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Guitar players of GAF- Post pics of your guitars and gear


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
So, thanks to JustinGuitar, I learned something!

I have fat, stupid fingers! Indeed, my fingers are the Sarah Palin's of the guitar world, incapable of even the most basic function!

One hour, and I still can't get the D-Chord to sound right.

I think I have a smaller guitar than normal, or I have the hands of a Harlem Globetrotter. Either way, one hour of practice is enough for tonight. Tomorrow...back on the D Chord. And possibly hard liquor.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Oh, crap. I do have a mini-guitar. I don't know what that means, exactly, but I think I ought to be tackling this with a full sized one, no?


WanderingWind said:
So, thanks to JustinGuitar, I learned something!

I have fat, stupid fingers! Indeed, my fingers are the Sarah Palin's of the guitar world, incapable of even the most basic function!

One hour, and I still can't get the D-Chord to sound right.

I think I have a smaller guitar than normal, or I have the hands of a Harlem Globetrotter. Either way, one hour of practice is enough for tonight. Tomorrow...back on the D Chord. And possibly hard liquor.

:lol :lol :lol

You sound exactly like me starting out.

In the words of my guitar teacher: "Just shut up bitch. It ain't the guitar. You just aren't doing it right".

Every time I fumbled a chord or couldn't make a clean transition, I always blamed it on my fingers or guitar.

Keep practicing, you'll get it.


WanderingWind said:
Oh, crap. I do have a mini-guitar. I don't know what that means, exactly, but I think I ought to be tackling this with a full sized one, no?

Depends what you mean by a mini-guitar...

Do you mean like a mandolin, or a toy guitar?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Medalion said:
Depends what you mean by a mini-guitar...

Do you mean like a mandolin, or a toy guitar?

Nah, it's a Little Martin which according the the Web site is "perfect for children."

I got it for free, though, so sweet deal there. :lol


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Well, at the very least this has motivated me to go down to my local musical co-op and see what's what.

Oh, and I know why that Justin dude says to only practice for small amounts of time at first. It's quite rage inducing fucking up over and over and over.
Ducky_McGee said:
You're missing a key part of proper shielding. A piece of the foil inside the body needs to stick out in order to make contact with the shielding on the pickguard. If the whole thing isn't properly grounded than it's pointless. And unless the adhesive you used was conductive you need to solder the pieces together.

Noiseless pickups lose a LOT of the character that single coils are best for. Especially the in-between positions which are often enough... noiseless/hum canceling anyway because the middle pickup is rv/rp (on strats at least).
I did ground the shielding to the pickguard. It's a Fender MIM Telecaster.
Tashi0106 said:
The Blues Junior is hot. My brother has one and plugs his Gibson Les Paul R9 into it, it's fucking amazing.

I love it so far. I'll never go back a tubeless amp again. Haven't even gotten a chance to crank the thing yet. Roommates would murder me.


Very close to buying my first tube amp or at least hybrid tube/solid-state amp. Cuz they are heavy and expensive...
I suggest you start off with smaller tube amps. Vox (AC4TV) has a line of 4 Watt tube combo amps for $250. What's great about them is the attenuator that lets you drop the watts all the way to 1. this means you can get that cranked tube amp sag at bedroom/apartment levels.


I have the AC4TV8, i can get that down to 1/10 watts. Great for mic'd amp recording


monchi-kun said:
I suggest you start off with smaller tube amps. Vox (AC4TV) has a line of 4 Watt tube combo amps for $250. What's great about them is the attenuator that lets you drop the watts all the way to 1. this means you can get that cranked tube amp sag at bedroom/apartment levels.

Excellent idea, I had a guitar tech show me one and suggest it earlier this week when I went to get a setup done on my Taylor guitar.


I bought a squier P bass a few days ago. I don't have any pics sorry. Also have a squier strat. Both are black with white pick guards and rosewood fretboards. Didn't plan that just happened that the bass I could afford looked just like my guitar:lol

Now i'm looking for a bass amp. I don't know much about guitar amps and even less about bass amps. What are somethings I should be looking for in a bass amp? I was looking at this http://sandiego.craigslist.org/nsd/msg/1619727023.html.

I mostly play punk rock. Blink 182, sum 41, rise against...
My new Taylor arrived a couple days ago.







whitehawk said:

D is probably the easiest chord to play on the guitar.

When first learning the guitar, D is often one of the first chords learnt, and people have trouble figuring it out for finger positions etc. But of course in hindsight it is seen as very very easy.
Cereal KiIIer said:
I have very large finger. D is a pain in the ass to get with them. Also I cannot do the A chord with three fingers. I just do a bare on the second fret with one finger. This mute the e string but you don't hear it anyway with distortion.


you can see my method in this video (the guitar is out of tune)

Either youtube is broken or the link you posted is bad.

