All I was saying I hope there was more info they could share during this event for people like me who follow all the news as it comes out. Since I watced poi and ready up, these events had nothing for me to be excited about besides pics of Colin.
Isn't it bad on ANET and thier marketi that 2.5 years in and people still haven't heard of Guild Wars 2...
Fair enough. But PAX East is more about hands-on, not reveals.
As for Anet's marketing. I don't always agree with the style of it, but I think it's working pretty well. The game is doing well, Anet is doing well. We're getting a major expansion, without them going back on their word of no raised level cap and no new armour tiers. So they're pretty confident in their fanbase.
I think GW2's growth has been slow, but steady. PAX East will likely be a shot in the arm too - a lot of word of mouth happened there.
You will always get people, even hardcore gamers or people who game a lot, who haven't heard of *everything*, either because their friends don't play, or they don't read much news, or just weren't interested the first time they came across info of the game.
But from what I can tell where does this game fall exactly in the MMO scape?
Not as popular as the big ones (Lineage, WoW), but doing better than others (ESO / WildStar), if layoffs and payment structure remodeling post-launch is any indication. GW2 is a bit weird with it's structure (low input high output), and gameplay style (golden axe / pso online-ish), so people don't always "get" the game the first time they see it either.