Eric Flannum left and went to Amazon Jira
And holy shit Anet stahp the stream(graphics)!
Yeah I saw that. I'm guessing he wanted to do something else after 10 years and a ton of projects. I wonder what his role was in the company post launch?
Eric Flannum left and went to Amazon Jira
And holy shit Anet stahp the stream(graphics)!
Hi all, I'm new and would like to join the guild here. My display name is ares.9206 and I play as a Ranger. I started with the free account, altho I plan to buy the expansion possibly. I've been having fun so far, mainly just exploring the world and leveling up, now I'd like to make some friends and join in on the raids(when I get to a high enough level) and things!
Hello, I would also like an invite to the guild. Display name is BalladOfRice.4569. Still pretty new to the game, so I don't really know much.
anyone think we will either see elona or cantha regions ?
anyone think we will either see elona or cantha regions ?
anyone think we will either see elona or cantha regions ?
Dipping my feet back in to see if I want to play and continue on to Thorns. Logged in my lvl 3 mesmer who's been standing in the same place for 2 years. Used some lvl 30 boost and now I'm finally caught up on my personal quests.
One thing is Mesmer confuses the shit outta me. Thief I quickly figured out what kinda builds to make, but not quite sure what to do with Mesmer. I'm sure it'll come with experience, but it's a lot more obtuse than thief.
Dipping my feet back in to see if I want to play and continue on to Thorns. Logged in my lvl 3 mesmer who's been standing in the same place for 2 years. Used some lvl 30 boost and now I'm finally caught up on my personal quests.
One thing is Mesmer confuses the shit outta me. Thief I quickly figured out what kinda builds to make, but not quite sure what to do with Mesmer. I'm sure it'll come with experience, but it's a lot more obtuse than thief.
Hard to say. Kralkatorik is blocking Elona, and the Water dragon is presumably blocking Cantha. The Zephyrites were clearly getting around in their airship though, and it's not like every single airship was destroyed at the end of Season 2... so maybe once we're done in the Jungle we could head in that direction... but the big question would be why, when there's so many threats right on Kryta's doorstep. There's Dragons to the north (Jormag), east (Kralk), west (Mordremoth) and directly underground (Primordus). Heck, we don't know if you can even kill an Elder Dragon in the first place, or if their power just transfers to something else, meaning the Risen could become a threat too. On top of that there's non-dragon enemies like Palawa Joko, whatever might be left of the White Mantle, whoever the Emperor of Cantha is now (they're described as highly xenophobic, driving all non-humans out of the continent)...
There's lots of places they can go next and it's impossible to tell where they'll go. There's also tons of unexplored regions out there. The good news is, there's lots of story hooks so we'll never run into a situation where they're like "Oh, you know the joke race from April Fool's Day a decade ago that we threw in as an Easter egg? Let's build a whole expansion around that." Of course, that would mean we'd get an SAB expansion, and... hmm...
There is also the question of Orr. What is going on with that? Are those zones going to be updated to reflect that zhaitan has perished? what does a post-Zhaitan Orr look like? Does another dragon take its place, or zhaitans minions? would they turn it into a levelling zone, or a guild stronghold, and make some new place to do 3-ish lvl 80 end game Zones? order to accommodate development and hosting of Guild Wars 2 raids, we will be changing the time that guild mission resets take place each week. Starting Monday, October 5, 2015, guild mission resets will take place at 12:30 AM Pacific time each Monday.
Note: In order to make this adjustment there will be no reset on Saturday evening, October 3. Instead, that week’s guild mission period will be extended slightly to allow for this update. Subsequently, guild mission resets will occur each Monday morning, at 12:30 AM Pacific time.
New Guild Mission reset time.
In order to make this adjustment there will be no reset on Saturday evening, October 3. Instead, that weeks guild mission period will be extended slightly to allow for this update. Subsequently, guild mission resets will occur each Monday morning, at 12:30 AM Pacific time.
That is a shitty change, just give Raids the Monday reset..
So no gm this weekend? If so heck yeah more beta time!
My guild does missions every Saturday right after reset – are you saying we shouldn’t bother this Saturday?
Pretty sure that’s accurate, because the reset will happen a week from tomorrow and not this coming Saturday.
I think Arenanet is doing a fantastic job of selling me on Heart of Thorns. It's probably just the timing on what they're revealing to use, but I feel like it's gonna be something big for the game. Part of it is a "they're finally getting it right this time" feeling, but the content itself sounds awesome too.
You guys didn't listen to me so I just changed the whole reset schedule. That teaches you to disagree with me again.
It was good so no worriesPerfection.
Honestly I hope my leading was ok. I tend to be hit or miss on that. Either I explain stuff way to much and people fall asleep / get more confuse then helping or I explain too few and not at the right time leading to some funky moment.
Eventually we'll see both, I'm quite certain. I kind of feel Elona will be first.anyone think we will either see elona or cantha regions ?
Eventually we'll see both, I'm quite certain. I kind of feel Elona will be first.
They know Cantha is a huge nostalgia boner for lots of vets and probably want to use it as late in the life cycle as possible.
Jira read the last one on this list
Best outfit ever
Jira read the last one on this list
Best outfit ever
I think Wildwraith sounds good. Which part is the warband name?Random question : how does 'Wildwraith' sound for a Charr Thief warband name ?
I have 3 Charrs to name to reserve names I like cause with them I'll have my initial roster of (9) characters of each profession, and I'm a bit struggling with more lore-friendly names, and trying to avoid the usual word+bodypart combo xD and everything sounds sooooo over the top that I just can't settle for something.
I think Wildwraith sounds good. Which part is the warband name?
I have no problems coming up with warband names but the second word is annoying. I don't really like most body part names for charr (like fur, claw and fang) but heart and some others are okay. I actually have a few that use the same word in their names because I think it's so hard to figure out good ones![]()
I made 15 characters at release for the same reasonI recently got a few more character slots so that I could make one character of each race, and each armor type (so that I'm not locked out of racial stuff in the Fashion Wars part xD) so that will make 15 chars when I'm done, but I want to finish the core of 1 profession of each first, so my Charrs are in the way.
That's cool! I really like the Wild nameThe idea behind the 'Wild' warband is that it's a warband that is specialized in disturbing and bringing chaos to ennemy lines.
Exactly like me thenI'm not much of a roleplayer in general, but for the small amount of it that I do I like getting my names right, and if I don't like the name you can be sure I won't play the character in the end xD
I've been grinding nonstop for a few days. Lookie. Now my game feels completeSeason 2 bought through in game gold to gems.
Honestly, I'm not grinded out yet. I am thinking of doing it again for that cool sprocket mining pick but I dunno if I'll make it. Also wanna get back to the story and map completion. I also just started an engineer. Ah...
I've been grinding nonstop for a few days. Lookie. Now my game feels completeSeason 2 bought through in game gold to gems.
Before you start season 2, I would suggest that you finish your personal story. then either watch the in-game speech about season 1 , aka scarlet war, to meet your new allies or via other means, youtube and such, but this could take a while to watch/read.
Pace yourself, have a bit of fun with your engineer and play through that story, even if you miss the pick right now it certainly will come back, and maybe even on sale. (convert some gems when they're low, and put them aside just in case)
You seem to have a lot of fun with the game don't burn yourself on it ;D
Is spamming PvP the best way to get level up books? I really CBA levelling to 80 again but if I do get the expansion I'll want the new class. I have 20 books right now.
Wow, nice! CongratsI've been grinding nonstop for a few days. Lookie. Now my game feels completeSeason 2 bought through in game gold to gems.