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Guild Wars - Official NeoGAF Thread.


Ignorant Scrub
I didn't get into Guild Wars until this past spring, but I enjoy it a lot. The PvE and PvP are very polished/well realized. It makes me wonder why people take WoW PvP so seriously. After all, Guild Wars was built from the ground up as a competitive PvP game, yet WoW becomes the "e-sport"? lol?

Jull Sorbo (Factions)
Lady Amikar (Prophecies)


Does anyone still play this? I heard a while back that they announced GW 2 was in development essentially stopping any further expansion support for GW, but I noticed my original Guild Wars discs were lying around. Is it worth jumping in now or should I just stick with WoW?


Ignorant Scrub
Sebulon3k said:
Does anyone still play this? I heard a while back that they announced GW 2 was in development essentially stopping any further expansion support for GW, but I noticed my original Guild Wars discs were lying around. Is it worth jumping in now or should I just stick with WoW?

Give it a try. The game is still very populated.


I can't remember how the server system worked I'm playing my old Elementalist and still trying to get used to the game, Kept pressing space bar to jump :lol . But is there a place/guild where everyone on gaf plays?

Lord Phol

Anyone have any of those trial codes or likewise? Or perhaps know where I can get one? :x
I've been interested in this game ever since it was released (had a crap computer back then), and would really like to try it out before going for a purchase.
So if someone could send me an unused left-over Trial key or something it would be highly appreciated :p.


Lord Phol said:
Anyone have any of those trial codes or likewise? Or perhaps know where I can get one? :x
I've been interested in this game ever since it was released (had a crap computer back then), and would really like to try it out before going for a purchase.
So if someone could send me an unused left-over Trial key or something it would be highly appreciated :p.

I googled it and Trial Accounts seem to be given out by websites and in game boxes off the expansions. No WoW like refer a friend :<

Lord Phol

aw D:..
Well, Guild Wars 2 can't be THAT far off, maybe I should just wait for that one :x.
Unless some supercheap AllinAll pack becomes available over here in Sweden.
Thanks for the heads-up though ^^.

Rawk Hawk

Purchased the Trilogy today. Going to start installing and everything. Any specific server everyone plays on?

EDIT: Hmm appears to not work like the WoW or FFXI servers.. still not fully understanding everything, but let me know if anyone is still an avid player. Right now my characters name is Mr Rawk Hawk.
Guild Wars thread? FINALLY!!!!

I play Prophecies and soon Factions...

I'm a 20+ Mo/R (Shaolin yo :p) My player name is The Frank Man. PM me in-game if you want to party up.
glad to see people still playing this game

I play almost everyday but probably cause I love the PvP community the game has, people get especially close towards the higher end GvG.

Rawk Hawk

I am playing through Factions, but started a character on Nightfall as well. Factions A/Mo 20, Nightfall P5.

Mr Rawk Hawk Assassin, Mr Joachim Mizrahi Paragon.

I am in some random guild that offered it to me, I took it to bounce some questions off them. I've just recently hit lv20 and still don't get most of the stuff in the game. Only done PvE so far, but if any of you guys want to group up I'd love to. I've played FFXI and WoW before, FFXI for a few years, so the MMO aspects I understand. But still not very good at creating a solid build or anything.

If you guys are around send me a message, I recently put Xfire on my PC for this as well, mrrawkhawk. Normally play in the evenings after work.

Lord Phol

I recently tried the Trial thing and was pretty impressed by the game, screens and videos just doesn't do it justice. The graphics hold up really well still, and the music is really really great. Also a big fan of the art.
Only worrying thing was that it was making my laptop/graphics card heat up like crazy, and since I just ordered the Complete Collection I hope it was just the Trial.

Looking forward to playing through the different campaings in my own pace, and do some pick up and play PvP, pretty much just what I needed from an MMO. Hope they keep the mentality intact for Guild Wars 2.

Small question though, to get the most out of the Story/World, should I do the campaigns in any special order? Was thinking of starting with Nightfall as a Dervish/Assassin, and maybe go straight to the expansion afterwards and do the other campaigns with other characters.
Are there any special benefits for finnishing the campaigns with the same character I'll miss out on?

Rawk Hawk

I'm still fairly new to the game, but the stories are all stand alone games so the order doesn't really matter.

You won't be able to access Assassin unless you start on Factions though, in which case you won't be able to use Dervish. Even as your secondary profession. I started with Factions as an Assassin, which is lv20 and through a hand full of missions. Then made a Paragon in Nightfall and a Mesmer in Prof, but neither of them are very far.

I've played for about 1 1/2 months now, it's fun but I'm enjoying taking my time and just playing whenever. I like it a lot more than WoW or FFXI up to now if only because I don't feel pressure to play daily.

Lord Phol

Rawk Hawk said:
I'm still fairly new to the game, but the stories are all stand alone games so the order doesn't really matter.

You won't be able to access Assassin unless you start on Factions though, in which case you won't be able to use Dervish. Even as your secondary profession. I started with Factions as an Assassin, which is lv20 and through a hand full of missions. Then made a Paragon in Nightfall and a Mesmer in Prof, but neither of them are very far.

