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Guitar players of GAF- Post pics of your guitars and gear

My first guitar I bought about 8 months ago. I am currently doing the Justinguitar beginner course.
As is always the case I set my mind on something then something else turns up. Seriously considering a Chapman Guitars Norseman http://evenstadmusikk.no/norseman

Mahogany body/neck
Quilted Maple top (red or Sunburst black/grey)
Ebony fingerboard
Passive Ceramic pickups (Coil tap)
Floyd Rose 1000
Grover Tuners
All for around £550 or there abouts. Pre-order now for sale in Q4 2015. Hard to find a guitar with an ebony fingerboard so cheap. They're made in Korea to a pretty high standard. For that price hard to resist.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I haven't written anything about my basses in a long time, I guess I'll share here.

I've got a Sunn Coliseum 300 amp with a 2x15 that I always really liked the sound of. It's really transparent, and makes your bass just sound like its self. A couple years ago I got an Ibanez BTK, the exact model I don't know off the top of my head, but I really love the sound of it. It sounds beefy, growly, and has timbre that reminds my of a double bass.

I had the Sunn in storage, and only really got to play my BTK through a couple of practice amps, a little Peavey that made any bass sound growly and that I really like, and a Roland Bass Cube. I longed for the chance to hear the BTK through the Sunn, I figured with the awesome sounds I got from the BTK and the transparent clarity of the Coliseum I'd have a perfect combo that would put me into tone heaven.

So I finally had a chance to get my amp out of storage and my newest bass in and...

It sounded so flat and lifeless that I couldn't believe it. I was stunned and deflated all at once.

I twiddled knobs, adjusted compression, changed cables, tried effects pedals out, but nothing I did made that bass sound any good through that amp.


As is always the case I set my mind on something then something else turns up. Seriously considering a Chapman Guitars Norseman http://evenstadmusikk.no/norseman

Mahogany body/neck
Quilted Maple top (red or Sunburst black/grey)
Ebony fingerboard
Passive Ceramic pickups (Coil tap)
Floyd Rose 1000
Grover Tuners
All for around £550 or there abouts. Pre-order now for sale in Q4 2015. Hard to find a guitar with an ebony fingerboard so cheap. They're made in Korea to a pretty high standard. For that price hard to resist.

Heh, I was just watching this video a few hours ago :). Sweet guitars.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Man those two guitars are suuuuuper different in terms of what you're looking for. The only two things they really have in common are the body shape.
Man those two guitars are suuuuuper different in terms of what you're looking for. The only two things they really have in common are the body shape.
Oh absolutely. But then I play Blues, Rock, Prog, New Age instrumental, Heavy Rock, a shit-ton of different music. At the same time I generally don't like repeating myself so once I have one guitar I like I'll get one quite different.
And I'm also affected by aesthetics up-to-a-point, but that's the last thing I consider. I just wish I could demo them.

Cross-post from the monthly pickup thread, but I got a Fender Jazzmaster finally. They've always been my dream guitars and I'm glad to finally own one. It's a beauty. Classic Player so it was made in Mexico, but it plays and sounds fantastic. Putting on .11's really made the tone and the feel a lot better for me. Neck pickup wasn't warm enough with the stock .10's, but after doing that it's perfect. My other electric is an Epiphone 339 and god this thing just blows it out of the water in every way.

Best purchase I've made in a long time. Next on the list is a new amp. A Vox AC15 with an alnico blue is the goal. And then someday an AVRI Jazzmaster..
^Damn, that's nice! I've always wanted a Jazzmaster and you chose a great one. Nice ear for adjustments also.
Paired with the Vox it'll sound so good. I have a thinline telecaster and a AC4C1-12, which go together great!
Thank you! I love the look of black with tort so I'm very pleased, but white Jazzmasters are gorgeous too. Fuck, every Jazzmaster is gorgeous.

