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GVF-Hop l0† 13l La Soulja Nostra

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like your friend more than her
Some healthy competition, nice

Are you serious?
Yeah I'm being serious. I'm getting some bad anxiety from the situation, and before doing something irrational that would hurt either relationship I figured I would throw it out there for you guys to pick apart. Helps calm my nerves, almost like acknowledging how ridiculous it is.

You make a thread about it
I don't like to make a spectacle out of my issues, and i feel more comfortable in this community.

Have a threesome
Fuck yeah


Yeah, see, it helps to laugh about it. Shit was plaguing my head for a few days, causing some undesirable tension in those relationships. I didn't want to dump it on either of them because I can partially acknowledge its absurdity on my own, so I essentially use you guys in the process of my catharsis.

So, yeah, thanks brehs


Yeah, see, it helps to laugh about it. Shit was plaguing my head for a few days, causing some undesirable tension in those relationships. I didn't want to dump it on either of them because I can partially acknowledge its absurdity on my own, so I essentially use you guys in the process of my catharsis.

So, yeah, thanks brehs

the fuck is this? didn't want to dump it on either of them? breh, if you know for a FACT that your gf legit has feelings for your friend, stop being a pussy and confront her about it.

helps to laugh about it? lol just lol


Yeah I'm being serious. I'm getting some bad anxiety from the situation, and before doing something irrational that would hurt either relationship I figured I would throw it out there for you guys to pick apart. Helps calm my nerves, almost like acknowledging how ridiculous it is.

Well, I'll tell you this: the longer it festers, the worse the breakup will be. So you talk to your girlfriend and lay it out cut and dry; she either tries to get past those feelings and doesn't try to do anything stupid or you end it like adults and she can be with your friend. No one has time for drama anymore, you guys aren't 15.
Would kinda be hard to chill with your friend for a while tho in that situation, unless it's a best friend and that shit is still gonna be weird for a bit


Vorheez we need more deets. Are you sure she like like him? Or just likes him from a distance but wants you. Or likes him because he's your friend and she wants to like your friends.

Is your friend picking up on any of this? Can he be trusted?
Today, jazz-hop producer L'Orange brings his collaboration project with rapper Jeremiah Jae. The Night Took Us in Like Family is L'Orange's second collaboration album with the former being The City Under the City that he did with Stik Figa. This album's production is one of L'Orange's best. He creates harmonies and melodies that appease the soul. Following After the Flowers and The Orchid Days from last year, this one goes back to the sounds of film noir that were present in Old Soul and The Mad Writer. How these productions weave into one another feels like you're listening to a story played out, however I do not feel that when it comes to the lyrics by Jeremiah Jae.

Jeremiah Jae's lyrical style fits with L'Orange's, but his execution seems to fall short. He isn't a bad rapper, but he doesn't stick out or help bring out the full potential of the production. His flow is serviceable to the beats, has no real energy to his voice, and his lyrics leave more to be desired. He sounds like a low tier Blu. When I was listening to it, I felt that he was getting in the way of the instrumentals and sometimes tuned him out. I would rather be listening to the instrumentals, but I have to say that he did his best in "Underworld". The featured emcees Homeboy Sandman and Gift of Gab did a better job. I do find him however a bit more listenable than Stik Figa who I found boring and unpleasant. If this was a pure beat tape it would get a high score from me, but considering Jeremiah Jae's inclusion I have to judge it on a whole, so all around I find it a little above serviceable.



the fuck is this? didn't want to dump it on either of them? breh, if you know for a FACT that your gf legit has feelings for your friend, stop being a pussy and confront her about it.

helps to laugh about it? lol just lol
It's not that simple. It is not a fact at this point, because I don't know how much of it is actually her versus my paranoia. I'm inclined to believe it's more the latter. She simply talks about him way too much, and appears preoccupied with him when I bring up that he went on dates with other women. That is where it all started. It kept nagging at me until I felt compelled to post here. But if there really is nothing there and I bring this up with her, I look crazy. So I'm dealing with my own insecurities until something actually calls for confrontation.

I guess I should be asking whether or not her behavior is indicative of my assumptions.

Well, I'll tell you this: the longer it festers, the worse the breakup will be. So you talk to your girlfriend and lay it out cut and dry; she either tries to get past those feelings and doesn't try to do anything stupid or you end it like adults and she can be with your friend. No one has time for drama anymore, you guys aren't 15.
Thanks for the thoughtful post courage, but I feel my response to Cudder clarifies things. I said what I said because I wanted you guys to pick it apart. It was a way for me to get it off my chest in what I still feel is a healthier way.


It's kinda hard to tell if it's you being irrational or not. Is there a specific example you can tell us that made you suspect this?


Gonna be completely honest, if you really have feelings for her, or love her deeply, and want her in your life as a loving and compatible partner,


Vorheez we need more deets. Are you sure she like like him? Or just likes him from a distance but wants you. Or likes him because he's your friend and she wants to like your friends.

