Is this new?
Is this new?
The build is not in June. Just wanted to squash that before it became a thing!![]()
Disregard any rumors that the Feature Build is months away
How can the feature build be released in April? The devs have previously stated no major rebalancing builds would be released during a WvW season. Unless the feature build contains no profession balancing.
Although I did find this, looking a bit deeper
Can sylvari have sex?
Physically, sylvari are male or female, and the relevant external biology is accurate on both [ ] - Ree Soesbee, Dream and Nightmare
Yes. They have the appropriate bits to do so.
Can sylvari reproduce?
[Sylvari] cannot sexually reproduce as the other races do; they have no internal organs capable of creating children. - Ree Soesbee, Dream and Nightmare
No. BIOLOGY-Can sylvari have sex?
You wouldn't believe what difference this is from my most optimistic but still realistic prediction.
Watch RU tomorrow. Well hint at some things (source)
Just seems more likely to me the feature build will be May 20th.
Plus, Wildstar is coming out in June, and while they're different games, I feel like a feature update is a good hedge against any player base leakage.
The Sylvari on a whole seem a little too 'special' between Scarlet, Traherene, and the big tree thingy. At some point they will need to be taught a lesson, a Charr lesson, and its only given once. /TC
I do not believe that is how biology works.
No, of course not. But if you need help suspending disbelief, here's a theory for you: magical convergent evolution. Convergent evolution is the phenomenon where unrelated species develop very similar features. Sylvari already show this in their basic physiology, with different plant materials corresponding functionally and superficially to bone, muscle, and skin. Hence, by whatever magical process has shaped these plants into humanoid forms, it is reasonable that this process is simulating their physiology on a deep level (but not deep enough to prevent sterility).
I always thought the Pale Tree patterned the Sylvari after the humans so they'd be accepted easier and fit in better. Pity she didn't pattern them after the Charr.
I'm not too taken with your first post. Yes opening strikes are lackluster, but those particular suggestions would lead to incredible vulnerability stacking.Post 1:
I like your second post a lot, but there are some issues. Currently my F1 and F3 skills have no cooldown; if you add functionality to them then they will likely have to add cooldowns. But then how do I command my pet to new targets or return- does the button still have that functionality even while on cooldown? That would be inconsistent with current game mechanics.Post 2:
Incredible Vulnerability stacking on a single target seemed like it would be a decent class feature that still requires you to trait 30 points for the full benefits. The amount of Vulnerability stacks could be tuned down, I agree. I also neglected to come up with any cooldowns on the traits I thought up.I'm not too taken with your first post. Yes opening strikes are lackluster, but those particular suggestions would lead to incredible vulnerability stacking.
I like your second post a lot, but there are some issues. Currently my F1 and F3 skills have no cooldown; if you add functionality to them then they will likely have to add cooldowns. But then how do I command my pet to new targets or return- does the button still have that functionality even while on cooldown? That would be inconsistent with current game mechanics.
Ultimately I believe the most important ranger changes involve pet input command responsiveness. After that the Beastmaster trait line needs an overhaul, given that the best Beastmaster traits are in the Skirmishing line.
I still haven't gotten over how longbow was given a stealth but not shortbow.
Incredible Vulnerability stacking on a single target seemed like it would be a decent class feature that still requires you to trait 30 points for the full benefits. The amount of Vulnerability stacks could be tuned down, I agree. I also neglected to come up with any cooldowns on the traits I thought up.
I hadn't considered the F1 target issue because it doesn't currently seem to work the way I expect it too. Getting my pet to attack and stick to a different target than my own (that I switch to after the pet command) doesn't seem to work consistently. One option would be to have the new F1 be target + use a skill, but the skill itself is on a cooldown listed on the pet so there's just the usual icon on the Ranger. Then the F1 icon can glow when the extra skill is ready to be used again.
You could technically do this with all three F1-F3 skills, but that might get too clunky.
I do not believe that is how biology works. I'm all for the power of disbelief, but when they start detailing this stuff, it sounds silly.
The Sylvari on a whole seem a little too 'special' between Scarlet, Traherene, and the big tree thingy. At some point they will need to be taught a lesson, a Charr lesson, and its only given once. /TC
I'm doing world completion finally. There are so many places in this game you would never see otherwise. Like the giant tree in Maelstrom. I never even knew it was there. or that you can climb to the top of the sucker. It would be nice if ANet found a way, LS or otherwise, to push players out into these places again.
Little treat for you guys we snuck in today
11. Fixed in feature build
Anyways tomorrow is my last day at ANet so you wont be seeing this face on the forums any longer. Hopefully this forum visibility helped ease you guys over. Sorry for all the issues we never got around to I did my best to get as many bugs cleared in the last few months as possible.
~see you in game!
Tyler Chapman AKA Powerr last day at ArenaNet will be tomorrow
And here I am with 1525h on my Ele out of like the 1600h total on my account...
They might have the parts but I believe the males shoot blanks
Charr lessons are the best lessons. I still love the fact they just turned up kicked humans asses, and unlike most fantasy bad guys they kept their land and pretty much outright won. Granted they had their gods killed but they kept the lands and didn't quite manage to destroy Kryta but their ain't shit the humans can really do to them.
I thought Sylvari fit the gnome/dwarf "generic fantasy archetype" lore more. I mean, humans are more elf-like what with being snobby, being "superior", etc.
I love that there's three threads of conversation going on in here; Sylvari having sex, Ranger traits (I wish I played my ranger enough to contribute to the conversation) and "When will the Update hit?"
Game is a little taxing on my rig though. I have a pretty good system (i5 4670k, gtx 770) but there are still plenty of zones where I drop to something in the 40s fps. Usually the zones with a lot of flowers, trees and stuff. And it even happens when nobody is around. Already turned reflections off and shadows to medium but it still happens in quite a few zones. Is this just the way the game is optimized?
asking if sylvari can have sex is one thing.
but asking if they do sex... its like asking if 5 years old like doing sex.
i like the sylvari, specially because they have that airhead and simplistic air around them. very naive and enthusiastic. i really like them because of that.
still im a norn at heart
sylvari look human because of the influence of ronan, who was a human, who planted the pale tree.
sylvari are pacifical because of the centaur ventari, who lived in peace with ronan, in a settlement, right where the pale tree is.
its thanks to ronan and ventari, that the sylvari are what they are now.
That doesn't sound quite right, especially not with that video card and CPU. Framerate dropping when there's huge battles with multiple people is unavoidable right now no matter the right, but if nobody's around you should be 50-60 easy, if not all the time. Especially if you have reflections and shadows off already. I run an i5 with gtx 560s with everything maxed out. Not sure what to suggest though.
But then I go to the Asura/Sylvari zones and I immediately feel the drop when I enter those zones. And then I press escape options and notice it's either low 50s or middle 40s.
You're not running SLI perchance?
Weird. You're getting worse performance than me, and I'm only i5 @ 4.2, and don't have an SSD, dual 560s but that doesn't make as big of a difference as you'd think.