You've got a great setup. Love those thinline Tele's with the humbuckers. I actually meant to get the CP Telecaster Deluxe 72 with the money, but then I saw this Jazzmaster for only about 100 more and had to jump on it. And AC4's are great. I'd love to own one. I actually use a Vox Pathfinder 15R, and gonna be honest that thing gets some absolutely killer clean tones for a solid state amp. My friends with expensive tube amps are always surprised. Only lacking in distortion, but eh that's what pedals are for in this case.


Man you guys have tasty equipment. I've had the same Aria Pro II for 22 years!
I do want a new guitar but completely bewildered by the range on display when I go to a shop, I don't know where to start.
i was pretty keen on getting a cp jazz until i played one--felt like a strat in a jazzmaster shell, the stiffer tremolo and tune-o-matic style bridge kills a bit of what made the guitar unique
So, I decided on the Schecter C-1 Classic. Aesthetically I like it, plus the Seymour Duncan Jazz and 2N pickups are nice as well as the Grover tuners. I've also noticed that I use whammy bars far less nowadays, though I still have plenty of guitars with a whammy/Floyd Rose.
However, as this month has been good to me (nice bonus coming) I decided to finally get a Gibson. Can't afford a standard but went for a Gibson Les Paul Studio. I have tried one in a shop before and I liked it but at the time I was looking for something else. But now well I thought it was about time I got one. Seriously I don't spend my money on anything else except guitars, computers and games! Lol!
The only thing I don't like about the look of it is the circular sticker around the pick up selector. It really isn't needed and looks like a plaster! Maybe I can remove it?

Here's a controversial thought. Does the wood of a guitar really make much of a difference? I've seen plenty of arguments on You Tube about so-called "Tone woods" and in my own experience it's the pick-ups and amp that makes the biggest difference. If there is a difference it's subtle and is totally lost in a wall of high gain distortion (or any effect for that matter). Any tonal differences can be adjusted with EQ. I just don't really hear it myself. I get guitars mainly for playability, features and aesthetics.
What do others think?

Heh, I was just watching this video a few hours ago :). Sweet guitars.
I'm hoping to order one for Oct/Nov!


Many years ago now I saw my then-favourite guitarist playing the coolest thing I'd ever seen, so for my twentieth anniverary of being a guitar-playing man myself I decided I was getting one.

One of the 2015 models with the fiesta red nitro finish (just like a JF cover I had on my wall as a wee guy!) and American Vintage pickups.I love it. I've had it a couple of weeks now and today I put a Staytrem bridge on it and finally worked up the courage to restring it with 10s. I'd never restrung a guitar with the old Fender-style slotted tuners before and had heard horror stories about the treble strings but it was a piece of piss. I'll measure everything tomorrow but the neck is still mega straight so I might hopefully get away without adjusting the truss rod as you need to remove the neck to do it - fuck that.

I got a bit sidetracked there researching the Under the Bridge Jag. turns out it lives in a Hard Rock Cafe now, presumably he sold it during the dark times. Sad, it's a beauty.
^That's a beauty. Well done, man. Jags are so damn cool and that's a great color. Bet it looks incredible in person!

I didn't know there was horror stories of those tuners haha. I changed the strings on my Jazzmaster and it wasn't really a problem at all. I only fucked up on the A string because I wasn't paying attention and now it's the only one that I have to tune backwards to make it go sharper. Not a big deal, though.

And Slackbladder that is a fucking sick looking LP. Damn. I agree that the pickup selector thing sticks out a bit. Probably should be able to remove it no problem.


Thanks man, it does! Fiesta red is way cooler than I'd thought originally, depending on the light it can look kinda orange or pink. In a good way. I can see why Hank Marvin likes it so much as he's a pretty cool guy.

