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Guild Wars - Official NeoGAF Thread.

Y'know, as I look over the Online Forum, it strikes me as odd that there's a 200+ page, 11,000+ reply thread dedicated to WoW... and by comparison, diddily squat about Guild Wars. And since I'm obsessively playing GW these days, I've decided to attempt rectifying that gross oversight in creating an official NeoGAF thread. So here goes...



I'm not going to bother proposing an official NeoGAF guild or anything, as I'm 99.9% certain a guild formed entirely of NeoGAF members would suck balls and fall apart in record time. This is just a thread for members who play Guild Wars to post their information, showcase their characters, propose get-togethers and gaming sessions, buy sell or trade items, request assistance, and generally keep in touch. It's also a place for folks with questions about Guild Wars to (hopefully) receive answers.

If you'd like, please start by posting your game information. Like so.

Name: Spike Spiegel
Campaigns Owned: Prophecies/Factions/Nightfall
Region: US
Guild/Alliance Affiliation: None
PvE or PvP: PvE
# of Active Characters: 6
Current Goal(s): Perfecting Builds, Acquiring Loot

Active Characters:



Spykus Spiegelos (Lvl20++ Warrior) - has beaten all three campaigns; now, he's just hanging out in Lion's Arch waiting for the release of GWEN. He's looking for a good axe...

Fiery Bird Thingee (Lvl20++ Elementalist) - she's plowing through Factions, in Cavalon now befriending the Luxons, and working on her collection of skills. I think I'm going to try and make an effective Water build next.

Snake Eyes Avatar (Lvl20++ Assassin) - he beat Factions, but that didn't prevent him from becoming a pack mule again. I'd like to start taking him through Nightfall, but he's gotta sell all that holiday crap first.

Batty Bruce (Lvl20++ Dervish) - haven't really touched him since he beat Nightfall.

Necrotic Chic (Lvl19 Necromancer) - I started this character for the purpose of building the pool of skills available to my Nec Heroes (MMs and SS Nukers rule!), but since I've taken her this far I may as well go all the way. She still needs to be ascended, and earn those last 30 attribute points, but once she does I'll take her out of Prophecies and give the other campaigns a whirl.

Mari McCabe (Lvl 4 Paragon) - just started her. Not much else to say.

In current events, Guild Wars: Eye of the North is just a week away from release! Hope you've got your preorders for the preview weekend!

See you there! :D
Awesome, awesome, AWESOME, AWESOME news:


The Xunlai Agents have exciting news! They plan to grant everyone additional storage. Veteran travelers who venture into every corner of the world will receive the greatest rewards, however, because storage capacity will increase with each region—Tyria, Cantha, and Elona—that you frequent. Thus, even if you spend all of your time in a single area, your storage will increase, giving you an additional vault from that region to add to your original storage box. If you are a world traveler like me, and if you journey through all three realms, your storage will quadruple, for you will receive three additional vaults to add to your Xunlai box.

Xunlai storage specialists have listened to the complaints from travelers that storage chests are simply too small to hold treasures from all over the world. After numerous journeys across three distinct lands, replete with noteworthy and valuable items, some adventurers have been forced to discard items they would have preferred to keep, simply because they did not have sufficient storage space. Their entreaties have been heard and responded to.

Truly you must agree that this is remarkable news indeed! We will likely hear an audible sigh of relief from packrats, treasure collectors, and traders the world over. Be sure to check your storage vault in the next few days for this magnanimous gift, and join me in extending a word of thanks to the worthy Xunlai Agents.
BTW, I can't say I'm not a little disappointed I'm the only one posting in this thread. But I'll keep trying...
I play once in a while. I have had Prophecies since the day it came out and I only hit 20 last week [Yeah..] I play once in a while so if you want to party up lemme know. Just add me [Lord Jabbae]


Has problems recognising girls
Spike Spiegel said:
BTW, I can't say I'm not a little disappointed I'm the only one posting in this thread. But I'll keep trying...

I tried it out, it seemed a bit confusing at first but seems to do ok. Sign me up for GW2 though.
I just picked up Nightfall and started a new character.

Name: Wicked Chef (Dervish/Monk)
Level: 12
Campaigns Owned: Prophecies/Factions/Nightfall
Region: US
Guild/Alliance Affiliation: None
PvE or PvP: PvE
# of Active Characters: 1
Current Goal(s): Getting to level 20


Grandma's Chippy

Some friends and I are thinking about starting up this game...mainly because it is free and we are bored of WoW right now.

