:'( I'll be out of the country.
I won't be able to make it to missions tonight either, because it's the 4th of July which is also my birthday!
Hope you all have a lovely independence day yourselves, be safe and have fun![]()
good job not being dead yet nerd
you too, america
Hey y'all, I haven't been on GW2 for quite a while (bar daily login treats) as I've been surprisingly busy with work + trying to enjoy new releases here and there.
Earlier today I realized that here in Lithuania we have Monday off, so that means I could stick around on Sunday and I just now figured I'd ask if guild events are still happening. I still remember the first (and only) one I participated in and it was hella fun, now that there's the opportunity - I want to do it again!![]()
On the other hand, I can't shake the feeling that all of this- all of it- is sort of the "first wave" Ascended gear, intentionally, stupidly tough to get for the "hardcore" crowd, and all generations of future Ascended gear and infusions will be trivially easy to get in comparison.
Hey y'all, I haven't been on GW2 for quite a while (bar daily login treats) as I've been surprisingly busy with work + trying to enjoy new releases here and there.
Earlier today I realized that here in Lithuania we have Monday off, so that means I could stick around on Sunday and I just now figured I'd ask if guild events are still happening. I still remember the first (and only) one I participated in and it was hella fun, now that there's the opportunity - I want to do it again!![]()
oh good godHappy Birthday to a very talonted guy who always bwings out everyone's beak performance, feather we we're flying through missions or dungeoning until our fingers are soar, and never gives a bad rap tords anyone. Whatever comes nest in life, I hope all things eggcellent can last forever and anything awfal con quickly pass.
Glad to hear missions went off relatively well. I let Hawkian know last night that we'd be going to a movie and might not make it in time, and it turned out I was right. Stupid theaters with similar names had me confused on the time so we ended up getting out after 3.
For what it's worth Jurassic World was the second best Jurassic Park movie (though it isn't really fair when the competitors for that honor are "Raptors vs. Teenage Gymnast" and "You could have asked for money, Sam Neill, you didn't have to do this."
"You could have asked for money, Sam Neill, you didn't have to do this."
So sorry I had to bail during the puzzle.. I had a handyman coming over to put some stuff up in the new place and he arrived a lot earlier than expected so I had to dash over there. Thanks a bunch for running the show!Thanks to everyone who showed up to help out with make-up Guild Missions!
Scratch Sentry Defense, "Deputy" Brooke, Angvar's Trove, and Quaggan Paddle
Snow, snow, and more snow.
Very sorry to Bob Godslayer and BigHotDog for not being able to get them through the last room of the puzzle. We managed to go through a second time with Bob, but unfortunately BigHotDog had already logged out.
Don't know how anyone finds guild missions fun anymore.
The only thing I don't like is that it feels like there's not much to do right now besides go from icon to icon. I assume that changes in the later game and it starts feeling more like an RPG.
Also, I need to get more inventory space ASAP.
I quit doing missions a long time ago. I love the idea of them, but I can only run the same ones so many times. I really hope ANet has a solution to spice them up and don't just add a bunch of new ones in HoT without changing the way they work.
Give guilds things they can add on top of guild missions to make them harder for greater rewards. Like the gambit system they put in for Queen's Gauntlet. Or, give us additional, but optional, goals when doing missions that would give the whole guild greater rewards if finished, but wouldn't be required for beating the main objective.
Went up 2-3 levels today (lvl 21 now). Cleared out a majority of Kessex Hills. I just really want to get to the point where I can start doing more group content with you all, and I definitely want to be prepared to participating in the building of the guild hall when HoT releases.
The only thing I don't like is that it feels like there's not much to do right now besides go from icon to icon. I assume that changes in the later game and it starts feeling more like an RPG. Also, I need to get more inventory space ASAP.
You should not be focusing on clearing out Hearts. They're just there to guide people to events, and are really boring otherwise. Exploring gives you a lot of XP, and don't be afraid to go to other parts of the world. Each racial city has its own starting zone that you can also go at any time.
One thing though about events is that they don't contribute to your World Completion progress which is a long-term achievement thing of exploring the entire world, doing all hearts, and discovering all locations so if you're a min-maxer then you wouldn't want to waste time doing them. Of course just play the game however you want, you can do anything and everything contributes to leveling progression.
It's been almost 2 months since the last elite specialization reveal. I hope they'll start revealing more soon.
I'm not picking on you or anything because you raise an interesting question here that I'm about to ask, but this may be the first time I've ever heard anyone refer to Dynamic Events in any capacity as time wasted. They're easily one of my favorite parts of GW2 because it replaces all the rote questing most post-WoW MMOs have had up to this point and the fact that they run in real time and have all sorts of fail states means there's room to see something completely new in an area you've visited before.
Are there a lot of people who dislike Dynamic Events? I've always been under the impression DEs are one of the more well-liked and least contentious parts of the game.
Ahh, now I can't wait to get home and log in!It gets better as they go on; the early zones are mostly the Renown Hearts to get you out into the map exploring places where Dynamic Events happen, since new players need that gentle nudge without Standard MMO FedEx quests sending you to each quest hub. Later on they start to be less dense with more events in between. From Orr onward there are no Hearts at all.