It's the treble strings people seem to have trouble with on these tuners as they tend to pop out before there's sufficient tension on them to hold them in place, and if that happens a couple of times the string is so coiled and bent it's kind of ruined. No big deal though, and I like the neatness of them. As a Fender man I find Gibsons harder - I've had an SG for about eight months now and I always manage to end up tuning one of the G, B or high E the wrong way. Always :D


Many years ago now I saw my then-favourite guitarist playing the coolest thing I'd ever seen, so for my twentieth anniverary of being a guitar-playing man myself I decided I was getting one.

One of the 2015 models with the fiesta red nitro finish (just like a JF cover I had on my wall as a wee guy!) and American Vintage pickups.I love it. I've had it a couple of weeks now and today I put a Staytrem bridge on it and finally worked up the courage to restring it with 10s. I'd never restrung a guitar with the old Fender-style slotted tuners before and had heard horror stories about the treble strings but it was a piece of piss. I'll measure everything tomorrow but the neck is still mega straight so I might hopefully get away without adjusting the truss rod as you need to remove the neck to do it - fuck that.

I got a bit sidetracked there researching the Under the Bridge Jag. turns out it lives in a Hard Rock Cafe now, presumably he sold it during the dark times. Sad, it's a beauty.

Awesome guitar! I'm a fairly recent Jag convert (a little over 3 years ago). I was worried about the scale length and the vintage specs, but it turns out I love it all, including the neck specs and vintage-style tuners. I love the Classic Series (not Classic Player) guitars. Best guitars Fender makes until you get up to the American Vintage series IMO. I would take anything in that series over an American Standard any day.
The only thing I don't like about the look of it is the circular sticker around the pick up selector. [...]Maybe I can remove it?

it is just held on by a thin nut on the selector switch, so it is trivial to take off.

Does the wood of a guitar really make much of a difference?

Not at high-gain, as you said, but not everyone
plays at high-gain. Two examples of the same factory made instrument don't always sound the same despite everything that can be specified being the same-- you are only left with the differences in the wood.
It's the treble strings people seem to have trouble with on these tuners as they tend to pop out before there's sufficient tension on them to hold them in place, and if that happens a couple of times the string is so coiled and bent it's kind of ruined.

Wind the first few turns of string by hand— stick in the hole, kink it, wrap the string on a few times before switching to winding. Should also use the hand not winding like a tensioning arm (as on a sewing machine, bicycle or car engine).

I've had an SG for about eight months now and I always manage to end up tuning one of the G, B or high E the wrong way.

Just remember to wrap with the string going to the middle of the headstock on every guitar and you'll get it right.
Well, I got my Schecter C-1 Classic and Gibson Les Paul Studio 2015 (pics to follow).
The Schecter is really nice. Made in Korea i plays nice and is as well made as the two other Schecters I have. Really nice finish. The neck feels like a slightly thicker Strat neck and the Seymour Duncan pickups have great tone. The 5-way selector switch gives me neck pup, both and bridge and also 2 phased positions too. And although it's mahogany body it's quite thin so quite light. Impressed.

The Les Paul Studio comes in a rather nice gold case. The firsthing I noticed though was that there was unpolished wax on the body. Nice wax mind you, smelt slightly of chocolate! But I noticed also that the low E string was not on the nut and the A and D strings were in the wrong groove (A in E and D in A etc - don't think they "slipped" there). Looks like a rush job. That said once I re-arranged the strings and gave the guitar a good buff it was fine.
Absolutely lovely colour; a deep, deep red which really glows in sunlight.
The G-Force auto-tuning thing works very well and really simplifies and speed tuning up (you can have all kinds of options from drop d to DADGAD and open G etc). Playing it felt good though the neck is a little wider than I'm used to but not as deep as some LP's as it seems to be more "C" shaped. Good tone through the pickups, very loud.
My only thing I don't quite get is the Tailpiece. Both it and the Tune-O-Matic bridge are slightly raised at the heavy E side of the guitar by about a cm. The screw is clearly showing. Is this normal? Never owned a Les Paul before so I can't say. If they were made level I think I would need to lower the bridge pup as the strings are just a cm or so away. Any thoughts? It does play fine but looks...odd.
Anyway, two great axes which will probably be the last ones I get (excluding the Chapmans Guitars Strandhugg) for a while.
Looks like a rush job.

