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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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Or would that be too counter intuitive to the 'every zone is viable at every level?" philosophy?

Yep, I don't think that's gonna happen.

I think a better option is for them to implement better scaling in the later levels, so that your average veteran gets pumped up to a Champion if enough people show up. If people show up in droves, there'd be tons of champions around. With the lower levels, once you get the 'static' champs, there's no point in repeating them; your better option is to go somewhere where there's tons.

Still not sure how much this will impact World Events...


oh sweet jesus finally. a currency wallet. my bank is about to be emptied. this is a great start.

just need a closet for town clothes and we're getting there.


oh sweet jesus finally. a currency wallet. my bank is about to be emptied. this is a great start.

just need a closet for town clothes and we're getting there.

It's a full bank tab for me... and that's after spending a ton of CoF Tokens to gear my Thief when she hit 80... before that I had close to 4000 of them.

And yes, a closet for skins would pretty much invalidate any need for a bank for me, since that's the majority of what I've got tucked away.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Can anyone recommend any resources for looking up builds?

Up to this point I haven't taken the stats seriously, just looking for the bigger number each time.

Any good places to get started on this stuff?


Can anyone recommend any resources for looking up builds?

Up to this point I haven't taken the stats seriously, just looking for the bigger number each time.

Any good places to get started on this stuff?


Neko has a Ele dungeon build in the OP of this thread.

Generally speaking, gw2guru is a spot where builds are widely discussed.

If pvp is your thing, here's a list compiled by a reddit user.
Pretty awesome stuff all around. Holy shit, ArenaNet are so not sitting on their hands, it's a bit ridiculous how fast they add stuff to the game.

The wallet is simply awesome. My bank is going to get half empty with this. I hope that "regular" karma is what they're referring too, and not just karma items, so that we can safely consume all those right away. Also awesome that there's no limit on the currencies. This is obviously why they didn't go through with the "put them into collections" thing; they simply, as usual, had a better solution in the works.

Don't be surprised to hear me just forming Champ bounty hunting groups in guild chat. We will just pick a random zone and go.

You have my bow!

Those armor sets a permanent thing in the store ?

Might dip on the Magitech one if not.

Next time someone asks me why they put temporary stuff on the gem shop, I'll point them to your post. :D
Just finished the Last of Us. Awesome game, that song that plays in the begging and end it's just so good.

Got stuck
in the end a bit because somehow I saved at point where all I had was a smoke bomb and sniper pistol (don't know actual name) with 3 bullets and only half health. Had to retry maybe 40 times because had to take on 10 soldiers with automatic rifles...lots of patience and neck breaking to finally get passed.

Now I can get back to only playing GW2 again.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just finished the Last of Us.
I got stuck in a very similar, brutal save situation at the end. Made it more worthwhile to get through. You should maybe spoiler that middle section so people that haven't played it don't know about that encounter.


I just bought this and started playing today. I wouldn't mine being added to the GAF guild if anyone is around, thanks.

Username is GJS.2574, account name is Adizem.


Welcome to GAFguild mon ami.


Edit: Wow, copyright of 2002. Miss these games.


I can guarantee you that you'll only be able to get the new loot bags from an individual champion once a day or something. They wouldn't design this system that is supposed to get people out into every zone then let them farm a single zone over and over.

Hmm, on the one hand it keeps people camping out in a single zone of either Orr/Frostgorge or the low level zones. On the other hand there are enough high level zones and low level zones that all but the hardcore will avoid mid level zones anyhow.
Everyone has been talking about how they are completing their personal story...guess I should really start mine up again. I haven't done it in a lonnnnng time :-/


The Cryptarch's Bane
Ordon said:
Those weapons (purple fellblades) are part of the new champion loot drops which include a bunch of new skins like the one in the picture. Also the rapier.
Soon... we hunt.


Soon... we hunt.

Hunting for skins? I'm in. I hope there's a lot of new ones, that's the kind of stuff I want out of monster hunting like that: great and varied loot. Too many of the past updates have focused on one set only, variety is what makes it exciting.


Finally got the 2500 points in Survival. Here are my tips for consistent point gathering that doesn't require winning:

1.) Be very aggressive at the start. As many hits as possible. Place a ration trap in the middle of the early crowd if you can. Pistols obviously are nice. Arrow 1 any weaklings. If you pick up a weapon, spam it.

2.) Don't spend too much time salvaging stuff in the near camps. high chance of dying and spawning somewhere you don't want to. Start running to any far off (not TOO far off) supply area. If it is safe, you can rack up a few points by scavenging and setting traps, but the important bit is:

3.) Die as soon as the grace period ends. Either time the hunger or fall off a cliff. If you are in a supply area you should see 10 to 20 motes right away. Grab them!

