OP, this isn't what you want to hear, but this girl is nuts.
she's unbelievably paranoid, like... holy fucking hell.
she's unbelievably paranoid, like... holy fucking hell.
I prefer rye if I'm doing the dumping. Otherwise it's just regular wheat.
Did you see that last sentence?lol
Will OP learn this time?
Starting to think he doesn'tYou deserve better OP.
Go to her work
Starting to think he doesn't
You're doing the attached-to-older-crazy-gf thing. Don't do that.
I know older girls can do shit to you but someone at 27 should be better in control of their insecurities. If everything you say is true, that kind of paranoia from someone creeping up on their 30's is a red flag.
And what's this therapy shit? You guys haven't been together long enough for therapy, lmao. This relationship just sounds kind of absurd and it's not at all surprising it's over.
Or is it...?
What do you even talk about in therapy after 3 months?
"When we first started dating she used to be happy playing Minecraft and Mario Kart, and we'd have sex every day. Now she won't even blow me if she catches me playing BotW. Oh, and the birthday cake thing."
Starting to think he doesn't
If I'm not getting any at the moment, should I go for crazy?
Update: Sorry for the necro bump and late conclusion but here it is...
After my girlfriend got angry at me for eating cake at my housemates birthday party (background:my housemate is a girl who I have no interest in but have been friends with for 1 semester. When I would go out on the weekends I wouldn't know any parties so I would always go with her, but nothing ever happened and I really never even considered doing anything with her) and got angry at me because she thought I was looking at other women on Instragram we broke up and I kept my distance for a while.
Meanwhile at my house, my housemate who I have told numerous times to stop communicating with me because my girlfriend doesn't want me talking to her continues to invite me to go places and come downstairs to the first floor (where I live) and try to talk to me. I need somewhere to place the blame on losing my girlfriend (irrational I know) so I get increasingly angry at this girl and every time she tries to talk to me I am dismissive and I eventually block her on FB messanger because I don't want her in my life. I, however only blocked her on messenger, and did not know that you could had to block someone on the actual Facebook app as well. I try to do that too, but I am prompted for a login and I was angry at the time so I decide to do it later.
Flash -forward 1-2 weeks and I go back to my girlfriends house to get some stuff I left over there. I ask her if we can be friends and then try to date later once she trusts me, she agrees and we proceed to go to an arcade later that week. We had a good time and agree that we should get back to together, but I told her (2 weeks ago) that I had blocked my housemate from Facebook. She says she will only get back together with me with I show her I blocked my housemate. I show her my phone, but forgot I only blocked her on messenger and not the FB app, she proceeds to flip out. I tell her it was a mistake and I swear I thought I had her blocked , she temporarily believes me.
The next day she says she called her sister and her sister thinks that Im a liar and I didn't block her on purpose so she is convinced about that. She also uses the fact that Im a computer science major (wtf) to say that I should know how to use FB 100% so she thinks Im lying. I convince her otherwise again (somehow) and we agree to keep the relationship going and find a couples counselor to talk about this stuff.
We spend like 2 weeks together and have a great time playing video games, going out, etc... Everything seemed great. I help her move into her new place and later she tells me that she is still worried that I lied about sleeping with my housemate. She tells me about a dude at her workplace who is married to a co-worker but cheats on her with another co-worker. She imposes this situation on me, and declares that Im dating my housemate and cheating on my housemate with her, or that my housemate is cool with me sleeping with both of them. (Wtf) I tell her that shes crazy, and thats not the case. Keep in mind it is summer break and everyone (all my housemates) has left back to their respective homes so no one I know is still in this town.
She is a huge activist (for anything feminism, BLM, fair-trade anything basically) and participates in local events and has a tight knit group of activists that she regularly talks to on a group chat. There is a guy in her activist group that she has been friends with for years and they hang out/go drinking all the time. She says how much I had in common with my housemates as a reason for why I would have slept with her, I say the same thing about this guy in her activist group and she says while he is interested in her they are just friends. She also told me 1 week before I am not allowed to have any female friends anymore, I don't have that much in the first place so I thought, "okay I'll cross that bridge when I come to it". But the fucked up part in my mind is that she still has guys friends, including this guy in the activist group and the dudes at her work. Im getting angry, but I never say anything I am saving it for therapy for which we had an appointment which was a week away.