1- It IS still free right? To play online that is.

2- Do I need all the extra campaigns I see out now...or will teh original game be ok to start (remember, 4-5 of us would start at same time so we'd all be the same)

3- Is this game even worth playing if we are used to WoW?

Basically we just want a game where we can level up together, have fun fights, grind a little, etc...nothing major other than an excuse to game together.
1. Yes; ArenaNet is committed to keeping GW free of monthly fees.

2. No; each campaign is a self-contained game, so you can start with any one you like. Should you choose to buy the others, their access keys can be linked to your account, permitting travel across campaigns. Just make sure you all buy the same campaign so that you can start off playing together.

If PvE action is what you're craving, here's a bit of advice -- in terms of character building, story progression, and loot acquisition, (to me) Nightfall appears to be the most balanced of the campaigns. Prophecies (the original GW campaign) has a very long build-up to "maxed" status; unless you pay a trainer or runner, your characters will be almost 3/4 of their way through the game before they achieve full power. Factions is the exact opposite; players can hit Level 20 before they even leave the training island, then spend the rest of the game facing off against really tough opponents or large mobs.

3. I can't comment on this one as I haven't played WoW. But I'd say its absolutely worth it, especially if you plan on playing with friends; it's very much a team-based game, both in PvP and PvE. It'll be a very different experience than WoW, that's for sure.
I've played WoW, so maybe I can answer it a little for him. Other than the obvious things like instanced worlds, it can take a little getting used to if you played WoW a long time and are used to playing an MMORPG like that. Guild Wars has no potions(you recover HP and MP by not getting hit for a short period of time or a spell), it doesn't rely on getting the loot, grabbing up monies, crafting different items, upping some skilltree every 2 levels, etc. You level, you get skill points, and you spend them on the skill area you want(or all, but I don't do it that way).

Like Spike noted, the game heavily focuses on teams(especially the missions if you are mostly into PvE) in a rather small group at first(2(I think, forget), then 4, 6, and 8). The nature of the game is to build your strengths to counter your teammate's weakness by picking the right character class(and sub-class) and choosing the best way to build up your skill points to build up your skills(you can have 8 out at a time out of a ton).

PvP is where that stuff is REALLY important, since it is almost impossible to do well in that without amazing teamwork, builds, and balance.

That said, Guild Wars, to me, is much more enjoyable than WoW because I love the team focus the game has and I hate tedious grinding. Certainly worth a shot, especially since the original is only 30 bucks.


Grandma's Chippy
Thanks for the answers guys.

We are a "core" group of 4...so any game we can play online together as 4 is nice. GW is pretty appealing and I will try it first chance I get.

For now we are still in WoW...2 of us are 70, rest almost there....starting to make the 5 man runs on a regular basis so it is still fun for now.

I think it is mainly me that is bored with WoW and influencing the group.

We'll see what happens...

For now a couple more questions...

1 - In WoW being only 4 people has worked out fine for us. We can do almost any 5 man instance well because we have been playing together forever...can we do 4 man stuff right from the start in GW? Or do we have to level up solo/paired etc to get to that point?

2 - I hear a lot of focus on PvP in GW...if we mainly want to PVE will that ruin it for us? As it stands, only myself and one other are into PVP (both our wives are not).

3 - I seem to remember being able to hire NPCs to fill out any missing people in groups. Does that mean we 4 could do 8 man instances with NPCs to be other 4?

Mr Pockets said:
Thanks for the answers guys.

We are a "core" group of 4...so any game we can play online together as 4 is nice. GW is pretty appealing and I will try it first chance I get.

For now we are still in WoW...2 of us are 70, rest almost there....starting to make the 5 man runs on a regular basis so it is still fun for now.

I think it is mainly me that is bored with WoW and influencing the group.

We'll see what happens...

For now a couple more questions...

1 - In WoW being only 4 people has worked out fine for us. We can do almost any 5 man instance well because we have been playing together forever...can we do 4 man stuff right from the start in GW? Or do we have to level up solo/paired etc to get to that point?

2 - I hear a lot of focus on PvP in GW...if we mainly want to PVE will that ruin it for us? As it stands, only myself and one other are into PVP (both our wives are not).

3 - I seem to remember being able to hire NPCs to fill out any missing people in groups. Does that mean we 4 could do 8 man instances with NPCs to be other 4?