Thanks for the input ^^, I've been reading up some and it seems that Nightfall is the middleground when it comes to difficulty and time to reach max level. It also has heroes and like you stated, the class I wanna play, so guess that will be my campaign of choice :p.
I hope there are some nice casual people/guilds out there to join later on, seems most pvp is party/group based and i don't wanna have people commenting and nitpicking about everything about your character.

Rawk Hawk said:
I've played for about 1 1/2 months now, it's fun but I'm enjoying taking my time and just playing whenever. I like it a lot more than WoW or FFXI up to now if only because I don't feel pressure to play daily.

Couldn't agree more, and I hope they keep that design choice for GW2.
With less and less time to spare on games, being able to just log in and play a few pvp matches or do some quests without much stopping you from logging out whenever you want is bliss.
I play about every other week to once a week between jobs (or when I have the time)

I only just bought the trilogy (and GWEN) this past November, after trying out a 2 dollar 14 day trial from gamestop and absolutely loving it.

anyway, my main is a lvl 12 ranger started out in Prophecies.

Haha, I only JUST left
to give you guys an idea of where I'm at.
Yak's Bend

I've only got side characters in the other two standalone expansions, since I want to finish the story missions chronologically.

One question for those of you that know, when do you access the GWEN content?
is it after you've completed all three of the main campaigns or is it after finishing prophecies?

oh yeah, and lets start a GAF guild.

Lord Phol

vagabondarts said:
One question for those of you that know, when do you access the GWEN content?
is it after you've completed all three of the main campaigns or is it after finishing prophecies?

oh yeah, and lets start a GAF guild.

You can do a quest (different for each campaign) at level 10 that will grant you access to the continent of GW:EN. No need to complete anyting besides that :).
Oh and a guild would be great, but yeh a Neogaf one won't happen :p.

Still don't have the game yet :7, should get it this week though.

Edit: It's in! gonna pick it up after work now :D. Dunno if I'll be able to play tonight though, got some annoying grown-up problems to take care of awäjaäwgjaäjgäawjg! t.t

Lord Phol

Well I got the game running, somewhat. Ufortunetly the first thing I stumble upon as I enter the continent of Elonia, as a Dervish named Phol Lionheart is connection problems :/.
I seem to lag frequently, ping is everything from 77-2000 ms, mostly between the sad numbers 200-400. It's pretty hard to enjoy the game at this point, mobs and players sliding all over the place :/.

Worst of all I get disconnected from time to time, seems to have something do with entering a "european district" :s. Last night I got disconnected while entering a town while being in a european district, and after that I couldn't log on on THAT specific char. It would either load fully, kick me back to char selection screen and then give me a "Code:007" Error, or just not load at all, staying at 0%.
I've tried disabling windows firewall, shut down my anti-virus protection (AVG) and even connecting directly to the modem instead of through the router.
Even tried making a new char and connecting, which went fine, but on Phol I could not.

I'm so bummed at the moment, fps is great, graphics and music is great, gameplay is nasty annoying moo-crap with all the lag :/. I really want to play this without the constant lagging, I'll try anything if anyone has any idea what to do.

My ISP is Bahnhof 10/10Mbit broadband, I'm located in Sweden on my home network (2 computers through a router through a modem in the wall using ethernet-cables). I'm using the "Complete Collection" version of Guild Wars, and I don't have any problems with most other things network-related (downloading, streaming, playing other online games etc). OS of choice is Vista Ultimate 32bit.
Any help to get this game running like it should is HIGHLY appriciated :x.


Damn Phol, that sucks. :( Are you connected to the European server?

I can't 100% remember where you choose what server you're on...hopefully someone who has the game installed or knows how can help you. I hope that's the problem. The fact that the ping fluctuates so much almost makes me think it isn't though.

Also, you sure no one is running torrents, or uploads of any kind on your network?

Lord Phol

TheExodu5 said:
Damn Phol, that sucks. :( Are you connected to the European server?

I can't 100% remember where you choose what server you're on...hopefully someone who has the game installed or knows how can help you. I hope that's the problem. The fact that the ping fluctuates so much almost makes me think it isn't though.

Also, you sure no one is running torrents, or uploads of any kind on your network?

Yeah I was pretty putt-off by the experience :x.
But fortunetly! it seems to be alot better now. I asked around some other forums and from what I could gather, it might have been ArenaNet/NC Soft messing with the servers. Talk about bad timing huh :p.

At the moment I get about 200-340ms on the american districts/servers, which is actually playable, so I'm happy :]. Still seems to be some weird things going on over at the european servers (had 60,000ms at a time, and it was rising), so I'll just stay away from there until it gets fixed.
Not fully sure everything is all fine though, I still get some lags at times, but as long it doesn't take 10 seconds to perfrom a skill I won't complain too much. Meanwhile I'll just rock on, on mah Level 6 Dervish "Phol Lionheart" and PVP Assassin "Rawr Phol", rawr! >:3

Thanks for the support ^^.
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