Check your mail next time you log in. =)
Oh, really? I thought hearts were supposed to be the main means of progression, like normal MMO quests. And I didn't realize I could go to the other starting areas right now. Definitely going to try that out, I need a visual change of pace.You should not be focusing on clearing out Hearts. They're just there to guide people to events, and are really boring otherwise. Exploring gives you a lot of XP, and don't be afraid to go to other parts of the world. Each racial city has its own starting zone that you can also go at any time.
Heh, I just got done making a post about that on Reddit. We've gotten a bunch of other stuff in the meantime; all the info about Guilds (Mission changes, WvW claiming, PVP teams, Guild Halls), Ventari spec, Pre-purchasing (and subsequent fallout), all the changes coming in the last update (wallet, profession changes, etc.), then the update itself with a new LA... They haven't exactly been idle, but I'm definitely eager to get some info considering they've shown nothing on my top three favorite professions (Engineer, Warrior and Thief, in that order).
The problem with the events is that most of them are repeats of each other, which can be generalized to being one of a few types: escorts, wave survival, kill X number of enemies, kill mini-boss and so on. Basically once you've seen one of each type of event you've seen them all. Heart quests are also the same, it's mostly kill X enemies/interact with X items/deliver X items to NPC. There are only a handful of exceptions where the quest is unique and interesting.
Ahh, now I can't wait to get home and log in!
Oh, really? I thought hearts were supposed to be the main means of progression, like normal MMO quests. And I didn't realize I could go to the other starting areas right now. Definitely going to try that out, I need a visual change of pace.
I agree that they haven't been idle. It just seems like a large gap for something like this. Elite specializations are something that appeal to a wider range of players, imo. It's something the PvE, PvP, WvW players can all be excited for because it'll apply to them. Having 3 weeks of reveals and then 2 months of other stuff strikes me as odd. Something like a cycle of 1 reveal followed by 2-3 weeks of other things, may have felt better paced to me.
Also, I forgot that they're doing the WvW beta thing this week. Did anyone from GAF get invited?
I hope if the amount of money ANET makes for 8 months with LIving World + Feature pack is much more than they make from expansions so that ANET doesn't do this again. The wait for expansions is not wort it.
There's a 100% chance that they are. I think I'm using the smallest or second smallest bags right now. So it'll definitely help, thank you!Well, it's not like I sent you the BEST bags, but they almost have to be better than what you've been using.
The game was originally composed of nothing but Dynamic Events and NPCs that flagged you down and told you where to go, but testers wandered around aimlessly and complained about a lack of direction. One anecdote goes that when asked why a tester ignored an NPC begging for help, their response was "because he didn't have a big yellow exclamation point over his head." Hearts were added to the map to give those kind of "checklist-oriented" players dots on the map to work towards, where events are likely to start. The meat of the game is the DEs and that's where most of your XP is going to come from (unless you do something like grind levels in the Edge of the Mists, but that can get really old fast).
And yeah, heading off to another race's starting area is a great way to see what the game has to offer because of their diversity. Queensdale is kind of the generic fantasy "idyllic pastoral land" and Metrica Province / Caledon Forest are kind of similar in that they're both mostly jungle and right next to each other. But Plains of Ashford and Wayfarer Foothills are both completely different from either of those and each other in tone (both Charr and Norn have interesting outlooks on life) and visual appearance (one is perpetually autumn and full of ruins, the other is snowy, heavily wooded and full of little camps).
I'm that way too and it works well for me to 100% as I go because I find that to be most fun, but if you get bored that way you can always just come back later. Nothing in the map completion thingies is missable. The "content guide" makes it very easy to go back and finish a zone afterwards. It's actually worth more to stroll around and come back later because you might see many different events that way. Some have a really long timer.I can be kind of OCD about 100%ing games, so I'll have to break that habit for this.
Yup, all end game. You don't have to buy them if you just want the story, just tag along with a guildie! But if you want the rewards (cheevos and a couple of items) you have to buy them.Oh, and one other question: is Living Story content all end game stuff? I need to buy them since I missed them all, but I definitely need to play them before HoT.
There's a 100% chance that they are. I think I'm using the smallest or second smallest bags right now. So it'll definitely help, thank you!
I've been doing a lot of dynamic events as well as hearts, but I'm going to try to start doing as many as possible now that I know all this. I think I also need to stop playing the game like a checklist and playing it more organically. I can be kind of OCD about 100%ing games, so I'll have to break that habit for this. And I'll set out for the other starting areas when I log back on tonight.
Oh, and one other question: is Living Story content all end game stuff? I need to buy them since I missed them all, but I definitely need to play them before HoT.
I feel like as soon as they started doing cooler stuff with LS, (tower of nightmares, marionette, dry top and silverwastes) they stopped so they can do expansion.
My main criticism of living world was that it wasn't expanding the world but they started doing that and I am just thinking how we could have had another 2-3 maps by now if they kept up with it and put more of the company behind it.
Engineer Drones...got me thinking mechanical Necro minions. Hope the next 5 weeks they reveal all the ESpecs so I can know for sure what the drones are for.
Too many posts to read when slightly drunk but the problem with dynamic events is that they're under-utilized and under-developed. Yeah we got event chains but what else? They're dynamic in nothing but the most basic sense tbh.
Let's be honest you'll still try it out for the �� anyway retro