Gibson's quality control is horribly inconsistent for the price of the instruments.

My only thing I don't quite get is the Tailpiece. Both it and the Tune-O-Matic bridge are slightly raised at the heavy E side of the guitar by about a cm. The screw is clearly showing. Is this normal? [...]
It does play fine but looks...odd.

Do you mean the top of the mounting stud or the the threads on the post? The latter is very normal.
Gibson's quality control is horribly inconsistent for the price of the instruments.
Just seems odd compared to all the South Korean and Indonesian guitars I have. They're all generally a little (or a lot) cheaper but all had a really good finish to them.

Do you mean the top of the mounting stud or the the threads on the post? The latter is very normal.
Well, the thread on the post going into the body is showing but only on one side. The other side there is no thread showing. Same with the bridge. Just one side is higher than the other. Looked odd to me but plays okay.
Action is hopefully higher on the bass side or the neck is twisted.
Pretty sure the neck is fine. I would notice it by the feel and eyeballing it. I think it was just sloppily put on.
I think I'll top wrap the strings. That way the tailpiece and bridge can be screwed into the guitar body fully and offer some extra sustain and string slinkiness. If it's good enough for Joe Bonamassa....
That said I won't if the strings don't stay seated properly.
anyone here use or have used lace sensor pickups?

thinking about putting them into my hss strat
Not used them but I have heard they're pretty good. What do they replace?

You don't move the bridge when you top wrap, you only move the tail piece. Bridge height is determined by the neck angle and your desired action.
Yes, the tailpiece. The bridge is only slightly raised on the heavy E string. I thought I'd share a pic showing the Tailpiece and bridge as it is out-of-the-case.

You can see where the screw is exposed and I just want to lower it. Looks odd not being equally flat. But if that's normal so be it.
A few more pics of the LP Studio and the Schecter C-1 Classic -
(No idea why they're at funny angles, Picpar shows them like that).


You can see where the screw is exposed and I just want to lower it. Looks odd not being equally flat. But if that's normal so be it.

Yup, you can crank down the tailpiece all the way. You usually want to avoid the strings touching the back edge of the bridge though. It could affect sustain. Go ahead and give it a try though. You won't hurt anything.
How's the action? That's all that matters. The low e side should be higher.
It's a bit higher than I would like but plays nice. I could lower the strings but I may need to lower the bridge pup a bit too. To be honest I won't be using it for high neck playing but mainly riffing and chords. That said I will probably tinker eventually. I always do.
I will say that the Schecter is perfect. Doesn't need a thing doing. Really make 'em well in Korea.


It's a bit higher than I would like but plays nice. I could lower the strings but I may need to lower the bridge pup a bit too. To be honest I won't be using it for high neck playing but mainly riffing and chords. That said I will probably tinker eventually. I always do.
I will say that the Schecter is perfect. Doesn't need a thing doing. Really make 'em well in Korea.

Tinkering is good. Everyone should know how to set up their own guitars. I can't believe people take their guitars in for fucking string changes.


Tinkering is good. Everyone should know how to set up their own guitars. I can't believe people take their guitars in for fucking string changes.

