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Guitar players of GAF- Post pics of your guitars and gear

Fusebox said:
Parkers sure are mentally thin, they're made of crazy futuristic composite materials to keep the strength required to hold the neck aren't they?

Yeah, from wikipedia: "Fly's are built with an exoskeleton along the back and around the neck of the guitar. It is made from a carbon fibre/glass/epoxy composite material that is thinner than the paint finish. The same composite also comprises the fretboard material"

It was a cool little guitar, but I didn't like the thin flat neck profile, and the magnetic pick-ups were not very good either.
reilo said:
Crazy. I think my next axe is gonna be a Les Paul to supplement my Ibanez RG5. Any suggestions? I want something a little more high-end.

I played a Gibson Les Paul 2008 Standard at the local store today. It was great, the new neck profile was very comfortable. Nice and thick, but easy to play at the same time.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
SpoonyBard said:
I played a Gibson Les Paul 2008 Standard at the local store today. It was great, the new neck profile was very comfortable. Nice and thick, but easy to play at the same time.
What's the difference between the Standard Plus and the Standard?
reilo said:
What's the difference between the Standard Plus and the Standard?

Standard Premium Plus is prettier. Probably better woods and workmanship too, the more expensive models sem to get more attention at the factory.

The old Standard is now called Traditional. The shops of course still have those older models... Standard 2008 is better (in my humble opinion) but a bit more expensive:


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
SpoonyBard said:
Standard Premium Plus is prettier. Probably better woods and workmanship too, the more expensive models sem to get more attention at the factory.

The old Standard is now called Traditional. The shops of course still have those older models... Standard 2008 is better (in my humble opinion) but a bit more expensive:
The Plus Standard 08 it seems is about $2700 online and in store at Guitar Center - which is better than the $3900 MSRP.

Definitely a guitar I'm gonna have to try out first before diving head first into buying it.


Fusebox said:
The Machine

Nice. I'd like to pick up an S eventually. I'd probably end up with one of the mid-end models like the 520EX or 620, but that's fine. Though a Prestige would be ideal:



Yeah, as a rule of thumb I only ever buy Ibanez Prestiges, but other than the S5470 there isn't any S series in this years run that gets me wet. Once I've chucked some Bare knuckles into this it should be on par with the rest of the line-up.
Here is the stuff my dad gave me to get me started. I got the processor for Christmas, it's a Digitech RP-90. I've only been playing since the beginning of December.

The Charvel electric.

The Washburn acoustic he is letting me use to learn Drive by Incubus.

He put those Soldano speakers in my room a couple of days ago. He told me that were some really nice speakers and they sound awesome. Makes my power chord playing sound really good! ;p

Sorry for the bad pics, couldn't find our good camera so you get cell phone pics.


The red charvel with the red matched Soldano cab is an awesome combo! Was your dad in a glam rock band in the 80s?!
Fusebox said:
The red charvel with the red matched Soldano cab is an awesome combo! Was your dad in a glam rock band in the 80s?!
He's been playing in mostly cover bands in bars for most of his life. He started at about 15 or so. Right now he's in a band in which they're making their own music though.


Here's a snippet of my stuff. My two lovely Gibson LP Customs, my Gibson Gothic Explorer with my Washburn acoustic behind them. The amp is a Hughes and Kettner Switchblade 100 tube amp with a B52 2x12 cab with Vintage 30s.

I have a couple other guitars not pictured, a Squire telecaster (bought to hot rod) and an ESP Truckster, yeah, I'm a James Hetfield fanboy but that guitar sounds great with the EMG 61 and 80 pickups in it :D

Yeah, my room is a bit messy right now.




Yum, nice LP's dude! That H&K is a beast too, awesome setup.

I bought a soldering iron the other day so I could swap the Dimarzios from my RG Prestige into my S series and fuck me it was about a thousand times harder than I thought it would be! 6 hours later though and I somehow managed to get everything going. Dimarzio PAF Pro at the neck and a Tone Zone at the bridge.



Well, i'm finally buying an Epiphone Les Paul but i still don't know which amp to buy. I'm just a beginner so it's gonna be a 10 or 15W. I'm looking for a Hard Rock/NWOBHM kind of sound and the final decision is between a Marshall and a Line-6 but i recently heard good things about Orange. Are they good for that kind of sound?
-Eddman- said:
Well, i'm finally buying an Epiphone Les Paul but i still don't know which amp to buy. I'm just a beginner so it's gonna be a 10 or 15W. I'm looking for a Hard Rock/NWOBHM kind of sound and the final decision is between a Marshall and a Line-6 but i recently heard good things about Orange. Are they good for that kind of sound?

Just "Marshall" or "Line-6" doesn't say much. Both companies have cheap and crappy amps. A Roland Cube would probably be good for that sound... They are cheap too.


Most of the low end Marshalls and Line 6's are weak unfortunately, and you won't get a decent Orange for that price either. Check out the Vox Valvetronix AD15, it has awesome rock and metal tones that won't break the bank. I used to own one myself.

current setup:

Got a new toy today.