4.) Find a survivor and spam the 1 trap in front of him. 2 points per hit, doesn't affect the survivor at all. Even if you find one standing still you can place the trap so the edge just touches to get the points. If you manage to time it well, this is an easy 20-30 points. Grab more motes and repeat.

5.) If you see a weak survivor you can use a 3 trap to kill if you have the motes.

You still run the chance of dying early (pistol, general chaos, arrow 4, etc) and spawning someplace away from everything and only really able to gather some scavenging points and lose the rhythm, but you learn to avoid it.

70-110 points a run. Someone doing the same strat managed 130 once. Even if things go bad at the start, never fewer than 50.

Obviously you may have your own method but this is what I had settled on.

Edit: I say finally but actually only took two (non-short) sessions


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hunting for skins? I'm in. I hope there's a lot of new ones, that's the kind of stuff I want out of monster hunting like that: great and varied loot. Too many of the past updates have focused on one set only, variety is what makes it exciting.
Well the sovereign skins are still a unified set centered around one theme, and you can only get them from the Queen's Pavilion thing, so there's that.

Hey Leavyvavyne, you get any Roses from all that?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Jest Chillin said:
If those weapons are what drops then I definitely suggest we revive the old Gaf Event chain adjusted for Champs. Also we need to nerf Ash's drop RNG before we start. :p
I'm going to be setting up a guild event for next Wednesday, August 7th.
It's gonna be a bit like our old school newbie-days zone mobbing, but with a twist- our mob will be out for Champion blood. We'll pick a less-popular zone (I'm gonna have us vote between a few to decide!) and I'll have open a list of every champ in that zone off the API.

Shenanigans. Not cool


The rotation is pretty much comet jump punch comet jump punch. She will pop a regen every once in awhile. Treat the punch like a range attack, has some deadly range.
Ok, so seeing how I have been out of the game for a bit to finish up finals I haven't been able to run COF p1 like I wanted. Thought this redesign would come later but I was wrong ...

So anyone here gonna do some COF rush down runs before the next update? Sucks that it's happening on the DAY I get to leave school and go home ... and all the days following up to that are gonna be full of me trying to get ready for the flight back.


All the new dye sets I can make... my mind is spinning at the possibilities. I just picked up celestial and abyss too.

Hummm ... you gotta lot of level 2s there.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So anyone here gonna do some COF rush down runs before the next update? Sucks that it's happening on the DAY I get to leave school and go home ... and all the days following up to that are gonna be full of me trying to get ready for the flight back.
Everyone's doing it. Hop on :p


Got a new PC few days ago. After playing new Bioshock, I wanted something, that doesn't include guns. Just when I wanted to renew my WoW account (as I always did on my old ass laptop) I realised, that there is this little gem which I have completely forgotten about.

I hope to have lots of fun with GW2 (I think I'll go with Guardian) :). So far, download client looks cool as fuck ;p.