I took mine in to have the action lowered a few months ago. I'll eventually learn how to do it myself, but I wanted it done quick. But yeah, string changes are easy. I think someone posted it in here, but this video shows you how to do it very efficiently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGLMy6DbpBc

Seems like a good place to ask this. I want to play Rocksmith through my amp. There is one review that mentions this on the link here, but I was wondering if any gaffers have experience with this switch, or know of a better one that's a lower price. Was hoping it would be part of the big Amazon sale on the 15th:

as in what am i swapping out for them? n3 noiseless (lol) pups and a dh1 hum in the bridge.
I take it they're not that noiseless? Definately heard good things about Lace Sensor pick-ups, though. What others would you consider? Are you trying to move away from that typical Strat sound? The only pick-ups I ever got to replace a set on my Standard Strat was an EMG DG20 set which came with scratchplate and re-wired tone controls. Big change in sound.
hadn't really considering any other pickups (although i've heard a lot of good things about sd antiquities). my hss doesn't really sound like a strat anyway since i believe the american deluxe models were being wired to have much hotter output at the time (~2007-2008). i don't get that stratty quack from any of the positions, i think the lace sensor blue and silver might actually get closer to that then what i currently have.
I didn't know we had a Guitar-GAF so I guess this would count as a thread revival?

Anyway, excuse the Instagram pic as I haven't had time to take my DSLR out and snag some pics(just got it yesterday) but here it is:

It's an Ibanez EWC30... the guitar came out 6 years ago and is now discontinued so I've actually never heard of it until now. The only thing I can find is that it's supposedly part of the Ibanez exotic wood series, which I've actually never heard about either.

All I know is, this is one of the best guitars I've ever played. I walked into my local Guitar Center looking to trade in my old-ass Mitchell MD-50, and I literally spent an hour playing everything within my price range(under $200) and the only decent thing I could find was a Luna Gypsy Spalt and an Ibanez V70CE... and they're pretty much beginner guitars.

I was actually gonna take the Luna until this showed up out of nowhere. I saw it and fell in love with the looks, then I played it... man oh man. It sounded amazing, the action was perfect, and then I saw the price... $199. I literally hauled ass to find a guy and told him I'm wanting to trade in my Mitchell for the Ibanez... 30 minutes later, I walked out of there not knowing what I've bought.

If this website is still accurate, then the EWC30 is supposedly made of Padauk on the back, sides and top with Mahogany for the neck. An Ibanez SRTc pre-amp, and a "B-Band UST" pickup.

Anyway, right behind the Ibanez is my 5-string bass... a Rogue LX205 Series III. It's nothing special really, bought it during a sale on Musician's Friend(got it for less than $100) and I've been wanting to get back into bass so I couldn't resist. And the only thing missing here is my Dean Custom 250 I picked up years ago... that too was about $100 lol.

And yes, I'm a bit of a cheapass when it comes to instruments as this is really all a hobby for me. The most expensive instrument I've got is a Yamaha trombone I've got during my wind band days in HS/college and it's only because I thought it'd be a viable career path until I fell in love with record engineering and radio broadcasting lol.
Nice guitar!

Explains all the cheap gear...

I write software for a broadcasting company.


Tbh I'd love to get super expensive gear... like a Fender '65 Jaguar and a '69 Strat but all this is just a hobby for me so the expensive gear would basically be useless. Most I'd do is record a few licks for a few projects... that's it really. Besides, I'm more of an acoustic guitar guy anyway, so I probably would've traded up the Luna in a few months if I ended up buying it. Glad I didn't coz I honestly don't see the need to trade my EWC30 for anything else now lol.

Don't worry though, not everything I've got is necessarily "cheap" lol. I've got my KRK Rokit 5's hooked up to a Presonus Audiobox interface for example. Both "cheap" items, but they're killer items for the price haha.
Hey I have an Ibanez acoustic like that. Can't recall its name but I believe it has a walnut top. Looks like this -
Slightly different. I got mine 2 years ago.

Also I was bad and got another Schecter. Banshee Elite 6 FR-S - ebony fingerboard, 25.5" scale length, 9 piece Maple/Walnut neck-thru, flame maple top, swamp ash body, sustainiac in neck and Schecter USA SuperCharger Mach-6™ in bridge, Floyd Rose 1500. Easily the most professional guitar I have. Very pretty and plays like butter.

