Cool! I'll be there unless something terrible happens to me before then
Man this is like the guy in the horror movie who says everything is fine before being cut open by the murderer
Cool! I'll be there unless something terrible happens to me before then
Man this is like the guy in the horror movie who says everything is fine before being cut open by the murderer
linkOne thing to keep in mind. A good puzzle is one that starts out hard and then after playing it and learning how it works it becomes easier. I mean when Teq came out it was hard now it's on farm. In order do this you need a base line to balance around so you make sure the mechanics is where all the interesting decisions come from.
This next Beta Weekend you can try it out. This is the best opportunity to show us how well we did if your worried about the balance being too easy jump in and kick that encounters butt the better everyone does the more data we will have to create the proper base line and the more we can focus on each fights mechanics.
Clearly after something is on farm it's easier to do it with less gear, or with some number of people on a quaggan tonic. I expect a spread run with maximum quaggans on youtube shortly after this post!
This is like the genre savvy character in the movies who is actually the murderer.
Regardless of what mechanics they add to an encounter, a large part of fighting enemies will always involve using your weapon skills to damage the boss and having enough armor and health to survive the boss's attacks. They have to balance around Ascended stats first or players will do damage too quickly or survive too easily with better gear, and a lot of challenge is removed in that case. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand here. Numbers do matter in video games when many of the things you do are precisely calculated.
For years we've been playing a game that feels like it was balanced around Rare gear tops. It's time to raise the bar, and only balancing around Exotic doesn't do enough to ensure the full intended challenge is really there for everyone.
That's still dependent on a random chest drop, unless they made it so that you are guaranteed a chest after every boss.
In the end, we need more info. All we have is this single tweet, which is the worst way to convey information. We'll see after the community starts doing raids seriously whether ascended is really needed.
Speaking of raids, what's the plan for Fri? Who's running, and I assume we need at least gliding unlock first?
That's still dependent on a random chest drop, unless they made it so that you are guaranteed a chest after every boss.
In the end, we need more info. All we have is this single tweet, which is the worst way to convey information. We'll see after the community starts doing raids seriously whether ascended is really needed.
Speaking of raids, what's the plan for Fri? Who's running, and I assume we need at least gliding unlock first?
I've been sitting out of the whole "Required Ascended" discussion, mostly because jumping to conclusions based on a few tweets is just a bad idea and because there's only a few days left until we get to play this content and see it for ourselves.
But I will say this: Ascended Gear is in the game. It is not going away and according to the devs is not being replaced with a higher tier anytime soon. "Gear Treadmill" comments are factually incorrect.
By building raids around the current stat ceiling, there is a cap on how far numbers alone can take you and only one way to overcome content: become a better player. That's how challenging content should work, not an endless cycle of getting +better gear to beat arbitrary DPS checks or ever-increasing boss HP levels. If there is no way for players in full Ascended to beat a raid except learning to play better, as individuals and as a group, that's exactly how it should be. Balance based on anything less means challenges can be overcome by grinding or spending money to get better gear, something I feel would run counter to the spirit of the game.
I'll also point out how ridiculous it was when people were convinced the sky was falling when Ascended gear was first announced and how it ended up being no big deal.
I dunno. Just my two cents.
If Ascended gear is going to be mandatory, that they.. they have to find a better way to give players Ascended armor. The current system is flat-out bad design, and I fear that they are going to lose players thinking they have to "catch" up.
Consider the prices of mats right now, and what it would cost and how much time it would take a new player to lvl up crafting professions from 0-500, then grind for ascended mats, meanwhile working for ascended trinkets, rings, amulets keeping track of ascended mats, crafting mats, tier 6 mats, laurels, commendations, honor, at the same time.
And then. And then after all that, only then, being able to get to the "end game". The true end game which is raids. The only end game that yields legendary armor.
That sort of mentality doesn't sound like the "end game starts at lvl 1" mentality. Frankly it sounds like something you would see in WoW.