Is your friend picking up on any of this? Can he be trusted?
This is my issue, I don't know where her interest stems from. It's like I'm trying to solve a puzzle I don't have all the pieces to. She probably just wants to like my friend, but my insecurities steer me towards genuine affection. That's why I wanted to get it off my chest here until something solid actually comes around. I'm just trying to deal with my own personal shit and not let it get in the way of what is otherwise, a healthy relationship. Maybe it was a bad idea to post, but I was reaching a point of panic. Needed to do something and I acted on it.

I feel better bouncing ideas off you guys though, good and bad. If that's worth anything.


She likes talking about other peoples dates because perhaps she wants to have more extravagant dates.
See, this difference of perspective helps me, the simplicity is refreshing. My mind is constantly racing and I overthink things a lot. It always has to be some bigger reason with me, some hidden meaning that I'm not seeing... It drives me mad.

It's kinda hard to tell if it's you being irrational or not. Is there a specific example you can tell us that made you suspect this?
We were talking last night (phone) and I let it slip that I was hanging out with him. Immediately her attention was directed towards him. She starts asking how his day was and I reply that he just finished up a date with a girl. She then asks me how it went, how he met her, if they were dating, if he would go again... I was ready to just pass the phone off. Later that evening she starts sending me snaps of various things and tells me to make sure he saw them too. It's just a little strange and it makes me uncomfortable. This is only the most recent incident, there have been others with similar circumstances. Do I have any grounds to be suspicious?

Gonna be completely honest, if you really have feelings for her, or love her deeply, and want her in your life as a loving and compatible partner,
I've been trying since day one breh


We were talking last night (phone) and I let it slip that I was hanging out with him. Immediately her attention was directed towards him. She starts asking how his day was and I reply that he just finished up a date with a girl. She then asks me how it went, how he met her, if they were dating, if he would go again... I was ready to just pass the phone off. Later that evening she starts sending me snaps of various things and tells me to make sure he saw them too. It's just a little strange and it makes me uncomfortable. This is only the most recent incident, there have been others with similar circumstances. Do I have any grounds to be suspicious?

I don't think you should be suspicious but you should tell her it makes you uncomfortable. It does seem weird, not gonna lie. Like I can understand if she just cared about your friend cause he's your friend, but the snap thing is just bizarre.


She starts asking how his day was and I reply that he just finished up a date with a girl. She then asks me how it went, how he met her, if they were dating, if he would go again... I was ready to just pass the phone off. Later that evening she starts sending me snaps of various things and tells me to make sure he saw them too. It's just a little strange and it makes me uncomfortable. This is only the most recent incident, there have been others with similar circumstances.



We were talking last night (phone) and I let it slip that I was hanging out with him. Immediately her attention was directed towards him. She starts asking how his day was and I reply that he just finished up a date with a girl. She then asks me how it went, how he met her, if they were dating, if he would go again... I was ready to just pass the phone off. Later that evening she starts sending me snaps of various things and tells me to make sure he saw them too. It's just a little strange and it makes me uncomfortable. This is only the most recent incident, there have been others with similar circumstances. Do I have any grounds to be suspicious?

she's so brazen w/ her suspect behavior
Just had a call from my school. Asking about putting me on the alumni news feed. I told her I graduated back in December. Also asked me what was my most memorable moment there. I wanted to say when the Chancellor told us to basically fuck off when we protested against the building of the new Rec center that was going to cut classes and raise tuition, but I didn't want to be a b. I really don't know why this chick asked me if I wanted to donate 20 to the school after I told her I haven't found a job yet. Girl bye!


Just had a call from my school. Asking about putting me on the alumni news feed. I told her I graduated back in December. Also asked me what was my most memorable moment there. I wanted to say when the Chancellor told us to basically fuck off when we protested against the building of the new Rec center that was going to cut classes and raise tuition, but I didn't want to be a b. I really don't know why this chick asked me if I wanted to donate 20 to the school after I told her I haven't found a job yet. Girl bye!

My college started hitting me up for money like 3 months after I graduated and they haven't stopped since

Talk to your girl bruh. Don't be suspicious and say nothing. Just say that shit don't fly with you.

This. Open/honest relationship is the only way to have one. Scheming/jealousy/control will only push her away and make her try to cover shit up. Best path to ensuring your relationship continues and guaranteeing a clean break if it comes to that (which is much preferable to inter-relational black ops)


That was awesome injurai. Thanks.

Talk to your girl bruh. Don't be suspicious and say nothing. Just say that shit don't fly with you.

This. Open/honest relationship is the only way to have one. Scheming/jealousy/control will only push her away and make her try to cover shit up. Best path to ensuring your relationship continues and guaranteeing a clean break if it comes to that (which is much preferable to inter-relational black ops)
Yeah, this is what I'm gonna do. Gotta deal with it


I have been warming up to the new Young Thug despite the mediocre features. It seems like the perfect soundtrack to drunken nights on the prowl and features the most concentrated display of Thugs strengths on any single project thus far. The mid tempo nature of the songs act as the perfect vehicle for Thug's melodic crooning and add a very much needed contrast to his often overly dramatic rap style. The songs seem to resonate in this Netherland of hard and soft, mellow and hype and it makes it seem more well rounded as a result even though the subject matter is rather stagnant. 7.779

Anyway I was wondering what recent Thug loonies I'm missing if anyone is keeping track fill me in please.
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