Tbh I'd love to get super expensive gear... like a Fender '65 Jaguar and a '69 Strat but all this is just a hobby for me so the expensive gear would basically be useless. l.

you could get a japanese jag for ~650 and upgrade the electronics and it would functionally be as good as the 4x more expensive avri 65 jag
"you could get a japanese jag for ~650 and upgrade the electronics and it would functionally be as good as the 4x more expensive avri 65 jag"

Or a Mexican Classic Series jag for about a grand, no need to replace electronics and a Nitro finish (if that's a thing that even matters to him).

More color options with the Japanese Jags, though.


As an owner of an MIA Jaguar, I've got to say that I can't really hear a difference in quality between them and the MIJ Jaguars from the nineties. The fact that they look very different obviously gives them away but I wouldn't consider it at all necessary to upgrade the electronics.

I don't have a picture for this thread at the moment, but I do have a question and this seems like the most relevant place to ask it: I'm going to be out of the country for a year and I'd like a nice practice amp to take with me, preferrably something smaller than 1x12, but I don't really have any idea what to buy. I play almost exclusively jazz and I don't care at all about effects; I only care about getting a good clean tone. I'd prefer tube but some solid state amps are capable of putting out an impressive low-volume tone, so I wouldn't say I'm completely opposed to the idea. Price isn't really an issue as amps in this size tend to be well within my price range anyway. My favorite amp is the Fender Bassman, and I'd say that what I'm looking for is an approximation of that in a smaller form factor. Any thoughts?
Hey I have an Ibanez acoustic like that. Can't recall its name but I believe it has a walnut top. Looks like this -

Slightly different. I got mine 2 years ago.

Woah... that looks real nice. One of my buddies said mine, and I'm assuming yours too, is from the Ibanez Exotic Wood series.

Also, further research on mine got me to Ibanez's part site and it says mine was produced from Nov 2006 to Oct 2009... and the Ibanez SRTn pickup is fncking expensive. It's $146 on their website right now... that's basically how much I paid for the guitar this weekend!

you could get a japanese jag for ~650 and upgrade the electronics and it would functionally be as good as the 4x more expensive avri 65 jag

I'm actually considering this on my Rogue bass. The current pickups on it are utter shit, the 4 knobs are unlabeled too so I don't even know what they really do is besides the volume know, and on one knob, you start getting some humming if you plug it directly on my interface. It's not the interface's fault either as my entire PC is plugged to a UPS box with an RFI/EFI filter.

This is my bass right here: Rogue LX205B. Besides the pickups, every thing plays really well actually so if I could just upgrade the electrics on it, I think it could be a pretty decent bass for my usage.

I don't have a picture for this thread at the moment, but I do have a question and this seems like the most relevant place to ask it: I'm going to be out of the country for a year and I'd like a nice practice amp to take with me, preferrably something smaller than 1x12, but I don't really have any idea what to buy. I play almost exclusively jazz and I don't care at all about effects; I only care about getting a good clean tone. I'd prefer tube but some solid state amps are capable of putting out an impressive low-volume tone, so I wouldn't say I'm completely opposed to the idea. Price isn't really an issue as amps in this size tend to be well within my price range anyway. My favorite amp is the Fender Bassman, and I'd say that what I'm looking for is an approximation of that in a smaller form factor. Any thoughts?

What about using a mobile app? I've had an iRig for a while now and it surprisingly works well and there's a few apps out there like BIAS and Amplitube on iOS that are pretty decent as a "practice amp." You could even just stick to GarageBand if you don't wanna pay for amps as the ones Apple provide is top-notch.
"As an owner of an MIA Jaguar, I've got to say that I can't really hear a difference in quality between them and the MIJ Jaguars from the nineties. The fact that they look very different obviously gives them away but I wouldn't consider it at all necessary to upgrade the electronics. "

As a previous owner of a MIJ (2003) Jaguar, there was a *significant* difference between the stock Japanese Jag pickups and the AVRI Pickups I replaced them with. The originals were shrill and microphonic (which was very problematic as a Fuzz pedal enthusiast). The AVRI pickups lost that shrillness and were wax-potted, so no microphonic feedback problems.

