on burst but high on pressure. Often like a more direct damage based Necromancer. Marksmanship is a trait line that emphases this by focusing on letting the Ranger give constant damage output from range. Like the Necromancer, the primary counter to this is to rush down the Ranger and CC when able.

Post 2:

Even on this very page I’ve seen people mention changing shouts and putting some of their functionality on F1-F4. I agree, honestly. Sic ’Em begs to be an F1 ability with a cooldown that helps either speed up or boost your pets damage on a cooldown. Guard could easily be made an F2 skill that tells your pet to stick to an area, without the stealth or protection. Protect Me could be F3 and would be like Mesmer’s F4, where the pet immediately stops attacking and sticks close to you along with the immunity effect. Ranger F4 would then be pet swap.

In fact, instead of having a single unique skill for each pet, F1-F3 could all be pet skills based on those three shouts. Many pet types could share a number of them, but say a snow pet might cause the F1 Sic ’Em skill to cast Chill on a hit. The F3 Protect Me would grant you Regeneration if you had a Bear out or Stability if you had a Boar. If pets still had four skills in this case, the one not on the Ranger’s bar would be the auto-attack. The F2 Guard could give an AoE boon, blast finisher, or combo field in the targeted area depending on pet.

I also like the idea of making one of the Ranger healing skills (probably Heal As One) able to revive your Pet.

I haven't heard anything in this thread lately about what people would like to see changed about Rangers, and I'm curious of those who play the class a lot more than me.


I always thought the Pale Tree patterned the Sylvari after the humans so they'd be accepted easier and fit in better. Pity she didn't pattern them after the Charr.

if ronan were a charr, sylvari would probably be charr.

whats weird is that ventari lived with the pale tree, but that didnt make the sylvari centaurs.


I'm not too taken with your first post. Yes opening strikes are lackluster, but those particular suggestions would lead to incredible vulnerability stacking.

I like your second post a lot, but there are some issues. Currently my F1 and F3 skills have no cooldown; if you add functionality to them then they will likely have to add cooldowns. But then how do I command my pet to new targets or return- does the button still have that functionality even while on cooldown? That would be inconsistent with current game mechanics.

Ultimately I believe the most important ranger changes involve pet input command responsiveness. After that the Beastmaster trait line needs an overhaul, given that the best Beastmaster traits are in the Skirmishing line.

I still haven't gotten over how longbow was given a stealth but not shortbow.


I'm not too taken with your first post. Yes opening strikes are lackluster, but those particular suggestions would lead to incredible vulnerability stacking.

I like your second post a lot, but there are some issues. Currently my F1 and F3 skills have no cooldown; if you add functionality to them then they will likely have to add cooldowns. But then how do I command my pet to new targets or return- does the button still have that functionality even while on cooldown? That would be inconsistent with current game mechanics.

Ultimately I believe the most important ranger changes involve pet input command responsiveness. After that the Beastmaster trait line needs an overhaul, given that the best Beastmaster traits are in the Skirmishing line.

I still haven't gotten over how longbow was given a stealth but not shortbow.
Incredible Vulnerability stacking on a single target seemed like it would be a decent class feature that still requires you to trait 30 points for the full benefits. The amount of Vulnerability stacks could be tuned down, I agree. I also neglected to come up with any cooldowns on the traits I thought up.

I hadn't considered the F1 target issue because it doesn't currently seem to work the way I expect it too. Getting my pet to attack and stick to a different target than my own (that I switch to after the pet command) doesn't seem to work consistently. One option would be to have the new F1 be target + use a skill, but the skill itself is on a cooldown listed on the pet so there's just the usual icon on the Ranger. Then the F1 icon can glow when the extra skill is ready to be used again.

You could technically do this with all three F1-F3 skills, but that might get too clunky.


Incredible Vulnerability stacking on a single target seemed like it would be a decent class feature that still requires you to trait 30 points for the full benefits. The amount of Vulnerability stacks could be tuned down, I agree. I also neglected to come up with any cooldowns on the traits I thought up.