We blow over it again and go back to hanging out and playing games, like normal. I had sex with the night before (not bragging its part of the story read on), and she goes home to get ready for work later. I text her the next day if she wants to do something, she says she'll hang out with a girlfriend. I reluctantly say okay, because if Im not hanging out with her I have nothing to do (all my friends left and I am staying her just for her, I also want to go home for the summer). She then says she did not want to have sex with me last night but did anyway. I tell her she could have just told me, shes told me before and I respect her decision. She says "it doesn't matter now anyway". I ask her what she meant and she doesn't respond to me for 3 days.
After 3 days she said she just wanted some space, (understandable we spent the whole previous week together) I say okay you could have just told me. She says she still not over me and what she thinks I did with my housemate. She then says she doesn't want to date me because I am too young (she is 27 and I am 22 even though we are both college seniors) and claims I am immature. I argue my case, and she doesn't text back for another 5 days.
So here I am 5 days after, I think its over, but I want closure (Are we broken up? Why are we braking up? etc). She will not answer any of my calls or read my messages, so I am considering going to her house (or where she works) but I don't want to seem crazy, what should I do?
He really should leave the roommate alone, she deserves better imo.This. At first I felt sorry for OP... but then I read the part of him being a total dick to that house mate.
He really should leave the roommate alone, she deserves better imo.
(men generally don't get it).
Is this worth the 9 page read or is it just the case of the OP completely ignoring all and any advice given?
Yerp....Starting to think he doesn't
this is GAF.
what do you think?
I never say anything I am saving it for therapy for which we had an appointment which was a week away.
I just skimmed through your post (as it's for the OP anyway) and there are absolutely valid points but man, you probably wasted a lot of time on this one. Expect him to do the absolute opposite (if he ever reads your post), bump this thread again with new craziness and ask what he should do next, then not listening to anyone, rinse and repeat.I think you have a lot of work you need to do with yourself. A lot of us have, but I think your relationship and the choices you made in this relationship are the choices of someone who are not fully their own and who do not have a mature and adult spectrum of social behavior.
This is not an insult or meant as degrading. Many of us have been in relationships where the toxicity of the relationship runs and repeats between the two people.
What you need to know is that you were bad for this girl, and this girl were bad for you. I don't think you should be in a relationship at all, but develop on yourself. Try and figure out some of your flaws and analyze the things that made things go so wrong?
As I see it, you displayed a lack of good character, went you started blaming your housemate for having done nothing wrong.
You put heat on someone external who has done nothing wrong, and you cite a irrational need to "cast the blame on someone" which is knee jerkingly annoying and agitating to listen to. Bad morals and ethnics on your part. You were a bad friend here, and you showed yourself to not be dependable or standing up for people who have the best intentions.
Instead you adopted your exgirlfriends jealous and toxic nature and started running on the same programme. She blamed your housemate because she is toxic, and now you're blaming the housemate as well, because you cannot accept that both you and the exgirlfriend have completely fucking lost perspective.
Most people will be understanding to people doing stupid things in the name of love, but the way you've carried yourself in every facet- Even outside the realm of this relationship was a poor look.
If I was you, I'd use this experience to learn to be independent. To seek and be happy, confident and fulfilled without a girlfriend. It will probably take years, but I think that you need to get more in control of yourself before you engage in another relationship.
It's easy to cast all the problems on your crazy ex, and she might have initiated a lot of the bad choices you've made, and brought out the worst in you. But regardless mate- You did as an adult show lack of good judgment, self awareness and independence.
I promise you something. And this is a promise I feel confident I can say even without knowing you. If you work on yourself with honesty and hard work- physically and mentally, in 3 years you will look back at this and laugh at this. You'll be so happy that you dodged this bullet, and you'll laugh at how stupid you were. Because that's what has happened to so many of us.