It's a Bill Lawrence SwampKaster, Strat-style with blade pickups. I've never been a fan of Stratocasters, mostly due to their ubiquity, but I borrowed my sister's old Squier a while back and was impressed with its various tones. I mentioned to my guitar-god stepfather that I was going to buy one of the new 60's Squier Strat series. We started talking about pickups and I mentioned the great Bill Lawrence Keystone pickups I installed in my Telecaster. He said he'd recently bought a Bill Lawrence Telecaster and it was a great guitar, I should get the Strat-style. This was a very strange conversation, since it turns out we were talking about two different Bill Lawrences, one who makes pickups, the other a former partner who stole the company & name and makes guitars and pickups from the original design. I had some misgivings about supporting a venal businessman, but in the end decided I wasn't buying a John Wayne Gacy painting, it was just a damn guitar.

Seems to be a pretty nice axe. I didn't order the blade pickups, but I don't see any problems. It didn't come with a tremelo arm, but I'm sure they'll send that when I point it out. The pickguard is either already scratched to holy hell or has a plastic sheeting on it which I just can't peel away. I'm not a big fan of tortoise-shell, so that will get replaced eventually. It's not heavy, the neck feels great and it fits into the neck-pocket tightly. Tuners seem decent, although I don't think I have a clue how to restring that design. And it does have that signature Strat tone. I finally heard that Buddy Holly sound that I couldn't bring before.

But, I'm still a Tele man through and through. This will be my #2.

I thought I'd posted my other guitars here before, but I guess not.

1992 Fender Telecaster (MIM)

Gibson Les Paul Studio, 1995?


Nice one man! My mate has a MIM strat in the exact same colour scheme as your new BL, I dig it, very tasteful. Whatcha pluggin it into?

Fusebox said:
Whatcha pluggin it into?
Mostly this. :lol

With a six-year-old and a wife whose not a fan of the sound anyway, I don't get much chance to crank it. When I do, it's just a combo of these.



I'm not gigging or anything, so this suits me fine for making my guitars loud and experimenting with different sounds.
Just started playing and I have this Ibanez Acoustic Hybrid guitar that I got for free and holy fuck the strings are hurting my fingers. This shit gets easier right?! :lol


Steel-string acoustics are usually the toughest on your fingers but yeah, it gets easier, practising is like doing qigong for your fingertips.

How's that Amplug adams? I was eyeing those off in the shop.


marked forever
I just crushed part of my guitar with a rocking chair... because I'm irresponsible apparently.

That's why I'm not posting a newer picture! I hope to replace this guitar soon with a mahogany Epiphone Explorer though, since my tastes have changed so much.

Anyway, here's my Telly sans battle scars! You can ignore the dirty-ass room and the gaffer holding the thing.


p.s. I've been playing for 3 years on and off... and you can tell it's on and off because I still sound like a new player to most people. I'm hoping to get more serious with this hobby when I have a more metal guitar >:0
Fusebox said:
How's that Amplug adams? I was eyeing those off in the shop.
A worthy purchase. For $40 and the ease of not being tethered to an amp by wire or headphones, but still able to get loud clean or hi-gain sound, it's really nice. You can plug an iPod or such into the aux and play along to practice tracks. You can even pass it through to speakers as a pre-amp. I'm not sure how it would do for recording as it has a lot of hiss at some settings. Check out some YouTube vids, there's a lot you can do with it. A mini POD would give you a lot more options, but this is much cheaper and far more portable.


adamsappel said:
Actually, I don't, but looking at the serial number, it begins with 92, so I'm guessing it's actually a 1992 model?

Its the first and fifth digit.

To be more specific, its YDDDYPPP, where YY is the year, and DDD is the day of the year. PPP is the plant/line designation.
adamsappel said:
Actually, I don't, but looking at the serial number, it begins with 92, so I'm guessing it's actually a 1992 model?

Nah, you have to look at the first and fifth number.

from http://superiormusic.org/page202.htm

YY is the production year
DDD is the day of the year
PPP is the plant designation and/or instrument rank.

Examples: 70108276 means the instrument was produced on Jan. 10, 1978, in Kalamazoo and was the 276th instrument stamped that day.

82765501 means the instrument was produced on Oct. 3, 1985, in Nashville and was the 1st instrument stamped that day.


adamsappel said:
A worthy purchase. For $40 and the ease of not being tethered to an amp by wire or headphones, but still able to get loud clean or hi-gain sound, it's really nice. You can plug an iPod or such into the aux and play along to practice tracks. You can even pass it through to speakers as a pre-amp. I'm not sure how it would do for recording as it has a lot of hiss at some settings. Check out some YouTube vids, there's a lot you can do with it. A mini POD would give you a lot more options, but this is much cheaper and far more portable.

Cheers, I used to have the Pocket Pod but just never used it much so I sold it, I like the price of the Amplug though.

SpoonyBard said:
Nah, you have to look at the first and fifth number.

from http://superiormusic.org/page202.htm

YY is the production year
DDD is the day of the year
PPP is the plant designation and/or instrument rank.

Examples: 70108276 means the instrument was produced on Jan. 10, 1978, in Kalamazoo and was the 276th instrument stamped that day.