I hope it won't be like that because it goes without saying that a style of play like that would be the opposite of what I enjoy about Guild Wars.
I have plenty of reservations about what I've heard about HoT and raids in particular, but this isn't one of them. I actually think it's relatively easy to get into full ascended gear as a new level 80. And it looks like it will be getting even easier for people as they get gear from raids to help round them out. Once the dust settles and raids are on farm, I think it will become that much easier still to get in with your guild and get pieces as a new player.If Ascended gear is going to be mandatory, that they.. they have to find a better way to give players Ascended armor. The current system is flat-out bad design, and I fear that they are going to lose players thinking they have to "catch" up.
Consider the prices of mats right now, and what it would cost and how much time it would take a new player to lvl up crafting professions from 0-500, then grind for ascended mats, meanwhile working for ascended trinkets, rings, amulets keeping track of ascended mats, crafting mats, tier 6 mats, laurels, commendations, honor, at the same time.
And then. And then after all that, only then, being able to get to the "end game". The true end game which is raids. The only end game that yields legendary armor.
That sort of mentality doesn't sound like the "end game starts at lvl 1" mentality. Frankly it sounds like something you would see in WoW.
I hope it won't be like that because it goes without saying that a style of play like that would be the opposite of what I enjoy about Guild Wars.
Tell the bold to the people who have complained ad naseum whenever any content wasn't immediately steam rollable with numbers.
Ascended isn't so far ahead of Exotic that it makes mechanics ignore-able. Or, I should say, it shouldn't be. That's why Agony was introduced in Fractals to begin with. To avoid having to stat pad Ascended.
I'll repeat what I said earlier: this raid content is not for those type of people.
I fully expected the link to not be a source link but instead a link of beating Tequatl in all Quaggan Tonics. Disappointment.
EDIT: Oh! I meant to ask. Will Heart of Thorns bring new non-raid dungeons?
How do I access the beta this weekend? I got paid this week and bought HoT finally. Is it an option on the launcher or do I need a beta client?
Nothing of the sort! You just make a beta character on the normal character select screenHow do I access the beta this weekend? I got paid this week and bought HoT finally. Is it an option on the launcher or do I need a beta client?
I want to try and get a Raid group together for a Saturday morning 8am EST (12 pm GMT).
I'll be online around 7:45, I'll give it 15 minutes to get a GAF group if there isn't enough players I will be LFGing.
Anyone know they will be interested and playing at that time on Saturday?
Whisper or add me (Kos Luftar) to your friends list so you can see when I am online.
I have plenty of reservations about what I've heard about HoT and raids in particular, but this isn't one of them. I actually think it's relatively easy to get into full ascended gear as a new level 80. And it looks like it will be getting even easier for people as they get gear from raids to help round them out. Once the dust settles and raids are on farm, I think it will become that much easier still to get in with your guild and get pieces as a new player.
I mean, maybe at this exact moment it's tough because mat prices are crazy right now. But in the past 3 months as basically a new level 80, I've gotten a bunch of crafting disciplines up from 0 and crafted a ton of ascended materials.
I just recently got my ascended armor and let me tell you- It's terrible. Armorsmith 400-500 and getting the entire set was around 1200 gold. It took over a month of excessive playing. And of course it ended up being dissatisfying because I was doing content I didn't want to do, and because I think the armor is ugly. I only did it for the stat.
It was hella confusing getting the list of everything you need and I had to go out of the game and consult the wiki many times. .
I won't start exactly at 8 if people aren't ready. Might not start till 8:30 or later.Maybe! I am usually up early-ish on weekends, but I dunno if I will be up and ready to game by 8am exactly.
Ascended is recommended for raids, not required.
I won't start exactly at 8 if people aren't ready. Might not start till 8:30 or later.