The original game starts with a 2-man team(or you can solo), but you can get past that part in about 30 minutes if you want to rush it to get to the real part of the game(the first part is a like a training island before a story event happens), which has 4-man teams. Later in the game that number does grow, but you can choose henchmen(PC-controlled players) or get some help from other players. There are maybe 4 instanced missions where I think 4 humans + henchies might be frustratingly difficult, but still very do-able. There is only one part in the entire game(I think) that forces you to be alone, and it generally isn't long at all.

I don't think it'll ruin it for you at all. I was mostly a PvE player until the end of the original and I don't feel like it hurt the experience any bit. It is fun, but the PvE stuff is great, lengthy, and fun.


Grandma's Chippy
Oops....I forgot my most important question!

I like the sound of Nightfall, compared to others....

If I just buy Nightfall, and not the original game, am I not able to access any of the original content? Or does access to the original come with each seperate campaign?

Bascially if it doesn't come with access to original content, I'll just buy the 1st game instead of Nightfall, I like to see how things started.
Mr Pockets said:
Oops....I forgot my most important question!

I like the sound of Nightfall, compared to others....

If I just buy Nightfall, and not the original game, am I not able to access any of the original content? Or does access to the original come with each seperate campaign?

Bascially if it doesn't come with access to original content, I'll just buy the 1st game instead of Nightfall, I like to see how things started.

If you just pickup Nightfall, you'll miss the content of the original(missions, story, lands). You won't be lost in the main story of Nightfall I don't think, but some other things may miss you because you don't know the history. Guild Wars has a pretty good story, so starting with the original is something I would do if I were you.
Mr Pockets said:
Oops....I forgot my most important question!

I like the sound of Nightfall, compared to others....

If I just buy Nightfall, and not the original game, am I not able to access any of the original content? Or does access to the original come with each seperate campaign?

Bascially if it doesn't come with access to original content, I'll just buy the 1st game instead of Nightfall, I like to see how things started.
Each campaign has "core" content that's universal, in addition to exclusive content available only through owning that campaign.

Core content (available in all campaigns)

Content available only through Nighfall

Content available only through Factions

Content available only through Prophecies

Also, Nightfall and Factions aren't sequels to Prophecies; each has its own story to tell, with only a few characters, events, and references to connect them. I really don't think you'll be missing anything story-wise by picking up Nightfall without first buying the original game.
speedpop said:
I think I'll try it again and see how I go.

Any advice on profession classes?

Depends on what you like to do. Personally, I really enjoyed my original character (rest in peace), he was a Fire-oriented Elementalist/ Healing Monk.


Has problems recognising girls
Well I created a Ranger and hit Monk for secondary skills. Level 4 atm and it's pretty fun. Still have to get the Resurrection Signet though.
speedpop said:
Well I created a Ranger and hit Monk for secondary skills. Level 4 atm and it's pretty fun. Still have to get the Resurrection Signet though.

I'm guesing you're playing Prophecies? If you want to play some today, hit me up in-game or PM me here. I just created a new Prophecies character yesterday (Misty Firewalker).


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah playing Prophecies but won't be back on it for a few days at least. Heading up the coast for awhile.

After about a week of being stuck on the Gate of Madness, I finally find a PUG that's actually worth a damn. We've closed the rifts, taken down the Lich, and capped three of the five shrines. Everybody's playing it smart, avoiding Shiro until the end, when suddenly...





Rounding third and being signaled home on arguably the most difficult mission in Nightfall for tanks, and the game chooses NOW to completely freeze up for the first time. I'm crushed.


That sword does look badass :D

And I just bought Nightfall :)

And doesn't anyone play Guild Wars anymore? It's only been Spike and me recently :lol
For reason I was so lost in the game. I will try it up again. I never got to level 20. I really wanted to try out the pvp too. I had the original since day one as well.

I will start it up again this week and leave my account name.
A new update, and great news for armor collectors... :D

http://www.guildwars.com/support/gameupdates/ (May 24)

Basically, Prophecies and Factions armor now behaves exactly like Nightfall armor; that is, they carry prefix bonuses that can be applied with insignias, and not inherent ones like before. Armor created before the update will automatically be adjusted to reflect the new prefixes, and armor created after will have a blank slot for insignias. So people that like to mix n' match their armors can now alter their characters' appearances freely without having to worry about losing functionality. It's going to create a lot more diversity...

Hopefully, they'll eventually apply the same changes to weapons from those campaigns as well. I might just have my perfect 15^50 fellblade yet...


New (few days old) GW:EN info:

Dev Diary:


Just a small piece of info from the Gamesradar interview:
GR: Regarding the new multi-level dungeons, can you tell us how they'll differ from what we've seen in previous Guild Wars campaigns?