We're older and we can tell you it is like this- A part of you is listening to what we are saying to you, but another part of you is emotionally stilted. It cannot accept that your relationship is a dumpsterfire, and that this exgirlfriend was not worth your time.
She needs to get her life straightened out, and you need to get yours straightned out. Together you're vampires slowly killing each other. Relationships like that are doomed, and they run on co-dependency, drama and fear. Not love, affection and trust.
When you can be fulfilled without the need for someone else to make you happy- It's a indescribably experience compared to have your happiness hinging on your relationship.
At the end of the day, I think most will agree that the right person can enhance anyones life to even greater heights, but it is for certain that you will never be anything other than a broken shell of a man (or woman) if you are in relationship with people who are mad for you.
Go to your housemate. Apologize for being a major dick. Do not linger in a long tirade of circlejerk of self masturbation or pettyness. Apologize, hang out with her, and let that be the end of it.
Block your exgirlfriends number. Remove pictures, texts, facebook. All of that shit. Delete it. Normally I think it's a shame to erase the past of a partner, but it sounds like you two are so bad for one another, and you both have made so many bad mistakes you're best off never talking to one another again.
Sit down and work out a plan. Go through the whole cliche.
Gym, reading, friends- write down your dreams and make a plan. Do the whole fucking thing and try and ride the momentum of improvement.
Fuel your self discipline in knowing that you need to get better. You can totally do this.
You can be a much better you if you want to, but it requires cutting ties with this toxicity and owning up to your mistake.
The way you treated your housemate really bothered me.
But that's okay. You can undo all of this by learning from it. You can apologize and rebound from this. Nobody is pregnant, nobody has been hurt, nobody has kids mixed in.
Many people have a lot worse relationships that are endlessly more disastrous. Count your blessings, breathe, recoup and sit down and write out a plan of what you want to be in the future.
This is just sad. And the saddest part is that you let this happen.Update: Sorry for the necro bump and late conclusion but here it is...
After my girlfriend got angry at me for eating cake at my housemates birthday party (background:my housemate is a girl who I have no interest in but have been friends with for 1 semester. When I would go out on the weekends I wouldn't know any parties so I would always go with her, but nothing ever happened and I really never even considered doing anything with her) and got angry at me because she thought I was looking at other women on Instragram we broke up and I kept my distance for a while.
Meanwhile at my house, my housemate who I have told numerous times to stop communicating with me because my girlfriend doesn't want me talking to her continues to invite me to go places and come downstairs to the first floor (where I live) and try to talk to me. I need somewhere to place the blame on losing my girlfriend (irrational I know) so I get increasingly angry at this girl and every time she tries to talk to me I am dismissive and I eventually block her on FB messanger because I don't want her in my life. I, however only blocked her on messenger, and did not know that you could had to block someone on the actual Facebook app as well. I try to do that too, but I am prompted for a login and I was angry at the time so I decide to do it later.
Flash -forward 1-2 weeks and I go back to my girlfriends house to get some stuff I left over there. I ask her if we can be friends and then try to date later once she trusts me, she agrees and we proceed to go to an arcade later that week. We had a good time and agree that we should get back to together, but I told her (2 weeks ago) that I had blocked my housemate from Facebook. She says she will only get back together with me with I show her I blocked my housemate. I show her my phone, but forgot I only blocked her on messenger and not the FB app, she proceeds to flip out. I tell her it was a mistake and I swear I thought I had her blocked , she temporarily believes me.
The next day she says she called her sister and her sister thinks that Im a liar and I didn't block her on purpose so she is convinced about that. She also uses the fact that Im a computer science major (wtf) to say that I should know how to use FB 100% so she thinks Im lying. I convince her otherwise again (somehow) and we agree to keep the relationship going and find a couples counselor to talk about this stuff.