Ok, I would be on board with some internal cooldowns/tweaking.

I hadn't considered the F1 target issue because it doesn't currently seem to work the way I expect it too. Getting my pet to attack and stick to a different target than my own (that I switch to after the pet command) doesn't seem to work consistently. One option would be to have the new F1 be target + use a skill, but the skill itself is on a cooldown listed on the pet so there's just the usual icon on the Ranger. Then the F1 icon can glow when the extra skill is ready to be used again.

You could technically do this with all three F1-F3 skills, but that might get too clunky.

Using F1 so that my pet attacks a target different than my own is a staple of my ranger gameplay. I don't have any problems getting my pet to go and stick to the target I desire; the problems are how quickly they'll stop their current actions to do so. However the problems with F2 and F4 responsiveness dwarf those of F1.

Edit: Note that if you use many F2 skills after switching to your new target then your pet will break off and apply it to the new target.


Saint Titanfall
I do not believe that is how biology works. I'm all for the power of disbelief, but when they start detailing this stuff, it sounds silly.

The Sylvari on a whole seem a little too 'special' between Scarlet, Traherene, and the big tree thingy. At some point they will need to be taught a lesson, a Charr lesson, and its only given once. /TC

I'm doing world completion finally. There are so many places in this game you would never see otherwise. Like the giant tree in Maelstrom. I never even knew it was there. or that you can climb to the top of the sucker. It would be nice if ANet found a way, LS or otherwise, to push players out into these places again.

Charr lessons are the best lessons. I still love the fact they just turned up kicked humans asses, and unlike most fantasy bad guys they kept their land and pretty much outright won. Granted they had their gods killed but they kept the lands and didn't quite manage to destroy Kryta but their ain't shit the humans can really do to them.


Neo Member
Tyler Chapman AKA Powerr last day at ArenaNet will be tomorrow

Little treat for you guys we snuck in today

11. Fixed in feature build

Anyways tomorrow is my last day at ANet so you won’t be seeing this face on the forums any longer. Hopefully this forum visibility helped ease you guys over. Sorry for all the issues we never got around to I did my best to get as many bugs cleared in the last few months as possible.

~see you in game!


I love that there's three threads of conversation going on in here; Sylvari having sex, Ranger traits (I wish I played my ranger enough to contribute to the conversation) and "When will the Update hit?"

Charr lessons are the best lessons. I still love the fact they just turned up kicked humans asses, and unlike most fantasy bad guys they kept their land and pretty much outright won. Granted they had their gods killed but they kept the lands and didn't quite manage to destroy Kryta but their ain't shit the humans can really do to them.

Well, the Charr were the natives - the humans were the dang invaders, rocking up with their god-tier tech "gods" and taking Charr land. I like games where the humans are the bad guys.

I don't play my Mesmer much, could never quite get a feel for the class, but I am happy with how he turned out:


And yes, Kos - *all* my characters are Charr, not counting the temp chars made for the racial story achievements.

As for the Sylvari - we all know they made them humans as a stand-in "elf" race, lore aside. I do wonder how the Sylvari are going over in China. We all know they dig on the Charr, but I see little Sylvari fanart on Pixiv (I know Pixiv is primarily Japanese, but you get the idea). Speaking of Pixiv GW2 art...


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I thought Sylvari fit the gnome/dwarf "generic fantasy archetype" lore more. I mean, humans are more elf-like what with being snobby, being "superior", etc.
I thought Sylvari fit the gnome/dwarf "generic fantasy archetype" lore more. I mean, humans are more elf-like what with being snobby, being "superior", etc.