Miller: As far as the multi-level dungeons go, probably what a player could think of them as are super cool, redone, epic versions of Sorrow's Furnace. Sorrow's Furnace is only one level, but it's a super huge map. It has distinct areas, it has NPCs with quests that kind of explain the areas and at the time we released it, it had some of the most unique rewards that we had in the game, which at that time, when we did Sorrow's Furnace, we released the unique green items that dropped off of bosses. And we carried that over to Factions and Nightfall… and so it's basically gonna be an expanded, epic version of Sorrow's Furnace and it's going to have some of the most unique loot and experiences that Eye of the North has to offer

Best thing about GW:EN (so far!): they're bring back skills as rewards for doing quests. I missed that so much.

Reading all this info about GW:EN made me want to get back into the game, so I finally decided to buy Nightfall (even though I haven't even come close to beating Factions yet). I wanted to get used to Heroes and what all they could do before I went back to Factions. It's pretty... overwhelming. I've got 10 heroes I need weapons, runes, builds (multiple builds) and whatever else I'm forgetting. And thats only on one character. I probably should just pick a couple I like and stick with them, but...

I'm not sure I'll ever start on my other characters at this rate. I'm having fun, though. :lol
Factions is a great place to earn collector's gear to outfit your heroes; most of mine wield weapons traded for in either Kaineng, Echovald, or the Desolation (Nightfall). Runes and insignias I don't worry about too much; heroes seem to do alright without them.

As for builds, just ask some folks in your guild to whisper you their templates or visit Guild Wars Guru. Most of my heroes use builds with low-cost, highly spammable skills so they don't need to be watched. Every one of them is worked differently for different occassions.


I thought I was the only person who cared deeply for this game.
I have been following this game since 2000 when Jeff Strain, and the other Blizzard folks abbandoned Blizzard.
Even though WoW was not announced until 2001, at ECST/ESTC(????) it was actually Jeff Strain that was the originally lead designer. Rumor has it that he left the company to make his own vision for a game.

An online RPG that was about skill and not time consumed. The rest is history. I personally tried it the first time in the October event in 2004. Back then you started out with a lvl 15 character in Lions Arc. It was amazing.

I have played ever since, gotten my 15k and played almost 400 hours. It's really been awesome playing GW. Never even got through the nightfall campaign.

I wanted Guild Wars to last forever. Thats why I just stopped playing when they announced the sequel. I wanted to keep my guild wars character forever. I wanted them to be like does diablo 2 fanbases. Diablo 2s fanbase is still strong, even though its 8 years old now.

I thought the sequel was unneeded, and I am sad. I just lost the motivation to play.

Right now im playing WoW, but it aint the same thing. no where near the same tactical depth, the fast paced gameplay. GW really is its own.

I tried making a GW movie once, and posted it here on Gaf, but people hated it mostly.:( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Btxo1rIZUIg

Have some good memories about my warrior before I deleted him.

If anyone is out there, I can totally recommend getting this game. It's great. No matter if your into PvE or PvP, it is awesome, and in my mind much better than WoW. I really think it is.

Its a game that dont consumes ALL your time. It has become an art form to create an entertaining game that goes on forever like GW, yet that does not force itself upon you.


I always post in these threads but never end up playing with gaffers.

My characters:

Edward Zebes 20 Mesmer
Chozo Monet 20 Monk
Jolie Copine 20 Ele
Gin Rumi 20 Dervish*
Summoner Zebes 20 Ritualist

*I play the Dervish the most these days. I've tried hard mode alone a few times and had my arse kicked.

I never finished Factions, and haven't done so in Nightfall either, but I am farther along in Nightfall. I use to PVP a lot, but after I got my rank 6 I kind of took a break, and once you take a break then you get out of the loop and fall behind on strategies and builds. It was nice being in a top pvp guild for awhile and creating one of the bigger PVP trends. It's something I wouldn't mind getting back into at some point, but sometimes I think the top guilds have too much impact on the status of PVP and try to keep it stale and unchanging so they can remain on top. It was always hard to get people to try new ideas, even when they worked, they were still rejected. IWAY and the Burn/Surge Mesmer were originally rejected, as were other ideas. I made one tournament build that went all the way to Halls of Heroes on it's first run and then was never played again any day after that.
I'm not sure what the story is with America, but here in Europe the servers are severely strained due to the event. The latency I'm getting is off the scale, I've never experienced anything like this. Beetleroller racing is nigh impossible.
Look what I got! New armor!