We spend like 2 weeks together and have a great time playing video games, going out, etc... Everything seemed great. I help her move into her new place and later she tells me that she is still worried that I lied about sleeping with my housemate. She tells me about a dude at her workplace who is married to a co-worker but cheats on her with another co-worker. She imposes this situation on me, and declares that Im dating my housemate and cheating on my housemate with her, or that my housemate is cool with me sleeping with both of them. (Wtf) I tell her that shes crazy, and thats not the case. Keep in mind it is summer break and everyone (all my housemates) has left back to their respective homes so no one I know is still in this town.
She is a huge activist (for anything feminism, BLM, fair-trade anything basically) and participates in local events and has a tight knit group of activists that she regularly talks to on a group chat. There is a guy in her activist group that she has been friends with for years and they hang out/go drinking all the time. She says how much I had in common with my housemates as a reason for why I would have slept with her, I say the same thing about this guy in her activist group and she says while he is interested in her they are just friends. She also told me 1 week before I am not allowed to have any female friends anymore, I don't have that much in the first place so I thought, "okay I'll cross that bridge when I come to it". But the fucked up part in my mind is that she still has guys friends, including this guy in the activist group and the dudes at her work. Im getting angry, but I never say anything I am saving it for therapy for which we had an appointment which was a week away.
We blow over it again and go back to hanging out and playing games, like normal. I had sex with the night before (not bragging its part of the story read on), and she goes home to get ready for work later. I text her the next day if she wants to do something, she says she'll hang out with a girlfriend. I reluctantly say okay, because if Im not hanging out with her I have nothing to do (all my friends left and I am staying her just for her, I also want to go home for the summer). She then says she did not want to have sex with me last night but did anyway. I tell her she could have just told me, shes told me before and I respect her decision. She says "it doesn't matter now anyway". I ask her what she meant and she doesn't respond to me for 3 days.
After 3 days she said she just wanted some space, (understandable we spent the whole previous week together) I say okay you could have just told me. She says she still not over me and what she thinks I did with my housemate. She then says she doesn't want to date me because I am too young (she is 27 and I am 22 even though we are both college seniors) and claims I am immature. I argue my case, and she doesn't text back for another 5 days.
So here I am 5 days after, I think its over, but I want closure (Are we broken up? Why are we braking up? etc). She will not answer any of my calls or read my messages, so I am considering going to her house (or where she works) but I don't want to seem crazy, what should I do?
I just don't get it. Why even create the thread then lol....
Is it just for a glimmer of hope that someone is as foolish as the person who created the thread? That they will be there to agree with the OP and make them feel that the idiotic and foolish mistakes they are making are somehow right?
I just can't understand seeing this many posts and then completely ignoring every single piece of advice.
OP, hahahahaha, mannnnnn, you are too thirsty to think straight.
I think you have a lot of work you need to do with yourself. A lot of us have, but I think your relationship and the choices you made in this relationship are the choices of someone who are not fully their own and who do not have a mature and adult spectrum of social behavior.
This is not an insult or meant as degrading. Many of us have been in relationships where the toxicity of the relationship runs and repeats between the two people.
What you need to know is that you were bad for this girl, and this girl were bad for you. I don't think you should be in a relationship at all, but develop on yourself. Try and figure out some of your flaws and analyze the things that made things go so wrong?
As I see it, you displayed a lack of good character, went you started blaming your housemate for having done nothing wrong.
You put heat on someone external who has done nothing wrong, and you cite a irrational need to "cast the blame on someone" which is knee jerkingly annoying and agitating to listen to. Bad morals and ethnics on your part. You were a bad friend here, and you showed yourself to not be dependable or standing up for people who have the best intentions.
Instead you adopted your exgirlfriends jealous and toxic nature and started running on the same programme. She blamed your housemate because she is toxic, and now you're blaming the housemate as well, because you cannot accept that both you and the exgirlfriend have completely fucking lost perspective.
Most people will be understanding to people doing stupid things in the name of love, but the way you've carried yourself in every facet- Even outside the realm of this relationship was a poor look.
If I was you, I'd use this experience to learn to be independent. To seek and be happy, confident and fulfilled without a girlfriend. It will probably take years, but I think that you need to get more in control of yourself before you engage in another relationship.