If it ends up being that ascended gear is a requirement for pugging (as in I can't find groups without being harassed to ping my gear, etc.) I'm really not sure what I'll do with the game. HoT's content seems a bit thin to me and the thing that's exciting having the potential to be populated with the 'the best way is the only way' kind of players that plague every MMO, I'm not sure if I'm still invested in the game.
I realize that seems a bit melodramatic but I've already done basically everything in the base game and have other games to play if the new content doesn't hold my attention. Think I'll hold off on buying HoT until I have quite a bit of spare cash and/or decide I really want to play the new content.
Yeah, this is the only thing that's really keeping me from totally ignoring HoT news. And the new specs. I think there's a good chance I'll really enjoy the new zones, but I'm not sure that's worth 50$ to me just yet.There are still the open world stuff and the story around Mordy. It's not like raids are even going to be available until some time after the launch.
I want to try and get a Raid group together for a Saturday morning 8am EST (12 pm GMT).
I'll be online around 7:45, I'll give it 15 minutes to get a GAF group if there isn't enough players I will be LFGing.
Anyone know they will be interested and playing at that time on Saturday?
Whisper or add me (Kos Luftar) to your friends list so you can see when I am online.
No idea how it's accessed, the instance seems to be north of silverwastes. I'll create a squad and add people who are interested to it then we can meet outside instance if possible.I'd be into that, I'm usually up around 6am. Is there a specific map / section I'd need to be in to join? I have not tried anything in HoT yet, only the elite specs, and I immediately warped to vanilla Tyria and messed around with them.
Yeah that's 14:00 for me and Cresc so that might be doable! We have no idea what to play tho. I rocked as a healer in WoW but I've been pretty bad at support stuff in GW2 :/I want to try and get a Raid group together for a Saturday morning 8am EST (12 pm GMT).
Play whatever class or elite spec you want to try out. I'll be running the scrapper because I want to try it and because engi is my main.Yeah that's 14:00 for me and Cresc so that might be doable! We have no idea what to play tho. I rocked as a healer in WoW but I've been pretty bad at support stuff in GW2 :/
We do play every class and lots of different builds tho so nothing is really completely unfamiliar. If you have any suggestions we'll gladly hear them![]()
The drop rate for ascended gear from raids will likely be similar to what we see now from fractals. It won't be a reliable way to get ascended gear for someone who is wearing exotics and refuses to invest time/gold into crafting ascended
I just recently got my ascended armor and let me tell you- It's terrible. Armorsmith 400-500 and getting the entire set was around 1200 gold. It took over a month of excessive playing. And of course it ended up being dissatisfying because I was doing content I didn't want to do, and because I think the armor is ugly. I only did it for the stat.
It was hella confusing getting the list of everything you need and I had to go out of the game and consult the wiki many times.
Kos Luftar said:I want to try and get a Raid group together for a Saturday morning 8am EST (12 pm GMT).
I've been sitting out of the whole "Required Ascended" discussion, mostly because jumping to conclusions based on a few tweets is just a bad idea and because there's only a few days left until we get to play this content and see it for ourselves.
But I will say this: Ascended Gear is in the game. It is not going away and according to the devs is not being replaced with a higher tier anytime soon. "Gear Treadmill" comments are factually incorrect.
By building raids around the current stat ceiling, there is a cap on how far numbers alone can take you and only one way to overcome content: become a better player. That's how challenging content should work, not an endless cycle of getting +better gear to beat arbitrary DPS checks or ever-increasing boss HP levels. If there is no way for players in full Ascended to beat a raid except learning to play better, as individuals and as a group, that's exactly how it should be. Balance based on anything less means challenges can be overcome by grinding or spending money to get better gear, something I feel would run counter to the spirit of the game.
I'll also point out how ridiculous it was when people were convinced the sky was falling when Ascended gear was first announced and how it ended up being no big deal.
I dunno. Just my two cents.
I'll repeat what I said earlier: this raid content is not for those type of people.