It's not the size of your fingers unless you're shaquille o'neal. It's all in the technique. Chances are, you're squeezing really hard to get enough pressure on the strings to make the chord ring, which means you're using more finger surface area than necessary. You're probably squeezing the neck with your thumb, too (causes your hand to get tired quickly). Hell, you're also likely shifting your thumb up to wrap around the top of the neck (this isn't always bad, it's very common with blues guitar). All beginner mistakes. I did it when I picked up my first guitar. Unfortunately, most people don't ever learn how to hold a guitar properly because they get home and get on the internet to look up tabs for their favorite songs.

Beginners should be practicing major scales in all five scale forms (AGEDC, often referred to as CAGED), and basic chords, but only with proper technique. It's better for you in the long run to play a single note holding the guitar correctly than to learn 50 new chords the wrong way.

When I get a little time, I might put together a little how to video.
lawlohwhat said:
Either youtube is broken or the link you posted is bad.

It's not the size of your fingers unless you're shaquille o'neal. It's all in the technique. Chances are, you're squeezing really hard to get enough pressure on the strings to make the chord ring, which means you're using more finger surface area than necessary. You're probably squeezing the neck with your thumb, too (causes your hand to get tired quickly). Hell, you're also likely shifting your thumb up to wrap around the top of the neck (this isn't always bad, it's very common with blues guitar). All beginner mistakes. I did it when I picked up my first guitar. Unfortunately, most people don't ever learn how to hold a guitar properly because they get home and get on the internet to look up tabs for their favorite songs.

Beginners should be practicing major scales in all five scale forms (AGEDC, often referred to as CAGED), and basic chords, but only with proper technique. It's better for you in the long run to play a single note holding the guitar correctly than to learn 50 new chords the wrong way.

When I get a little time, I might put together a little how to video.


this should work. Sorry for the touch link. Also i play with my thumb on the back of the neck.
Cereal KiIIer said:


this should work. Sorry for the touch link. Also i play with my thumb on the back of the neck.

No sweat. Pretty good for a new player, considering the obvious tuning issues. Your fingers are definitely pretty thick, but not too thick!

You might feel like your thumb is in the correct position, but it tends to slip as the videos go on. Notice how it starts peeking above the top of the neck about ~10 seconds in the videos? It's perfectly natural, and believe me, I catch myself doing it all the time. The guitar is an incredibly uncomfortable and unnatural instrument to play. We naturally want to squeeze the hell out of it. Squeezing = tired hands/wrapping thumb around top/stiff fingers = sloppy play. Ideally, you should be able to play everything you just posted without your thumb even touching the back of the neck. It's usually just there to guide your hand and keep the instrument balanced.

I should have mentioned something important. When you're holding the guitar body against your stomach, the pressure should be mostly coming from your dominant arm (which looks like your left?), and your picking hand should be relaxed and at about a 90 degree angle, thumb on the top string about a half inch away from the end of the fret board, fingers relaxed and ready to pick at your whim. You should be able to stand up and hold the guitar against your body by countering your dominant arm's pressure with a little bit of counter-pressure from your fingers on the fret board. That counter-pressure is all you need to make the notes sound. It takes a lot of practice and will feel very awkward at first.

Damn, I should really just make a video, it'd be much easier to explain :lol


343i Lead Esports Producer
lawlohwhat said:
I love it so far. I'll never go back a tubeless amp again. Haven't even gotten a chance to crank the thing yet. Roommates would murder me.

Haha yea, the little thing packs quite a punch.

Also, just because it doesn't have a strong overdrive doesn't mean it's a bad amp. I actually enjoy playing clean. And if you crank that thing, it's got some great crunch.
lawlohwhat said:
No sweat. Pretty good for a new player, considering the obvious tuning issues. Your fingers are definitely pretty thick, but not too thick!

You might feel like your thumb is in the correct position, but it tends to slip as the videos go on. Notice how it starts peeking above the top of the neck about ~10 seconds in the videos? It's perfectly natural, and believe me, I catch myself doing it all the time. The guitar is an incredibly uncomfortable and unnatural instrument to play. We naturally want to squeeze the hell out of it. Squeezing = tired hands/wrapping thumb around top/stiff fingers = sloppy play. Ideally, you should be able to play everything you just posted without your thumb even touching the back of the neck. It's usually just there to guide your hand and keep the instrument balanced.

I should have mentioned something important. When you're holding the guitar body against your stomach, the pressure should be mostly coming from your dominant arm (which looks like your left?), and your picking hand should be relaxed and at about a 90 degree angle, thumb on the top string about a half inch away from the end of the fret board, fingers relaxed and ready to pick at your whim. You should be able to stand up and hold the guitar against your body by countering your dominant arm's pressure with a little bit of counter-pressure from your fingers on the fret board. That counter-pressure is all you need to make the notes sound. It takes a lot of practice and will feel very awkward at first.

Damn, I should really just make a video, it'd be much easier to explain :lol

When I came back from work I played a little bit with what you said in mind. When I do normal chord, I don't use my thumb for support. It's only when I do a solo to help bend the notes and when I do a power or barre chord (mostly because it's just fucking hard on the index finger lol)

Would you mind making a video with the behind of your neck to show me how you put your hand for a power or a barre chord?


God damn I just broke my g string :( was going to play some blues riffs and snap. Fucker gave away. Cut my finger too, just before my fingernail.