82765501 means the instrument was produced on Oct. 3, 1985, in Nashville and was the 1st instrument stamped that day.

Cool, I was trying to find out why my 2003 '67 re-issue Flying V was showing a pre-1984 factory code and it's because "The historic reissue guitars feature historically accurate serial numbers. "
I bought one of these:

Orange Rockerverb 50 head.

The best sounding amp I have ever played. I sold my Bugera 6262 head with it's relatively crappy clean and low-gain sounds and now I'm pretty happy with my setup.

I also bought an Line 6 Variax guitar, there was a cheap used one at the local shop. It's a nice toy, but I wouldn't use it outside my home, it just doesn't feel like real guitar.

Fusebox said:
The first link already helped, I even posted the answer I needed, but thanks anyway. :D

Hah, yeah, I skipped over "2003" in your message.
Fusebox said:
Nice head, got a photo of your actual setup?

Nope, I'll have to take one when I have a chance. The amp in in our band's rehearsal room, I only have my Fender Blues Junior and Vox Tonelab SE at home.


SpoonyBard said:
Nope, I'll have to take one when I have a chance. The amp in in our band's rehearsal room, I only have my Fender Blues Junior and Vox Tonelab SE at home.

So jealous! Makes sense though, you could probably blow your neighbours away with the Rockerverbs master volume on 1. :D
Fusebox said:
So jealous! Makes sense though, you could probably blow your neighbours away with the Rockerverbs master volume on 1. :D

Well, Rockerverb has a master volume that works pretty well with lower volumes, so I could get decent sounds out of it even at home. Bugera 6262 sounded way worse with low volume :)


Sweet, sounds a bit like my TT, I can keep the master right down and max the gain to get a thick distortion at low levels but I usually don't, coz it's single channel I set it clean and use pedals for gain.

I'm surprised about the Bug though, I'd heard good things about those. It just didn't wanna sing unless you cranked the power amp? How was it apart from that?


CFMOORE! said:
Here's a snippet of my stuff. My two lovely Gibson LP Customs, my Gibson Gothic Explorer with my Washburn acoustic behind them. The amp is a Hughes and Kettner Switchblade 100 tube amp with a B52 2x12 cab with Vintage 30s.

I have a couple other guitars not pictured, a Squire telecaster (bought to hot rod) and an ESP Truckster, yeah, I'm a James Hetfield fanboy but that guitar sounds great with the EMG 61 and 80 pickups in it :D

Yeah, my room is a bit messy right now.



Niiiiice. Quick question. Has your Switchblades MIDI footswitch held up alright? I played like two shows with mine and it just stopped working (the footswitch). Then I got a MIDI Moose, practiced twice with that, now that switch won't work. Is my MIDI input fucked, or
Fusebox said:
I'm surprised about the Bug though, I'd heard good things about those. It just didn't wanna sing unless you cranked the power amp? How was it apart from that?

Bugeras are great for the price, I think Bugera 6262 is pretty close to Peavey 5150-II in every way. Bugeras are cheaply made of course, and there have been a lot of problems with the amps breaking up within the first couple of weeks. But the hi-gain sounds are great, and if the warranty works, you can get a new one if the amp breaks down.

The master volume in my 6262 was kind of weird. When the volume was very low, it was almost like all the treble was gone and bass was maxed out. But once you opened the master a bit more it started sounding normal... but then it was too loud for home use already.
Snapped a string when doing a re-string last night, need to grab some new ones. What brands/gauges/materials do you lot swear by? Tended to stick with Ernie Ball Regulars but I'm looking to try something new.


I use D'Addario 10s or 11s, haven't had a single one snap yet. I've avoided Ernie Ball every since I bought some with snapped strings in the packet already.
Red Blaster said:
Snapped a string when doing a re-string last night, need to grab some new ones. What brands/gauges/materials do you lot swear by? Tended to stick with Ernie Ball Regulars but I'm looking to try something new.

I lie D'Addario. They sound a bit bright out of the pack to me but I find it takes them longer to sound like crap than EB's.

I use 10's and tune to Eb.

For shits and giggles I recorded myself attempting the intro to Miles of Machines by Jeff Loomis. I've been working on it for a long time and think I actually got it to a point where it's presentable. I stopped at the first run because I messed up, but here it is for GAF to rip apart (note:I advocate maximum honesty, so there is no back track here. In all honesty, i'm probably a hair under the actual tempo, but it should be close).


It was recorded line in on my POD 2.0, which makes clarity somewhat of a problem. I use an essentially the same guitar as the first one posted in this thread, only with an added piezo pickup. Same color, too.
Picked up a 10-pack of D'Addario 9s and damn are the higher strings thin, I'm afraid of breaking them when tuning up. Yes, I'm a total noob when it comes to basic guitar maintenance.

Also picked up a DD-3 Digital Delay. Now I can start my U2 cover band.


Red Blaster said:
Snapped a string when doing a re-string last night,

Was it from general over-tightening or are you not sure how it happened? It could be some slight burring on either your saddles or your zero fret nut which might need to be addressed otherwise the problem will occur again.
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