Admiral Feiste Bakkir +
Adnul Irongut +
Ambassador Steelcrusher +
Armsman Pitney +
Bandit Chief Thorne +
Bane's Teeth +
Beaker +
Bercilak +
Berddi +
Bolok Firebringer +
Branded Siege Devourer +
Cadeyrn +
Caiwyn the Corsair +
Canach +
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed +
Champion Arboreal Spirit +
Champion Badazar's Champion +
Champion Bandit Lieutenant +
Champion Brackish Skale +
Champion Branded Devourer Queen +
Champion Branded Fish +
Champion Cave Spider Broodmother +
Champion Cave Troll +
Champion Chief Otyugh +
Champion Chieftain Kremlock +
Champion Commissar Szeged +
Champion Corrupted Illusion +
Champion Corrupted Kodan +
Champion Crazed Young Karka +
Champion Destroyer Harpy +
Champion Draithor the Drill +
Champion Drakin Cinderspire +
Champion Dredge Commissar +
Champion Enraged Spider Queen +
Champion Foulbear Chieftain +
Champion Foulbear Master Trainer +
Champion Foulbear Weapon Master +
Champion Frainn +
Champion Giant +
Champion Giant Boar +
Champion Giant Branded Devourer +
Champion Grawl Shaman +
Champion Grazden the Protector +
Champion Harathi Overlord +
Champion Harpy Warrior +
Champion Icebrood Fish +
Champion Icebrood Goliath +
Champion Icebrood Kodan +
Champion Icebrood Norn +
Champion Icebrood Quaggan +
Champion Icebrood Seer +
Champion Icebrood Troll +
Champion Icebrood Wolf +
Champion Infinity Coil Commander +
Champion Jotun Magekiller +
Champion Jungle Skelk Lurker +
Champion Jungle Troll +
Champion Karka +
Champion Ketsurak +
Champion Kol Skullsmasher +
Champion Mark I Golem +
Champion Mark II Golem +
Champion Master Ranger Nente +
Champion Modniir Leader +
Champion Ogotl Priestess +
Champion Oolon +
Champion Orrian Terror +
Champion Plains Wurm +
Champion Poroo +
Champion Rabbit +
Champion Rhendak the Crazed +
Champion Risen Abomination +
Champion Risen Acolyte +
Champion Risen Andarzbad +
Champion Risen Archmage +
Champion Risen Archmage (Cursed Shore) +
Champion Risen Covington Captain +
Champion Risen Giant +
Champion Risen Hylek Petmaster +
Champion Risen Jester +
Champion Risen Juggernaut +
Champion Risen Knight +
Champion Risen Krait Nimross +
Champion Risen Lich +
Champion Risen Lieutenant +
Champion Risen Plague Carrier +
Champion Risen Plaguebearer +
Champion Risen Priest of Grenth +
Champion Risen Putrifier +
Champion Risen Royal Guard +
Champion Risen Spider +
Champion Risen Villager +
Champion Risen Worshipper +
Champion Risen Wraith +
Champion Separatist Leader +
Champion Steam Commander +
Champion Steam Ogre +
Champion Stravig the Defender +
Champion Svanir Marauder +
Champion Undead Abomination +
Champion Victurus the Shattered +
Champion War Beast +
Diplomat Tarban +
Doern Velazquez +
Dzhudin Stormbreak +
Ebon Knight Carriadar +
Faolain +
Farrah Cappo +
First Mate Horrik +
Foreman Korov +
Foreman Tomak +
Foreman Webarov +
Foreman Zeleoniy +
Frizz +
Gate Guardian +
General Molradovich +
General Volkov +
General Zadorojny +
Giant Blood Ooze +
Giant Destroyer Troll +
Grana Guzzlemaw +
Graster Beakerbane +
Greater Nightmare Vine +
Halvora Snapdagger +
Havroun Grechen +
Head Scientist +
Hierophant Improaster +
Hirvela the Lost +
Honor's Voice +
Horace +
Impasse Mark IV +
Indri +
Inquest Technologist +
Ivor Trueshot +
Kasha Blackblood +
Kasmeer Meade +
King Reza +
Kudu +
Kulag the Fallen +
Maddie +
Malchor the Sculptor +
Marjory Delaqua +
Megadestroyer +
Mikkel Toivosson +
Minister Duran +
Ministry Commander Landon +
Modniir High Sage +
Molten Munitions Specialist +
Molten Resonance Specialist +
Mouth of Zhaitan +
Mutated Fish +
Nokk +
Old Tom +
Operative Comakk +
Prototype E-IV Golem +
Prototype F-IV Golem +
Prototype T-IV Golem +
Queen Spider +
Ralena Stormbringer +
Riel Darkwater +
Risen General Azuldin +
Rozgar the Forge +
Sariel +
Short-Fuse Felix +
Sotzz the Scallywag +
Steward Gixx +
The Blood Witch +
The Taskmaster +
Tomtom +
Torn Fur +
Tricksy Trekksa +
Trillia Midwell +
Two-Blade Pete +
Undergrowth Spider Queen +
Unseen Hunter +
Unstable Nightmare Husk +
Vassar +
Warmaster Efut +



Solo Arena, map randomization and the leaver penalty are all coming at the same time.


Character locking is also coming at the same time.

Team Arena random map pool: Kyhlo, Forest, Foefire, Temple

Solo Arena random map pool: Kyhlo, Forest, Foefire, Temple, Spirit, Skyhammer

New perma finishers:

Thornroot Finisher

Clandestine Finisher

Giant Finisher

Grave Finisher

Material Finisher

Protector Finisher


the new effect system is gonna be nice. No longer will my eyes burn when bosses are on fire


I hope there's a toggle. I'm almost 100% sure it'll be buggy or not good enough at first.


New perma finishers:

Thornroot Finisher

Clandestine Finisher

Giant Finisher

Grave Finisher

Material Finisher

Protector Finisher
Awesome. Except they still aren't revamping underwater combat like they should. I'm talking about skill replacements and better trait integration here.
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