Incredibly Naive
whitehawk said:

D is probably the easiest chord to play on the guitar.

I think that belongs to either Em or C. IMO the best chord to learn first is C, you can just go so many places from there- simple transition to Am, or G by moving two fingers over some strings... once in Am, E and Em can easily be transitioned to. F and D as open chords are awkward as is A. Once you have the open chords down, Barre chords are all the same shape so it gets goin in no time from there.


not the best pics, but here's my guitar and amp. i changed the electronics (capacitors, pots) and pickups, put in alnico pro II. sounds much better.




Trying to save up to get a Dean VMNT guitar, hopefully one day, I always wanted a second guitar.


Fusebox said:
That's a tidy Epi man. If I were you I'd buy a new amp first.

any suggestions? i was thinking about a jcm 800 but i think their a pretty penny though.
I would like to stick with Marshall though, as I am really satisfied with the one I have, and I dont need anything really loud as I dont play live, just in my basement. for fun.
I would love to get back into recording but I've always had problems coming up with good drum tracks. I have no problem exporting some Guitar Pro drum track if I want to mess around and record a cover track, but I want to get into original stuff. I'm looking at the Alesis SR 16 for basic beats. Any opinions on this and how useful it will be?

Also, is there a thread for posting random vids/songs to get impressions on here? I have some riffs I'd like to bounce off of people in here.

EDIT: Here's my Acidplanet page. It goes from my first recording (Sweet Amber) to a more recent one (still about two years old). I don't record often as I find it hard to capture my live sound and it's just a pain in the ass all around. Most are covers but there a few in there that are mine.



Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
MotorbreathX said:
I would love to get back into recording but I've always had problems coming up with good drum tracks. I have no problem exporting some Guitar Pro drum track if I want to mess around and record a cover track, but I want to get into original stuff. I'm looking at the Alesis SR 16 for basic beats. Any opinions on this and how useful it will be?

Also, is there a thread for posting random vids/songs to get impressions on here? I have some riffs I'd like to bounce off of people in here.

Learn drums and record them, most fun method ;)

Also, can't post pictures of it all right now because most of my gear bar my guitar is at my mate's house in the band room.
I have the same amp as posted a couple above, the Marshall MG50DFX, i do love that amp.
My guitar's just a sunburst Squier strat. My dream telecaster's still miles out of reach but my theory is it's not just the quality it's how you feel with it and i love the feel of my Strat, even if it is just a squier. I wouldn't sell it to go towards the Tele i want.

More about the effects myself.
So far my "collection" consists of
Vox Wah
Boss DD-7
Big Muff Pi (With Tonewicker)

Thinking of going for a Phaser (Not phase shifter, though maybe someday) or something like the Boss loop station next..

EDIT: Damn that Les Paul is tidy. I've been wanting one of those, but the lighter shade.


Cindres said:
Learn drums and record them, most fun method ;)

EDIT: Damn that Les Paul is tidy. I've been wanting one of those, but the lighter shade.

thx, i really love it, gonna keep it for a long time.
i like the lighter shade also, but i regret not getting this one:


but i like all three.

and + 1 on the learning and recording drums method. im still learning myself. not at the recording part phase. I use a roland v-drum kit, its really fun.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Holy fuck does that look sweet.
As a drummer primarily i just like to recruit ;)


skads_187 said:
any suggestions? i was thinking about a jcm 800 but i think their a pretty penny though.
I would like to stick with Marshall though, as I am really satisfied with the one I have, and I dont need anything really loud as I dont play live, just in my basement. for fun.

If you're just using it for home/recording use then you can't beat a low watt valve amp. My favourite of the bunch is the Blackstar HT5. 5 watts of tube power, 2 channels and an fx-loop:


The 7w Tiny Terror is awesome too but doesn't have channel switching or fx loop:


If the budget is tight however, even the Epiphone Valve Junior will have a sweeter tone than your MG.


It won't be hard to improve on the tone from your MG though, they're notoriously ordinary sounding amps.


whats the ballpark price on these? roughly

Im from Canada, so i might have a tough time finding these locally (maybe) unless i buy them online.


skads_187 said:
whats the ballpark price on these? roughly

Im from Canada, so i might have a tough time finding these locally (maybe) unless i buy them online.

Anything from around $400 for the Epi Valve Jr to about $800 for the Blackstar HT5 and Tiny Terror. They make combo versions as well but I'm a sucker for a mini-half-stack.

Obviously those prices will drop significantly if you go second-hand too.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Got photos of my gear so i figure i'd put them on here
Guitar; Basic Squier Strat but i love it anyway.

Amp; Marshall MG50DFX

But THESE are my pride and joy
Pedals; Vox Wah, Big Muff Pi w/ Tonewicker, Boss DD-7 Digital Delay
So I'm looking to get a Gretsch. Will be my second guitar. I'm tempted to go with the Gretsch Electromatic Hollow Body. At first I was just going to get the standard Electromatic but I think I want to go with the Hollow Body version. Anyone on GAF have one? Opinions? Also, any recommendations for where to get one at the best price?
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