Huge, huge difference for me.
I hate restringing basses.

Had a huge brainfart and cut the D string way too short. It didn't matter what way I tried to stretch the string or whatever, it's just too short and just pops out. Ugh. Thank god for Amazon Prime... $6 for a D'Addario single? Yes please haha.

Also, how the heck do you tune the low B string? I know it's B0 or 30Hz if you really wanna be technical, but none of my tuners work. Cleartune on iOS using an iRig and Amplitube on FL Studio. And obviously, it's almost impossible to tune it by ear so I'm SOL right now lol.
As an owner of an MIA Jaguar, I've got to say that I can't really hear a difference in quality between them and the MIJ Jaguars from the nineties. The fact that they look very different obviously gives them away but I wouldn't consider it at all necessary to upgrade the electronics.

I don't have a picture for this thread at the moment, but I do have a question and this seems like the most relevant place to ask it: I'm going to be out of the country for a year and I'd like a nice practice amp to take with me, preferrably something smaller than 1x12, but I don't really have any idea what to buy. I play almost exclusively jazz and I don't care at all about effects; I only care about getting a good clean tone. I'd prefer tube but some solid state amps are capable of putting out an impressive low-volume tone, so I wouldn't say I'm completely opposed to the idea. Price isn't really an issue as amps in this size tend to be well within my price range anyway. My favorite amp is the Fender Bassman, and I'd say that what I'm looking for is an approximation of that in a smaller form factor. Any thoughts?

either a fender supersonic (has a bassman channel) or if you really wanna go lean, fender blues jr.

if you dont mind buying used then something like the smaller roland jc models from the 80s-90s could also work: https://reverb.com/item/975666-roland-jc-77-jazz-chorus-combo-solid-state-amp-1980s
As an owner of an MIA Jaguar, I've got to say that I can't really hear a difference in quality between them and the MIJ Jaguars from the nineties. The fact that they look very different obviously gives them away but I wouldn't consider it at all necessary to upgrade the electronics.

I don't have a picture for this thread at the moment, but I do have a question and this seems like the most relevant place to ask it: I'm going to be out of the country for a year and I'd like a nice practice amp to take with me, preferrably something smaller than 1x12, but I don't really have any idea what to buy. I play almost exclusively jazz and I don't care at all about effects; I only care about getting a good clean tone. I'd prefer tube but some solid state amps are capable of putting out an impressive low-volume tone, so I wouldn't say I'm completely opposed to the idea. Price isn't really an issue as amps in this size tend to be well within my price range anyway. My favorite amp is the Fender Bassman, and I'd say that what I'm looking for is an approximation of that in a smaller form factor. Any thoughts?
You could try a Laney Cub 12R 1-15 Watt Combo w/Reverb It's a tube amp and has a very nice clean sound by all accounts. Or maybe a Hughes & Kettner TM5C TubeMeister 5 Combo I have the 18 watt version and it has a very clean, almost hi-fi sound.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Bought my first electric guitar yesterday. A Yamaha Pacifica 120h. Only had an acoustic guitar so far.


It's like the popular 112V, but features two splittable humbuckers. Wonder if that makes this guitar more like a Strat or more like a Les Paul.

I will use it with an Apogee Jam and Garageband.


Haven't decided yet on an amp. It will definitely be a sold state amp, as headphone support is important. Currently, I have my eyes on the Marshall MG30CFX.

You can buy valve amps with headphone sockets. My Hughes and Kettner has a headphone jack. That said valve amps are a bit pricier and you may lose some of the valve-ness with headphones.

I'm looking for a good delay pedal. Maybe a TC Electronic Flashback X4 or a Boss DD-7?
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