Odd - I always took the humans (by GW2's time anyway) to basically be... well, downtrodden and poor. Fighting back, valiantly, but their fancy city and overblown festivals can't quite hide the fact that they're a) too stupid to invent the printing press themselves b) clinging to a religion they barely care for or understand anymore and c) had their asses kicked by the Charr so hard they need a GPS to find it again. I never quite got "elf" vibe from the humans, just the "hippy" Sylvari. I mean, the Sylvari even have that "we're old, but we're actually super young, *giggle* thing going on.

The Asura are totally meant to be the surrogate Dwarf. Good with tech (albeit far beyond the usual dwarven steamteach).

Meanwhile, over in talent land (and making me feel horrid at painting), I found this: http://katroart.tumblr.com/



I love that there's three threads of conversation going on in here; Sylvari having sex, Ranger traits (I wish I played my ranger enough to contribute to the conversation) and "When will the Update hit?"


Add "charr racism" to the list.


Just started playing this game as a Norn warrior, really loving it so far. Currently level 26.

Jumping puzzles are ace, I love doing them. I really wish more MMO's would have stuff like that to do besides the usual quests, dungeons and raids.

Game is a little taxing on my rig though. I have a pretty good system (i5 4670k, gtx 770) but there are still plenty of zones where I drop to something in the 40s fps. Usually the zones with a lot of flowers, trees and stuff. And it even happens when nobody is around. Already turned reflections off and shadows to medium but it still happens in quite a few zones. Is this just the way the game is optimized?
Game is a little taxing on my rig though. I have a pretty good system (i5 4670k, gtx 770) but there are still plenty of zones where I drop to something in the 40s fps. Usually the zones with a lot of flowers, trees and stuff. And it even happens when nobody is around. Already turned reflections off and shadows to medium but it still happens in quite a few zones. Is this just the way the game is optimized?

That doesn't sound quite right, especially not with that video card and CPU. Framerate dropping when there's huge battles with multiple people is unavoidable right now no matter the right, but if nobody's around you should be 50-60 easy, if not all the time. Especially if you have reflections and shadows off already. I run an i5 with gtx 560s with everything maxed out. Not sure what to suggest though.
asking if sylvari can have sex is one thing.

but asking if they do sex... its like asking if 5 years old like doing sex.

i like the sylvari, specially because they have that airhead and simplistic air around them. very naive and enthusiastic. i really like them because of that.

still im a norn at heart

sylvari look human because of the influence of ronan, who was a human, who planted the pale tree.

sylvari are pacifical because of the centaur ventari, who lived in peace with ronan, in a settlement, right where the pale tree is.

its thanks to ronan and ventari, that the sylvari are what they are now.

Ah, but the second pale tree also had slyvari which are human shaped, but it was not planted by Ronan.


That doesn't sound quite right, especially not with that video card and CPU. Framerate dropping when there's huge battles with multiple people is unavoidable right now no matter the right, but if nobody's around you should be 50-60 easy, if not all the time. Especially if you have reflections and shadows off already. I run an i5 with gtx 560s with everything maxed out. Not sure what to suggest though.

Well, there are zones where I get more than 60 as well. Leveling through the icy Norn zones didn't really give me much problems. Steady 60fps (vsync on) except for the frozen maw event where I drop to 20-30s or something during the fight.

But then I go to the Asura/Sylvari zones and I immediately feel the drop when I enter those zones. And then I press escape options and notice it's either low 50s or middle 40s.
Weird. You're getting worse performance than me, and I'm only i5 @ 4.2, and don't have an SSD, dual 560s but that doesn't make as big of a difference as you'd think.


Weird. You're getting worse performance than me, and I'm only i5 @ 4.2, and don't have an SSD, dual 560s but that doesn't make as big of a difference as you'd think.

Hmmm, can you stand still in any asura/sylvari zone (no big ass events nearby that could influence fps) and take a screenshot of the graphic options tab where your fps is?

I have to go sleep now (4am here) but if you could show me that pic, I could go there tomorrow and recreate the same scenario (standing still in the same place as you with the same graphical options) and see if you really get more fps than me.
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