It's easy to cast all the problems on your crazy ex, and she might have initiated a lot of the bad choices you've made, and brought out the worst in you. But regardless mate- You did as an adult show lack of good judgment, self awareness and independence.
I promise you something. And this is a promise I feel confident I can say even without knowing you. If you work on yourself with honesty and hard work- physically and mentally, in 3 years you will look back at this and laugh at this. You'll be so happy that you dodged this bullet, and you'll laugh at how stupid you were. Because that's what has happened to so many of us.
We're older and we can tell you it is like this- A part of you is listening to what we are saying to you, but another part of you is emotionally stilted. It cannot accept that your relationship is a dumpsterfire, and that this exgirlfriend was not worth your time.
She needs to get her life straightened out, and you need to get yours straightned out. Together you're vampires slowly killing each other. Relationships like that are doomed, and they run on co-dependency, drama and fear. Not love, affection and trust.
When you can be fulfilled without the need for someone else to make you happy- It's a indescribably experience compared to have your happiness hinging on your relationship.
At the end of the day, I think most will agree that the right person can enhance anyones life to even greater heights, but it is for certain that you will never be anything other than a broken shell of a man (or woman) if you are in relationship with people who are mad for you.
Go to your housemate. Apologize for being a major dick. Do not linger in a long tirade of circlejerk of self masturbation or pettyness. Apologize, hang out with her, and let that be the end of it.
Block your exgirlfriends number. Remove pictures, texts, facebook. All of that shit. Delete it. Normally I think it's a shame to erase the past of a partner, but it sounds like you two are so bad for one another, and you both have made so many bad mistakes you're best off never talking to one another again.
Sit down and work out a plan. Go through the whole cliche.
Gym, reading, friends- write down your dreams and make a plan. Do the whole fucking thing and try and ride the momentum of improvement.
Fuel your self discipline in knowing that you need to get better. You can totally do this.
You can be a much better you if you want to, but it requires cutting ties with this toxicity and owning up to your mistake.
The way you treated your housemate really bothered me.
But that's okay. You can undo all of this by learning from it. You can apologize and rebound from this. Nobody is pregnant, nobody has been hurt, nobody has kids mixed in.
Many people have a lot worse relationships that are endlessly more disastrous. Count your blessings, breathe, recoup and sit down and write out a plan of what you want to be in the future.
No. You need to cut off all forms of contact with her. Never, ever talk to her again.
Overall we broke up 5 times in these 3 months, the 4th time I was really down (couldn't even study for finals) but I feel okay now its kinda liberating. I kind of do want to tell my gf off one last time through text but like I said she has mental issues so its not completely her fault.
Lol thanks for the advice and jokes guys I'll take the advice and bail out, she recently texted me again and told me to leave her alone and they if I come to her place her housemates will yell at me etc...
As for the housemate, Yes I think she had a crush on me for a long time, but again for a lot of reasons I am not attracted to her nor cam ever see myself dating her, I realize blaming her was not the solution but what I told her verbatum was "I cant hang out with you anymore, I know my girlfriend is crazy and irrational but she wont leave this alone, so Im just gonna cut you out of my life. If you're my friend you just need to respect that, if not oh well" She was angry at that time but I think I should still apologize but I don't think i want to contiue being friends with her.
Also I don't know if I mentioned this before but one week when we were fighting I went to see my schools counselor and he told me she may have Boardline personality disorder (someone here guessed it right) and all her traits matched the description. The only reason I put up with her ridiculous accusations and requests was because I knew she was mentally unstable and was still working through it. She was on medications and going to weekly thearpy by herself so I thought she was on the right path to recovery and so I acquiesced her crazy ass requests. I also told this info to my roomate, and I said like can you please keep your distance shes not mentally stable and she said okay, but then still kept trying to contact me, so thats why I was angry.
Overall we broke up 5 times in these 3 months, the 4th time I was really down (couldn't even study for finals) but I feel okay now its kinda liberating. I kind of do want to tell my gf off one last time through text but like I said she has mental issues so its not completely her fault.