Dragon Festival latency was an issue here too, mostly on Sunday afternoon. At one point I logged in and saw 107 open districts. The Demon Head mask is growing on me; a lot of people were disappointed in it, but IMO it looks pretty darn cool from a side profile.


I have an account with Prophecies + Factions + Nightfall (with a bunch of 15k sets, and a fissure helm, etc..) if anyone wants to trade something for it :).

I also have a plain Prophecies account.


I've been playing again this weekend.
Prophesies/Factions(not done many missions on anyone for it)

The Latonite - Monk/Mesmer 20
Just done the auroa glade mission in prophesies. Done some intro stuff in factions to get him to 20. healing skills build right now using divine boon to boost the healing.
Has al60 armor but not runed yet. Using whatever I pickup as casters
Goals: get more attribute points and skill and try new builds

The Almighty Gray - W/Ele 16
Working on getting my templar armor finished. Yes I am a lamer and got him ran to droks instead of playing the story. Using swords right now, have a skill 12 req one so I am trying to grind 2 or so levels in factions so I can get tactics high enough to heal myself properly again.
I will probably play around with all weapon types eventually. In the proph story I am on one of the missions just after Lion's Arch.
Goals: Finish armor, upgrade armor, get fancy looking swords, go kill stuff, unlock more secondaries and change it often

Mesmerizing Effect - Me/Mo 20
factions character, dominating it up. really fun to play.

Jinx Volley - Ele/me ??
At Lion's Arch I think, not sure. Haven't played this one in awhile

Graydudette - R/Mo 19 or 20
my first character that got far. oldest one that wasn't deleted. In the desert.

Not sure what my pvp slot is right now. I didn't play it whenever i last made one this go at the game. I mostly pve now. I pvped in RA a lot previously. If glad points were in the game from the start I would probably be pretty close to the title because of playing a monk lots.

Anyone got advice on what to do with my warriors and monks armor?
Can't help with suggestions on monk armor, but on Warrior it depends on what you're trying to do. For prefixes, most players use either Radiant for more energy, or Sentinel if their strength stat can handle it. If you want to experiment with weapons, your helm's attached stat boost should reflect strength, or tactics if your build leans that way. For runes, a major or superior vigor is a necessity. After that, choose runes that enhance your builds; personally, I avoid the purple or gold stat runes because I don't want the health penalty.


Spike Spiegel said:
Can't help with suggestions on monk armor, but on Warrior it depends on what you're trying to do. For prefixes, most players use either Radiant for more energy, or Sentinel if their strength stat can handle it. If you want to experiment with weapons, your helm's attached stat boost should reflect strength, or tactics if your build leans that way. For runes, a major or superior vigor is a necessity. After that, choose runes that enhance your builds; personally, I avoid the purple or gold stat runes because I don't want the health penalty.

So when I finished the suit last night and put survivors insignia on it I kinda screwed up? If I did want to salvage those out is there a way to do it safely without losing armor?

For switching builds I don't mind owning a helmet for each weapon. Is high strength or tactics ever more valuable than +1 in the weapon skill I use? Right now i have sword up to 16 for example. I think I am going to try axe once I find a nice one.

With sentinel the innate +20 to physical would stay and the armor would be 100 against everything? I don't know if I'll ever put my strength that high to use it but I am wondering.

Have you ever used the damage absorption or knockdown runes?
Don't salvage your armor! There's a good chance you'll lose it. :*(

I've never seen Survivor runes as being that great; the Vigor runes, coupled with health bonuses on your axe/sword/hammer/shield/whatever, provide more than enough HP for any melee class. Knockdown runes are only for hammer specialists, and outside of PvP most warriors will favor either axe or sword. Knight's is okay (and IIRC my helm is one), but the other bonuses are more useful.


I'll make sure not to do that then. I'll either save up some money and change the armor over slowly or just leave it how it is. More energy would be pretty nice. That seems like the safest bet for my casters as well but I haven't looked at any class specific options they have.


I'm starting up soon. Got all 3 games, I'll post in here when I get active.

I will need help with the Nightfall missions if anyone is willing to help a new A/Ranger


Neo Member
I just picked up Factions because it was all I could find at a local store. I'll grab Nightfall if I decide I really like the game, and GWEN of course. I haven't rolled a character yet, spent half of last night patching on my pathetic DSL at home, but my main question is this: if I roll a Factions character, can I then take it to original Prophecies areas etc? Or is it limited to Factions areas?
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